ellen hobgood gallery

we have so many different forms of art at the gallery............over fifty artist that i celebrate here in the gallery a must see in downtown Heber Springs, Arkansas come and check out the awesome craftmanship of what the gallery has to offer....
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Art available at Ellen Hobgood Gallery &Associates. Watercolor artist Kim Musser 11x14 $125.00 Debbie KinCannon Pottery $55.00 #ellenhobgoodgallery #arkansas #hebersprings
Available at Ellen Hobgood Gallery& Associates 12x16 $250.00 501-362-1672 #HobgoodCornerPaintParties #hebersprings #arkansas hobgoodassociates@gmail
"Imaginary Sanity " 40" x 30" www.ellenhobgoodgallery.com
I believe in angels
Sugarloaf in the fall
Some of our pottery
Featured Artist: Ellen Hobgood Inviting Arkansas December 2005 Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus… Nestled in a storefront in downtown Heber Springs is a quaint and cozy art gallery and studio named Common Ground. As you walk through the door, you are swept away into the magic of Christmas. The works of Ellen Hobgood, proprietor and artist at Common Ground, cover the walls; especially striking are her signature pieces of jolly Old Saint Nick.