Tattoo ideas

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v. 1 - Favourite flowers of garden and greenhouse - Biodiversity Heritage Library
v. 1 - Favourite flowers of garden and greenhouse / - Biodiversity Heritage Library
Yellow Troutlily
Erythronium americanum Ker Yellow troutlily is one of our early spring flowers, making its ap- pearance at the same time as bloodroot and tooth wort. The lush leaves are as fresh and lovely as the blossoms. These almost close at night, and open only sluggishly in daylight, failing to revive when picked. The shady meadows bordering streams are their favored hab- itat, and here mats of the leaves, sometimes acres in extent, often closely carpet the ground. Only a few individuals bear flowers, how-
Mertensia pulmonarioides Roth [ Pulmonaria virginica L.]
Virginia Blebells (Mertensia virginica)