610 Pins
Real Estate Calculator For Analyzing Investment Property
Finding a good investment property can be tricky. Use this calculator to run the numbers on a deal and figure out if it's actually worth your money, plus tips on how to find a good rental property.
Grow Your Own Black Pepper: A Gardener’s Guide to Cultivating & Harvesting
Learn how to grow and harvest black pepper at home! 🌿 Follow our gardener’s guide for cultivating Piper nigrum and enjoy the benefits of fresh, homegrown peppercorns in your dishes.
How to Buy a Rental Property With No Money
You can make a rental real estate deal happen even when you have no money by utilizing one or a combination of the following strategies: Purchasing a property with retirement account funds, using non-recourse financing, or a private money lender, obtaining unsecured business credit cards, taking advantage of seller financing, as well as tapping into your home’s equity.
Carne bovina na panela de pressão elétrica, tempos de preparo para suas receitas
Tempos para preparar costela, fraldinha, coxão duro, músculo, paleta entre outras carnes na sua panela de pressão. Aproveite!!😋
Atraia Abelhas Polinizadoras para seu jardim, horta e pomar com essas Plantas.
🐝 Abelhas são insetos importantes para polinizar suas plantas e fazer com que elas floresçam ainda mais. Atraia esses animais para seu jardim com as plantas certas e Tenha um Jardim mais Florido! Clique no PIN e conheça flores nativas para seu jardim, elas também atraem abelhas e outros polinizadores. #atrairabelhas #abelhasnojardim #
Easy Guide to Growing Your Own Microgreens Indoors - Lettuce Grow Something
How to Grow Microgreens pins