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Artificial And Extraterrestrial Interference In The Development Of The Human Race
Artificial And Extraterrestrial Interference In The Development Of The Human Race -
Top 10 Ancient Mysteries of an Alien Nature
To 10 ancient mysteries ... The Sumerians are the oldest civilizations know to man
Artificial And Extraterrestrial Interference In The Development Of The Human Race
Artificial And Extraterrestrial Interference In The Development Of The Human Race -
The Greatest Mysteries Of The World
Area 51 is supposedly located six hundred miles west of Roswell, New Mexico, where the infamous Roswell UFO crashed in 1947, and some believe that the UFO that crashed there may have been sent to Area 51. It is not seen on any map, and even though it can be seen from a ridge by the naked eye, the military claims that it does not exist. It has apparently been there since the 1960s.
Roswell What Really Happened
Roswell What Really Happened. Did you know there is new evidence that there was in fact a real alien spacecraft that crashed at Roswell New Mexico and that the US Government covered it up.
The secret base at Groom Lake, Nevada also known as "Area 51" or "Dreamland" has a massive Pyramid, but why? One can only speculate on its purpose but it is reasonable to assume its not just for decoration. Many have speculated that Pyramids could be ancient Alien conduits, able to harvest immense electrical energy from the ether, and transmit it to Motherships or even perhaps across the void of space. #aliens #ufo #area51