
29 Pins
My Ikea hack: Work bench made from Ikea Trofast storage units - Retro Renovation
workbench-from-ikea-childrens-storage... make a garage or basement work bench from (at least) 2 Ikea Trofast storage units & a slab of cheap but sturdy countertop material
Gerätehäuser/ Design Gartenhäuser, FMH Metallbau und Holzbau, Stuttgart / Fellbach
FMH: Gerätehäuser/ Design Gartenhäuser, FMH Metallbau und Holzbau, Stuttgart / Fellbach
Mülltonnenbox selber bauen in 8 Schritten - mit Gratis-Anleitung und Bauplan!
In 8 Schritten zur Mülltonnenbox | SELBER MACHEN Heimwerkermagazin
Garden Hacks: 10 Genius Ideas to Hide Trash Cans - Gardenista
Müllhäus means “garbage house” in German and Passau, Germany-based Traumgarten has a collection of standard size and custom Müllhäuser with larch wood panels and high-pressure laminate plate doors. Some models have plant trays on top for roof gardens. For more information and prices, see Traumgarten.
Storage Units and Binsheds - Living Colour Gardens
Storage Units and Binsheds - Living Colour Gardens