
Student Reward Coupons - Positive Reinforcement Classroom Management Strategy
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Don't just pin...WATCH. Within 30 seconds I had a new attention grabber and learned so many more teacher tricks...LOVE THIS!!! **This lady is amazing! I just watched all her youtube videos!**
Beginning of the year: lesson on teamwork. Have the kiddos watch video and discuss what the animals were doing and how they used teamwork to reach their goal.
Respect Rap Only
Respect Rap for character education lessons. Just discovered this on the new pinterest boards especially for teachers. Very cool, says a lot!
recess queen-great for teaching recess expectations at the beginning of the year
rules for children
Why we have rules. Short video to intro rules lesson
Left Out, a film made for Sesame street about bullying.
Recess Trouble.... a boy who wasn't included in recess games. A quick lesson on what to do if no one will let you play.