Make Sea Moss Gel, Irish Moss Recipes, Toddler Smoothie Recipes, Seamoss Benefits, Irish Sea Moss, Smoothie Recipes Strawberry, Recipes Strawberry, Alkaline Vegan, Sea Moss Gel

How to Make Sea Moss Gel

Looking for natural plant-based vegan collagen look no more! Irish Sea Moss is a seaweed packed with essential minerals that the body needs. You simply make it into a gel and add to your curvy vegan meals like bread, smoothies, soups, homemade vegan cheeses, desserts, and even facial masks! This sea moss gel recipe is easy to make and it's Dr. Sebi Recommended! This article teaches you how to prepare it, how to use it, where to get it, and its benefits! #seamoss #seamossgel #alkalinerecipes

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