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Past Life Indicators in Synastry and Karmic Relationships in Astrology
Past Life Indicators in Synastry and Karmic Relationships in Astrology
Talent for Learning Foreign Languages in the Birth Chart - Astrology
This article will look at the placements that indicate a polyglot. The ability to pick up languages easily is really impressive, and there are quite a few astrological clues that can hint at this. In this part of the talents in the birth chart series (previous articles here), you can read about linguist placements. There...
The Hidden Power of Your Moon Sign: Understanding Where You Store and Process Emotions in Your Body — The Human Design Astrologer
Karmic Astrology - 3rd House Planets
The third house planets in the natal chart can give us clues about how we fit into our family. They also indicate the sibling karma and can provide us with hints of the former cooperation relating to that karma.
Karmic Astrology: know your Karma and your Dharma - WeMystic
Like many other philosophies and practices, Astrology also has branches and systems of beliefs, being one of them the Karmic Astrology. This branch believes that through the Horoscope, we can have an in-depth knowledge of our past lives to understand our karma in the present one.
10 Best Aspects in the Natal Chart in Astrology: Life's So Much Easier if You Have Them - Astrology
After the worst aspects in astrology, it’s time to change the topic to something more cheerful. Here are some of the best aspects in astrology that you can have in your birth chart. There are many nice aspects that one can have, though, and it’s impossible to include them all in a post. Most astrologers...
Life Purpose in Astrology: How to Find It in Your Natal Chart - Astrology
Life Purpose in Astrology: How to Find It in Your Natal Chart