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Jillian Hardwick on Instagram: "📌 SAVE this for later & follow for more! Core strength exercises with a neutral spine are one of my favorites to teach in the Gentle Pilates Mat classes inside the @hbpilates app. Grab your long band then give these a try: ✅ Dead bug ✅ Arms only ✅ Arms & Legs So what do you say? Are you up for the challenge? _______ ✨Ready for fully guided Pilates workouts at home? Comment the word “VIP” below and I’ll send you a personal message with an invite to join with exclusive savings! Comment “VIP” then run to your messages to get exclusive pricing and 5x bonuses for signing up today! #pilates #matpilates #pilatesworkout #backpainrelief #lowbackpain #corestrength #coreworkout"
Julie Baird on Instagram: "1 exercise / 6 benefits 🤩 👉🏼Try 1 to 3 rounds with 8 to 10 reps per side Use my core breathing technique to connect all the core elements. (The ball is optional) ————————— 🩷————————— Train with me ⤵️ Free guide + online programs for every Mom at the link in my Bio #fitnessformoms #pilatesexercises #fitnesstips"
𝕄. 𝔸. ℙ𝕀𝕃𝔸𝕋𝔼𝕊 / Mattia Aversa on Instagram: "QUICK ABS: MINI BALL PILATES WORKOUT The holiday season is here, and we're all worried about not being ready for swimsuit season. These exercises are just what you need!⛱️ Transform Your Abs with These 8 Mini Ball Pilates Exercises! Strengthen and tone with these effective fun moves,perfect for all fitness level 🌟 -10 reps for each movement! Sending my love to all my beautiful #pilatescommunity 💖 Have a beautiful Week 🌞 Kisses from Spain 🇪🇸 Mattia Remember to save it! Share it🛩 and love ❤️ it! And please give me your feedback!💛 🌟 DM for Events & Collaborations . . . . . . . . . #mapilates #pilatesinstructor #july #tuesday #summerholidays #instareels #pilatesmove #oslo #pilatesoslo #oslonorway #corestrenght #
Christina Shepherd on Instagram: "🩷 Come train with me. 🔗 Link in bio. Ditch the crunches and focus on your deep core if you want to target your lower tummy, improve back pain and prevent injuries. 1.)Happy Baby -Exhale as you open your knees. Inhale as you bring them back together. 2.)Bridge -Exhale as you lift your hips. Inhale as you lower them back down. 3.)Marching bridge -Exhale as you lift your leg. Inhale as you lower it back down. Modification: Perform without the bridge 4.)Bridge pulse -Exhale as you lift your hips. Inhale as you lower them back down. 5.)Bear plank -Exhale you lift up into bear plank. Inhale as you lower back down. 🍑 I’m using a band to make these harder. You can skip the band to make it less difficult. ▪️Do 10-12 reps, 1-3 rounds depending on
Jacqueline Ambrose - Total Pilates on Instagram: "Beach vacation ab series with the magic circle 🪄 ⭕️ You can literally take this series anywhere! Yes, on this cloudy day I took to balcony with a view for a quick workout! 1️⃣ Single leg stretch with circle in hands and pressing with heels of hands for upper powerhouse/arm back connection 2️⃣ Double leg stretch with circle in hands framing biceps and ears 3️⃣ Single straight leg stretch with circle above the head and ankles pulsing to it. Take circle as far back as you can to find a greater stretch 4️⃣Double leg lower lift with circle behind the head. Use the circle and head pressing into one another for a strong upper ab curl 5️⃣ Crisscross with circle in hands, framing bent knee, armpit to knee. This keep the exercise from becomi
Ana Margarida Cordeiro Ferrao on Instagram: "The value of having a strong and resilient Core is undeniable to maintain a strong 💪, resilient and Pain Free Body. The abdominal wall is part of that Core and needs to be strengthened. On the sequence of my post last week with an elastic band, today I leave my suggestions with a mini ball. Because “toys” are always fun 🤩 Like save and share 😊 #pilates #reformer #teachercertification #reformercertification #stretching #mobility #breathing #strength #saudiarabia #middleeast #teachertraining #education #fitness #onlineeducation #personaltraining #certification #fitnessinstructor #saudiarabia #riyadh"
Cert. Mommy Tummy Coach on Instagram: "Leg lift variations are MY FAVORITE for improving the function of the lower abs, pelvic floor and hips. They’re better than sit-ups, kegels and just stretching the hips. Trust me! You’ll thank me later. 😊 #pregnancytransformation #fitnessprogram #weightlossprogram #diastasisrecti #mompouchworkout #mompouchchallenge #pelvicfloorexercises #pelvicfoor #postpartumexercise #postpartumrecoveryjourney #diastasisrectiexercises #diastasisrectirecovery #pregnancyworkouts #pregnancyexercise #abworkouts"
Unapologetically Amanda Koh on Instagram: "This foam roller “hack” is a great prep exercise for those who can’t figure out how to feel the pilates roll up in their bodies. It’s important to realise that the movement is primarily a lower body movement achieved with lumbar flexion. Most people who stumble on this Matwork piece are trying to do the exercise from the upper body. It helps to also have the right breath placement coz a shallow chest breath will make lumbar flexion quite impossible."
PilatesConAndre Studio by Andreina Sanclaudio/Pilateselhatillo on Instagram: "Loop band & Miniball combo 🔥💙 * Algunos ejercicios de pilates contemporaneo con loop band y miniball 😍. Desliza ⬅️ y míralos en detalle, guarda 📌 y pruébalos 😊. * 10-12 rep de cada ejercicio 💪🏻🔥* * Feliz fin de semana Andre 💋💋💋 * * * #pilatesmat #pilatesmatwork #matwork #matpilates #matworkout #pilateswithprops #pilatesworkout #pilatescaracas #pilatesvenezuela #pilatesover50 #pilatescontemporaneo #pilatescomamor #pilatescontemporaneo #pilateseveryday #pilatesparatodos #pilatesandbarre #pilatesandyoga #pilateselhatillo #pilatesfusion #pilatesbody #pilatesgirl #womanfitover50 #funtionaltraining #pilateslifestyle #funtionalmovement #fusionpilates"
Ashlea McKee | Pilates & Wellness on Instagram: "10 Pilates single leg exercises ✨ I thought I’d start with a single leg circle with the ball and see where it goes.. well here it is. I loveee these 9 variations to strengthen one side, improve hip mobility & strength and improve flexibility. Give these a try and let me know how you go! Ball isn’t needed but reccomend it 🤎 I’ll film a full class for @pwa.pilatesapp asap & if you haven’t explored the app yet start today on your trial! studio @nuegroundstudio top @mondaybody leggings @adanola @pilateswithashlea | @pwa.pilatesapp"
@sonia.m_pilates on Instagram: "Mini Band Workout! 👍 Try this core focused series using a loop band! Some of my favourite exercises for the abs, hip flexors and outer glutes are here! 🔥 The mini loop band is the best vacation pilates prop! 🫶🏼 Don’t forget to SAVE this post and have fun trying it out!!! I wish you all a great weekend! 😘 #minibands #loopband #resistancebands #miniband #pilatesworkout #pilatesathome #weekendworkout #corestrength #glutesworkout #resistancetraining #pilatesinstructor"
Movement Coach | Tamryn Escalante on Instagram: "This one exercise will work your core harder than 100 crunchies could ever. 🥵 Not only mobilizing the spine but also working the shoulders …this exercise will NOT disappoint if you’re looking for something to get your core on 🔥"
Sadielee Thomas on Instagram: "What this exercise won’t do is help you lose body fat or weight. But what this exercise will do is work your core, lower abdominal muscles, leg muscles and strengthen your hips. Adding movements like these into your routine and addition to diet lines with your goals for overall body. For more movements like please make sure you check out our new Strength Pilates power programs coming this Monday! #workoutsforwomen #workoutsforfatloss #strengthtraining #strengthtrainingforwomen #homepilates #workoutsforsummer #pilatesstrength #workoutmotivation"
Katie Gray ~ Wellness, Pilates & Motherhood on Instagram: "Let’s burn out those abs 🔥 grab your Pilates ball & give this a go! 1. Hundred variation 2. Side lying twist & crunch 3. Scissor pass 4. Double leg cycle 5. Twist & march 6. Dead bug on the ball 7. Side bend (30s each side) Make sure to give it a save 📌 so you can come back to it later! Aim for 1 minute of work per exercise. It’s short on time, but not on the burn! #pilates #pilatesinstructor #abworkout #coreworkout"