“The garnet is a red gem, but not like the ruby; its red is much more like that of a flame … It forms far in the east … If correctly cut and polished, it will reveal all its beauty and perfection.” – Aristotle, ca. 322 B.C. Hailing from the hills of what we now call the Czech Republic, these intricately cut garnet jewels from Bohemia were wildly popular in the 1890’s and throughout the Victorian era. Typically set in 6ct Garnet Gold, such as this example, bohemian garnet jewels came at a price most could afford. For the price of one large gold jewel, you could for example, buy 3 bohemian garnet pieces; this is perhaps why so many exquisite examples survive today, people were dripped out the Bohemian Garnet! This sizable floral brooch from the end of the 19th c is truly a knockout, and a be Formal Ruby Brooch Jewelry, Antique Red Brooch For Formal Occasions, Elegant Red Brooches Collectible, Luxury Red Brooches For Formal Occasions, Antique Red Brooch Jewelry, Antique Red Brooch As Gift, Red Brooch Jewelry For Formal Occasions, Antique Red Brooches As Gift, Antique Red Brooches As A Gift