
51 Pins
Canción de Piratas del Caribe para Kalimba de 8 teclas
Créditos a quien convirtió la canción a notas para Kalimba. Yo solo armé la imagen, créditos a sus autores. Credits to who convert this song to kalimba tabs. I only put together the image, credits to the autor.
Celtic Lap Harp (+Sheet Music) | Heirloom Art Co.
As a child, instruments were fascinating. I truly believed I was making beautiful music, but I doubt my mother agreed. However, in our shop I have found the opposite to be true with these celtic lap harps. They interest people of all age ranges that want to pluck out a familiar tune and it always sounds beautiful. Even a child who can't follow the notes somehow plucks out a beautiful tune. #affiliatelink
Notas para Kalimba de la canción "Reflejo" de la película de Mulan
Créditos a quien convirtió la canción a notas para Kalimba. Yo solo armé la imagen, créditos a sus autores. Credits to who convert this song to kalimba tabs. I only put together the image, credits to the autor.
Kung fu Panda- Oogway Ascends- kalimba tabs
Kalimba tabs for Kung fu Panda- Oogway Ascends
Harry Potter Hedwig's Theme Kalimba Tabs Letter & Number Notes Tutorial - KalimbaTabs.net
Табы для вальса из Анастасии