Midas - CLAS 220

This board is all about King Midas from the Ovid, Metamorphoses. King Midas was granted any wish he wanted for returning the God Silenus to Bacchus. He was a greedy King who wanted money. So he chose to have the power to turn anything he touches into gold. He then realized that having this power would ruin his life. He begged Bacchus to take it away. He was able to by washing off in the nearby stream. Later in the story, Midas had his ears turned into donkey ears by Apollo.
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King Midas
This picture shows us again how Midas is turning his daughter into gold due to his sinful ways of being greedy and putting money before everything else.
Midas splashed into the river
Midas runs into the river to return back to normal. The gold flows from his hands down the river. "The Golden Touch, Myths and Enchantment Tales” Stories and illustrations by Margaret Evans Price. 1940 Rand McNally and Co. edition taken from “A Child’s Book of Myths,” copyright 1924, and “Enchantment Tales for Children,” copyright 1926.
This image shows another take on King Midas' story in another light. This Disney take, portrays the golden touch to be a good thing. King Midas has all the money he needs, and then some. This short film, however, doesn't depict the consequences that come with this power. (Disney, The Golden Touch, 1935).
#poetry #writing #golden #days #rememberingourgoldendays #greek #mythology #midas #
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