Cat Stuff

16 Pins
Why Do Cats Chatter When Hunting?
Ah, the elusive cat chatter, a noise that has puzzled many a cat owner and scientist alike. If you’ve ever watched your kitty’s jaw move rapidly while staring out the window at a tempting bird, you’ve encountered this mysterious phenomenon. Why do they do it? Are they gossiping about the squirrels? Sending Morse code to fellow felines? Why do cats chatter when hunting? Let’s unravel this feline mystery.
How Do I Know If My Dog Is Happy? 11 Vet-Verified Signs – Dogster
Infographic: Keep Your Pets Safe Around the Christmas Tree
5 Things Every Indoor Cat MUST Have to be Happy
7 Necessary Ways To Cat-Proof Your Christmas Tree
18 Easy Ways To Make Your Cat's Life Amazing
4 Foolproof Ways To Prevent Your Cat From Darting Out The Door - TheCatSite
The RIGHT Way to Shop for Cat Food
Wondering which cat food is best? Check out this video playlist! You HAVE to learn how to read cat food labels properly. Otherwise you're being tricked by fancy pictures and claims - even the FDA says that! If you don't understand AAFCO guidelines, you don't know what you're buying. Check out this video playlist that covers AAFCO guidelines so you can shop smarter today!
13 Practical Ways to Kitten-Proof Your Home - TheCatSite
Keep Indoor Cats Entertained
Cats that are kept indoors must be provided with lots of stimulating activities to help them cope with the confinement. This stimulation not only wards off 1