Sabbath Day

Learn to rest well with all things related to keeping and honoring the Sabbath day of Scripture. Believers in Messiah honoring the seventh day of the week. Shabbat shalom!
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The Messiah taught these five things about the Sabbath
Discover what Jesus taught and said about God's Sabbath day, the seventh day of the week. The Savior believed that the Sabbath: -The Sabbath is a gift that God made for mankind. -That he was master of the Sabbath. -Good deeds are permissible on the Sabbath! -Is a time for healing and teaching God's word.
Is Romans 14:5 About Fasting or the Sabbath? 📖✨
This post examines the meaning of Romans 14:5 and what it means by saying that one person considers certain days more sacred than another, and specifically if it's talking about Sabbath keeping or celebrating Bible holidays. We will take a look at correct understanding of this New Testament passage to see that it's talking about fasting. "One person considers one day more sacred than another; another considers every day alike. Each of them should be fully convinced in their own mind." -Romans 14:5 This verse does not mean: -It doesn't matter what day we keep the Sabbath. -That the Sabbath day is not more sacred than the other six days of the week. -That Biblical holidays like Passover are of no consequence, because all days are the same. Because this post is actually about fasting!
Five Reasons Why I Love the Sabbath Day | Land of Honey
Many people believe that keeping the Sabbath is a burden, but I love having a day of rest to look forward to every week! No matter how busy the rest of the week is, I know I'll be able to take a break, rest, and worship on the Sabbath! And that's just one reason I love the Sabbath...find out more on the blog.
Sabbath in the New Testament
Sabbath rest remains for YHWH's people today. Hebrew's 8:10 - New Testament verses on the Sabbath | Land of Honey
What Jesus Said about the Sabbath 📖✨
Here is what the Savior said and taught about the Sabbath day. Did you know that the New Testament brings up the Sabbath day more often than the Old Testament? Jesus alone talks about it more than ten times in the Gospels. In this post, discover: -What the Messiah actually said about the Sabbath -Why healing on the Sabbath was such an issue with the Pharisees and religious leaders -That Jesus deeply honored the Sabbath and praised it as a gift given to mankind -How he showed God's love through counter-cultural Sabbath day healings Find out why the Sabbath is more relevant to believers today than we've been lead to think! Bible verses on rest and self care.
How To Spend the Sabbath Day - Ideas for Physical Rest that Honors God
Observing the Sabbath is a beautiful way to honor the Creator and give your soul and your body the rest that you need. But what do you actaully do on the Sabbath? Learn what the Bible permits and doesn't permit and get practical ideas for implementing self-care, family connection, Bible study, worship, caring for others, and having fun into your routine for the set apart day. Realistic Sabbath routine for beginners.
There remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God - Hebrews 4:9
The New Testament teaches us that Sabbath rest is still relevant to the people of God, even after the resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ. The author of the book of Hebrews declared that Sabbath rest remains, and reminded us that God himself rested on the seventh day. We can align ourselves with the Creator by choosing to honor his set apart day of rest. Sabbath day devotional Bible study.
What Jesus Said about the Sabbath 📖✨
Did you know that the New Testament brings up the Sabbath day more often than the Old Testament? Jesus alone talks about it more than ten times in the Gospels. In this post, discover: -What the Messiah actually said about the Sabbath -Why healing on the Sabbath was such an issue with the Pharisees and religious leaders -That Jesus deeply honored the Sabbath and praised it as a gift given to mankind -How he showed God's love through counter-cultural Sabbath day healings Find out why the Sabbath is more relevant to believers today than we've been lead to think! Jesus's words on healing on the Sabbath from John 7:23
Shabbat Shalom Buttercup💐 Flowers for Shabbat! Sharing one of my wildflowers from my towel collection today🧡 #shabbatshalom #shabbatart #shabbatshalom❤️ #jewish #jewishartist #buttercup #wildflowerseason
What Jesus Said about the Sabbath 📖✨
Did you know that the New Testament brings up the Sabbath day more often than the Old Testament? Jesus alone talks about it more than ten times in the Gospels. In this post, discover: -What the Messiah actually said about the Sabbath -Why healing on the Sabbath was such an issue with the Pharisees and religious leaders -That Jesus deeply honored the Sabbath and praised it as a gift given to mankind -How he showed God's love through counter-cultural Sabbath day healings Find out why the Sabbath is more relevant to believers today than we've been lead to think!
Five Things the Messiah Taught About the Sabbath - understand the New Testament | Land of Honey
Learn to understand the Messiah's words about the Sabbath day and what he did on it! Jesus kept and honored the Biblical laws about the Sabbath, even though he disregarded the manmade rules of the Pharisees surrounding the seventh day.
“Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ.” ‭‭-Colossians‬ ‭2:16-17‬ ‭(KJV‬‬) “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” ‭‭-Matthew‬ ‭11:28‬ ‭(KJV‬‬)