Christmas Time
Are looking for an engaging Christmas activity? Look no further than this Christmas activity where children practice reading analog clocks and recording the time on a recording sheet. Perfect for Second grade teachers who are teaching or reviewing time in December!
FREE Valentine's Day Measurement Activity
Are you looking for a fun and free math activity for Valentine's Day? Sign up for my VIP List for instant access! This activity works for both standard and nonstandard units of measurement.
Valentine's Day Math Activity Bundle
Valentine's Day is no excuse to stop practicing math skills! Engage your students with this set of 5 math activities that work on adding, subtracting, making ten, decomposing teen numbers and measurement! These are great for math centers the week of Valentine's Day!
Free Valentine's Day Math Activity
Students are looking for something fresh and fun this Valentine's Day so give them this FREE measurement activity. It works perfectly well with standard and nonstandard units of measurement. You can grab it for free by signing up for my VIP list!
Measurement Bundle
These measurement activities give students practice measuring with different types of measurement. Students can begin with nonstandard units of measurement, using manipulative pieces or the included rulers. Then students can move to standard units of measurement with inches and centimeters. Children in Kindergarten, First or Second Grade are able to measure the height and length in the way that meets their need!
Scoot Game
Are you tired of tired students? Wake your students up with this fun and engaging game that can be played with any topic, standard or subject!
Word Problems within 20
Repeated practice is one way for students to master word problems. Daily Word Problems within 20 for January will give your students daily practice solving themed word problems.
Christmas Telling Time
Practice telling time to the quarter hour with this Christmas themed activity. Students will read the time on an analog clock and record the time on the recording sheet.
Game of Scoot
Are you looking to add some fun and enthusiasm into your lessons? Scoot is the game for you! The game Scoot can be played with any topic, standard or subject simply by changing out the task cards you use!
Scoot Game
Are you tired of tired students? Wake your students up with this fun and engaging game that can be played with any topic, standard or subject!
Summer Themed Measurement
Motivate students with this fun summer themed measurement unit! There are 10 images that be measured in inches or centimeters. The answer key includes both! It is great to use in summer school for First Grade or Second Grade students.
Primary on the Prowl - Boom Cards Author
These digital tasks cards located on Boom Learning will give your students practice answering questions about graphs.
Scoot Game Directions
Have you heard about the Game of Scoot? Anxious to play but don't know where to start? Start HERE! This freebie is directions for how to play the game. Specifically, these are the directions I use to teach my Kindergartners how to play. Scoot is a highly engaging game that can be used to review any skill. Once students have the basic directions down, all you have to do is change the skill. Math, reading, phonics, comprehension, writing, science and social studies are all possibilities!
Summer Measurement with NonStandard Units
Are your students learning to measure with nonstandard units of measurement? Try this fun summer themed measurement activity. Students can use the included sunshine ruler or any set of manipulatives to measure the summer themed images.
Measurement Bundle
This measurement bundle of resources will give your students practice measuring with nonstandard units or standard units of measurement all year! A measurement center or station makes a great monthly rotation that students can use to practice and master measuring. Kindergarten and First Grade students can use nonstandard units of measurement. First Grade and Second Grade can use standard units of measurement. You can even have students compare inches and centimeters!