Truth Quotes

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Whatever happens, you getting depressed is not a solution. You getting depressed would be one mor...
Whatever happens, you getting depressed is not a solution. You getting depressed would be one more problem #Wisdom #Depression
Anything you do joyfully is always effortless.
Anything you do joyfully is always effortless. #Wisdom #Truth
If you seek security in life, unknowingly you seek death. The only truly secure place is your grave
If you seek security in life, unknowingly you seek death. The only truly secure place is your grave #Security #Life
The important thing is not that people love you but that you are loving
The important thing is not that people love you but that you are loving #Success #Truth
Religions divide - spiritual process includes
Religions divide - spiritual process includes #Truth #Religion
When sounds are in tune, they become music. Out of tune, they become noise. It is the same with y...
When sounds are in tune, they become music. Out of tune, they become noise. It is the same with you. When all aspects of you are in tune, you become music. Out of tune, you become noise #Wisdom #Life
Fear is always about that which is not yet, or never going to be.
Fear is always about that which is not yet, or never going to be. #Truth #Imagination
The very body that you carry right now, it has been millions of bodies in the past.. the soil goi...
The very body that you carry right now, it has been millions of bodies in the past.. the soil going through every form of life #Death #Mortality
Power doesn't corrupt. People are corrupt. When they get empowered, it becomes apparent.
Power doesn't corrupt. People are corrupt. When they get empowered, it becomes apparent. #Corruption #People
Your personality is a fake representation of yourself. The more you invest in it, the more incomp...
Your personality is a fake representation of yourself. The more you invest in it, the more incomplete and insecure you feel #Wisdom #Philosophy
Individuals should shape their lives according to their particular needs, not according to social...
Individuals should shape their lives according to their particular needs, not according to social trends #Individuality #Wisdom
Seeking means admitting that you do not know. Once you have cleared your slate, truth can imprint...
Seeking means admitting that you do not know. Once you have cleared your slate, truth can imprint itself upon it. #IDoNotKnow #Truth
The body is a loan from this planet. If you have done something wonderful out of this, when the t...
The body is a loan from this planet. If you have done something wonderful out of this, when the time comes to pay back, you will pay joyfully #Body #Impermanence
Most of the time you are just thinking about life, not living life
Most of the time you are just thinking about life, not living life #Truth #Thinking
When you are a human being, the upper line is gone. But a bird which has been in a cage for a lon...
When you are a human being, the upper line is gone. But a bird which has been in a cage for a long time will not fly even if you open the door. It has forgotten that there's something called freedom, flying and living. #Mind #Freedom