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Moda inclusiva: Estilista brasileira cria coleção atemporal para pessoas com deficiência feita a partir de resíduos plásticos - FTCMag
Channel 4's brilliant Paralympic advert sets a new standard
Meet the Superhumans. It's a bit late now that the London 2012 Paralympics have ended but I wanted to give props to Chanel 4's ad campaign for Team Paralympics GB. I was in London during the rev up for the game and these billboards and posters and accompanying TV advert were everywhere and on the lips of all of my friends. Seriously powerful. you can watch the advert here :
Canadian Paralympics Committee: Basketball, Sledge Hockey, Swim • Ads of the World™ | Part of The Clio Network
Canadian Paralympics Committee: Basketball, Sledge Hockey, Swim • Ads of the World™ | Part of The Clio Network
2020東京奧運海報設計熱騰騰發表!佐藤卓、蜷川實花、浦澤直樹華麗陣容一次排開!|MOT TIMES 明日誌
「困難に立ち向かえ」車いすバスケ全米王者の生き様を見よ! ドキュメンタリー映画「THE REBOUND」、8/6日本上映
Portrait of cripple basketball player in wheelchair.
Portrait of cripple basketball player in wheelchair. by fxquadro. Portrait of cripple basketball player in wheelchair on open gaming ground. #Sponsored #basketball, #player, #Portrait, #cripple