Endometriosis Awareness and Education

Promoting education, activism, and a fight for better healthcare. Break the silence. Refuse to be ignored. Give a voice to a disease that affects over 170 million women worldwide.
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Padma Lakshmi Says Endometriosis Left Her Occasionally 'Bedridden' for Over 20 Years
Padma Lakshmi Says Endometriosis Left Her Occasionally 'Bedridden' for Over 20 Years
Endometriosis Gives You the Right to Anger — Use It
Endometriosis Gives You the Right to Be Angry. Fantastic writeup! Read the full piece here https://endometriosisnews.com/2018/04/13/endometriosis-gives-right-anger-use-it/
12 Things No One Tells You About Endometriosis
15 Things No One Tells You About Endometriosis https://www.rd.com/health/conditions/endometriosis-surprising-facts/
He Is 1 in 10: A Trans Man Shares What Life is Like With Endometriosis
He Is 1 in 10: A Trans Man Shares What Life is Like With Endometriosis
When The Only Option Left Is Getting Rid Of Female Organs: Women Deserve Better Medicine, Period
Women Deserve Better Medicine, article from HuffPostUK https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/when-the-only-option-left-is-getting-rid-of-female_uk_5afc5bfbe4b0cf33e9beafd0?utm_hp_ref=uk-lifestyle
Padma Lakshmi on Her Battle With Endometriosis: ‘I Was Relieved. Then I Got Angry’
Padma Lakshmi Padma Lakshmi on Her Battle With Endometriosis: 'I Was Relieved. Then I Got Angry.' You can read more about her story here http://variety.com/video/padma-lakshmi-endometriosis-power-of-women/
New lead on endometriosis could generate non-hormonal treatments
New lead on endometriosis could generate non-hormonal treatments. You can read more about it here https://yaledailynews.com/blog/2018/04/10/new-lead-on-endometriosis-could-generate-non-hormonal-treatments/
Why the “gender data gap” means doctors don’t take women’s pain seriously enough
Why the “gender data gap” means doctors don’t take women’s pain seriously enough https://www.newstatesman.com/politics/health/2018/08/why-gender-data-gap-means-doctors-don-t-take-women-s-pain-seriously-enough For many years, the preclinical pain research was done almost exclusively on male cells and animals.
Endometriosis action plan follows decades of lobbying – and suffering
Endometriosis action plan follows decades of lobbying – and suffering. A ‘long overdue’ plan to address the debilitating condition is due in no small part to the women who have experienced it https://www.theguardian.com/society/2018/jul/29/endometriosis-action-plan-follows-decades-of-lobbying-and-suffering
Women With Endometriosis Share Their Painfully Long Journey to Diagnosis
Women With Endometriosis Share Their Painfully Long Journey to Diagnosis
NEW YORKERS get ready to talk about your endometriosis experience!!! Sign the #LetsTalkPeriod petition & write your NY Senator and Assemblyperson about a new bill that will require schools to educate young women about menstrual health & diseases like endometriosis. For more info go here https://www.endofound.org/letstalkperiod and don't forget to share #LetsTalkPeriod with everyone! Pin it, tweet it, talk about it on reddit, pass it around on FB -- just get the word out!
A band of support for Yorkshire women with '˜crippling' health condition
The founders of the Northern Endometriosis Sisters Support (NESS) group are working with two campaigning MPs to ensure sufferers of the condition are treated properly by their employers. https://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/news/health/a-band-of-support-for-yorkshire-women-with-crippling-health-condition-1-9131353
Meet the model raising awareness for endometriosis
Model Nana Afua Antwi is using her platform to address the dangers of Endometriosis and how it's affecting women's health. You can read more about her work here http://www.voice-online.co.uk/article/meet-model-raising-awareness-endometriosis
Have we reached a tipping point with endometriosis? | Gabrielle Jackson
Endometriosis is a disease that affects 10% of women of reproductive age and has a profound quality of life impact on people who have it. Great article from The Guardian. You can read it here https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/sep/11/have-we-reached-a-tipping-point-with-endometriosis
Students could learn about endometriosis as part of sex education
Australian students could learn about endometriosis as part of sex education. States will be asked to add topics such as menstruation and pelvic pain to school curriculum. You can read more about it here https://www.theguardian.com/society/2018/apr/13/students-could-learn-about-endometriosis-as-part-of-sex-education