347 Pins
The Consequences Of My Choices
Consequences can be positive or negative. Students will think through each situation and decide what consequence would happen and why it is either positive or negative.
Counselor Worksheet, Teacher Worksheet, Strengths, thanksgiving, fall worksheet, Emotion Worksheet
Do you want a free bundle with 40 pages of worksheets made for counselors and teachers, made by a licensed therapist?? Click the link! All created and tested by A Ducks Therapist
What BUGS Me Workbook for Kids, Coping and Boundaries Workbook
This workbook is designed to help children build awareness of triggers, coping and communication skills and boundary setting. Through this interactive workbook, children will learn to identify specific social situations that activate them, build awareness of warning signs for emotional activation/dysregulation, identify and reinforce coping and practice assertive language for having needs met and setting boundaries. #preschoolcounseling #childthreapy #copingskills #selfregulation #therapytools
Coping Skills Coloring Worksheet, Therapy Tool, Self-help Tool, Printable, Counselling Template, Mental Wellness Tool, Social Work Printable - Etsy
I Am Grateful for Home and Family - Gratitude Worksheet (SEL)
Help young children express gratitude for home and family with this fun coloring worksheet. Students color the house and draw pictures of the members of their family in the home. Can be used in association with the Thanksgiving holiday, or year-round as a social-emotional learning exercise. This worksheet is perfect for use in early education settings, homeschool or as a fun activity!
Social Emotional Learning Activities for Kids on Instagram: "🍂 To have a calm fall, we need to get ahead of it all, by proactively setting our kids up with seasonal strategies to feel safe, cozy & grounded. ⤵️ Comment PATCH if you’d like the link to this feel-good fall SEL craft #fallcrafts #schoolcounseling #pumpkincrafts #iteachtoo #mindfulteachers #teachersofinsta"
15 Easy Thanksgiving Crafts That Teach Kids Gratitude, from Preschool to Teens
15 Easy Thanksgiving Crafts That Teach Kids Gratitude, from Preschool to Teens - Bren Did
Self-Regulation Counseling Group Ready to Regulate Self-Regulation Group
This elementary school counseling self-regulation group teaches students self-regulation coping strategies through engaging activities! This self-regulation group helps students use self-regulation to manage their emotions. Students will learn which feelings and actions are associated with each zone and will learn strategies on how to regulate their emotions. #brightfuturescounseling #elementaryschoolcounseling #elementaryschoolcounselor #schoolcounseling #selfregulation #zonesofregulation
How to Draw & Paint a Thanksgiving Turkey | Deep Space Sparkle
A fun Thanksgiving arts and crafts project for kids that teaches boys and girls how to draw a turkey using easy techniques.