Dorure_Hot stamping

dorure, Impression à chaud, timbrage…
161 Pins
【阅纸】纸样推广本|平面|书籍/画册|匡强K1 - 原创作品
LCA Prospectus 2011/12 - Workshop Graphic Design & Print - Harrogate & Leeds, Yorkshire
LCA Prospectus 2011/12 - Workshop Graphic Design & Print - Harrogate & Leeds, Yorkshire
箔押し(レインボー箔)と活版印刷 | 活版印刷|CAPPAN STUDIO(活版スタジオ)
箔押し(レインボー箔)と活版印刷 | 活版印刷|CAPPAN STUDIO(活版スタジオ)
Nordic Process
Some process shots for the Northern Lights packaging work, I'll create a few more of these and upload a collection. Hope this helps answer some questions on how I develop my work in digital format....
Lux Naturalis Gala Invitation » Design Ranch
The Spencer Museum of Art explores the capacity of art to spark curiosity, inspire creativity and create connections among people. Design Ranch was asked to design the invitations for the grand re-opening gala, Lux Naturalis.