positive activities and ideas

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Here's a list of 50 positive ways to cope with negative feelings. It's important to use healthy coping strategies when we're sad, angry, or hurt.
How to Change Your Life by Changing 6 Simple Habits - Smart Money, Simple Life
We all know that it's important to have healthy habits like eating well and getting regular exercise, but how many of us can say we employ these six simple mindset habits every single day?
Create Your Own Stunning Website for Free with Wix
Click the pin to READ ALL 10 TIPS and activities for practicing mindfulness in your life even when you’re stressed, worried, or overwhelmed. Use these mindfulness tips to bring meditation and zen living to your lifestyle. Go to TheTruthPractice.com to find out more about inspiration, authenticity, fulfillment, manifesting your dreams, getting rid of fear, intuition, self-love, self-care, relationships, affirmations, positive quotes, life lessons, & mantras.
Tips for interior designers: customer personality inspiration
Tips to encourage a positive mindset and for self care, too! (You can't pour from an empty vessel)
Self-esteem daily journal. I'm starting this tomorrow! It'll help me focus on the positives in my life while I start my recovery, or at least help me think about the positives more than the negatives :-)