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Iðunn :Norse Goddess of Spring
Norse folklore says that Iðunn, which can also be written as Idunn or Iduna, was the goddess for spring and renewal. She is married to Bragi, who is the god of poetry. It is her job to watch over the magic apples of life that the gods eat to stay young. Iðunn gives the more well-known gods their power because she keeps them young and strong. People believe that Idun is the goddess of youth, and that her apples keep the gods young and strong. She has these fruits in an ash box, which is probably linked to Yggdrasil.
Fulla : Norse Goddess of Secrets
Fulla is the Norse goddess of secrets. She is also known as Volla or Folla. She is one of Frigg's many servants and is in charge of her shoes and keeping her secrets safe. From Norse folklore, we know that Fulla wears a golden band and takes care of Frigg's ashen box.As well, Fulla is one of the eight gods who attend the feast in Skáldskaparmál that is held in honor of Ægir.
Gefjun: Norse Goddess of Agriculture
Gefjun, whose name is also written as Gefjon, Gefiun, and Gefion, is an old Norse goddess of farming, fertility, plenty, and happiness. From the Old Norse word "gefa," which means "to give," comes her name, which can be translated as "Giver" or "Generous One." Norse folklore shows that Gefjun is a goddess of fertility and prophecy. People who die as virgins become her servants.
Sif : Wife of Thor and Goddess of Earth
In Norse folklore, Sif is a goddess with golden hair who is linked to the earth and fertility. Some scholars think that Sif, who is usually shown with long, golden hair, stands for wheat. In this view, she stands for the earth's soil and Thor, the god of the sky, for the rain that feeds the soil so that plants can grow. Along with Thor's daughter Thrud, Sif is also the mother of an unknown god's son Ullr. In the time before the Vikings, people knew about Ullr, a god of shooting, hunting, and skiing.
Mokosh: Slavic Goddess of Grain
Mokosh is the goddess of work with your hands, like weaving and harvesting. She is also linked to wet, fertile land. The story goes that when Mokosh is linked to Perun, her dry and fiery sides win out and she changes into Ognyena. Mokosh is also known as "Grain Mother" because she is thought to be the mother of grain. Her name can also mean "moisture" or "wetness. "Whenever she thinks of Veles, she freezes up, is dry, and cheats on her husband.
Ozwiena: Slavic Goddess of Gossips
As you might expect, Ozwiena is the goddess of echo in Slavic folklore, so the nymph Echo is the Greek name for her. Ozwiena is a figure that is linked to talking about and sharing actions, thoughts, and conversations. People also think of her as the goddess of rumors who spills secrets. The story says that Ozwiena changed the meaning of words when she didn't like someone.In Slavic legend, Ozwiena was also said to have been with the god Veles.
Ursula's :Slavic Goddess Rain🌺✨
The goddess Ursula is linked to the constellation Ursa Minor. She is the mother of the stars in that constellation. Scholars say that Ursula is related to the German goddess Urschel and the Greek goddess Artemis.
Chislobog's: Slavic Goddess of Time and Destiny
Chislobog is a fascinating Slavic goddess of time and fate who can take you to the heavens. Discover the deep mysteries of Chislobog's cosmic impact through these artistic representations, symbolic images, and mythological stories in this Pinterest collection. We will travel through the threads of time to find out what this divine lady is really like.
Kupala: Slavic Goddess of Water
Koupal is a Slavic goddess of water and happiness. During the summer solstice, she is also linked to the sun. People honor Kupala on Kupala Night, when practices using water and fire are used to cleanse and purify. Some history accounts change the name of this Slavic goddess to "Kupalo" to make her sound like a male god. What the name actually comes from, though, is the word "kupa," which means "to bathe, clean, or water."
Maya: Slavic Goddess of Nature
For Slavic people, Maya is one of the natural gods, the force that brings life into the world, like the sun and the rain. Maya is a goddess of nature because she is thought to bring gifts of food. Many pictures of her show her as a pretty old woman carrying heads of grain and ripe fruit. One of the most feared Slavic gods is her.
Lada's Radiance: Explore the Grace and Love of the Slavic Goddess of Beauty and Fertility 🌺✨
Spend some time in the beautiful world of Lada, the Slavic goddess who is loved for her beauty, love, and prosperity. This carefully chosen collection shows off the beautiful spirit of Lada through artistic interpretations, folklore, and symbols that honor women and plenty. Come with us as we find the timeless beauty of Lada's grace. Lada is a Slavic goddess of beauty and fertility. #Lada #SlavicGoddess #BeautyAndFertility