G and G

38 Pins
Bath Mats for Guinea Pigs: Pros & Cons of Using Chenille Rugs as Bedding | Animallama
Recently, bath mats, also known as Chenille rugs, have been gaining popularity as bedding for guinea pigs. If you're considering switching to this type of bedding, we've compiled a list of the main pros and cons of using bath mats. This overview will help you make an informed decision for your furry friends.
Guinea Pig Cage with Ramp and Loft
Check out 21 creative cage ideas for your pet guinea pigs. These indoor enclosures are unique and easy to build.
10 Ideas to Decorate your C&C Cage with Everyday Items
Cali Cavy Collective: a blog about all things guinea pig
How to Clean Your Guinea Pig's Fleece Bedding
How to Make Waterproof Guinea Pig Fleece Bedding
How to Make Waterproof Guinea Pig Fleece Bedding | Craft me Happy!: How to Make Waterproof Guinea Pig Fleece Bedding
How to Sew Cage Liners for Guinea Pigs
How to Sew Cage Liners for Guinea Pigs - DIY Danielle®
How to sew a fleece cage liner for small pets — Picture Healer - Feng Shui and fortune telling