Legends and Myths

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The Arcane Eater is a parasitic entity with an unsatisfiable hunger to consume arcane energy and physical matter. It will invade an arcane spellcaster or creatures altering their form and using them as its vessel to absorb as much arcane energy as possible until the vessel is eventually unable to handle it and implode into condensed chaotic energy which is then consumed by the entity. The Archive eventually manages to design a trap to capture it, by using a sword imbued with a massive amount of arcane energy as a bait and a chronomancy seal, They successfully trapped the Arcane Eater in an extremely slowed time barrier. It isn’t dead or completely sealed, but it’ll take at least another century for it to finish consuming the sword.
The uniquely shaped sword is an heirloom that belongs to the Vasserelli family. It serves as both a deadly enchanted sword and a musical instrument. Each swing and slash of this sword could produce distinct notes depending on the speed, angle, and power. When handled and wielded by an expert, the series of consecutive attacks would produce a beautiful symphony.