photos that inspire

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Actualité photo/high-tech/lifestyle -
This would be great for people profiles/ what they aspire to be when they get older. Also for seniors graduating showing what they plan on doing's a really fun and creative idea. maybe we could even have art students help out? (: -miriam
Life is a magnificent manifestation where if we honour Sacred Mother Earth, rivers of love will flow freely. New levels of spiritual awareness are upon us and by recognizing their beauty we can inspire every aspect of our lives. Let your soul be an oasis of transformation that takes your life to the next level and fulfills your dreams. Rejoice in your awakening, the future is now and love is in every breath you take. ~ Micheal Teal
Regina Photobooth - PROM 2011 at The Owl
Cute photobooth ideas for a class reunion. (Maybe frames like "I traveled the farthest" "I actually ended up in the career listed in my yearbook" "This is my first return to ___"...
This idea of making the background of the page the field can be used for other sports pages