Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Nichts aus diesem Handbuch darf vervielfältigt, in eine Datei
geschrieben oder auf irgendeine Art und Weise veröffentlicht werden, weder elektronisch,
mechanisch noch fotokopierte oder übersetzte Versionen, ohne vorausgehende schriftliche
Genehmigung von ARDIS Informationssysteme N.V.
Der Inhalt dieses Handbuches bindet ARDIS Informationssysteme N.V. sowie deren
Vertriebspartner an keinerlei Verpflichtung. Die Erklärungen und Abbildungen, die hier drin
enthalten sind, sind nur informativ. ARDIS Informationssysteme N.V. sowie deren
Vertriebspartner können nicht für Fehler oder Ungenauigkeiten verantwortlich gemacht
werden, die in diesem Handbuch enthalten sind.
Die Bedingungen bezüglich der Rechte und Pflichten von ARDIS Informationssysteme N.V.
und Ihrer Firma werden im Lizenzvertrag festgehalten, der von beiden Parteien akzeptiert
werden muß. Ab dem ersten Gebrauch des Cutting Optimizer wird davon ausgegangen, daß
Sie den im Lizenzvertrag festgelegten Bedingungen nachkommen. ARDIS
Informationssysteme N.V. sowie deren Vertriebspartner können nicht für Schäden, die durch
den Gebrauch von Cutting Optimizer verursacht worden sind, zur Verantwortung gezogen
HP, IBM, Citizen, Epson Homag und Windows 98/2000/NT/ME/XP/Vista sind registrierte
Firmennamen. Diese Namen werden nur als Identifikation in dem Handbuch verwendet.
ARDIS Information Systems NV
Aardenburgkalseide 254 - B-9990 Maldegem -
Website: - E-mail:
Ardis Optimizer 2
Cutting Optimizer
ARDIS Information Systems N.V.
Aardenburgkalseide 254 - B-9990 MALDEGEM
Website: - E-mail:
Tel. – Fax
ARDIS Informations Systeme N.V., nachfolgend als " ARDIS " bezeichnet, garantiert hiermit,
und der Lizenzinhaber erklärt sich damit einverstanden, daß basierend auf den folgenden
Bedingungen, eine nicht übertragbare und nicht exklusive Lizenz für die Benutzung der
urheberrechtlich geschützten Produkte von ARDIS gewährt wird.
Diese Vereinbarung ist gültig vom Datum des Bestelleingangs bis zur Aufhebung durch
ARDIS gemäß dieser Vereinbarung. ARDIS ist berechtigt, bei Zuwiderhandlungen gegen
diese Bedingungen, die Lizenz jederzeit aufzuheben, wobei der Lizenznehmer zuvor
schriftlich benachrichtigt wird und dreißig Tage Zeit hat, diese Zuwiderhandlung zu
korrigieren. Erfolgt keine solche Korrektur, muß der Lizenznehmer innerhalb von 30 Tagen
das Programm und alles von ARDIS zur Verfügung gestelltes Zubehör zurückgeben und alle
angefertigten Kopien unverzüglich vernichten.
Diese Vereinbarung autorisiert den Lizenzinhaber, die lizenzierten Programme, die von
ARDIS in maschinenlesbarer Form zur Verfügung gestellt werden, auf einem Einzelplatz zu
verwenden. Die Verwendung innerhalb eines Netzwerkes erfordert mehr als nur eine Lizenz.
ARDIS gibt die Zustimmung, daß wenn eine Einzelplatzlizenz auf der Arbeitsstation, auf der
sie installiert wurde, größere Schwierigkeiten verursachen oder gar nicht laufen, sie
vorübergehend auch auf einer anderen Arbeitsstation installiert werden darf, bis die Probleme
behoben worden sind. Der Lizenzinhaber hat somit das Recht, das Programm auf einem
anderen Arbeitsplatz einzusetzen, vorausgesetzt, es läuft immer nur auf einer Arbeitsstation.
Diese Zustimmung und alle Programme oder Zubehör, für die sie gilt, werden nur übertragen
mit schriftlicher Zustimmung von ARDIS. Das bedeutet auf die Optimierungsergebnissen, die
nur für eigene Fertigung benutzt werden. Optimierungen für dritte Personen ist nicht gestattet.
Programme und Handbücher sind urheberrechtlich geschützte Produkte von ARDIS. Der
Lizenzinhaber erklärt sich bereit, die Programme, weder ganz noch teilweise, zu
disassemblieren oder zu dekompilieren und weder die lizenzierten Programme noch
irgendwelche schriftlichen Dokumentationen Dritten bereit zu stellen oder ansonsten
zugänglich zu machen, außer Ardis Angestellten oder Angestellten des Lizenznehmers, ohne
vorherige schriftliche Genehmigung von ARDIS. Eine Zuwiderhandlung berechtigt ARDIS zu
einer Schadensersatzforderung vom dreifachen des Betrages des ursprünglichen Kaufpreises
für jeden auftretenden Fall. Kopien des Lizenzierten Programms sind und der Dokumentation
können vom Lizenznehmer ausschließlich für Datensicherungszwecke gemacht werden.
Veränderungen an diesen sind erlaubt , bringen jedoch sämtliche Garantien zum erlöschen.
Ardis Optimizer 3
Die Urheberrechtsvermerke von ARDIS müssen auf alle Unterlagen oder Kopien und
Ausdrucken deutlich sichtbar sein.
ARDIS garantiert für einen Zeitraum von sechs Monaten ab Empfangsdatum , daß das
Programm im Wesentlichen gemäß dem Handbuch arbeitet. Ardis garantiert darüber hinaus
die Lieferung von Unbeschädigten Disketten oder CD´s. Für den Fall von beschädigten
Disketten CD´s wird ARDIS kostenlos fehlerfreie liefern.
Dies ist eine Vereinbarung zwischen ARDIS und dem Lizenznehmer. Diese Vereinbarung
ersetzt alle anders lautenden Bedingungen des Lizenznehmers und ist allein gültig.
Nebenabsprachen bedürfen der Schriftform. Sollten Absätze dieser Vereinbarung, oder auch
nur Teile davon, ungültig sein oder werden, so tritt an deren Stelle das Gesetz. Die übrigen
Vereinbarungen werden davon nicht berührt und sind vorbehaltlos weiter gültig.
Gerichtsstand ist Gent, Ost Flandern, Belgien oder alternativ Kempen, Niederrhein,
Ardis Optimizer 4
Der Hardwareschutz 13
WIBU CM Schlüssel 13
Informationen zu Ihrem Hardwareschutz 15
Installation der Software 16
Auf jedem PC mit Ardis Dongel 19
Auf jedem PC ohne Dongel, auf dem Sie Ardis Cutting Optimizer installieren wollen 19
Ardis Optimizer key configuration 21
Erstbenutzung von Cutting Optimizer 24
Projekte 25
Tools 34
Entering machine data (Step 1) 37
Entering raw materials data (Step 2) 37
Entering parts data (Step 3) 37
Run the optimization (Step 4) 37
Pull Down Menü 39
Toolbar 41
Summary 41
Data screen 41
Status bar 42
Einleitung 42
Eingabe von Maschinen Parametern 43
Ardis Optimizer 5
Edge lists 110
Equal edging 111
1.21 EBENEN 120
R 122
V 124
Generation of offcuts 129
Offcut locations 130
Strips offcuts 131
Dividing offcuts into small pieces 131
Ardis Optimizer 7
Wer Holz, Metall, Glas, Folien oder andere plattenförmige Werkstoffe aufteilen will, muss
gewisse Grundüberlegungen anstellen. So steht die Reduzierung des Abfalls und die damit
verbundene Erhöhung des Nutzungsgrades sicherlich im Vordergrund. Aber auch die
Minimierung der Maschinenzeiten ist von großer Bedeutung.
Cutting Optimizer ist ein Programm speziell entwickelt, um den Zuschnitt von rechteckigen
Formen zu optimieren. Es berechnet die effizientesten Schnittpläne hundertmal schneller und
genauer als das manuell möglich wäre.
Der Benutzer gibt die benötigten Daten über das vorhandene Ausgangsmaterial, die
verwendete Maschine und die gewünschten Teile ein und läßt dann den Rechner arbeiten. In
kürzester Zeit werden die Schnittpläne berechnet. Diese können zusammen mit allen Maßen
und Referenzen auf dem Bildschirm betrachtet oder ausgedruckt werden. Der Benutzer kann
Etiketten ausdrucken, die auf die zugeschnittenen Teile geklebt werden können, um diese zu
identifizieren. Des weiteren kann eine große Anzahl von frei definierbaren Berichten
angezeigt oder ausgedruckt werden, wie z.B. wieviel Prozent des insgesamt verwendeten
Rohmaterials in der Produktion zum Einsatz kommt, die Anzahl erforderlicher Teile, die für
die Produktion vorgesehen sind etc.. Kurz gesagt, der Cutting Optimizer bietet das ideale
Werkzeug für jeden, der täglich mit Plattenzuschnitten zu tun hat.
Das Programm ist modular aufgebaut. Schon mit der Basisversion werden die Erwerbskosten
in kürzester Zeit eingespart. In der erweiterten Version berücksichtigt das Programm die
Preisunterschiede der Materialien, die Arbeitszeiten, die Wiederverwendung der Reste, die
Herstellungskosten, usw. Eine Anbindung an nahezu alle führenden Säge-, und
Schneidanlagenhersteller ist bereits realisiert.
dieses Handbuch
Falls eines dieser Teile fehlen oder beschädigt sein sollte, wenden Sie sich bitte an Ihren
Händler oder an ARDIS Informationssysteme N.V.
Ardis Optimizer 10
Die Tasten, die Sie für die Bedienung des Cutting Optimizers benötigen, erscheinen in Form
der Abkürzungen, die auf den meisten Tastaturen zu finden sind, so z.B. Steuerung=Strg, die
Escape Taste = Esc, usw. Die Cursortasten bedeuten „ nach links, rechts, oben oder unten“.
Eine besondere Taste ist die <Enter> Taste. Normalerweise ist dies die größte Taste links
vom Nummernblock, meistens mit einem abgeknickten Pfeil nach links unten
gekennzeichnet. Auf einer elektronischen Schreibmaschine beginnt diese Taste eine neue
Wenn zwei Tasten mit einem Pluszeichen verbunden sind, wie z. B. <Strg+D>, bedeutet das,
dass zuerst die <Strg> Taste drücken müssen und während Sie diese Taste noch halten,
drücken Sie das <D>.
Um mit Cutting Optimizer arbeiten zu können, benötigen Sie einen PC mit einem Intel oder
AMD Prozessor. Was das Betriebssystem angeht, haben Sie die Wahl zwischen Windows 98
SE/2000/NT 4/ME/XP, Vista und 2003 Server.
Die Optimierung profitiert hauptsächlich von einer schnellen CPU und Festplatte (7.200 oder
10.000 RPM). 512 oder 1024 MB RAM sollten ausreichen um auch umfangreichere Listen
zu bearbeiten.
Windows RAM Festplattenplatz
>= 512 MB
98 SE >= 512 MB >= 4 GB
>= 512 MB
ME >= 512 MB >= 4 GB
NT >= 512 MB >= 8 GB
2000 >= 512 MB >= 20 GB
XP >= 512 MB >= 40 GB
Vista >= 1 GB >= 80 GB
2003 Server >= 1 GB >= 80 GB
Während der Entwicklung von Cutting Optimizer wurde jede Anstrengung zur Minimierung
der anfallenden Hardwarekosten unternommen. Für die Druckausgabe ist jeder Windows
98/2000/NT/ME/XP kompatible Drucker ausreichend.
Zuerst werden wir erklären, was gemeint ist, wenn vom „ klicken" die Rede ist. Bewegen Sie
die Maus zu einer bestimmten Stelle und Drücken Sie die linke Maustaste. Wenn Sie die
rechte Maustaste drücken müssen, werden wir Sie ausdrücklich darauf hinweisen.
Ein Pull Down Menü ist ein Menü, das sich öffnet, wenn Sie eines der Wörter anklicken, die
Sie oben auf dem Bildschirm sehen, (z.B. Datei, Bearbeiten,...)
Haben Sie auf eines dieser Wörter geklickt, öffnet sich das Pull Down Menü. Bewegen Sie
dann die Maus auf das nächste Wort, öffnet sich automatisch das dazugehörige Menü. Wenn
Sie einen der Menüpunkte auswählen wollen, bewegen Sie die Maus dorthin und klicken Sie
darauf. Um das Menü zu schließen, klicken Sie entweder ein zweites Mal auf das Wort oder
klicken Sie irgendwo auf Ihrem Bildschirm.
In Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP, können Sie bestimmte durch Tastenkombinationen Menüs
und die darin enthaltenen Befehle aufrufen. Menüs mit einem unterstrichenen Buchstaben
können durch drücken von Alt+dem entsprechenden Buchstaben geöffnet werden. Das Datei-
Menü kann beispielsweise durch drücken von Alt+F geöffnet werden. Sie können den
gewünschten Befehl ausführen, indem Sie den unterstrichenen Buchstaben anklicken ohne
die Maus zu benutzen. Bei geöffnetem Datei-Menü können Sie Ihre Arbeit durch drücken der
S Taste abspeichern. In den Menüs können auch Tastenkombinationen neben den Befehlen
Ardis Optimizer 12
aufgelistet sein, diese Kombinationen führen den jeweiligen Befehl direkt aus (Strg+S zum
sichern Ihrer Arbeit).
Hot keys
In Windows können einige Aktionen durch drücken einer sog. "Hot key" ausgeführt werden,
dabei kann es sich um eine einzelne Taste wie z.B. F1, F2... oder um eine Kombination wie
Strg+X handeln.
F1: durch drücken dieser Taste können Sie jederzeit die Hilfe-Funktion der Anwendung, in
der Sie sich momentan befinden, aufrufen.
F2: durch drücken dieser Taste können Sie den Inhalt des aktuellen Feldes bearbeiten.
Wenn Sie eine Datei in Windows 98/2000/NT/ME/XP öffnen oder speichern, sehen Sie ein
ähnliches Fenster. Hier können Sie in der Verzeichnisstruktur blättern, um den Ort zu finden,
wo Ihre Datei gespeichert ist oder wo sie abgespeichert werden soll. Wenn Sie den Pfeil
anklicken, der nach unten zeigt, neben dem Feld “Suchen in”, öffnet sich die vollständige
Verzeichnisstruktur. Hier können Sie z.B. auf ein anderes Laufwerk wechseln und sich alle
Ordner anzeigen lassen, die sich dort befinden. Mit einem Doppelklick links auf einen
Ordner öffnen Sie diesen und sehen dessen Inhalt. Auf diese Art können Sie das Verzeichnis,
das Sie suchen, leicht finden. Wenn Sie diesen Button anklicken, kehren Sie in das
übergeordnete Verzeichnis zurück. Mit dem Button können Sie einen neuen Ordner
erstellen. Mit dem Button bestimmen Sie, wie die Dateien dargestellt werden, mit oder
ohne Details.
Wenn Sie den Pfeil anklicken, der nach unten zeigt, rechts neben “Dateitypen”, können Sie
wählen, welche Dateitypen angezeigt werden sollen. Wenn Sie nun die gewünschte Datei
gefunden haben, klicken Sie auf diese Datei und dann auf „Öffnen“.
Wenn Sie eine Datei speichern möchten, wählen Sie den entsprechenden Ordner aus oder
Ardis Optimizer 13
erstellen Sie einen neuen, dann gehen Sie in das Feld „Dateiname“, tragen dort einen Namen
für Ihre zu speichernde Datei ein und klicken auf „Speichern". Falls Sie keine der beiden
Aktionen ausführen wollen, klicken Sie auf „Abbrechen".
WIBU CM Schlüssel
Wir bieten Ihnen ebenfalls die Möglichkeit an, einen sog. WIBU Code Meter Schlüssel zum
Hardwareschutz zu verwenden. Dazu benötigen Sie eine speziel kompilierte Version unseres
Der WIBU CM Schlüssel unterstützt sowohl einzelne, als auch Netzwerk Lizenzen.
Sie finden die benötigten Code Meter Treiber auf folgender Internet-Seite:
Ein kleines symbol wird unten rechts auf Ihrem Bildschirm erscheinen:
Ein Rechtsklick auf besagtes Symbol startet eine Anwendung, die Ihnen Informationen über
Code Meter liefert. Alternativ können Sie diese Anwendung auch direkt über folgenden link
starten: http://localhost:22350/
Ardis Optimizer 14
Im Falle eines Problems mit dem Dongle sollten Sie unserer Support-Abteilung die
handgeschriebene Nummer mitteilen.
Auf der anderen Seite des Dongels finden Sie folgende Informationen:
Ihre Lizenz-Nummer finde Sie auch im Menü Hilfe - über Cutting Optimizer. Sie muss mit
Ihrer Lizenz Datei (.DEF) übereinstimmen.
Ardis Optimizer 16
Sobald Sie die CD einlegen, wird die Installation automatisch starten. Es öffnet sich ein
Fenster, das Sie durch den Installationsprozess leiten wird.
Falls Ihre Lizenz durch diesen PC bzw. Server in Ihrem lokalen Netzwerk zur Verfügung
stellen wollen, wählen Sie die Option 1b.
Zur Installation einer Einzellizenz klicken Sie auf den Punkt 1a.
Falls Sie durch eine Netzwerk Lizenz, die auf einem anderen Rechner installiert ist, auf
diesem PC arbeiten wollen, brauchen Sie keine der beiden Aktionen auszuführen. Hierzu
benötigen Sie lediglich Modul 5.2.1, außerdem müssen Sie unter Werkzeuge-Optionen-
Lokaler Schlüssen Nein wählen.
Die Treiber werden nun installiert. Sie brauchen nicht in den Installationsvorgang
einzugreifen. Sobald das Fenster sich schließt ist die Installation abgeschlossen.
Hinweis: Sie können die Treiber auch auf folgender Seite herunterladen:
Nun können Sie mit Punkt 2 aus der Liste fortfahren, dies startet den Ardis Optimizer
Ardis Optimizer 17
Jetzt schlägt der Computer ein Verzeichnis vor, in das das Programm installiert werden soll.
Falls Sie ein anderes Verzeichnis benutzen wollen, klicken Sie auf „Browse“. Wenn alles
Ihren Wünschen entspricht, klicken Sie auf „Weiter“. Jetzt kopiert der Computer alle Daten
von der CD auf die Festplatte.
Wenn die Installation abgeschlossen ist, klicken Sie auf „Schließen“. Sie können den Ardis
Cutting Optimizer nun von Ihrem Desktop aus starten.
Während der Installation werden auch einige Dateien zu Ihrem Windows Ordner hinzugefügt.
Falls Sie Ardis Cutting Optimizer auf einem anderen Rechner installieren wollen, reicht es
nicht aus den Installationsordner zu kopieren. Nur unsere Installationsroutine garantiert volle
Funktionalität des Programmes.
Auf Ihrem System sollte ein Drucker Treiber installiert sein.
Ardis Optimizer 18
Bitte entnehmen Sie die Art der Lizenz, die Sie benötigen, dem folgenden Diagramm:
pro PC ist nur ein Ardis Schlüssel erlaubt!
Sie benötigen die Module 5.2.1 oder
Cascading single floating license keys is NOT possible! We prefer a SuperProNet network
key for serving multiple floating licenses.
When logged onto a Terminal Server (Microsoft or Citrix), only a SuperProNet key is
It doesn't matter where you install Ardis or where you start Ardis from, only the Sentinel
Protection Server has to be installed where the key is attached !
Ardis Optimizer 19
Auf jedem PC mit Ardis Dongel
Wählen Sie die Treiberinstallationsroutine 1b
or install Sentinel System Drivers . Please unmark the Sentinel Protection Server
In some cases you must unblock UDP port 6001/6002 for incoming and outgoing traffic.
Please change you firewall settings accordingly.
By default, no settings should be changed. In case of special circumstances, you may need to
adjust the default settings.
Ardis Optimizer 20
In Extra - Options - Preferences the setting Local key should be set to No to have access to a
floating license.
In %appdata%\ARDIS\COWIN.INI , the newly created or already existing section [Sentinel]
can hold the settings:
key value description
Type =P SuperPro(Net)
=L Only local key
SPRO_Protoco =I IPX protocol
l =T TCP protocol
=N NetBEUI protocol if necessary you may enter the computer's IP-address or
SPRO_Server x name where the key is attached and the Sentinel
=servername Protection Server has installed
You may use the monitor from the server or on any client workstation to verify the Sentinel
Server with its licenses in use.
Ardis Optimizer 21
Netzwerk Schlüssel
USB oder Parallel Port
SP einzelne Lizenz
US kann auch als Netzwerk Lizenz
benutzt werden
older type
Sentinel-C B Parallel Port
einzelne Lizenz
older network type
Parallel Port
severs multiple licenses across the
NetSentinel- network clients
C does not work under Windows
2003 Server !
It should be replaced by a
SuperProNet key.
Netzwerk Treiber
In any case you need to install a Sentinel System Driver before running Ardis Optimizer. The
drivers have to be installed with administrator privileges .
SuperPro SuperProNet Sentinel-CB
Ardis lokal client:SSD client:SSD
nicht möglich nicht möglich
lokaler Schlüssel host:SSD host:SSD
Ardis lokal client:SSD client:SSD
nicht client:SSD
Schlüssel host:SSD+SP host:SSD+SP
möglich host:SSD+NS
woanders S S
Ardis FS client:SSD
client:SSD client:SSD client:SSD
Schlüssel auf dem host:SSD+SP
host:SSD host:SSD host:SSD+NS
Client S
Ardis FS client:SSD client:SSD
nicht client:SSD
Schlüssel host:SSD+SP host:SSD+SP
möglich host:SSD+NS
woanders S S
Ardis TS
host:SSD+SP nicht client:SSD
Schüssel auf dem nicht möglich
S möglich host:SSD+NS
Ardis TS client:SSD
nicht möglich möglich client:SSD
Schlüssel auf dem host:SSD+SP
nicht möglich nicht host:SSD+NS
Client S
Bemerkung: : : SPS (Sentinel Protection Server) braucht immer das Ardis Modul 5.2.1
Auf einem Windows- oder Citrix Server brauchen Sie immer einen Netzwerk Schlüssel
(SuperProNet: USB oder parallel) und das Modul 5.2.1, auch für eine einzelne Lizenz!
Ardis Optimizer 23
In den ersten Abschnitten dieses Kapitels wird detailliert darauf eingegangen, was benötigt
wird, um das Programm benutzen zu können. Sie werden relativ langsam durch diesen
Abschnitt geführt. Trotzdem empfehlen wir auch Benutzern, die schon Erfahrung im Umgang
mit PC‟s haben, diese Abschnitte durchzulesen. Wenn Sie ältere Versionen von Cutting
Optimizer kennen, sollten Sie mit dem Kapitel Hilfefunktionen anfangen und dann mit
„Dateneingabe: Einführung“ und den folgenden Kapiteln weitermachen.
Am Ende dieser Einführung erhalten Sie einen Überblick über die Funktionstasten, die von
Cutting Optimizer verwendet werden.
Sie können jederzeit überprüfen, ob die korrekten Treiber installiert sind. Klicken Sie dazu
auf das Symbol. Folgendes Fenster wird erscheinen.
Ardis Optimizer 25
Vorallem die Eintragung unter “Sentinel Windows NT system driver 7.50 Rev. 8” ist von
größ Wichtigkeit. Normalerweise werden alle benötigten Treiber gleichzeitig mit dem
Hauptprogramm installiert.
Wenn Sie das Programm zum ersten mal benutzen, müssen Sie überprüfen, ob die Pfade zum
Programm auf die richtigen Stellen Ihrer Festplatte zugreifen. Dies können Sie sicher stellen,
indem Sie in dem Menüpunkt < Werkzeuge>, <Optionen> anklicken. Wenn die Pfade nicht
korrekt sind, können Sie sie verändern indem Sie auf die Schaltfläche rechts daneben klicken.
Ihre Projekte können Sie als *.R41 Ergebnisdateien abspeichern. Die Parameter eines
Projekts können Sie ändern, indem Sie auf folgendes Symbol klicken:
Bevor Sie anfangen mit Projekten zu arbeiten, sollten Sie sich mit der Möglichkeit zu sog.
Dokumentvorlagen auseinandersetzen.
Diese ermöglichen es Ihnen, gewisse Grundeinstellung im vorhinein zu bestimmen und auf
diese Weise Arbeit zu sparen.
Diese Einstellungen werden für jedes neu begonnene Projekt verwendet. Es macht also
keinen Sinn projektspezifische Eigenschaften in die Dokumentvorlagen zu integrieren.
Ardis Optimizer 26
Um eine Dokumentvorlage zu erstellen, sollten Sie zuerst alle Einstellungen vornehmen, eine
Maschinendatei (*.MCH) und eine Ausgangsmaterialdatei (*.STD) erstellen und dann auf
<Datei> <Speichern als Vorlage> klicken.
Sie können diese Einstellung auch als Standard für kommende Projekte übernehmen.
Hier können Sie die graphische Darstellung Ihrer Schnittpläne verändern um diese möglichst
genau an die von Ihnen verwendeten Materialien anzupassen.
Streifen-, Rest- und Abfallsortierung, Sortierung innerhalb eines Streifens und Saumschnitt
sind Parameter, die eine möglichst realitätsnahe Darstellung der Schnittpläne garantieren
Zwecks einer optimalen Nutzung Ihrer Rohstoffe sollten Sie die Parameter minimale Länge,
Breite und Fläche in Ihrer Ausgangsmaterialdatei einstellen.
Vorsicht: Diese Einstellungen haben starken Einfluss auf die Beanspruchung Ihrer
Streifen, die sich mindestens in der zweiten Ebene befinden, können gruppiert werden.
"Zuerst bearbeitete Streifen" beginnt mit den Streifen, die sich in der zweiten Ebene
befinden. "Bearbeitete Streifen zuletzt"
”Alternately” will put the first strip with only two levels at the beginning, the next strip with
only two levels at the end, the next one back at the beginning, and so on. This option will
take equal strips in one block. “Alternately split strips” does the same, but splits equals strips.
Strip sequence
Here, you choose if, for normal cutting, you want to have the strips sequenced from large to
small or from small to large. The start point for this drawing is the lay-out coordinate.
Indem Sie die breiteren Streifen an die Ränder der Platten setzen minimieren Sie die
Large -> Small: strips sequenced from large to small, strips with an equal width are taken in
one block
Small -> Large: strips sequenced from small to large, strips with an equal width are taken
together in one block
The following lay-out (with a different sequence) will make things clear:
From small to large: (450 x 2 is considered as one rip of 900 + the blade thickness)
From large to small: (450 x 2 is considered as one rip of 900 + the blade thickness)
Ardis Optimizer 29
From single large to small: (equal width rips are not counted together)
From single small to large: (equal width rips are not counted together)
Highest -> lowest: will put the parts with the highest number of levels first.
Lowest -> highest: will put the parts with the lowest number of levels first.
Ardis Optimizer 30
Like strips: will sort the parts in the same way as the strips.
Large -> small: will put the largest parts first, equals parts are taken in one block.
Small -> large: will put the smallest parts first, equals parts are taken in one block.
Single large -> small: will put the largest parts first.
Single small -> large: will put the smallest parts first.
No: the lay-out will have the length of the basic material as horizontal direction.
Scrap/loss localisation
When entering the basic materials characteristics (sheets or coils), you may enter a border to
be cut off on each side. If the size of that lost scrap does not give any problem, you may
decide where it has to be taken. In normal situations, the first cut will be a small strip of
scrap, and the coordinate of the lay-out corresponds to the scrap cut position. For coil cutting,
the scrap cut will be split proportionally between the two sides of the coil, in order to become
an even load of the machine.
Ardis Optimizer 31
At basic material input time for sheets and coils, it is possible to define a trim cut for every
side. If, in addition to one of these trims, some scrap or lost part will exist, you may decide
with this parameter to distribute it.
In normal cases, the scrap will be cut first, and it will generally be a small piece, meaning that
the corner point of the lay-out (the reference position) will be in the diagonal of the scrap
With coils, the scrap will preferably be distributed evenly between the two sides, in order to
obtain an evenly distributed machine load.
right: the scrap will be located on the right side of the lay-out
bottom: The scrap will be located on the bottom side of the lay-out
Sort loss
What Cutting Optimizer detects as not reusable scrap should not be at the end of the strip, but
considered as a part. So it will get a position as determined by strip sequence.
If you want the borders to be cut together with the scrap pieces, they will not be cut
Modifying this selection will change the view of a lay-out. If you have selected cut trim
separate and the basic material trim is 0, then there will be no trim, the cutting line will be
outside the sheet, and the loss will show in the lay-out its correct dimensions. If you do not
select Cut trim separate, then the cutting line thickness will be in the trim border. The
effective border (trim) will be a cutting line smaller.
Local settings
When first using the program, the local settings should beter be checked to make sure the
program is setup correctly for the data being optimized. ARDIS can process jobs that are
listed in metric, decimal inches or fractions. Later on, they can always be checked under
"View - Project Setup".
In the fields “length, width, thickness and height” you can enter 0,1,2,3,4 or fractional (press
the spacebar to select one of these values). This number represents the number of decimal
places after the decimal point. You can work in cm, mm, m or inches; the program has no
problem with that. Of course, you have to use the same units consistently. In this screen the
values are set for working in mm.
You should change the settings this way for working with:
Ardis Optimizer 33
decimal inches:
Also here you have to click on “OK”, so that these will be the basic settings for each job.
Hier lässt sich die Darstellung der Rechenzeit einstellen.
Durch drücken der Leertaste können Sie zwischen deisen Möglichkeiten wechseln.
Wählen Sie zwischen "?" und "." als Dezimalzeichen. In exportierten Dateien wird allerdings
immer ein "." benutzt.
In the input format field you express which way you want to enter the date. You have 3
possibilities that you will see if you press the spacebar:
The first time you will run Cutting Optimizer, the program will use the same settings as
Windows does for the date.
The dates work the same way for the output format. You choose the way you want to see the
date on the screen and on the reports. Also here, you have several possibilities namely 7:
If you select “Options…” from the Tools menu, you can find where the program files are
located, as shown below.
Beside of "customization file" the cowin.ini file (which will be saved in the Windows folder)
is listed. If you want to reinitialize, please click on "initialize at re-start". The cowin.ini file
will be deleted and when you restart Cutting Optimizer, you will have a freshly started
In diesem Feld können Sie den Pfad und Dateinamen der Datei angeben, die Ihre
persönlichen Einstellungen beinhaltet. Standard: “C:\WINDOWS\COWIN.INI”. Leertaste
stellt ihre Einstellungen bei jedem Programmstart zurück.
This number has to be larger than 0 for this function to work. It is used in combination with
the default project name by the automatic project naming to create a unique project name.
The program automatically increases the value of this number with each new project.
Mail Empfänger
Geben Sie hier ein, an wen Ihre Dateien per E mail verschickt werden sollen. Standartmäßig
werden sie an Ardis geschickt.
Ardis Optimizer 36
Number of tools
This is the number of tools visible in the toolbar and the “Tools” menu (minimum 1,
maximum 30, default 10).
Optimierungs Assistent
You will enter the “optimization wizard”: the easiest way to enter all of the data you need for
the optimization. When you follow the steps of this wizard, the data will be processed so that
you become a complete optimization. Do not change anything to this screen if you want to
work with this wizard for each new project. If you do not want to use this wizard for the
following projects then you just click in “use this wizard when creating new project” so that a
“v” checkmark disappears.
We do follow the wizard. It is very easy to understand the principle: parts have to be cut out
of sheets with one specific machine. You enter this data and the program will propose the
cutting patterns.
The Parts file (*.stk) holds the data for your cutlist (the parts you want to cut).
The Sheet file is the file (*.std) with the raw materials you want to use.
Ardis Optimizer 37
The Machine file is the file (*.mch) that describes the cutting parameters for your saw.
Note: You can enlarge or shrink portions of the screen by moving the boundaries of the
different sections with your mouse like in many other Windows based programs!
Click on the “finish” button to run the optimization. You have to specify the name for the
optimization. Let‟s use “test1”. The parts file will be called "test1.stk", the raw material file
will be "test1.std" and the result file "test1.r41" (r41 is the file extension used for result files).
Das Hauptfenster besteht aus 5 Teilen. Einige Funktionen lassen sich an verschiedenen Orten
Pull Down Menü
This is a description of all of the buttons (icons) on the toolbar.
Start a new optimization file
Open an existing optimization file
Save the optimization file
Run the optimization wizard
Cut: place the selection on the clipboard and erase it from the original location
Copy: make a copy of the selection and place it on the clipboard
Paste: place the content that is on the clipboard in the selected place
Switch between formula-view (shows only the formula itself) and result-view (shows
only the result of the formula)
Print the data, which is currently being viewed
Look at the printout on the screen first (print preview)
Activates the label printing mode: clicking on a part prints the label for that part. This
function is connected to "Interactive labelling".
Shows information on the screen: the place where all of the information about the
program is shown e.g. serial number, user, and version… (important to get support by
Start on-line help
Edit various parameters of the project (project properties)
Start the optimization
Working in the summary screen is similar to working in Windows explorer. First, you see the
possible selections on the screen and for any + signs you click, the structure will expand to
display more specific components. If the choice is not any further expandable, you see a –
Data screen
In this screen you can enter the parameters of the optimization and look at the calculated
results. Which parameters or results will be displayed in the data screen, depends on where
you are positioned in the summary section.
Ardis Optimizer 42
Status bar
Shows a brief description when you move the mouse to a certain place. You can see the
Caps-lock, Scroll-lock and Num-lock status there as well (you can see the status of these by
looking at the lights at the upper right corner of the keyboard). The IPC status is also found
Dieses Menu passt sich der aktuellen Programmumgebung an. Sie können immer Hilfe zum
ausgewählten Objekt aufrufen.
Sie können jederzeit unsere Hilfe-Funktion konsultieren.
Sie sind nun bereit, erste Projekte zu starten in dme Sie
Ardis Optimizer 43
Falls Sie diesen Bildschirm nicht sehen, könnte es sein, dass einige Kolonnen versteckt sind.
Klicken Sie mit der rechten Maustaste auf ein Feld und dann auf "Zeigen". Nun können Sie
einen Kolonne aus der Liste hinzu fügen. Durch Rechtsklick und "Schließen" können Sie
eine Kolonne auch wieder schließen.
Daten werden im Cutting Optimizer immer gleich in Felder eingegeben, egal in welchem
bereich des Programmes Sie sich befinden.
Sie können den Inhalt eines Feldes auf zwei verschiedene Arten verändern. Klicken Sie in
das Feld und tippen Sie den neuen Inhalt ein, durch den Sie den alten ersetzten wollen. Wenn
Sie den Inhalt nur teilweise ändern wollen drücken Sie F2 oder doppelt mit der Maus in das
Feld und ändern Sie dann nur die gewünschten Buchstaben. Navigieren können Sie durch die
Tasten "Pos1", "Ende", "Pfeil links" und "Pfeil rechts".
In the field "Description" you enter the name of the machine or for our example you enter
“machine”. This name is only provided for documentation purposes. You may now pause and
see what the help function offers you. Just press the F1 key, and you will receive a
description about the field where the cursor is currently positioned. The Description is only a
textual reference and has no bearing on the optimization results.
Now you move the cursor to the field "Max. levels". “Max. levels” is the maximum number
of times the cutting direction may be alternated from longitudinal (length) to/or from
transverse (width). Every time you turn a panel from one direction to another, the level
increases by 1. For example, the first cutting direction is level one. If the next cut has to be in
the other direction, then this cut will be level 2. If an additional cut is necessary, it will be at
level 3.
Another way to define the number of levels would be to answer the question: how many
times can a basic material sheet (or sub-part of it) be turned?
Ardis Optimizer 45
The number of levels that you allow will determine the complexity of the produced lay-outs.
Limiting the number of levels will reduce the complexity of the cutting patterns. The cutting
time will be lower, when the number of levels is lower.
However, if you want to create a new basic material file or name the current material file,
then click the right mouse button on "Basic material sheets (F10)" and select "Add basic
material file". Now you can fill in a file name. For our example, we will enter "raw".
Next, the screen above will appear. It asks if you would like to replace the existing file. When
you choose "yes", "untitled" will be replaced by "raw". Otherwise "raw" will be a new file
under "untitled". Press "yes" for this example. By saving the order, the basic material sheet
will get the same name as the order.
The top section contains the reference, the machine and the date. These data fields are
common for the whole file.
The middle section contains a table with the information for all of the basic material sheets.
The bottom section displays the current sheet graphically.
Here, you may enter a reference or information on the basic material. This reference will later
be added to the information related to each individual part produced, and will be printed on
the different documents. This reference will be printed on the produced parts‟ identification
labels also. Entering data into this field is not mandatory. For your exercise, you may enter
"The best material". Pressing the Tab key will move the cursor to the next field.
Ardis Optimizer 47
It is mandatory that this field, identified as "Machine", does have data entered into it. It refers
to the machine that will process the basic materials stored in this file. When you click in the
machine cell, you get a list of all of the machines that are available. Normally, the default
machine, filled in when the program started, will appear. You can search for a machine as
well, by typing the name in the cell. Then the computer finds the name that meets the name
you entered. Normally, you will get the default machine file. For this exercise, the default
machine file will be "machine".
If you want to select another machine (e.g. one you used in a previous project), you have to
click the right mouse button on "Machine (F11)", choose "Add machine file". From the folder
where your machine files are saved, you choose the machine you want. You return to the field
"Machine" of your basic material and you enter or select the name of that machine.
The "Date" field is just an information field. It can be useful when modifications are made to
the file and you want to enter the current date. This field will allow you to indicate the
revision date. Cutting Optimizer will help you avoid inputting an incorrect date. If the
number that you entered for the day of the month is greater than the number of days in that
given month, then the program will automatically change this number to the last day of that
particular month. Likewise, if the number of the month that you entered is larger than 12,
then the program will change this figure to 12. These changes will be made, once you move
to the next field.
The input and output format of the date is handled as set in "local settings" under "project
This brings you to the fields that have to be filled in for every basic material size. We will
assume that only one size of the basic material is available.
In the "D" field, you will indicate the basic material grain direction. This direction may be
determined by the grain or milling of the material. In some cases, it is mandatory that the
direction of a part be the same as the direction of the basic material piece from which it will
be cut. The information you enter here is the dimension that the direction follows. Utilizing
this information, the program will design patterns meeting these constraints. The directions
you may enter are:
L: Means the grain direction goes with the length of the sheet.
W: Means the grain direction goes with the width of the sheet.
(blank): If you leave this field blank, then you tell the system that the basic material grain
direction is not important and that the parts may be positioned in any direction in the lay-outs.
You may select the correct grain direction by entering the corresponding letter or by pressing
the spacebar to scroll through the different possibilities. For our example, enter "L".
Ardis Optimizer 48
In the “Length” field, you enter the length of the basic material standard panel. You may
consider using either of the two dimensions as being the length, because it does not have to
be the largest dimension. For our example, enter 2600 (mm). The only importance to length
is that Cutting Optimizer will always display the length horizontally.
In the “Width” field, you enter the other dimension of the basic material standard panel that
you did not enter into the “Length” field. For our example, enter the value 2000 (mm). Width
is by default displayed vertically.
In the "Qty" field, you enter how many panels of this basic material are available in
inventory. For our example, enter 100. By entering 100, we are stating that we have (100)
basic material panels in inventory that are 2600 mm x 2000 mm.
Here you can change the availability of your material.
"Stock" means the program cannot use more than is available in stock (Qty-field).
"Unlimited" means the program can use more than is available in stock.
"Temporary" is almost the same as “Stock”, but can be deleted by stock management (e.g. for
reusable scrap pieces) or by saving depending on the "options" setting.
"n.a." means the material is not available.
This field contains a reference of the basic material. This can be the material type, the
location in the warehouse, ... .
Sometimes the reference field is not enough. The “Remark” field can also contains general
remarks concerning the basic material such as material type, location in the warehouse, ... .
Watch out: if you would (conscious or not) close Cutting Optimizer before you saved the
data, the program will ask you to save the unsaved data to "job". The program asks if you
want that data to be deleted or saved as "untitled".
In the first field, identified "Reference", you may enter either a reference or a description of
this parts file. Later, this information will be attached to every produced part and printed on
the labels. This field is optional. For our example, please enter "Parts for test".
In this field, you can enter the due date for the parts to be produced. However, this
information is optional. The input format is set up in the "project properties - local settings".
Next, you move to the section where the required parts will be described. In this table, you
may have a large quantity of parts that need to be entered. So it is very likely that the
information of a given column will be the same for most of the parts. Also, there may be
columns that you do not need for any part. In these cases, Cutting Optimizer provides some
tools to ease the input of data.
In our example, columns "D", "Length", Width", "Qty", "Ref" and "Remark" need to be
active. In order to set a column as active or inactive, you first move the mouse into that
column. Then click on the right mouse button and select "Activate". A check mark will
appear beside “Activate”, if the column is active. If a column is inactive, there will not be a
Ardis Optimizer 51
check mark beside “Activate” and the text in that column‟s fields will appear light gray. This
is used a lot for columns like "material". The enter key then jumps over it and fills in the
previous value automatically.
L: Means the grain direction goes with the length of the part.
W: Means the grain direction goes with the width of the part.
(blank): If you leave this field blank, the system will consider that the part direction is not
important and that the parts may be nested in any direction in the lay-outs, even mixed.
E: Means equal direction. For some applications, it is important that all parts are cut in the
same direction in the basic material, but it does not matter which direction. The only thing
that matters is that they are all the same.
L*: Means the grain direction goes with the length of the part, even if the base material has
no grain direction.
W*: Means the grain direction goes with the width of the part, even if the base material has
no grain direction.
For our example, you will indicate that the grain direction is "L" for the first series of
identical parts. This tells Cutting Optimizer that all parts have to be cut with their length
parallel to the direction of the basic material. Please note: you need to fill in the grain
direction for both the basic material data and the parts data for the program to work
efficiently. If you just fill in the grain direction for the parts data, the program will not take it
into account!
In the "Ref" field, you may enter a reference or a description of the part. The reference will be
printed in the lay-outs. If it is too long to fit, it will not be shown. All of it will be printed on
the part labels. Please enter for the first set of parts "Prototype".
Ardis Optimizer 52
If the reference field of the central section of the window is not large enough to contain all of
the information you would like to enter then you may use the "Remark" field to list additional
information. This field may be used to give information about the production operations to
perform on the parts. The information entered in this field will be printed on the labels also.
There are several remark fields that can be made visible by clicking on the right mouse button
and selecting “Show”. Then choose which remark fields that you want to show. For our
example, for the first series of parts, please enter "4 sides pvc".
Cutting Optimizer berechnet Ihre Schnittpläne durch Druck auf , F6 oder "Optimieren"
im Werkzeuge Menü. Es öffnet sich ein Fenster, welches den Stand der Optimierung anzeigt.
Sie können die Optimierung jederzeit abbrechen.
Ardis Optimizer 53
Diese Menüpunkte im Bereich Ergebnisse geben Ihnen einen Überblick über die Resultate
der Optimierung: Eine Liste der benötigten Teile, die auf verschiedenen Schnittplänen Ihres
Plattenmaterials angeordnet werden.
In the above summary, you are given an overview of data shown below:
Project‟s desciption: a short description of the project
Start time of the optimization and how long it took the computer to calculate it (Calculation
Number of lay-outs needed to cut all parts.
Yld%: Shows the net yield.
#Books: the number of books used in the job.
Underproduction: the number of parts that were not produced.
Overproduction: the number of extra parts that were produced.
Net Surface is the total parts surface produced in the lay-outs and Gross Surface is the total
amount of basic material used for the job.
Total cutting length of all lay-outs in the job.
Total number of parts created in the job.
Total volume of parts and sheets used in the job.
Error Message displays the error messages from the optimization.
Lay-outs (F4)
Now we want to view the lay-outs, either by using the mouse to click on "Lay-outs" or by
pressing the function key, F4. The data screen is now divided into three sections. If you
cannot see all three sections, then they have been minimized to one line. You can open a
section by dragging the lines out of one another. In the view section, a list of the different lay-
outs is given. In the graph section, you see a visual representation of the parts in one lay-out.
In the detail section, there is information about the parts that are in the active pattern window.
Ardis Optimizer 55
View Section
In the view section, there is one line of data for each lay-out. The items in each line are by
The "Lay-out number" (Lay#)
The yield percentage of the lay-out (Yld%)
The grain direction (D)
The cutting direction of the first strip (D)
The "Length"
The "Width"
The number of times the lay-out has to be produced or the number of sheets to cut with this
lay-out (Qty)
If a file was created to link to a machine, this is the full path of the NC data file; pattern
number within the file (PP)
Graph Section
In the graphical representation of the lay-out, as much of the data about the lay-out is
mentioned as possible. If we press the right mouse button in the graphical screen, a menu will
open. This menu has different options that allow you to change the lay-out in different ways
(zoom in, zoom out, fonts, colors, etc.). These options are described in the next paragraphs.
If you select “Zoom in” or “Zoom out” in this menu, the lay-out enlarges or reduces. When
the lay-out is enlarged, more and more data about the lay-out is shown in the graphical view.
Ardis Optimizer 56
If you want to see the complete lay-out again, then select “Fit” from the menu that opens by
pressing the right mouse button.
Press the right mouse button in the graphical screen and select “Fonts” from the menu that
opened. Now you can change all of the fonts that are used in the graphical representation.
In this screen, you can add a new font to use in the graphical screen. Smaller fonts occupy
less space on the graph. So if you add a small font, more details will remain visible on the
If you want to change the font type, then click on a font and then click on Change. Next, a
screen will open, which allows you to edit the font for that particular font ID. This screen is
shown below.
By clicking one of the buttons, Font screen or Font Printer, you can choose another font to
use for the ID that has been selected. For example, you can change the Default ID from font
type, Arial, to font type, Arial Black. Font screen is the font displayed on the screen and Font
printer is the font that is used for printing.
Ardis Optimizer 57
In this screen you can select another font, change the size, and much more. To confirm the
changes click "OK".
Also, a new font can be added to the list. Just click on the New button and then assign any
ID. Then follow the same steps as the ones used for changing an existing font. To delete a
font, you have to click on the ID and then the button, Remove.
Changing the colors or patterns on the graphical screen can be handy to show clearly how
much scrap you have and so on. Press the right mouse button and select “Colors” from the
menu that appears. Once “Colors” has been chosen, the above screen will open. The item,
which we want to change the color or pattern of, has to be selected in the list that is on the
left side of this screen. You can change the filling pattern of this item by pressing the bar to
the right of the word, Pattern. You can change the color of this item by pressing the bar next
to the word, Color. If the required color is not displayed, then you can make your own color
by clicking on Custom.
Ardis Optimizer 58
When you press Custom, the above screen opens. In this screen, you can mix the colors to get
the color you want.
Detail Section
In the detail section, you can see the information about the parts included in each lay-out.
You can examine the results for the basic material sheets used for the optimization run. At
the top of the window, you see the name of the result file analyzed.
In the data screen, there is a table that lists information on the basic material sheets that were
used. It includes:
the grain direction (D), length, width, reference and remark of the sheet used
the available inventory before the optimization run (Qty)
the availability (e.g. Unlimited) (Available)
the number of sheets used in this optimization run (Prod)
Selecting “Print (Ctrl+P)” in the context menu, allows you to print the data of the active item.
Print preview (Shift+Ctrl+P) shows you on the screen how it will be when you actually print
Remark: it is necessary to have installed a default printer driver in order to get a Print
If you want to print more than item at one time, click the right mouse button on "Results".
From the context menu you can select the items you want to print. After choosing these
items, select Print from this context menu.
Ardis Optimizer 60
This function will operate the printer in order to produce the different results of the
optimization (reports and labels).
Not only can you see the calculated lay-outs; it is possible to print them too. By following
these steps you can print the data and lay-outs. In the summary screen, you select the item
you want to print and click on the icon. But if you want to get an idea of how the output
will look on paper, then you press the (print preview) icon first. Then the screen below
will appear. If you click on “Print” at the top of this screen, then the document will print.
Also, it is possible to enlarge and reduce the size of the document, using the Formula and
Zoom out buttons. If the complete document is more then one page, you can browse through
the pages using the Next page and Prev page buttons.
Report properties
All of the settings can be changed in the screen shown above, except for "Type". By default
"Type" is not active. Go to "Properties" by right-clicking and change "Active" to something
else than "read-only".
Fill in the title of the report.
Page header
Print page header or not. Use spacebar to switch between “yes” and “no”.
Fill in the formula to identify a group definition. (Press Shift+F2 to enter the Expression
Fill in the expression to filter records. (Press Shift+F2 to enter the Expression Builder).
Fill in the formula to calculate the number of times a record must be repeated. (Press
Shift+F2 to enter the Expression Builder).
You can select the printer you want to use. Pressing the spacebar gives you all of the possible
printer options. If you want to use a printer that is not already in the program, then you can
enter the new name.
Ardis Optimizer 62
If you press the spacebar, you will see the 2 options: portrait or landscape.
Page size
All of the possible options are shown when you press the spacebar.
Group separation
Select how to separate groups. Use “Continous” to put one group after the other, “New page”
to start each group on a new page or “New row” to start each group on a new row.
Use the Windows key on the keyboard in order to use a context menu (right mouse button
If you want to use a pull down menu then press Alt+ a letter (the one which is marked,
underlined). Within this menu, use (arrow up) (arrow down) to move up and down or press
the letter, which is underlined.
To move from one field to another you can use TAB, ENTER or the arrow keys.
If you want to close something or to leave an edit-mode then simply press ESC.
About tables
Cutting Optimizer offers some facilities aimed to ease the input of the data, and to reduce the
typing errors.
You can scroll in a column by using the arrow keys (arrow up) (arrow down).
Ardis Optimizer 63
If you want to confirm the contents of a field, press Enter. Cutting Optimizer will move the
cursor to the next "active" field. The non-active fields will be filled in by copying from
Tab and Shift-Tab move the cursor from one field to the next or the previous one, active or
Esc omits all of the changes that are made in a field or cancels a selection of rows.
Selecting rows
You can select rows in 2 ways:
If the cursor is in a field of the row you want to select: press Shift + (arrow up) or (arrow
Click the mouse on the row marking (this is the small block at the beginning of each row)
and the row will change to blue.
Canceling a selection: press Esc or click once again on the row marking.
To select a group of sequential rows, select the first row and afterwards the last row, while
pressing Shift.
To select multiple rows that are not sequential, select the first row and then every other row
you want to select, while pressing CTRL.
All of the selected rows can be copied, deleted or pasted like in any other Windows
application. This is one way to copy rows from Cutting Optimizer to Excel (or other
applications) and vice versa.
With "Activate" you leave a column visible, but disable it for data entry.
With "Hide" and "Show" you can make a column disappear and appear.
“Properties” is the most important selection. You may change the title, the help text, the
width,… of the columns.
Example: You can compare the total number of required parts and the total number of
produced parts. Go to “View - results – parts” and click the right mouse button on the
columns “Qty” and “Prod”: where you select “properties”. You click in so that a “v”
checkmark appears. The result will be:
Ardis Optimizer 65
Cutting Optimizer will use these three characters to differentiate the different types of files it
will use. The extensions are as follows:
machine files: .MCH
basic material description files: .STD
required parts description files: .STK
results files: .R41
You will not have to assign an extension to a file name, because Cutting Optimizer will affix
them automatically to the names you give.
Wenn zwei Tasten durch
Funktions Tasten
F1 Hilfe
F2 Editing fields
Ardis Optimizer 66
Strg+N Start a new optimization
Strg+O Open an Optimization file
Strg+S Save an Optimization file
Strg+Z Undo
Strg+X Cut
Strg+C Copy
Strg+V Paste
Strg+I Insert row
Strg+Y Delete row
Strg+F6 Change window
Strg+F8 Copy previous
Strg+F9 Insert parts template
Alt+F4 Close program
Alt+F8 Copy previous down
Alt+Enter Project properties
Strg+ Goto the next tree view item or go to the next tabbed window in a dialog
Ctrl+PgUp Goto the previous tree view item or go to the previous tabbed window in a dialog
In help text or in the inquiry of the optimization results
(arrow left) (arrow right) Move cursor one place left or right in field
(arrow up) (arrow down) Move cursor one field down or up in column
Backspace Remove letter in front of cursor
Delete Remove letter behind cursor
End Go to the end of the field
Enter Jump to the following active field
Esc Annul input and selections
Home Go to the beginning of the field
Insert Switch between overwrite mode and insert mode
PgDn Move cursor one page down in column
PgUp Move cursor one page up in column
Shift+Tab Jump to previous field
Space bar Toggle through the available choices
Tab Jump to the next field
Ardis Optimizer 67
Nun, da Sie diese kleine Einführung hinter sich gebracht haben, sind Sie mit den wichtigsten
Funktionen des Programms vertraut. Wir empfehlen Ihnen dieses so schnell wie möglich an
echten Daten auszuprobieren. Viel Erfolg!
Ardis Optimizer 68
Im ersten Teil dieses Handbuches, sind die elementarsten Funktionen von Cutting Optimizer
erklärt worden. Wir gehen davon aus, dass sie sich mit der allgemein Bedienung des
Programms auskennen, Sie mit der Verwendung des Pull Down Menüs vertraut sind und die
Cursor- Navigation kennen.
In diesem Kapitel werden die Funktionalitäten des Programms detailliert und alle
verfügbaren Zusatzmodule einzeln erklärt.
Alphabetisches Register
Falls Sie auf der Suche nach einer bestimmten Funktion sind empfehlen wir Ihnen, das
Alphabetische Register am Ende dieses Kapitels zu konsultieren.
In diesem Teil werden Sie mehrere Empfehlungen erhalten, wie Sie am besten mit diesem
Programm arbeiten können. Sie finden Vorschläge, welche die betreffenden Entscheidungen
für Sie erleichtern. Diese wertvollen Tipps werden Ihnen helfen, Cutting Optimizer in der
kürzest möglichen Zeit an Ihr eigenes Arbeitsumfeld anzupassen und den maximalen Nutzen
zu erreichen.
An dieser Stelle weisen wir erneut auf die implementierte Hilfe-Funktion hin.
F1 öffnet ein kontextsensitives Hilfsfenster: Sie erhalten Hilfestellungen zum aktuell
ausgewählten Feld
F1 in der Baumstruktur zeigt allgemeine Informationen zum gewählten Objekt an
Hilfe - Hilfethemen öffnet das Hauptfenster der Hilfefunktion
Sie können die Hilfe Funktion entweder durch bloßes drücken von F1 aufrufen, oder den
Mauszeiger zuerst in das entsprechende Feld bewegen.
Sie können sich zwischen folgenden Versionen unseres Produkts entscheiden und diese
gegebenenfalls durch Zusatzmodule erweitern.
A. Easy Optimizer
Die Optimierung sorgt für eine maximale Materialausnutzung. Funktionsumfang: wenige
Teile, Schnittpläne ausdrucken, fixe Optimierungskriterien, max. 100 Teile fixierter Größe,
Menge und Bemerkungen für Teile, fünf Plattengrößen inkl Saumschnitt und Sägeblattstärke.
E. Längenoptimierung
Diese Version ist speziell auf 1 dimensionale Materialien wie Balken oder Formteile
F. Längenoptimierung
siehe E., aber mit Optimierungsalgorhitmus B, C oder D
Sie können entscheiden, wie eine solche Liste sortiert werden soll. Klicken Sie dazu mit der
rechten Maustaste in das entsprechende Feld und wählen Sie die Option "Sortieren". Wählen
Sie die gewünschte Kolonne und das entsprechende Kriterium (absteigend oder aufsteigend)
aus. Es ist auch möglich mehrere Kolonnen beim sortieren zu berücksichtigen.
Sie stellen die Formel im oberen Teil des Fensters zusammen. Wenn Sie dies erledigt haben,
klicken Sie auf OK und Ihre Formel wird in diesem Feld erscheinen.
Falls Sie bestehende Daten verwenden möchten, beginnen Sie die Formel mit dem = Zeichen.
Der Wert des Feldes wird direkt berechnet (z.B. =L*B zeigt eine Zahl an, das Produkt aus
Länge und Breite).
Falls Sie Namen oder Wörter eingeben wollen, beginnen Sie Ihre Formel nicht mit einem =
Zeichen.Die Berechnung wird erst später durchgeführt (z.B. "Länge" zeigt das Wort Länge in
dem betreffenden Feld an).
Operationen können mit konstanten sowie variablen Textbausteinen und Zahlen ausgeführt
Numerische konstanten
Ardis Optimizer 72
Wenn sie einen Textbaustein eingeben, müssen Sie diese Sequenz alphanumerischer
Charaktere durch "" oder '' markieren. "Dies ist eine Textbaustein" gibt das gleiche Resultat
wie 'Dies ist ein Textbaustein'. Falls Sie " oder ' innerhalb der Sequenz verwenden möchten,
müssen Sie die jeweils andere Markierung zur Abgrenzung der Sequenz verwenden.
Sie können Ihre Arbeit erleichtern, in dem Sie das Resultat einer Rechnung oder einen
bestimmten Wert durch eine Variable repräsentieren lassen. Der Wert einer Variablen kann
beliebig oft geändert werden. Beispiele:
Der Name einer Variablen beginnt immer mit einem Buchstaben auf den dann weitere
Buchstaben und/oder Zahlen folgen. Der Typ einer Variablen wird festgelegt, sobald sie an
einen bestimmten Wert gebunden wird.
X = 5.6 => X ist eine Zahl
Y = "TEXT" => Y ist eine Buchstabenkette (String)
Sie können eine Variable explizit als String ausweisen, in dem Sie das Dollar Zeichen
anhängen z.B. REF$ = "REFERENCE".
Sobald eine Variable an eine Zahl gebunden ist, kann sie nicht mehr als String benutzt
werden und umgekehrt.
Sie können Ihre eigenen Variablen erstellen. Diese Werten anfangs an den Wert "0"
gebunden sein.
Reservierte Variablen
Abhängig vom Kontext, reserviert der Cutting Optimizer bestimmte Namen für vordefinierte
Variablen. Man unterscheidet zwischen drei Sorten:
Berechnung innerhalb eine Teile-Datei
Globale Berechnung der Teile
Cutting Optimizer errechnet diese Variablen. Sie können Sie benutzen, die jeweiligen Werte
jedoch nicht ändern.
Ardis Optimizer 73
Sie können auf Klammern zurück greifen um die Reihenfolge der Rechenoperationen zu
A wird an den Wert 17 gebunden, da die Multiplikation Priorität vor der Addition hat.
A = (2 + 3) * 5
A wird an den Wert 25 gebunden, da die Zahlen in den Klammern zuerst addiert werden.
Gegenbeispiel: B = (2 + 3) * (5 + 9 / (9 + 3)
Basis Operationen
Zahl1 + Zahl2: Addiert zwei Werte oder String1 + String2: verknüpft
zwei Strings (z.B. "ZU" + "SAMMEN" ergibt "ZUSAMMEN")
- Zahl1 - Zahl2: Von Zahl1 wird die Zahl2 subtrahiert
* Zahl1 * Zahl2: Multipliziert zwei Werte
/ Zahl1 / Zahl2: Dividiert zwei Werte
^ Zahl ^ Exponent: Potenzrechnen (2^3 ergibt 8)
SQRT SQRT Zahl: Berechnet die Quadratwurzel einer Zahl
Zahl1 == Zahl2 bzw. String1 == String2 ergibt 1 wenn beide Werte
identisch sind und 0 wenn nicht (z.B. 3 == 1 + 2 ergibt 1)
Zahl1 <> Zahl2 bzw. String1 <> String2: ergibt 1 wenn beide Werte
verschieden sind und 0 wenn nicht (3 <> 1 + 2 ergibt 0)
Zahl1 < Zahl2 bzw. String1 < String2: Ergibt 1 wenn Zahl1/String1
kleiner als Zahl2/String2 ist
Zahl1 > Zahl2 bzw. String1 > String2: Ergibt 1 wenn Zahl1/String1
größer als Zahl2/String2 ist
Zahl1 >= Zahl2 bzw. String1 >= String2: Ergibt 1 wenn
Zahl1/String1 kleiner oder gleich als Zahl2/String2 ist
Zahl1 >= Zahl2 bzw. String1 >= String2: Ergibt 1 wenn
Zahl1/String1 größer oder gleich als Zahl2/String2 ist
expr1 AND expr2: Ergibt nur dann 1, wenn beide Expressionen wahr
Ardis Optimizer 74
$(docpath) Pfad des Dokuments nach DOS Regeln
$(DocLongPath) Pfad des Dokuments (inkl. langer Dateinamen)
$(DocDir) Folder (drive letter + sub-directory + ) of the document
$(DocName) Base name of the document (max. 8 characters)
$(DocExt) Endung (z.B. R41) des Dokuments
$(DocTitle) Title (base name + extension) of the document
Path name of the definition file (normally DEF.CO)
needed for Cutting Optimizer's DOS-based modules
Folder name (drive letter + sub-directory + ) where the
application was installed (default C:ARDIS)
Folder name (drive letter + sub-directory + ) where the
$(WinDir) Windows operating system was installed (e.g.
Folder name (drive letter + sub-directory + ) of the
definition file (DEF.CO)
$(TemplDir) Template folder (with trailing '\')
$(WinTmpDir) Windows temporary folder name (with trailing '\')
Settings folder with trailing '\'
My documents folder name with trailing '\' (e.g.
C:\Documents and Settings\User\My documents\)
Folder name for default COWIN.INI usually C:Documents
and SettingsusernameApplication DataArdis
INT Zahl: Nimmt den ganzen Teil einer reellen Zahl
(INT 8.5 ergibt 8)
string IS wildcard: returns 1 when string matches
wildcard (*, ?)
IS(string;wildcard1;wildcard2;...): returns offset of
wildcard matching string
IS(number;choice1;choice2;...): returns offset of first
choice matching number
Ardis Optimizer 75
ISBETWEEN(value;minvalue;limit1[;limit2;...]): returns
1 if (numeric or alphanumeric) value >= minvalue and
value <= limit1 or the index when of the first limit when
using more limits
ISEMPTY string: returns 1 if string is empty or contains
only spaces, otherwise returns 0
ISNOTEMPTY string: returns 0 if string is empty or
contains only spaces, otherwise returns 1
LICENSE "module": returns 1 if module is licensed,
otherwise 0
expr IF condition: returns expr if condition is true,
otherwise null, ("ARDIS" if (1 + 1 == 2) results ARDIS)
IF (condition;true;false)
IF IF(condition1; true1; condition2; true2; ... ; false) = case
Never use a action command inside the IF, use e.g. MSG
IF (a > 1000 ; "big" ; "small") instead
VAL string: results the number represented in the string
Example="Ardis 7.35" : VAL (Example right 4) results
VAL VAL("" ; "") or VAL("date" ; "format"): returns the
number of secs elapsed since 1970, format can be "%c"
or "%d-%m-%y %H:%M:%S", when format is empty the
format "DDMMYY" is used
string SUBSTR index => string from position index
(starting with 1)
SUBSTR (string;index;length) => string from position
index with max. length characters
string SUBSTR keyword => value after keyword= in
string SUBSTR "": folder name
string SUBSTR "*": base name
string SUBSTR ".": file extension
string SUBSTR "*": folder + name
string SUBSTR "*.": name+extension
SUBSTR(string ; beginchar [; eindchar])
string SUBFIELD index: returns substring from semi-
colom delimited field ("Name;address;city" SUBFIELD 2
SUBFIELD returns 'address'), or SUBFIELD (string ; index ;
delimiterstring) where delimiterstring can be 1 (=exact
match) on more characters (=token parser)
LEN string: gives the number of the characters in the
LEN string
Example="Ardis 7.35" : LEN Example results 10
string LEFT index: takes the first index characters of the
Ardis Optimizer 76
Goniometric functions SIN, COS, TAN, COT in degrees,
ARCCOT and inversed functions ARCSIN, ARCCOS, ARCTAN,
STR number: converts number to string
number STR dec: formats number with 'dec' decimals
number STR -1: formats number to string, if zero then
empty string
number STR "C-formatting style"
string STR "#number": left (or right if number < 0) aligns
string upto 'number' characters
string STR "#0number": right aligns integer with leading
"Text" STR "A" results upper case "TEXT"
"Text" STR "a" results lower case "text"
DATE: returns current date
DATE datefield: formats dates using document settings
datefield DATE "format": formats date using C-format
string (e.g. "%d/%m/%y")
TIME: returns current time
TIME timefield: formats times using document settings
timefield TIME "format": formats time using C-format
string (e.g. %H:%M:%S)
SUM "expr": expr is evaluated for all records (in a group)
and the results are totalized (SUM "PartProd" result the
total parts production)
SUM "expr" SUM "delimiter": totalizes all subvalues of the
delimited expression (e.g. "1;2;3" SUM ";" results 6)
SUM: returns number of records in table
string1 VAR string2: results "string1=EVAL(string2)"
(e.g. "L" VAR "500*2" results "L=1000")
ASKPATH ("default path name or wild card" ; "dialog
ASKPATH title" [;"delimiter"]): asks the user to select one file or
more files when delimiter is specified (e.g. ";")
DIR "dirwildcard.ext" or DIR ("path" ; "wildcard" ; "ext"
DIR [; "delimiter"] ) returns all files matching the wild card in
a delimited string
INPUT ("Title" [; "Default Value" ] ): asks the user to
enter some data
EVAL "expr": evaluates the expression and gives the
EVAL result (EVAL PartCalc evaluates the parts calculation
EXIST EXIST string: results 1 if string is representing the path
Ardis Optimizer 79
Macro Befehle
WAIT (Sekunden [; "Bedingung" [ ; "Nachricht"] ] ):
WAIT Ardis Optimizer wartet "Sekunden", bis "Bedingung"
wahr wird oder Esc gedrückt wird.
[;ReportName [;Resultformula ] ]): prints parts/size
label (PartNo>0=PartNumber, PartNo=-1:Size label,
PartNo=-2=Rest label)
Wizard WIZARD: startet den Optimierungs Assistenten
Axis(id;value;status) where id:1=parallel axis, 2=saw
Axis blade height, 3=saw blade angle, 4=angle axis. Used
for external communication with sliding table saws
REPORT ("report name" ; "filter" ; "multiplier" ;
"printer name" ; "DocTitle" ): printing defined report
EXPORT ("report name";"filter";"export file"):
exporting a report to a text file
RESULT ("Summary";"Layouts";"Parts";"Sheets";"Edges"): print
defined results grids
RUN ("application path";"arguments"): run external
CALL ("application path";"arguments"): run external
application and wait until application has been ended.
RUNLINK ("machine link name" ; "COINIPath" ;
"/EDIT=1" ; "/MACH=machine name"): transform
current results to machine format, optionally using
specified non-default CO.INI parameters set
RUNLINK "*": executes all post-processors to be used
for the project's patterns (same as Shift+F6)
Open "file path.R41": opens project (result) file as
current project
Open "file path.STK"
Open "file path.STD"
Open "file path.MCH": Adds new or existing parts
(*.STK), sheets (*.STD) or machine parameter
OPEN (*.MCH) file to the current project
Open "file path.RPT":
adds report definition
Open ("file"; "template.STK"): imports a file
with a foreign file format using a template
OPEN ("file name" ; "STK" ; ADODB ; ADOQuery)
OPEN ( "" ; "R41") or OPEN ( "" ; "default.r41") starts
Ardis Optimizer 83
val ("" ; "") returns the current date/time in a number of seconds. If you add the number of
seconds of one day to this, then you get tomorrow's same time.
With the DATE function you can format the value into a date format:
date (val ("" ; "") + 60 * 60 * 24)
Speichern Komprimiert
Speichern aller Projektdateien in einer komprimierten *.cop Datei
Diese Funtion ist nur verfügbar, wenn ihr E-mail Programm MAPI unterstützt.
Die Datei %windir%\system32\mapi32.dll muss existieren
%windir%\win.ini enthält MAPI=1 in der [MAIL] Sektion
Alternativ können Sie Ihre Projekte komprimiert
( ) abspeichern und diese Datei
manuel an eine E-mail anhängen.
Werkzeugleiste und Statusleiste
Es steht Ihnen frei diese beiden Optionen zu aktivieren, genauere Informationen finden Sie
unter "Wie lerne ich..."
Hier geben Sie alle für die Produktion Ihrer Teile benötigten Informationen ein.
All diese Informationen werden in einer ASCII Datei abgespeichert. Es ist somit ebenfalls
möglich ASCII Dateien, die von anderen Programmen (z.B. CAD Software oder
Datenbanken) erstellt wurden zu importieren. Die Struktur der von Ardis genutzten ASCII
Dateien finden Sie in den Anhängen.
Bildschirm Layout
In der linken Bildschirmhälfte finden Sie die Namen der von Ihnen verwendeten Dateien
(Plattenmaterial, Teile, Maschinen und Kanten).
Diese Feld enthält eine kurze Beschreibung, die für alle Teile in dieser Datei gilt und auch
auf Etiketten gedruckt werden kann.
Ardis Optimizer 90
Sie können hier beispielsweise die entsprechenden Kundennummern eingeben. Falls Sie
innerhalb der Datei keine verschiedenen Ausgangsmaterialien verwenden, können Sie auch
die verwendeten Platten in diesem Feld vermerken.
In diesem Feld können Sie angeben wie oft Sie die in der Datei vorhandenen Teile benötigen
(die jeweiligen Mengen der einzelnen Teile werden natürlich trotzdem berücksichtigt). Diese
Funktion ist nützlich, wenn Sie ein Produkt viele male herstellen müssen.
Das aus 6 Ziffern bestehende Datum in diesem Feld ist rein informativer Natur es sei denn
Sie nutzen eine Datums abhängige Kostenoptimierung. In diesem Fall wird das Datum als
Frist für alle Teile aus der Liste übernommen und hat somit Einfluss auf Ihre Optimierungen.
Indem Sie mit der rechten Maustaste in das obere Feld einer Teiledatei klicken, können Sie
eine Bilddatei auswählen.
Listen Sie hier das Material auf, aus dem Ihre Teile produziert werden sollen. Wir empfehlen
Ihnen dazu Abkürzungen zu benutzen, die die Sorte, Farbe, Dicke usw. des Materials
Wenn Sie verschiedene Materialien in einer Teiledatei benutzen müssen, füllen Sie dieses
Feld aus damit der Cutting Optimizer die Teile während des Optimierungsvorgangs
automatisch nach Material sortieren kann.
Wenn Sie in das Feld Material klicken, sehen Sie eine Liste aus der Sie ein Material
auswählen können. Alternativ können Sie auch ein neues Material durch tippen hinzufügen.
Ardis Optimizer 91
Wenn Sie nur ein Material verwenden, können Sie das Feld auch leer lassen.
In diesem Feld können Sie die Richtung der gewünschten Maserung eines Teiles bestimmen.
Wenn Sie die Maserung Ihrer Platten angegeben haben, kann das Programm aus diesen
beiden Informationen schließen, wie das entsprechende Teil angeordnet werden muss.
Folgende Modi stehen zur Auswahl:
Wenn Sie L* oder B* auswählen, wird die Richtung unabhängig von der Maserung der
Platten bestimmt.
L oder L* bedeutet, dass die Maserung der Länge nach verläuft.
B oder B* bedeutet, dass die Maserung der Breite nach verläuft.
G bedeutet, dass die Maserungsrichtung unbedeutend ist, jedoch für alle Teile mit dieser
Option identisch sein muss.
Wenn Sie das Feld leer lassen, wird das Programm die Maserung bei der Optimierung nicht
Wenn es um komplexere Maserungsfiguren (über verschiedene Teile hinaus) geht bezeichnet
B(*) die Richtung innerhalb der Figur und nicht der Platte.
Es ist möglich die Richtung für nur einige Teile in der Datei zu bestimmen.
Die Länge eines Teils muss nicht zwangsläufig länger als die Breite sein. Manchmal wird die
horizontale Länge als Länge bezeichnet.
Die Breite eines Teils muss nicht zwangsläufig kürzer als die Länge sein. Manchmal wird die
vertikale Länge als Breite bezeichnet.
Die Anzahl benötigter Exemplare eines bestimmtes Teils.
Gleich große Teile, die unabhängig voneinander eingegeben werden, werden von dem
Cutting Optimizer auch getrennt voneinander behandelt.
Bei Zylinder Optimierungen kann dieses Feld verschiedenen Bedeutungen haben. Wenn Sie
Zylinder zu Zylindern schneiden, repräsentiert die Menge nur die Anzahl Längen. Wenn Sie
Ardis Optimizer 92
Teile aus Zylindern schneiden, wird die Menge mit der Länger der Breite des Teils
multipliziert um die erforderliche Menge zu erhalten.
In diesem Feld können Sie die Referenz-Nummer, den namen oder eine kurze Beschreibung
des betreffenden Teils eingeben. Diese Referenz kann sowohl auf Ihre Schnittpläne, als auch
auf eventuelle Etiketten gedruckt werden. Dieses Feld enthält manchmal Informationen, die
zur weiteren Verarbeitung des Teils notwendig sind (z.B. die Position im zu produzierenden
Dieses Feld kann zusätzliche Bemerkungen zu den teilen enthalten. Es wird unter Anderem
dann benutzt, wenn das Feld Bezeichnung nicht ausreicht. Der Inhalt dieses Feldes kann
ebenfalls problemlos auf Schnittpläne sowie Etiketten gedruckt werden.
In diesem Feld können Sie Instruktionen und Formeln eingeben. Wählen Sie dazu den Punkt
"Formel" im Kontextmenü aus. Es ist möglich aus Parametern wie Länge, Breite und Menge
andere wie z.B. die Anzahl benötigter Bohrlöcher zu errechnen.
Dieses Feld ist das äquivalent des Bild Fensters einer Teiledatei, allerdings bezieht es sich
dieses mal auf ein einzelnes Teil.
gelassen werden. Der Cutting Optimizer wird die tatsächliche Produktion zwischen diesen
beiden Werten ansetzen.
Das Programm wird niemals mehr Teile einplanen, als Sie in dem Feld Max A angegeben
haben. Bei Teilen mit der Priorität 0 wird Min A niemals unterschritten. Es werden nur dann
mehr Teile als das angegebene Minimum hergestellt, wenn sich die Effizienz Ihrer
Schnittpläne dadurch verbessert. Beispiel: einige Schnittpläne werden durch diese Maßnahme
öfter produziert und daher müssen weniger verschiedene Schnittpläne berücksichtigt werden,
was Ihnen Zeit, die Sie zur Einstellung Ihrer Maschinen brauchen würden, einspart.
Wenn Sie mit umfangreicheren Teile-Listen arbeiten, stellt dieses Modul eine effektive
Möglichkeit dar, die Anzahl der von Ihnen verwendeten Schnittpläne zu reduzieren.
Das Feld Min A wird nur relativ selten benutzt, da das Feld Menge oft als Minimum
angesehen wird.
1.2 Priorität
Dieses Modul erlaubt es Ihnen, für jedes einzelne Teil zwischen 4 verschiedenen
Prioritätsstufen auszuwählen. Teile mit hoher Priorität werden auf jeden Fall produziert.
Teile mit niedriger Priorität hingegen nur, wenn sich ihre Schnittpläne dadurch verbessern.
In diesem Feld können Sie die Priorität eines Teils festlegen.
Eine gewisse Anzahl dieser Teile (Min A) muss unbedingt produziert
0 werden. Wenn Sie das Feld P leer lassen, wird der Cutting Optimizer
diese Teile wie Teile mit der Priorität 0 behandeln.
Diese Teile können zusammen mit Priorität 0 Teilen hergestellt werden,
ihre Produktion ist aber nicht unabdingbar. Falls das
Optimierungsergebnis davon profitiert, können auch zusätzliche Platten
verwendet werden, um mehr Priorität 1 Teile unter zu bringen.
Diese Teile sind Lückenfüller, sie werden nur dann produziert, wenn sonst
keine anderen mit höherer Priorität in eine Lücke passen.
Diese Teile werden ähnlich wie solche mit einer Priorität 2 behandelt. Sie
werden dann eingesetzt, wenn keine anderen Teile passen.
Sie sollten vorsichtig sein, wenn Sie ihren teilen eine Priorität zuordnen. Wenn Sie ein von
einem Teil eine minimale Menge benötigen, sollten Sie nur 0 auswählen, da diese Menge
sonst unterschritten werden könnte.
Diese Information ist nur in einer Cutting Optimizer Version mit Kostenoptimierung
vorhanden. Die Teile mit dem engsten Zeitrahmen werden als erste in Ihre Schnittpläne
integriert. Dies ist nützlich, falls Sie Teile, die aus den gleichen Platten geschnitten werden,
an verschiedenen Daten ausliefern müssen. Es wird empfohlen eine für die gesamte
Bestellung gleiche ID in das Bezeichnungsfeld einzugeben und diese im Ddate Feld mit
einem Datum zu verknüpfen.
Sie sollten auf in der grafischen Darstellung eines Teils eine der 4 Seiten anklicken um dann
in dem sich öffnenden Dialog einen zusätzlichen Schnitt auswählen zu können.
Für einen 45° Winkel geben Sie 45 in das entsprechende Feld ein und erhöhen Sie die min.
Länge sowie Breite vorsichtshalber um 6mm.
Diese Option ist interessant, wenn es sich bei den in den Cutting Optimizer eingegebenen
Größen nur um einen ersten groben Schnitt handelt und das Material danach noch weiteren
Arbeitsschritten wie z.B. einer Bekanntung unterzogen wird.
Der Inhalt dieser Felder hat Priorität vor den absoluten Größen, die Sie gegebenenfalls in die
normalen Länge und Breite Felder eingeben können. Die absolute Größe wird nur verwendet
wenn die min. und max. Felder leer bleiben, ansonsten sind diese Werte rein Informativ,
beeinflussen aber nicht das Optimierungsergebnis.
In diese Felder können Sie entweder einen absoluten Wert, oder eine Formel eingeben. Falls
sie mit einem dieser Zeichen beginnen (/, *, - oder +), wird das Programm die gewünschte
Operation auf die normale Größe anwenden. Falls Sie das Resultat direkt sehen möchten,
beginnen Sie Ihre Formel mit einem "=" Zeichen und halten Sie sich dann an die üblichen
Regeln des Formel Generators.
Normalerweise startet ein Schnittplan immer mit einem Teil, welches die volle Breite
ausfüllt. Manchmal ist es dazu nötig, die Breite dieses Teils zu erhöhen.
Ardis Optimizer 96
Um einen Schnittplan wie diesen zu erhalten, wo die Breite jedes Teils auf 650mm erhöht
wird um die Breite der Platte auszufüllen, sollten Sie SFLEX=1 in der Maschinen
Bemerkung eingeben.
Falls Sie diese Möglichkeit nicht nutzen, muss mindestens für ein Teil PartLMin=650 sein.
Das Resultat der Formeln definiert die Gruppierung der Schnittpläne. Die zeitnahe
Fertigstellung wird ausschließlich innerhalb einer solchen Gruppe ausgeführt. Meistens ist
hierzu der Materialtyp (SheetMat) ausschlaggebend.
Parts calculation
Sie können
We will use the parts calculation as a parametric parts list by "adding" a parts template to the
optimization. Since the user "inserts" a parts template, the results will be saved - not the
When you use the parts calculation, the templates will be saved in a seperate folder. By
default this is the "C:\ARDIS\Data\Templates" folder. You can change this by selecting a
different folder in "Parts calculation files" in the tabpane "Preferences" in the menu option
"Tools - Options":
Starting a calculation
Um ein neues Projekt zu starten, klicken Sie auf Datei-Neu oder .
The parts file of the new project we create will be transferred to a parts calculation, once we
save it as a template.
To make everything clear we have included a parts calculation for a dresser. You will find
this example on your disks/CD.
We use the same parameters we used for the other parts files. The value of these fields can
also be defined by using formulas.
In dieser Tabelle können Sie alle Parameter, die Ihre Kommode ausmachen eingeben. Für
jedes dieser Parameter geben Sie folgende Daten ein:
We enter a short identification of the parameter e.g. "Wi". This is the code we will use in our
parts file. Make sure that you do not use a "reserved variable" for your Name (the right mouse
button menu - Properties - ID).
We specify a short description of the parameter.
We specify the variable type of our parameter. By pressing the spacebar or typing the first
letter, the different possibilities appear:
eine Zeichenkette
z.B. Wörter, abc$#125ax/§65,...
2 Möglichkeiten: Ja oder nein
Der Wert lässt sich durch Drücken der Leertaste ändenr
Eine ganze Zahl
zwischen -65536 und +65535
Eine ganze Zahl
zwischen -2147483648 und +2148483648
eine rationale Zahl
z.B. 1/8, 5/16 oder 3/4
eine Dezimalzahl
Decimal number
zwischen -1,797 x 10308 und +1,797 x 10308
Currency Currency
Date Datum
Time Uhrzeit
Ardis Optimizer 101
Here we can define a limited list of choices...
If you want to give some more explanation about a parameter, you can use this field.
For our dresser we will define now all of the possible variables. The questions will be like
Parts file
In our parts list - which we will make parametric - we can fill in all of the fields we use in
another parts file. Only in the case of parts calculation, we fill in formulas instead of usual
data. We use the expression builder to make our formulas (right mouse button - Formula).
It is very important to work out a good structure for building formulas. We always use the
code identified under "name".
Material: =MatC
Length: =Dpt
Width: =Wi
Quantity: =2*Qua
L: =Ecc
L: =Ecc
W: =Ecc
W: =Ecc
Remark: =Refer
* Seite
Material: =Matc
Länge: =Dpt
Menge: =2*Qua
Bezeichnung: Side
L: =Ecc
L: =Ecc
Bemerkung: =Refer
Ardis Optimizer 103
* Reverse
Material: =Matc
Quantity: =1*Qua
Reference: Reverse
Remark: =Refer
Material: =Matc
Width: 100
Remark: =Refer
* Plinth side
Material: =Matc
Length: =Dpt-(2*10)
Width: 100
W: =Ecc
W: =Ecc
Remark: =Refer
Ardis Optimizer 104
* Drawer front
Material: =Matf
Quantity: =Nd*Qua
L: =Ecf
L: =Ecf
W: =Ecf
W: =Ecf
Remark: =Refer
* Drawer reverse
Material: =MatC
Quantity: =Nd*Qua
L: =Ecc
L: =Ecc
W: =Ecc
W: =Ecc
Remark: =Refer
* Drawer bottom
Ardis Optimizer 105
Material: =Matc
Quantity: =Nd*Qua
L: =Ecc
L: =Ecc
Remark: =Refer
* Drawer side
Material: =Matc
Quantity: =Nd*2*Qua
L: =Ecc
Remark: =Refer
Now that we have defined all of the possible parts by using formulas, this is our parts list:
Ardis Optimizer 106
Changing one small value creates a brand new parts list, which is the biggest advantage of
this application.
In our example, we want 5 dressers with: height = 90cm, width = 50cm, depth = 85cm and 4
drawers. We change the value of height to 900, width to 500, Depth to 850, the number of
drawers to 4 and the number of dressers to 5.
This is identical to that of the other parts files.
When you choose "Save as template", the program goes to the "Templates" folder and you
can enter a name.
When we "add" a parts template it means that every new parts calculation will be saved as a
new parts file in that project. The biggest advantage of working this way is that you can work
"interactively". This means that, from the moment you change a single value in the questions,
the parts list will change too (like a spreadsheet). An extra advantage is that every closet of
that project forms a group, which leads to orderly reports. The biggest disadvantage of adding
a parts template is that you will have a lot of parts files and you will have to save each project
in a different folder.
Inserting a parts template can be compared to a macro system. Inserting means that we insert
parts into only one file, one parts list. Each project has one parts file. The biggest advantage
of this way of working is that we can always use the .../data folder, because every project had
only one parts file. Even working with approximate parameters of the project is a lot easier
e.g. working with the color of a kitchen.
The biggest disadvantage is that the questions are not interactive. Changing a value in the
question list does not change any part in the parts list. Another disadvantage is that you will
have a long parts list.
We choose "Add parts template Alt+F9" to open the file. The program searches in the
"Templates" folder:
Ardis Optimizer 108
You can double-click on "dresser.stk" or you can click once and then click on "Open".
The program asks for the name of this new parts file. We give another name than the
calculation file e.g. "dresser1". Press "Save".
Ardis Optimizer 109
The whole list of questions will be shown and now you can change the values like you want.
When every value is complete, click “OK”.
Be aware that the “Templates” folder only contains the real calculation files!!
You reply to the questions and click "OK". The parts list will contain all of the parts for that
closet. For each closet you want to enclose, you operate in the same way. Beneath "Parts F9"
you will only have one parts file containing as many closets as you wish.
Ardis Optimizer 110
1.12 Edgebanding
Allows edgebanding to be defined with every part. This feature eliminates the need to
distinguish between „Cut Size‟ and „Finished Size‟. The cut size of the part will be calculated
by deducting the „cutting correction‟ which is normally the thickness of the edgebanding
materials. Every edge can have a different (or no) edgebanding. Overall, the number of
different edgebanding materials that can be used is to be entered by the user.
Edge lists
This input screen is used to enter edges for parts files and standard lists of edges for use in
different parts files.
L, L, W & W
Edgebanding code: one figure or character. Each part can have an edgeband on each of its 4
sides (2 long and 2 short sides). You can put in - per side - the code of the cover material you
want to use for the edges. If you click in the field, you see a box with all of the available edge
codes. If the code you wish to use does not exist, then you just enter the new code and the
edgeband material will be created. Do not forget to put in the remaining data in the edge file.
The 2 columns (LL) stand for the 2 long sides and the 2 columns (WW) stand for the short
This short code, preferable 1 character, determines the identity of the edge. It must be unique
for a complete parts file.
Ardis Optimizer 111
In this entry field you can enter any description at will. This description can also be reported
and used with edge figures.
Corr. stands for cutting measure correction. This is the net distance a part that has to be sawn
becomes smaller due to attached edges on a side of the part. Edges attached to a long side of
part reduce the sawing width of a part. An edge attached to the short side of the part reduces
the length of a part. If sticking a border reduces the measure of a part, this value has to be
This is the value (cost price, budget price) that is allocated to the use of the edge. This value
can be a fixed amount each time an edge is used, but it can be variable.
The calculation of the final cost of use of edges in an optimization depends on the
calculations in the report definitions.
This is the quantity of edges one needs to supplement for each side on which we use an edge.
E.g. the length of a part which needs an edge is 350mm. The total edge will be 370mm
because on each end there will be a supplementary edge of 10mm. In that case we have to fill
in 20mm.
Equal edging
Each rip cut or cross cut strip contains parts with the same edging on the top and bottom side.
This works only for the 2nd levels parts, not for re-cut parts.
Ardis Optimizer 112
Some postprocessors can not transfer automatically some complex figures. For these cases
we recommend to buy the option Splitfig to divide these complex figures (not included).
A figure is a group of related parts, which have to be cut in a fixed position in relation to each
other. This is required in order to keep perfect grain matching throughout the parts. It can be
used for kitchen cabinets, when a continuous grain must remain over several parts.
If you want that these 3 parts always stay together in the cutting patterns, you must use a
figure definition in Cutting Optimizer.
In the ARDIS parts file, you need to select these 2 lines by clicking the line marker (the gray
bar at the beginning of each row). If you press the Ctrl key while you click the line markers,
you can select multiple rows.
After you have selected all of the rows for the figure, click the right mouse button somewhere
in the blue (selected) area and choose, "Define grain matching figure" from the menu (shown
Ardis Optimizer 113
The following fields in the parts file are automatically updated: FigID and PartID:
Press Shift+F2 on the PartFigID or PartFigDef field to get the selection window again.
Ardis Optimizer 114
This is the identification ID of the parent figure (old method: FIGREF=).
By selecting the 2 rows, we define which parts should be included in the grain matching
figure. By default, all parts in the figure are assigned a FigID that is equal to the row number
of the last selected row.
Teile Identifikation für das Figurbild
(old method: @)
In diesem Fall:
Ardis Optimizer 115
Sie bestimmen die Form der Figur indem Sie die verwendeten Teile durch die Symbole "/"
sowie "," verbinden.
"," bedeutet, dass die beiden Teile horizontal nebeneinander angeordnet werden.
"/" bedeutet, dass die beiden Teile vertikal übereinander angeordnet werden.
a,b meint
a b
a/b meint
"," hat eine höhere Priorität als "/":
a,b/c ist äquivalent zu (a,b)/c
a b
a,(b/c) hingegen meint
Max. Ebenen
Es ist nur dann möglich zusammenhängende Figuren aus einer Maserung zu erstellen, wenn
Ihre Maschine 3 oder mehr Ebenen unterstützt.
Figur Parameter
There are 7 semi-colon delimited figure parameters. Trailing parameters can be omitted.
Empty parameters are valid and skipped.
You should enter these parameters into the 'Figure parameters' value field in the Parts File
Header section of the parts file or into the 'Figure parameters' value field in each dependent
parts record.
e.g. 4;;;;;| = SawBlade of 4 mm, no trims and first strip direction must match 2nd level
cutting direction.
Saw blade thickness or saw kerf
Ardis Optimizer 116
Trims within the figure, usually used in combination with the '&' modifier and SplitFig
module. If your figure does not need any additional trim, then you can enter 0 for the trim
parameters or you can leave these parameters blank.
Cutting modifier
If you don't specify a figure's cutting modifier then the optimization will give the best results.
But some of the patterns will not be cuttable on the saw, because of the possible break in the
strips cutting levels.
Therefore you can use the LAYFIG postprocessor to handle 'unaccepted' patterns before
sending them to the saw.
|=the figure first cutting direction will be used only in the pattern 2nd level cutting direction.
This is needed in combination with all machine controllers that do not accept 4 cutting levels.
& = Do not include the parts in the cutting pattern, only the bounding figure rectangle. For
example: a/b with the '&' modifier means part a and b are not included in the cutting pattern,
only the rectangle of a/b (=parent figure part). By default, the parts are integrated in the
figures and cut with the rest of the pattern. However, some machines will not accept figure
patterns in the main cutting pattern. In this case, the figures have to be cut separately.
Therefore, you must use the '&' cutting modifier in your figure parameters. The SplitFig
ARDIS module can be used to separate the figure layouts from the regular optimization.
SplitFig will make a new ARDIS result file (.R41 file) with layouts for the figures.
Example 1:
Saw kerf = 4 mm
Additional trim for each side of the figure = 10 mm
Cutting Modifier = |
Longitudinal grain
Figure parameters = 4;10;10;10;10;|;0
Example 2:
Saw kerf = 0.1875 or 3/16"
Additional trim for each side of the figure = 0.25 or 1/4"
Cutting Modifier = &
Transverse grain
Figure parameters = 0.1875;0.25;0.25;0.25;0.25;&;1
Example 3:
Saw kerf = 0.1875 or 3/16"
No additional trim cuts necessary for the figure
Ardis Optimizer 117
Cutting Modifier = |
Longitudinal grain
Figure parameters = 0.1875;;;;;|;0
By selecting Tools - Link to SplitFig, it is possible to extract all figures from the main job
(*.R41) into another job. The new job will consist of the figures as separate patterns.
Full pathname of the folder where the new .R41 file with the figure should be saved. If blank,
the same folder of the main .R41 file is used.
Suffix for the base name of the new result file
Name of the existing machine file to be used to cut the figures
This is the number of parts that have been produced in earlier optimizations. Every time you
run the "update part quantities" feature, the quantity changes/updates. If you have the module
for extended parts, you will be able to look in which optimization these parts are taken (field
ext11 and the next fields).
In this case there is a new field in both files, parts (STK) and sheets (STD).
The part's field Supplier (PartStdGroup) allows you to enter a link to the field SheetLOT in
the materials. If you write the same code (string) in both, then these parts must come from
that material. If you have a string at the side of the material and a number ID (“#nnn”) at the
side of the part, then all parts with the same ID must come from any but all the same sheet
Materialdatei zu diesem Teil oder #Nummer die zusammengehörende Teile des Lieferanten
gruppiert (=ehemals STDGR)
Identification of the sheets group for tracing
works together with the PartSupplier field in the parts list
Furniture hardware
You can add articles to a parts list, which do not have to be optimized. You add articles to the
parts list and the basic material list in order to count the number of pieces that will be
necessary for production e.g. handles, hinges,…
Ardis Optimizer 119
Input parts
This is where we enter the usual data like material, length, width, quantity, reference and
If you use materials (e.g. hinges) which are specified in "pieces", you have to enter "1" in the
length & width fields.
If you use materials (e.g. handles) which are specified in "meters", you have to enter the real
length in the length field and "1" in the width field.
If you are using materials that are specified in "square meters", you enter the real length and
width into the length and width fields.
Please enter data for the length and width fields and show the "ProdU", "OptType" and
"Price" fields.
There is a report called "hardware" in which the calculated articles will be printed.
You specify the units for the product: a piece per meter or per square meter. You have access
to all of the possibilities by pressing the spacebar or by typing the first letter.
Ardis Optimizer 120
For the normal materials the program uses "optimize". When we fill in furniture hardware we
have to make sure this field contains the option "Calculate". There is a third option "ignore"
which will be used if we do not want to report this material. All of the possibilities are shown
when you press the spacebar.
1.21 Ebenen
Es wird eine hierarchische Struktur angelegt, die dafür sorgt, dass bestimmte Teile nur dann
hergestellt werden können, wenn alle Teile einer höheren Ebene bereits fertig gestellt
Ausgangsmaterialien können Platten, Rollen, Zylinder oder wiederverwertbare Reste sein.
Was die Zylinder angeht, so werden aus größeren Mutter Zylindern kleinere geschnitten.
Der Menü Punkt Platten öffnet den Programmteil, der es Ihnen erlaubt Ihr Ausgangsmaterial
zu beschreiben, aus dem Ihre Teile geschnitten werden.
Falls es sich bei Ihrem Ausgangsmaterial um eindimensionale Waren (bzw. Waren, die
eindimensional zugeschnitten werden) handelt, müssen mindestens die Felder Länge sowie
Menge ausgefüllt werden, da beide Werte zusammengehörend ausgewertet werden. Bei
Zylindern müssen mindestens die Felder Menge, Länge und Breite ausgefüllt werden. Alle
anderen Felder sind optional.
In der linken Bildschirmhälfte finden Sie den Namen der Plattendatei, die Sie für Ihre
Optimierung verwenden wollen.
Allgemeine Info
Dieses Feld kann eine allgemeine Beschreibung aller in dieser Datei vorhandenen Platten
enthalten, die auch auf Etiketten und Schnittpläne gedruckt werden kann.
Bei einfacheren Installationen, die keinen Material Mix erlauben, können Sie in diesem Feld
den Material Typ angeben.
Sie können in dieses Feld beispielsweise den Lieferanten des Materials oder die Position in
Ihrem Lager angeben.
Sie müssen immer angeben mit welcher Maschine die in der Datei aufgeführten Platten
geschnitten werden sollen. Gehen Sie sicher, dass in der Liste der Platten keine andere
Maschine als die in der oberen Bildschirmhälfte angegebene Maschinendatei aufgeführt wird.
Das in einer Plattendatei gespeicherte Datum, welches in der oberen Bildschirmhälfte
angezeigt wird ist rein informativ, es beeinflusst die Optimierung nicht. Im Normalfall wird
das Datum beim Erstellen der Datei angegeben.
Dieses Feld enthält die Stärke einer Platte in mm gemessen, Sie sollten diese möglichst genau
In Ihrer Maschinen Datei können Sie die maximal mögliche Stapelhöhe Ihrer Säge angeben.
Wenn die Plattenstärke ebenfalls bekannt ist kann also die maximale Anzahl gleichzeitig zu
sägender Platten errechnet werden. Diese Information ist sehr wichtig wenn der Cutting
Optimizer die Produktionszeit sowie Kosten berechen bzw. optimieren soll.
Falls Ihre Säge Abstellplätze für gesägte Teile besitzt, wird die Plattenstärke zur Berechnung
der Anzahl der dort unterbringbaren Teile benötigt.
Dieses Feld identifiziert die Maserungs- bzw. Prägungsrichtung der Platte. Manchmal ist es
nötig, dass ein Teil eine bestimmte Maserunsgrichtung aufweist. Beim berechnen der
Schnittpläne wird das Programm die Maserung der Platten sowie die benötigte Richtung auf
den Teilen berücksichtigen. Es stehen drei Möglichkeiten zur Auswahl zwischen denen Sie
durch Drücken der Leertaste wechseln können.
L: meint, dass die Maserung der Länge nach verläuft
B: meint, dass die Maserung der Breite nach verläuft
Ardis Optimizer 123
(leeres Feld): Wenn Sie nichts eingeben, geht das System davon aus, dass die Teile auf dieser
Platte in beliebiger Ausrichtung (auch gemischt) angeordnet werden können.
Diese Feld enthält die Länge einer Platte, die nicht zwangsläufig größer als die Breite sein
muss. Es ist aber trotzdem praktisch die größere Zahl als Länge zu nehmen, da diese auf den
Schnittplänen horizontal ausgerichtet wird. Ein weiterer Grund ergibt sich aus der Tatsache,
dass Sie den Cutting Optimizer fragen können, den ersten Schnitt immer horizontal
In diesem Feld wir die Breite der Platte angegeben, die übrigens normalerweise nicht
unbedingt kleiner als die Länge sein muss.
In diesem Feld geben Sie an, wie viele dieser Platten zur Verfügung stehen. Das Programm
wird die Planung Ihrer Schnittpläne auf diese Zahl aufbauen und niemals mehr als die
vorhandenen Platten einer Sorte einplanen. Falls Sie weniger Platten als zur Unterbringung
aller Teile notwendig sind besitzen, wird das Programm eine entsprechende Nachricht
Bei Zylinder-Optimierungen wird diese Information ein wenig anders ausgewertet. Die in
diesem Feld eingegebene Zahl gibt an, wie viele Zylinder der gleichen Länge dich im Lager
befinden. Das Produkt aus der Länge und der Anzahl ergibt dann die gesamte Länge dieser
Diese Information kann auf die Etiketten der Platten sowie der Schnittpläne gedruckt werden.
Wenn Sie möchten, können Sie hier beispielsweise den Namen des Zuständigen oder die
Position in Ihrem Lager eingeben.
Für jede Seite gibt es eine normale und minimale Saumbreite. Letztere erlaubt es dem
Programm, Ihre Platten besser auszunutzen.
Diese Option ist besonders für eindimensional zu schneidende Materialien wie Bretter oder
Profile interessant, da diese meist an den Enden eine schlechtere Qualität aufweisen. Die
minimale Saumbreite erlaubt es dem Cutting Optimizer, diese schlechteren Bereiche zu
nutzen, wenn dadurch die Effizienz der Optimierung erhöht wird.
Sie haben die Wahl zwischen folgenden Möglichkeiten:
(leeres Feld)
Länge (L)
Breite (B)
Sie können entweder die entsprechenden Buchstaben eintippen oder mit der Leertaste
zwischen den Optionen scrollen.
Wenn nur ein kleiner Teil der Platte benötigt wird, hat der Cutting Optimizer verschiedene
Möglichkeiten die Schnittpläne auszufüllen, solange dabei nicht mehr Abfall produziert wird.
Dieses Feld kann diese Wahl beeinflussen.
L: das Programm wird die Reste nach Möglichkeit in die Längsrichtung der Platte ausrichten
(entweder die volle Länge ausnutzend oder soweit es geht).
B: das Programm wird die Reste nach Möglichkeit parallel zur Breite der Platte ausrichten
(entweder die volle Breite ausnutzend oder soweit es geht).
Wenn Sie dieses Feld leer lassen, wird der Cutting Optimizer diese Entscheidung selbst
treffen. Falls mehrere akzeptable Möglichkeiten bestehen, wird das Programm die Richtung
auswählen, die ein größtmöglichstes Reststück beinhaltet.
In dieses Feld sollten sie den Wert/egative, this means that the scrap represents an additional
cost element. This additional cost has to be considered in the optimization process. These
additional costs mayFläche von nicht wiederverwertbarem Abfall eingeben. Diese
Information ist besonders für Kosten Optimierungen interessant. Ist ist auch möglich eine
negative Zahl einzugeben, falls zusätzliche Entsorgungskosten entstehen. Positive Zahlen
bedeuten, dass auch der Abfall noch einen gewissen Wert hat.
Kosten von wiederverwendbaren Resten oder Abfall sind nur von Bedeutung, wenn nach
Kostenkriterien (Materialkosten oder Arbeitskosten) optimiert wird. Das Programm wird
entscheiden, ob es Reste wiederverwertet indem es vergleicht, ob dadurch mehr oder weniger
Schnitte entstehen.
Es ist unerlässlich, den Preis pro Flächeneinheit (m² oder square foot) einer Platte anzugeben
wenn es um Kostenoptimierung geht
Ardis Optimizer 125
Enter a detailed description in this field. There is a limit of 50 characters for material names.
You may use abbreviations to describe material type, color, thickness, etc.
If you click in the material cell, a list of the available materials you can choose will appear. If
the required material is not in the list, then you can add it by simply typing the new material
This field may be left blank, especially if you only use one basic material. In this case,
descriptions about the basic material used should be entered into the material reference field.
It is recommended to enter data in the material field, if your version of Cutting Optimizer
provides the facility to mix several materials in one optimization run (if you have material
mix). This field will have to be used, if you reference several basic materials in one required
parts file or if you mix several types of basic materials in one basic material file. Cutting
Optimizer will automatically group the required parts per basic material and optimize them
Even when material mix is allowed, entering only one material type per basic material file
will allow you to select and plan orders related to one single basic material.
NOTE: Be aware of the fact that the program makes a difference between capital and small
letters (material names are case sensitive). We prefer that you use the first 2 characters of this
field for the thickness of the material e.g. 16 mel white (melamine white 16mm).
The P field is where you specify a priority level for every basic material. The materials will
be used in sequence, according to the code value you enter here. Priority code zero materials
will be used first, then those with codes one until seven. A basic material with a higher
priority code will only be put into production, if the inventory of the lower code is completely
Priorities 0-9 are free priorities. This means if a part cannot be produced out of the current
priority, then the lower priority will be used.
Ardis Optimizer 126
Priorities 10-99 are absolute priorities. A lower priority will only be used when the parts
cannot be cut out of a higher priority.
The program will use the sheets with priority 0 first, unless there are parts that cannot be cut
out of these sheets. These parts will be cut out of lower priority sheets. Sheets with priority
10 to 99 will only be used when the parts cannot be cut out of a higher priority sheet.
Enhanced inventory stock management: the used number of sheets will be deducted from the
template sheets file defined in default.r41 as well.
When you click with the right mouse button on Result - Basic material sheets - Update basic
material quanties
or you run the macro command SheetQty, then the current sheet's stock is decreased by the
number of used sheets.
The hidden autonumbering field ID (SheetID) is used to identify the sheet's id.
The parameter StsLastSheetNoFile in Extra - Options controls the last used number.
Specifying a file path in a shared network folder makes it possible to generate unique auto
sheet numbers on the local network.
Enter AANTSTD=1 into the optimization's remark (View - Project setup - Optimization)
This field will list a minimum efficiency percentage. If a required part does not allow you to
achieve this efficiency rate, it will not be produced. Thus, you can control if all of the parts
will be included in the computed layouts.
This information may be particularly important if you are subcontracting cutting operations
for third parties. In this case, it is possible that you have agreed upon a price based on a given
scrap percentage plus cutting costs. With the Nominal Yield percentage, you can build in a
safety factor to check that the efficiency percentage obtained remains in the profit margin.
You can set different nominal yields for your basic material sheets.
Use this field to enter the weight per unit of surface, e.g. in kilograms. You may choose the
unit of measure yourself (View | Project setup - Local settings tab), but please use the same
unit in all of the data files (parts, material, machine, etc.).
When you use an automatic stacking system, this data will be used to compute the number of
produced parts that can be stacked in a stacking location of the machine.
You only need to fill in this field, if a certain basic material uses a machine different than the
one specified as default. The default machine was specified in the machine field in the Basic
Material file header section in the materials screen. The machine that is specified in the
Machine field of the material data entry section has priority over the machine field in the
header section.
When you double click in the machine field, all of the available machines will be shown. If
the machine you want to use is not in the list, you can create it by typing the name of the
It is theoretically possible to allocate one machine for every standard basic material that you
enter. It is even possible to enter the same basic material several times, each time with the
allocation of another machine. Cutting Optimizer will then choose the most suited machine,
deciding between the "fast" machine with less operating options, and the "slow" one offering
Ardis Optimizer 129
more flexibility. This facility is more important when Cutting Optimizer includes the cost
optimization feature.
Generation of offcuts
Offcuts in patterns are generated automatically when optimizing. When strips/patterns are not
completely filled there's waste. Sometimes the dimensions of the waste are big enough to re-
use the next time you optimize. These are called offcuts.
1. Dimensions
For each basic material sheet you may define the minimum dimensions for a valid offcut
Use at least one of the three parameters. If no sheet's grain direction is used, length and width
can be swapped. All non blank parameters are restrictive to generate an offcut.
2. Sheet values
For each basic material sheet you may define the sheet's values when offcuts are transformed
to sheets
When creating sheets from offcuts most of the data is just copied from the parent basic
material sheet. Although you may setup specific values or formulas (with =) for the offcut-
sheets by pressing Shift+F2 in the “Rest definition” field:
Ardis Optimizer 130
If this parameters is used in a offcut file's general reference, if new records needs to be
created for offcuts, there are made in the defined offcut file.
Offcut locations
It's possible to manage your offcuts by grouping them into locations. These are defined as
sheets records with a non-blank 'Location condition' formula (without =).
When offcuts are generated and if evaluation of the location condition returns true then the
location will hold the offcut.
Ardis Optimizer 131
If the location already contains offcuts (SheetQty > 0) only offcuts with the same properties
(dimension, material, thickness, grain direction) are allowed.
Examples for location conditions:
Formula meaning
1 accepts all offcuts
StripLength > 2000 and StripWidth > 500 accepts only large offcuts
Max. qty
Max. number of sheets possible for this location or sheet, 1 means that each off-cut has to be
put on a different location
Usually the first time you define a sheets file with as much records as you ever need different
offcut sizes. Only the location condition is necessary.
Using formulas for other fields (e.g. SheetPri with value =0) will define fix values for the
future offcuts.
Strips offcuts
Locations with a formula for the width (e.g. =500) will only accept full length strips.
Leave SheetL and SheetW blank and enter only SheetCondition with SheetW==value to
capture cross cutting offcuts (level 2) on the full strip width
This field contains the value per unit of surface for the reusable scrap. This information is
important for cost optimizations. The program will classify scrap as reusable or non reusable
based on the next three parameters: minimum length, minimum width and minimum surface.
The information you enter into this field may not allow an additional cut to be planned in a
layout, because the residual scrap has a sufficient value. Three parameters may determine the
minimum scrap to be considered as reusable. You may decide that a 10 cm dimension can be
Ardis Optimizer 132
reusable scrap, but that a 10 x 10 cm piece cannot be reusable scrap. Therefore, you may
specify a minimum surface.
This module has been replaced by function MergeFillerParts which is available with module
1.2 + 1.14
2.14 MLT(multiplier)-Function on
Stackheight (1.1 required)
Sheets for which you want them to be cut in a multiple of a stack height.
trim before: width of the first part (upper part for horizontal TFC / left part for transverse
TFC) of the TFC
trim after: width of the second part (lower part for horizontal TFC / right part for transverse
TFC) of the TFC, when omitted trim before means the total trim before+after
min.%pos: minimum position (in percentage) of the TFC relative to the total feeding distance
of the sheet's length or width
max.%pos: minimum position (in percentage) of the TFC relative to the total feeding
distance of the sheet's length or width
Ardis Optimizer 134
'trim before' + 'trim after' makes the total width of the tension free cut
A TFC is located between min.%pos and max.%pos. of the total sheet's feeding distance.
This method does NOT give any guarantee a tension free cut will be included in the pattern.
Only if there is a chance within the pattern's current strip structure, it will do so. It mostly
depends in the margin you allow with min.%pos and max.%pos.
In this example, a tension free cut of 10 mm is processed for each strip in the first cutting
direction (longitudinal or transverse), but never in both directions.
Alle maschinenspezifischen Parameter müssen im Cutting Optimizer eingestellt werden. Je
nach Installation sehen Sie bis zu 5 Bereiche, in die Sie Ihre Daten eingeben können.
Wählen Sie die Maschine aus deren Einstellungen Sie verändern möchten oder fügen Sie eine
neue Maschinendatei durch den entsprechenden Punkt im Kontextmenü hinzu.
Like in other data entry screens, you can jump from cell to cell (active cells) using either the
Tab key, the Enter key or the up and down arrows. If you want to go to the previous field,
press Shift+Tab.
You may find that different basic materials may require different machine parameters. If this
is the case, you will have to create a different machine file per set of parameters. In the basic
material file, you enter the machine file name required. E.g. if the saw kerf varies from one
basic material to the other, create machine specifications files for each process, and select the
correct one in the basic material file.
This field contains a general description of the machine, usually the name of the machine.
Ardis Optimizer 136
Saw blade
The saw blade thickness (saw kerf) corresponds to the quantity of basic material lost during
the cutting operation, due to the thickness of the used tool (cutter, saw or guillotine). The
program takes this factor into consideration to compute the layouts.
It is possible to specify a saw blade thickness for the first cut and a different saw blade
thickness for the following cuts. For long and thin panels, you can compensate for the lack of
precision when the panel is first positioned onto the cutting table by using a thicker saw
It is also possible to enter a different saw blade thickness for the length and transverse cuts, in
case e.g. different saws or cutters are used in each direction.
A remark has to be made about the length and transverse cuts. The length cuts are to be
considered as those that are made in the direction of what was defined as the length in the
basic material file. Thus, the transverse cuts will be the cuts made in the width direction.
Another application will be "gross dimensions" sawing. The required parts file will indicate
the real dimensions required, and the cutting thickness will give the tolerance to obtain the
gross dimensions. However, note that the minimum/maximum formulas will give more
precise results.
Max. levels
The number of levels means the number of times that a basic material has to be turned from
length cut to transverse cut and vice-versa to complete a part (for more explanation we refer
to the "Learning to work…" chapter).
Every turn of a plate or strip will increase the level by one. This may be illustrated as such:
the first cut direction will be level one. The sub panels obtained will have to be cut in the
other direction, thus giving level 2. If more cuts have to be performed in the other direction
again, they will be on level 3 and so on. Another way to express the number of levels is to
answer the question: how many times has a basic material or a part of it been turned from one
direction to the other to get the final required part.
The number of levels that you allow will determine the complexity of the layouts. If you limit
the number of levels, you will simplify the layouts. The simplified layouts will reduce the
cutting operation time.
This field is used for any additional machine information you want to include. You can use
the Remark field to define some extra parameters.
Ardis Optimizer 137
Position der Spannzangen getrennt durch Semikolon";"
This parameter does not influence the optimization results, except for angular saw with 2
feeders. The effect of the clamps settings depends on the post-processor. Verify the post-
processor's manual.
If you don't specify the clamps positions, either your machine controller takes care of
clamping the strips, or it is possible the stack the same strips on the top of each other to cross
cut them at once.
If you define only 1 clamp e.g. 50, then the all same strips are split as single strips, which
makes it possible to cross cut all strips separately.
Minimale benötigte Breite um ein Streifen zu Spannen
Relative Startposition zur linken Ecke jeder Spannzange
Relative Startposition zur rechten Ecke jeder Spannzange
First stripd
Cutting Optimizer will always search for the optimum cutting layout for a given basic
material. If the First stripd parameter is set to None, then some layouts may have the first
cutting direction going with the length dimension and some layouts may have the first cutting
Ardis Optimizer 138
direction going with the width dimension. Cutting Optimizer will choose the first cutting
direction that obtains the highest yield.
Often, it is not convenient for your company to load the basic material once in the length
direction, and the next one in the transverse direction. To avoid this, you may set the system
to make all first cuts to be in one direction. You can set First stripd to be either Longitudinal
(first cut with length of panel) or Transverse (first cut in the width of panel).
You can press the spacebar to see the different options available.
If you have this feature available and you have a limitation on the number of strips that can
be processed together, then the number of combinations will be increased.
Strip bridging is a transverse cut crossing several parallel strips.
This feature may be useful when the same strip is repeated several times in adjacent sections
of the layout. The last required parts placed in each strip do not have to be the same width as
the strip itself, but they are on a lower level. In this case, basic material savings may be
obtained by programming a transverse cut just to isolate these last required parts and to nest
Ardis Optimizer 140
them as a sub-layout in the total panel layout. However, this will make the final layout more
complex, because the operator will first have to cut the main parts out of the strips, before
cutting the bridged strips.
This information relates to the maximum height of panels you may feed in each cycle. Many
machines can cut several panels stacked on top of each other in one operation cycle. In order
to determine the maximum number of panels that may be cut in one operation, you have to
specify the maximum stacking height that the machine accepts. Cutting Optimizer will use
this information, combined with the basic material thickness, to compute the number of
panels that can be processed in one cycle.
This same information is important for the cost evaluation and production time computation.
The value you enter in the Bookheight field has to be in the same unit of measure as the one
that you used to give the basic material thickness in the basic material file.
A head cut is a cut that splits a panel in the opposite direction of the first cutting direction. A
head cut produces two sub-panels that will be optimized separately or even processed on
separate machines.
Applying a head cut means that the layouts produced by Cutting Optimizer will be more
complex. The sum of the efficiency (yield) of the two sub-layouts must be better than the
efficiency (yield) obtained without a head cut. Also the efficiency (yield) increase has to be at
least equal to a given factor in order to be applied.
For panel cutting, the notion of a head cut means that the first cut direction does not go the
entire length/width of the panel, but is limited to the separation of the two sections. For
lengths (bars or profiles), head cuts are not applicable.
The data related to head cuts may be entered separately for longitudinal or transverse head
Headcut allowed
This is where you enter if a head cut is allowed for each direction. Some machines allow
making head cuts in both directions. You can change this value by pressing the space bar.
For panel cutting, if a transverse cut is possible "at no cost" the head cut facility may be used
to determine the size of the cut.
If your version of Cutting Optimizer provides the cost optimization, you do not have to enter
a value into this field. Cutting Optimizer will instead use the information that you enter in the
Input - Machine characteristics - Cost information - Head cuts costs sub menu function.
You can also use this field to plan a very simple section in a lay-out. This simple section
would have a few levels embedded with a few different parts, together with a section
embedding more levels and different parts. This may be achieved by entering the desired
criteria for the simple section in the machine technical description data. If you then allocate a
machine having fewer restrictions to the head cut piece, Cutting Optimizer will plan for a
very simple layout for the main piece that will have the minimum dimensions entered here.
The "limited" head cut piece will have a more complex layout, but will tend to have a higher
If the machine allocated to the normal piece has fewer capabilities, Cutting Optimizer will
tend to use head cuts as often as possible. This may not be the desired result, so it is
important to enter data into the head cut parameters.
For cost optimization, the head cut fields are not used. In that case the system will compute
the most efficient size of the head cut.
If the head cut fields are left blank, the system will consider that you do not need the
minimum size of the normal piece.
If the normal piece is defined with parameters for a simple layout, the maximum size given
must be estimated. This size is necessary so the "simplicity" requirement does not get
eliminated, because it impossible to achieve.
To have both pieces cut on the same machine, just leave the name of the head cut machine
file blank, or enter the same filename as the one specified for the normal piece.
Ardis Optimizer 143
If a certain dimension cannot be cut because it is too long or too short, then enter this
dimension in the "Measure restrictions" section.
If the machine cannot cut a certain number of strips or if it does not allow cutting in a certain
direction, then enter these limitations in the "Number restrictions" section.
For purposes of stacking and 'after' cutting management, it might be necessary to give a
maximum number of pieces per lay-out and maximum number of pieces not finished after
cutting a lay-out.
Parts that do not have a side that comes up to the minimum cut length, will not be produced
in the short direction.
Ardis Optimizer 144
When cutting with shears (with a backtouch and a graduated ruler in front), there may be a
part that is longer than the maximum feeding distance. However, the part can be cut in front.
To tell Cutting Optimizer to cut this part in the front, you have to enter "FRONTP=1" in the
"Remark" field of the machine file.
Number Restrictions
You may enter quantities that will be used to meet the limitations of the machine. With these
parameters, you may increase or decrease the complexity of the lay-outs.
Different strips
For the different strips parameter, you need to enter a maximum limit for the number of strips
on the first level. With automatic sawing installations, this may be the maximum number of
pushers for sawing strips or it may be the counter limitation. For guillotine cutting it is the
maximum number of strips that may be produced per cutting. For coil cutting it is the
maximum number of secondary coils.
This parameter corresponds to machine parameter, "Par. strips equal" =Yes. Strips that have
to be divided equally will be considered as equal, even if their width is different.
Total strips
You can use the total strips parameter to set a maximum for the number of strips on level 1.
These strips do not have to be similar. This parameter does take the saw blade restrictions
into account.
Different parts
This parameter will limit the number of different parts (or strips) on level 2. Generally, it is
the maximum number of different parts that can be found in a first level strip.
Total parts
This parameter is for the maximum number of parts (or strips) on level 2. These parts do not
have to be similar. In Cutting Optimizer, you can specify these limitations separately for the
length (Longitudinal) and for the width (Transverse) directions. When you use these
limitations, you will probably reduce the complexity of the lay-outs. This reduction may
improve the stacking process after cutting.
Ardis Optimizer 146
STRIPDIV ("condition" ; "L"; "B" [; "condition2" ; "L" ; "B" ; ...] ): divides scrap/rest pieces
into smaller pieces on first matching condition and when the result of the L and B formula is
The costs are entered per type of activity or type of cutting. It is recommended that you enter
the total cost value, including manpower + machine + depreciation + energy and consumable
goods + etc per type of activity.
By entering costs per cutting activity, Cutting Optimizer will be able to determine if it is
necessary to plan for a new activity or not. Cutting Optimizer will balance the cost of this
new activity with the increase in material yield. For example, if the basic material is of
relative low cost, it will not be advantageous for Cutting Optimizer to make a lay-out with an
additional expensive cutting operation.
For manually controlled machines it is very important to correctly evaluate these costs. For
example, when the program is faced with two solutions for building the lay-outs (one with 10
different layouts and the other with 20 different lay-outs), preference will be given to the 10
lay-outs solution.
When you enter set-up costs, this will limit the number of different layouts in the
optimization. This means that the higher you set these costs, the fewer layouts will be
Ardis Optimizer 149
If Cutting Optimizer has to choose between different sizes of the same basic material, the
information entered into this field will limit the usage of these different sizes.
The number of times a layout has to be produced will be divided by the number of panels that
may be stacked in one run. This result will be multiplied by the value entered here.
For panel cutting, many machines can handle cutting several panels in one cycle. The
maximum stack height is listed in the machine file (Bookheight parameter).
The fixed set-up costs do not vary according to dimensions. However, they are reduced if the
produced parts per layout, basic material size or the stacking height increases. Thus, the more
basic material per layout is used, the cheaper the set-up costs per square meter of useful basic
material will be. The fewer the number of basic material sizes required the lower the set-up
costs per square meter.
However, for cutting stacked basic materials, there is a preparation job necessary for the
stacking of the panels. If a stack is lower than the allowed height, the costs of a maximum
stack will be charged.
Wait costs
Entering data into the Wait costs field is only important if you process large parts files. If
Cutting Optimizer produces a large number of layouts, then there may be several parts
included in the first layouts that will also be included in some of the later layouts. In fact,
some parts may be spread over all of the computed layouts. The machine operators may not
like the parts distribution over many lay-outs. Parts will be produced in random sequence and
some time will be lost going through the stacks to distribute the parts to the correct output
sequence. This situation may generate piling errors and it may cause damage to some of the
parts due to unnecessary manipulations. The wait costs give you a way of limiting the
distribution of parts through to many layouts. For example, the wait cost may represent the
costs of setting up a new stacking location or stacking a new part or removing an incomplete
stack of required parts that will have to be finished later.
Maximum runs
A run is the cutting or sawing of one single layout. The number entered as the value for this
parameter is the maximum number of runs in which you can leave parts in an incomplete
stack, before you free that stacking location to receive a new part. When this incomplete part
appears in a lay-out again, a stacking location has to be restored to receive it. Cutting
Optimizer will charge a new wait cost for it.
Ardis Optimizer 150
Charge rule
This information tells Cutting Optimizer how to charge the wait costs. There are two
possibilities, fixed and proportional. If you choose the "Fixed" charge rule, then you
maximize the impact of these costs. Select the "Proportional" charge rule when you do not
want to produce a part in one single run, if it is required in several lay-outs. But when the
required quantity is almost produced, it is desired to complete the part as soon as possible.
Stripwidth change
The costs to change the strip width on the machine for a level 1 part.
You need CO version II or III or CO I with module 4.9 to get access to this feature.
Cutting costs
These fields will contain the cutting costs per cutting operation. These costs may be entered
in three ways: a fixed cost, a variable cost and/or a factor. In addition, you may enter different
cost values for length and transverse cutting. However, the costs will be generally the same in
both directions.
By entering different first cut costs for the length (longitudinal) and width (transverse)
direction, you may influence the system to plan a first cut in a preferred direction. It will
choose the one with the lowest first cut costs. If the machine allows the first cut to be in
either direction, then you may want to give a priority to a standardized style of layouts. In this
case, you may specify a lower cost for a first longitudinal cut than for a first transverse cut. If
the system can develop a length and a width layout containing the same parts, priority will be
given to the length layout. However, you should check your machine file to make sure that
there is no first cutting direction indicated.
The fixed part of the cutting costs will cover the set-up costs. Starting to cut in a different
direction, installation of a new cutter or positioning of a new panel always requires a certain
amount of time that has to be charged.
Once a cut is started, the costs will be proportional to the length of the cut. The cost per
dimension unit will be entered in these variable fields.
You can introduce some extra costs, such as general production overhead costs. To account
for these extra costs, you need to enter numbers into the factor column fields that will be used
as multipliers of the related costs.
fields allow you to enter the value in which the variable costs will be divided, in order to
express them in meters or per ten meters, etc. No decimals are allowed in these fields. E.g. if
you entered the dimensions of the required parts in mm, with one decimal position and you
want to enter the variable costs per meter, then you fill in both fields the value 10.000.
Basic first
This is where you specify the costs to produce the first strip. After the elimination of one, two
or no borders, the panel will be turned and the first length or width cut is performed. It is
called the basic first cut. This cut will often eliminate a trim and scrap in one operation.
Basic next
These are the costs for producing all of the level one strips, except for the first strip. These
strips are parallel to the first strip though. After the first basic cut, the first strip direction is
given. Then all level one strips may be cut consecutively.
Entering different costs for longitudinal (length) and transverse (width) cuts will determine
which layouts are created. The software will give preference to the development of layouts
that have their first cutting direction in the direction of the lower cost cut.
Splitting first
These are the costs for the first cut of a level two strip. These costs should include the time
required to rotate the strips after level one. These costs apply to all of the next levels.
For panel cutting on big machines these cuts are called fake head cuts. For glass they are
called Z-cuts.
Splitting next
The costs for the next second level cuts. The costs will be charged for the processing of every
different strip obtained from level one. As for the first splitting, you have to consider that
second level cuts are transverse to the first level direction, and thus that Cutting Optimizer
will use, for cost calculation and optimization, the values given for the other direction as
those used for the first level.
Some installations have the possibility to execute a head cut. This cut is transverse to the first
cutting direction and splits a standard basic material format into two pieces. Each piece will
than be optimized separately, as if it where different standard formats, and can even be
processed on separate machines, or with separate machine parameters. The largest piece will
be processed on the basic machine, and the head cut piece on a "head cut machine". These
fields allow you to enter the costs to produce a head cut.
This information will more or less influence the decisions of the program. More or less,
because the reasons to perform head cuts are often linked to technical constraints. However,
the higher the cost of the basic material the often it becomes interesting to perform a head
cut. It is important that you understand the relation that will exist between this information
and the percentage you have entered in the "Machine - Head cut - Minimum Yield".
Ardis Optimizer 153
In most production facilities, there is only space for a small number of pallets. A pallet can be
removed when it is completely full or when all of the parts are produced.
It may be important when cutting large quantities of basic material, for the same layout to be
cut a minimum number of times. It seems evident, in such cases, that it will not be efficient to
produce one layout one hundred times, a second one hundred and fifty times, and finishing
the job with three different layouts that have to be produced one or two times. This factor
may try to avoid this situation by planning to incorporate the required parts of these last few
layouts in others, so that each one will be produced a minimum number of times.
For historical reasons this module is classified as a machine module, although this field is
available in the "Basic material" section.
Ardis Optimizer 154
If the machine set-up costs are high, the minimum runs gives you the opportunity to instruct
Cutting Optimizer to output a layout only if it can be produced a minimum number of times.
The minimum runs feature gives those who do not have the cost optimization option
available, the opportunity to obtain some kind of cost optimization results.
Be aware of the fact that some required parts may not be included in the layouts, in order to
respect this minimum run limitation.
If a strip with a series of parts cannot be built up on the same width, then the program will
not produce these parts. Underproduction may occur. You can set an overproduction
allowance for the parts in the cutlist to reduce the chances of getting any underproduction.
Ardis Optimizer 155
Edges list
This input screen is used to enter edges for parts files and standard lists of edges for use in
current project parts files.
This one letter code determines the identity of the edge. It must be unique for a complete
parts file.
In this entry field (60 characters) you can enter any description at will. This description can
also be reported and used with edge figures.
This is the value (cost price, budget price) that is allocated to the use of the edge. This value
can be a fixed amount each time an edge is used, but it can be variable.
Length supplement
This is the quantity of edges one needs to supplement for each side on which we use an edge.
E.g. the length of a part which needs an edge is 350mm. The total edge will be 370mm
because on each end there will be a supplementary edge of 10mm. In that case we have to fill
in 20mm.
Ardis Optimizer 156
You can print reports, lists, labels, and graphical representations of the optimization. The
stock of available parts and basic materials can be kept. You can make a link between the
program and a machine connection too.
In the menu you get by pressing the right mouse button (or the Windows button) on
"Results", it is possible to tag the report items, which have to be printed. If you select print
the selected items (marked with "v") are printed. By pressing on one of these individual items
you can print them separately.
Summary (F7)
See "Learning to work with…"
Lay-outs (F4)
This function gives you a graphical performance of the lay-outs. By pressing F4 you can -
wherever you are positioned - activate this function.
The lay-out screen exists out of three parts. In the top part "Lay-outs (F4)" you get
information about all calculated lay-outs. In the middle part you get a graphical
representation of the selected lay-out. In the bottom part "Lay-out parts" you get an overview
of all of the parts that are associated with one lay-out.
In the top part you can even sort lay-outs by pressing the right mouse button and selecting
Ardis Optimizer 157
Sorting out lay-outs happens the same way as sorting out data. If however you have the
module "optimize parts completion" you can indicate "optimized stacking sequence". The
program will make that there are as less as possible uncompleted stacks or pallets. Lay-outs
with equal parts will be kept together as much as possible.
The "bundle-system" is a package, which sets up how many sheets one bundle can contain.
Each lay-out will be set in one or other bundle.
If you want that scrap parts are registered automatically inside a file you can do this for
individual sheet sizes by using the keyword "REST=". So scrap will be registered in that file
for that material only. If however, you want it for all materials and sheets sizes than you use
the keyword "REST=" in the general reference of the material.
See "Learning to work with…"
By pressing the right mouse button menu on "parts" and selecting "update part quantities"
you will adapt or update the stock of the parts.
The program asks you where you want to save these changes. If you select "no": all of the
produced parts will be subtracted from the original quantities. In this field you will see, from
then on, the number of parts that still have to be produced.
If you select "yes": the original quantities do not change but, the produced parts will be set
into the field "Done". If you have the module "extra text fields" you will see the name of the
optimization in text field 11.
You can also, in the same way as we did for the parts, adapt the stock of the basic materials.
Press the right mouse button menu on "basic material sheets" and then "update basic material
You will get a list of the used edges.
User tools
When use define a path to a settings file in View - Project properties - Optimization - Tools
Ardis Optimizer 159
then you have the possibilty to define a tools list for customized actions in the right area of
the Results tree view item.
Click once on the picture or icon and the command(s) will be executed.
With the context menu (right mouse button), you can select the icon or picture related to the
custom action.
Reports are used to print data on paper, or to print a label, or to export data to a file.
A report definition defines what information you want to select and controls the formatting of
the data.
Kind of reports
Structure of a report
The structure is shown when you click on the +sign in front of the name of the report:
Defining reports
Report properties: the general set up for that report (e.g. a whole page with labels)
Dimensions body section: the general set up for a body section (e.g. one label or one line of a
Detail/body section: for each field the formulas are defined and also the place where the field
has to be shown on a label (or line of the report).
Graphical presentation: a graphical presentation of the label (or line of the report) with
formulas, in order to show the fields which are defined in the next part.
Ardis Optimizer 162
Report properties
We define here with what kind of report we are working. Pressing the spacebar shows all of
the options:
Parts per lay-out
Parts files
Sheets files
Material/Parts file results
Lay-out extended text
Optimization results
This is the title that will be printed on top of every page of that report.
We choose the printer on which our report has to be printed. By pressing the spacebar all of
the available printers show up. If you do not fill in anything, the windows default printer will
be taken.
Ardis Optimizer 163
Label printing
Is the report a list then select "no", is it a label report then select "yes".
By pressing the spacebar you will see the 2 options that can be filled in here: portrait or
Page size
Also here a list of possible page sizes will be shown when you press the spacebar. We select
the size on which the report has to be printed. Default means the general size, which is in the
Page header
You can fill in "yes" or "no" related to print the page header or not.
If groups have to be built, you give in on which basic they must be formed: e.g. PartMat (this
is the basic material used for that part). When you select the right mouse button menu and
select "Formula", the expression builder will give you all of the possible field names in the
list of variables.
We make a selection/query of those data (records) which are eligible for this report. Also here
the expression builder gives you all of the possible field names in the list of variables or you
can even build a formula to make a query.
We fill in how many times one record (one data line e.g. one part) has to be repeated. This is
very interesting to point how many times a label has to be printed. Some examples:
For OEM parts labels or interactive parts labels through the LABEL
To get:
1 label for every
only one label
IF(LayPartNo<=0 ; LayPartCurr ; LayPartCumul == 0
per line in the
AND LayPartPrintedLabel == LayPartCurr AND
parts list (part
LayPartCurr > 0;1;LayPartCurr == 0;1;0)
only 2 labels
IF(LayPartNo<=0 ; LayPartCurr ; LayPartCumul == 0
(first and last)
AND LayPartPrintedLabel == LayPartCurr AND
per line in the
LayPartCurr > 0;1;LayPartCurr == 0;1;LayPartCumul +
parts list (part
LayPartPrintedLabel == PartProd ; 1 ;0)
only one label
per part per IF(LayPartCurr>0;LayPartPrintedLabel == LayPartCurr;1)
one label for the
IF(LayPartNo<=0 ; LayPartCurr ; LayPartCumul == 0
first part and one
AND LayPartPrintedLabel == LayPartCurr AND
label for the last
LayPartCurr > 0;1;LayPartCurr == 0 ; 1 ; LayPartCumul +
part of every
LayPartPrintedLabel == PartProd ; 1 ; 0)
one label for the IF(LayPartNo<=0 ; LayPartCurr ; LayPartCumul == 0
first part of AND LayPartPrintedLabel == LayPartCurr AND
every reference LayPartCurr > 0 ; 1 ; LayPartCurr == 0 ; 1 ; 0)
one label for the
IF(LayPartNo<=0 ; LayPartCurr ; LayPartCumul +
last part of every
LayPartPrintedLabel == PartProd ; 1 ; 0)
one label for the IF(LayPartNo<=0 ; LayPartCurr ; LayPartCumul == 0
first part and one AND LayPartPrintedLabel == LayPartCurr AND
label for the last LayPartCurr > 0;if(partprod == laypartcurr;2 min partprod
part of every ;1);LayPartCurr == 0 ; 1 ; LayPartCumul +
Ardis Optimizer 165
Group separation
Here you can choose what you want to do when a new group comes up.
Export file
We can export a file to a certain data file for instance to use it in Excel. The data will be
exported to that file when you fill in:
the name of that file (between quotes)
a formula (without =) that builds up the name of that file
e.g. PATH (ResFPath substr "\" ; ResFName ; "csv")
(don't forget to specify the foldername)
To export data you press the right mouse button menu of that report
and select "export to file". You get a chance to enter to file path if you didn't enter a formula
in the "Export file" field.
You can also export the data to a database. The data record will be added as new records to a
defined table. Define the connection string + table name.
The last parameter "Table=" is specifically to define the table name in the database.
Append to file
There are 2 possibilities: yes or no. Yes means that the data which are exported to a file will
be added to that file, together with the already existing data. When you say no the existing
data will be deleted and the file only contains the new data.
Ardis Optimizer 166
Split strips
This parameter is only used for reports of type Strips.
This parameter is only used for reports of type Strips.
Formel zum Bestimmen der Packethöhe für ein Schnittbild (nur im Streifenrapport)
When the parameter is used (=not empty), then the report iterates all strips per defined book.
When BookHeight=1 then all sheets of a pattern are processed one by one.
Body section
We define here the sizes of one label or one/more lines with data. E.g. for the report "lay-out
labels" we define all of the sizes of one label:
We fill in the width and height of one label. If one label has margins, we fill them in.
Graphical presentation
We see a graphical presentation of the body section (here one label of the parts labels per lay-
out). The formulas you see are just a preview.
Ardis Optimizer 167
In the formula field a formula which is created using the expression builder is entered. To
launch the expression builder go to the right mouse button menu and select “Formula”. The
formulas that you enter are described in the chapter "Working with the expression builder". In
this field the contents of the label is defined.
X & Y fields
The X and Y fields are used to give a location for the result on the label. The reference or
zero point is pointed on the left side above.
This is the place where you select the font the result of the formula has to have on the label.
By pressing space you get a list of present fonts. You select the font you want. If the
appropriate font is not there, you can add one by using the technique explained in the chapter
"Learning to work with…".
In this field you define how the result is to be aligned. By pressing the spacebar you get the
possible choices:
Right: Start filling the space on the right side
Center: Start in the middle
Left: start on the right side
Conditions can be defined to print certain lines or not e.g. print if all the parts are
Ardis Optimizer 168
All of the data related to the title of the report are filled in here.
You can define the sizes and the margins of the title section.
If you want to use a page footer, you can define a virtual huge page header (e.g. 27 cm) and a
real off-set height (e.g. 5 mm)
Ardis Optimizer 169
The definition of the title section works similar to the definition of the body section.
Graphical presentation
Also this part looks like the graphical part of the body section.
Group header
All of the data related to the title of a group of the report are filled in here. We define the
dimensions, formulas,… in the same way we did before.
Ardis Optimizer 170
Group footer
All of the data related to the footer of a group of the report are filled in here. We define the
dimensions, formulas,… in the same way we did before.
Ardis Optimizer 171
Report footer
All of the data related to the report footer (once, at the end of the report) are entered here. We
define the dimensions, formulas,… in the same way we did before.
When you want to print a report, select the report you want to print and click on or select
"print" in the right mouse button menu. It is also possible to look at a preview of the report:
select the report and click on or select "print preview" in the right mouse button menu.
Afterwards you may run a SQL command or stored procedure with the macro function RUN:
RUN ("ADO connection" ; "SQL command")
e.g. RUN ("Provider=SQLOLEDB;Integrated security=SSPI;Data Source=sqlexpress;Initial
Catalog=ardis" ; "UpdateSheetsUsed") starts the stored procedure 'UpdateSheetsUsed'
Importing data
If you want to use Cutting Optimizer as OEM module in your application, you'll probably
meet the problem of 'How to put my data in the input parts list and basic material list'
There are several ways for converting data from another application to Cutting Optimizer:
Manually by means of the clipboard:
If you Copy (Ctrl+C) columns and rows in a spreadsheet (e.g. Excel) or a database (e.g.
Access), you can Paste (Ctrl+V) the data in the current parts or basic material grid in
COWIN. He starts pasting in the current column and row. The order of columns (fields)
should match.
Creating (text) files by your own. At this moment Cutting Optimizer can handle only text
files, this means each line must end on CR(13)+LF(10). Several formats are possible:
Ardis Optimizer 174
The data records start on line 2. The data fields are structured the same way as defined in the
header record
Structure of the file:
fieldname1; fieldname2;...
data record 1 field 1; data record 1 field 2;...
Ardis Optimizer 175
melamine 16;325;165;95
melamine 16;175;75;43
This example is a parts file in CSV-format. It can be used in Cutting Optimizer without any
further action.
module "4.8 User definable import of text files" is needed.
??? means the file extension of the text file to be imported
COWIN reads the text file to import, line by line.
A definable parts template (C:ARDISIMPORT???.stk) defines how to translate the value into
Cutting Optimizer fields
A hidden IMPORT field in the parts header will contain every text line one by one.
Other parts fields refers to the IMPORT field by means of string expressions like left, right or
All expressions in the parts fields are calculated and pasted in your parts list
You want to import the following text file (TEST.123):
Ardis Optimizer 176
Cutting Optimizer prior to version 4.93.424 may just change the BEM2 (or another) formula
to =IMPORT (instead of IMPORT) to work fine with the new method.
Macro command Open ("file"; "template.STK")
Macro commands defined in question list are generated to add or insert parts templates
Parts (elements) are created from parts templates
When Name is blank: the result of the formula in Value will be used as a macro command
When Name contains identifier: macro assignment Identifier=Result of Value is created
Click with right mouse button on parts file name 'Untitled' and Save Copy
Enter an unique (not used by other applications) file extension (max. 3 characters, e.g. '123'
and save the file (e.g. 123.stk) in your IMPORT sub-directory (C:\ARDIS\IMPORT)
Executes macro
For each record in the text file the formulas in the questions list of the template.STK are
evaluated as macro command.
Executing the generated macro commands will insert/add parts templates and its elements
When a specified parts template of the OPENPART doesn't exist, Cutting Optimizer asks the
user to select a reference to an existing base template to build this new template. This
reference will be saved as new template in the default parts templates folder and is never
asked again.
The first line in the text file defines the field delimiter and the fields (columns) to be
imported in the format “fieldid1 ; fieldid2 ; ...”
EXT16 string PartFExt16 Ext16 Extended part info 16
EXT17 string PartFExt17 Ext17 Extended part info 17
EXT18 string PartFExt18 Ext18 Extended part info 18
EXT19 string PartFExt19 Ext19 Extended part info 19
EXT20 string PartFExt20 Ext20 Extended part info 20
2 Name of the parts file with default
DEFVAL string PartDefVal Default Values
4 values
2 Name of the drawing linked to the parts
DRAWING string PartFDrawing Drawing
5 file
Parameters for all figures: SawBlade;
2 UpperTrim; RightTrim; BottomTrim;
FIGPARAM string PartFFigParam Figure parameters
6 LeftTrim; | or &; 0 or 1 = transverse
figure's grain direction
The current data line while importing a
IMPORT string PartImport Import foreign file. Use references to this
variable to control the import proces.
The current line number while
IMPORTRECNO long PartImportRecNo ImportRecNo importing a foreign file (blank are also
A record will only be imported in this
header section when this condition
IMPORTCOND string PartFImportCond Import condition results true or is blank. (refer to variable
build condition)
The current parts list inherits all parts of
3 the specified parts template, but not its
INCLUDE path INCLUDE Include path
0 question list. Used with derivation of
existing parts calculations.
SQL querystring for importing record
IMPORT_QUERY string IMPORT_QUERY ImportQuery from a database (e.g. SELECT * FROM
ADO data source string for import for
IMPORT_DB string IMPORT_DB ImportDB Access, SQL Server or any other
database system
Use one of the following ways to convert a CPOUT file to an Ardis project:
By File - Open, select the CPOUT file
Drag the CPOUT file from the Windows Explorer and drop it into the Ardis Optimizer
Ardis Optimizer 182
Part's grain direction:
if CTL1's 3rd field defines Y, then all parts gets the L grain direction
if the 6th parameter of the ORD1 or the 2nd field of PRT5 is Y, then the part gets the L grain
Sheet's grain direction: always L grain direction
All actions are done in the pattern view 'Lay-outs (F4)'
Ardis Optimizer 183
Adding parts
To insert a part in a pattern's strip, just double click (or right mouse button + Insert part) on a
valid piece of scrap in the pattern.
A dialog shows a list of possible (existing) parts to insert into the selected scrap:
In the dialog window's title you see the dimensions of your scrap to insert a part into. These
dimensions are calculated based on the pattern's minimum needed trims (borders)
The same part may be included twice, one for each direction.
Please adjust the length and witdh of the new part and enter the quantity you need. Press OK
and you see that the new part is added to the insert part list.
Although the new part is added to your project, it's not added to any input parts list!
By clicking the right row and pressing OK, the new part is inserted in the pattern.
Ardis Optimizer 185
Delete parts
To remove a part from a pattern, just double click (or right mouse button + Delete part) the
requested part.
The pattern structure is re-organized and the trims are re-calculated. Also the parts
production, net surface, ... is adjusted automatically.
By means of the filter you can selected the right basic material sheet to create a new pattern
Only current basic material sheet: filters only the current pattern's basic material sheet to
create a new pattern from
Shows all basic material sheets of current pattern's type of material
Shows all basic material sheets in the project
After selecting the right sheet, entering the right production quantity and pressing OK, the
new empty pattern will be inserted after the current row.
Also the machine parameters for head cuts must be available in your license.
Ardis Optimizer 186
So please check the machine parameters and make sure that longitudinal and/or transverse
headcuts are allowed.
By removing all parts from a head cut section one by one, the head cut itself will be
automatically deleted and the pattern is rebuilt without head cut.
can be turned (right mouse button + Turn pattern's strip direction) into
Ardis Optimizer 187
or vice versa
Strip bridging
Only repeated strips can be bridged by right clicking a part or scrap in the strip and selecting
“Strip bridging” from the short cut menu
After bridging:
Ardis Optimizer 188
After selecting right mouse click + Change sheet (dimensions) a dialog window asks you to
select an existing or a new sheet for the pattern. The minimum needed dimensions are shown
in the window title.
Ardis Optimizer 189
When you decide to create a new basic material sheet for the current pattern, please fill in the
right properties in the given dialog grid:
After confirmation by clicking “OK”, please click any field of the right basic material to
Ardis Optimizer 190
The newly created basic material sheet is only added to the project's basic material list, not to
any input basic material list!
4.11.16 LayStrip
A. Separates rip cut levels from cross cut levels by creating new patterns with only rip cuts
and patterns with only cross cuts for these rip cuts.
LAYSTRIP is mainly used to split patterns into seperate lay-outs. You may get the rip cutting
and the cross cutting in a seperate layout file. This allows for example to go with the rips
after fipping to the edge bander. Then do the cross cutting on the same or a different machine.
Another application is splitting after cross cutting. In this way a 2 axis machine does the
standard cutting (ripping and cross cutting). The third phase cuts go to a small machine as a
different job.
4.11.41 SplitFig
A. Creates for each perfect grain matching figure a new pattern in a separate .R41 files based
on the defined figures in a parts list
THIS is mainly used for veneering, laminating, recutting short sided parts after edge banding
(splitting). The customer wants a number of parts to be cut always as 1 block. This block then
becomes a treatment. The treated block comes back to a cutting equipment and gets then cut
to its final parts. The block itself is a proper cutting pattern.
4.11.56 LayFig
This module is designed to evaluate patterns on the machine on-line cutting capabilities.
Which means that, if a pattern can not be cut it might be changed, or even be split into more
than 1 pattern. The additional patterns will then be right after the original pattern or be in a
separate result file. A number of processing parameters can be set by the user.
Modifies existing patterns by extracting perfect grain matching figures from their optimized
pattern and put them into new patterns in the same or in another .R41 file. Since grain
matching parts are positionned in a pattern as originally defined, it is often the situation they
can not be cut as the position is defined. Layfig will go over the complete pattern structure
and verify its level structure and where required adapt the cutting levels. If the cutting
complexity is too high, Layfig will generate for the too complex situations new Sub patterns.
Several ways are possible, but we've chosen for a IPC (Inter Process Communication)
compatible for all Win32 applications.
Both applications are active and your application sends messages to COWIN. COWIN reads
the message queue and processes the commands.
COWINOEM.DLL (automatically installed in your Windows System folder) provides 1
important function you may call from within your application to control sending commands
For VB programmers you should declare this function in the (General) section of your
project's module.
cowin_cmd is called with one parameter: a string defining the macro command to be
executed in Ardis Optimizer.
Ardis Optimizer 193
Because cowin_cmd is a C-function you should add the string termination character
vbNullChar to the string.
Visual Basic programmers may have a look at the enclosed Access 97 example or VB project
C/C++ programmers can use import library COWINOEM.LIB , use oemdecl.h and check
sample project IPCCLIENT.DSW (MS VC 6.0)
C# .NET programmers should declare the .DLL function by
static extern bool cowin_cmd(string msg);
Ardis Optimizer is automatically started on sending the first command (even a dummy
command like “cowin_cmd " " + vbNullChar”) when it wasn't started before!
Test utility
You may use enclosed test utility (IPCCLIENT.EXE) to manually test the communication
with Ardis Optimizer.
Start the program and enter command
IPC works...
You may test all other commands
You should activate the right optimization project in Cutting Optimize by using the Open
E.g. OPEN "c:\ARDIS\data\job.r41"
in Visual Basic:
cowin_cmd "OPEN 'c:\ARDIS\data\job.r41'" + vbNullChar
(you may use single quotes (') in Ardis Optimizer formulas)
To print 5 labels for the first part in pattern 2, send the following message:
LABEL (2;1;5)
in Visual Basic:
cowin_cmd "LABEL (2;1;5)" + vbNullChar
To print 1 label for a (existing) part with dimension 750 x 334 mm in the 3rd pattern:
LABEL (3;-1;1;750;334)
in Visual Basic:
cowin_cmd "LABEL (3;-1;1;750;334)" + vbNullChar
You may send multiple commands at once by delimiting each command by vbCrLf and
ending the whole string by vbNullChar
Optimization procedure
Please follow this procedure if you want to optimize a project from within your application:
Create the correct input files for the project:
*.STK for parts files (either .CSV or Ardis Optimizer format)
*.STD for basic material files (either .CSV or Ardis Optimizer format)
*.MCH for machine files (only in Ardis Optimizer format)
*.EDG for edging files (either .CSV or Ardis Optimizer format)
Create project.R41 (as text file) for the project. It must contain at least:
Example to print reports:
Open "path of project.r41"
Result "Summary"
Report "LBLLAY"
All macro commands can be used as IPC message.
If you're using the macro command Label to print labels via IPC, don't forget to set-up the
requested report definition in Tools - Options:
Sending commands to Ardis Optimizer is a one-way direction by default. However
synchronization can be done with the COWINOEM.DLL command cowin_done:
cowin_done returns
0 if Ardis Optimizer is still processing commands
1 if Ardis Optimizer has processed all commands (=empty queue)
You should NOT use cowin_done within a while-loop! Such a loop uses almost all available
processor time and Ardis Optimizer (even in another thread) will run very slow.
Ardis Optimizer 196
If you want to use Cutting Optimizer also interactively on the same computer, you should
make a copy of your COWIN.INI to e.g. “c:\ardis\COIPC.INI” and disable the IPC
functionality in the usual settings.
To use these new settings from your external application call the cowin_ini function once at
the beginning of your program.
where ArdisPC is the computer name where an Ardis instance is ready to receive the IPC
Ardis Optimizer 197
Auto Signal
Checks the existence of the "signal" file.
This is a file an external application creates to signal and activate some Cutting Optimizer
The signal file is deleted after execution of the commands
Define IPC Mail Type "auto signal"
Cutting Optimizer's IPC server checks every MailSleep milliseconds for the existence of any
file defined with wildcards in Auto Signal.
If a file is found, The corresponding project file (same path with extension *.R41) will be
opened as current project if it exists.
The formula defined in AutoRun will be evaluated and transmitted for every record of the
signal file. Building expressions can be done by referring to variables IMPORT (=current
signal record data) and IMPORTRECNO (=current signal record number)
E.g. "Label.sig" contains data about the parts just cut on the saw:
you may enter
LABEL ( import subfield 1 ; import subfield 2 ; import subfield 5 ; import subfield 3 ; import
subfield 4 )
Project properties
File folders
This is the place to define in which folders you want to save the different files, data. See
"learning to work with…".
Ardis Optimizer 199
You fill in the parameters Cutting Optimizer uses in his optimization. You define e.g.
If you select the "automatic" mode, Cutting Optimizer will not use the values of this section,
but determine automatically what values have to be considered.
The computations of Cutting Optimizer are based on heuristic and scientific techniques. Both
are developed, based on the experience of the authors and the large number of practical
samples that were computed. However, it may happen that your particular working conditions
differ from what was experienced. Thus, in order to allow adapting the program to your
requirements, the optimization parameters are left "adjustable".
If you select a manual adjustment of these parameters, it is recommended to adjust them step
by step, re-computing every time the same required parts file with the same basic material file
and the same machine file. Proceeding to these successive computations with different
parameters is the best way to learn what are the best parameters for your environment.
Evidently, there are numerous different combinations possible, and this may represent quite
an important time investment. Therefore, after the description of the different parameters, you
will find several examples of the recommended values corresponding to the most current
Depending on the options that you have selected in Cutting Optimizer, you may select to cut
lengths (bars or profiles), panels, coils to parts or coils to coils. Entering the correct selection
is very important, otherwise the produced results will not be reliable.
Ardis Optimizer 200
This option is only significant if your installation includes the cost optimization option. Even
if you have entered cost data in all files, optimization will be computed without costs if you
select to ignore them. To obtain costs optimization the basic material cost has to be entered,
otherwise it will be impossible for Cutting Optimizer to compute the correct results.
Also called stock holding costs, this field will contain a percentage representing the inventory
carrying costs. The rate entered should include interest, warehousing and all other costs
related to stock holding (manipulations, depreciation, risk of damaging the material, etc.).
Entering data in this field will only be significant if you may enter due dates in the required
parts file and if you effectively have entered them. If these conditions are met, the
optimization may effectively plan your production according to these dates. The first layouts
computed will than include the required parts needed for the earlier date. Cutting Optimizer
will than try to increase the efficiency rate by including other parts in the layouts. By doing
this, it will decide if the pre-production of parts is productive, based on this cost rate.
If you version of Cutting Optimizer provides to manage stacking locations, you may decide if
the optimization run that will be computed should plan this facility. This means that required
parts will only be nested in a layout if they can be piled in a location, and that the filling of
the stations will be controlled.
This option is particularly important when working with an angle share equipped with a
continued operating stacking system.
The higher the value given here, the longer the computation time will be. Recommended
values of 1, 2 or 3 will be suited for panel cutting where many different parts are required in
small quantities. On the opposite, if large quantities of only a few parts are to be produced,
values between 4 and 15 will be adequate. For the cutting of coils are values of 20, 30 or 40
not exceptional.
The higher this value, the more time the system will need to compute the result, and the more
controls will be performed on each intermediate result. Values of 0 (zero), 1 or 3 are realistic.
The less different parts you have to produce, the higher you should set this parameter.
Basic type
This parameter may have values between 1 and 7. In normal environment, a value of 1 is
adequate for panels and lengths. The value 5 is normally used for coils. These figures are the
most secure.
These values have no relation one to the other. They control the selection of different
computation techniques.
Basic Var
This parameter may have a value between 0 and 2. Generally, the value 0 (zero) will give
satisfying results. The value 2 is an alternative for coil cutting, but is seldom used. It is just
for the production of a very limited number of different parts that another value than 0 (zero)
is given.
The largest the difference between the minimum and maximum values, the more time the
computation will need.
It is not mandatory that the minimum value be smaller than the maximum one.
zur Information oder für Sonderfunktionen
A few examples
You may try a great number of combinations, but this will cost quite some time. In order to
save you this time, we indicate you hereafter some models of combinations that will produce
different results.
On this screen, you may input a set of information that will control the presentation of the
lay-outs on the screen and on the printer. Using the information you enter here, you can have
the lay-outs (drawings) as close as possible to the real format of the sheets, coils or bars you
are processing.
The strip sequence, drawing preference, scrap/loss localization, how to sort within strips, cut
trims always on the size entered for the basic material size are all parameters that you can set
for your lay-outs. The purpose of these parameters is to allow the user to present the cutting
patterns the way he cuts them.
The selections you make must be done before the optimization. Because the selections might
influence the way ARDIS calculates the results.
Cutting Optimizer makes an important difference between 'reusable scrap' and 'loss'.
Reusable scrap is what can be used again as basic material; it is detected upon the criteria
entered for the basic material. Loss is what you have to throw away. If you want an optimal
usage of your sheets, identify the reusable scrap upon the criteria smallest length, width,
surface and preference in the Basic Material file.
Watch out: this data may - to a large extent - influence your machine link!!
Strips can be grouped if they have more than two levels.
Here, you choose if, for normal cutting, you want to have the strips sequenced from large to
small or from small to large. The start point for this drawing is the lay-out coordinate.
By pushing the largest strips to the end of the sheet, you avoid the risk to cut your fingers
together with the last strip.
Large -> Small: strips sequenced from large to small, strips with an equal width are taken in
one block
Long -> Short: strips should be sorted from long to short
Small -> Large: strips sequenced from small to large, strips with an equal width are taken
together in one block
Single Large -> Small: strips sequenced from large to small
Single Small -> Large: strips sequenced from small to large
The following lay-out (with a different sequence) will make things clear:
Sortiere Teileebene
Sortieren der Streifen der Ebene 2 und tiefer von hohem Level zu niedrigen Level, oder
Highest -> lowest: will put the parts with the highest number of levels first.
Lowest -> highest: will put the parts with the lowest number of levels first.
Like strips: will sort the parts in the same way as the strips.
Large -> small: will put the largest parts first, equals parts are taken in one block.
Small -> large: will put the smallest parts first, equals parts are taken in one block.
Single large -> small: will put the largest parts first.
Ardis Optimizer 207
Single small -> large: will put the smallest parts first.
No: the lay-out will have the length of the basic material as horizontal direction.
Scrap distribution
When entering the basic materials characteristics (sheets or coils), you may enter a border to
be cut off on each side. If the size of that lost scrap does not present any problem, you may
decide where it has to be taken. In normal situations, the first cut will be a small strip of
scrap, and the coordinate of the lay-out corresponds to the scrap cut position. For coil cutting,
the scrap cut will be split proportionally between the two sides of the coil, in order to become
an even load of the machine.
At basic material input time for plates and coils, it is possible to define a trim cut for every
side. If, in addition to one of these trims, some scrap or lost part will exist, you may decide
with this parameter to distribute it.
In normal cases, the scrap will be cut first, and it will generally be a small piece, meaning that
the corner point of the lay-out (the reference position) will be in the diagonal of the scrap
With coils, the scrap will preferably be distributed evenly between the two sides, in order to
obtain an evenly distributed machine load.
Sort rest
The re-usable rest is not located at the end of a strip but is considered as a separate part.
Off-cut pieces can be put at the end or at the first level in front of the machine (if
implemented by our post-processor) or can be sorted as products.
Ardis Optimizer 208
What Cutting Optimizer detects as not reusable scrap should not be at the end of the strip, but
considered as a part. So it will get a position as determined by strip sequence.
Saumschnitt separat
Sometimes the (4) trim cuts entered for the basic materials are cut before the strips. This
means that the borders are cut separately on the dimensions entered for the basic material.
If you want the borders to be cut together with the scrap pieces, they will not be cut
Modifying this selection will change the view of a lay-out. If you have selected cut trim
separate and the basic material trim is 0, then there will be no trim, the cutting line will be
outside the sheet, and the loss will show in the lay-out its correct dimensions. If you do not
select Cut trim separate, then the cutting line thickness will be in the trim border. The
effective border (trim) will be a cutting line smaller.
Teilereferenz im Schnittplan
By default, the Reference of the part appears on the part in the lay-out. Here you can enter a
formula to show something else in the lay-out (e.g. the customer‟s name).
Local settings
We fill in the number of decimals, the number of digits behind the comma. When you press
the spacebar the possibilities appear: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 or fractional
You can work in cm, mm, m or inches; the program has no problem with that. Of course, you
have to use the same units consistently. In this screen the values are set for working in mm.
Ardis Optimizer 209
Faktor Fläche
Umrechnungsfaktor für die Fläche (Teile in mm, Fläche in m²) Länge*Breite*Faktor
Komma oder Punkt
Date format
Eingabevormat für Datum
DDMMYY (day-month-year) 011099 1st October 1999
MMDDYY (month-day-year) 100199 1st October 1999
YYWW (year-week) 9933 33rd week of 1999
The first time you will run Cutting Optimizer, the program will use the same settings as
Windows does for the date.
Join parts
If, at optimization time, two or more required parts are "identical", they may be summed up
and processed as one single demand. If you want Cutting Optimizer to do so, mark Join parts
"yes". The "identical" notion is defined through the parameters you enter in this window.
Usually, length, width en grain direction have to the same to be identical.
In the first place you have the option "with size tolerance". If you mark this option Cutting
Optimizer will modify the length and width of some parts within their minimum and
maximum allowed dimensions so they may be taken together as identical.
Two parts will thus be processed as one single requirement if the value of all marked fields is
identical for the two parts.
Ardis Optimizer 211
For example:
In dem Menü "Werkzeuge" können Sie die Rechenweise des Cutting Optimizer beeinflussen.
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Siehe auch "Wie lernen ich..."
Dieses Fenster ist rein informativ und zeigt den Fortschritt der Optimierung an.
At the bottom in the middle you find the total yield. The program works with calculation
rounds. The progress of the calculation can be followed by looking at the bricks at the
bottom, the more bricks, the more the calculation has progressed. When one round is passed,
you will notice the total yield is higher. Normally every round the yield is higher, till the
maximum yield is reached.
You can stop the calculation by pressing the ESC key. The results of the final round will now
be displayed. These results are obviously not the best results. By choosing “Cancel all”, the
optimization quits without calculating results for the remainder materials. If you mark the
check box "Wait if errors", then the optimization will stop if an error occurs.
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Formel Generator
Oben können Sie eine Formel eingeben und hierzu die unten aufgeführten Funktionen sowie
Variablen benutzen. Sobald Sie auf OK klicken, wird Ihre Formel unten im grauen Feld
"Save and quit" saves the changes you made to the .mco file you chose to open. "Run macro"
saves the changes and runs the macro.
Macro commands
A macro contains one or a sequence of the next command messages:
"file path of existing result file": It should be the path name (including drive, sub-directory,
name and .R41) of an existing result file. It replaces the current open document.
Optimizes the current (loaded) project
"report name": base name of the report (if located in program sub-directory with extension
.RPT) or full path name if located elsewhere
"filter": (optional) can be any expression and will be validated as a query of records for the
defined report. E.g. for a lay-out report: use LayNo==1 to print only data of the first pattern.
"multiplier" is an optional parameter to define the repetition for each record (e.g. for each
"report name": base name of the report (if located in program sub-directory with extension
.RPT) or full path name if located elsewhere
"filter": (optional) can be any expression and will be validated as a query of records for the
defined report. E.g. for a lay-out report: use LayNo==1 to print only data of the first pattern.
"export file": path name of the text file for saving the report's data.
PartQty 0:Subtract part production from part quantity field
subtract sheets production from sheets quantity in stock
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generates rest parts as sheets for later use
RestToSheet: (without argument): asks for the new or existing basic material file to put the
rest sheets in
RestToSheet "sheet file name": the file will be used as default sheet file for the generated rest
We will build a macro "test". This macro will, after you put in all of the data (parts - basic
material - machine - edges):
To build a macro you just select "tools - macro - edit" and you give a name. To make
formulas you just have to use the expression builder like for parts calculations, building
reports, etc. So press the right mouse button and select "Formula". The next screen appears:
You can find all of the command messages in the column "functions". On the bottom of the
screen you see the way the command message has to look like.
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Makro ausführen
Klicken Sie unter Werkzeuge - Makros auf "Makro ausführen".
Machine connection
You can execute the machine connection by selecting the program that takes care of this
connection in the pull down menu "Extra" (more documentation on this subject should be
delivered with the machine connection). When marked, Cutting Optimizer will translate the
results of the optimization in a format, which is understandable by the machine. The machine
connection will then process the data and the sawing process can start. You do not have to
put the data into the machine anymore! This gives a large gain in time.
Manual run
To start a postprocessor (also called interface or link) you need to select:
"Link to XXXXX" (XXXXX represents the name of your link) in the Tools menu of Cutting
Setting parameters
Activate the link by selecting "Link to XXXXX" or by pressing Alt+1. You will start the link
program for the current result file or you will display the link parameters. As you can see, you
can edit the parameters every time you run the link. If you do not want to confirm them all of
the time, you can set your "Link to XXXXX" to NO EDIT mode. To set your edit mode, go
to Customize in the same Tools menu.
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The column field "Args" Arguments contains a formula ending with the key word "/EDIT=":
If you have set the link to /EDIT=0 and later you want to modify the parameters, then go to
"customize" and reset the link to /EDIT=1.
Automatic run
If you want to run the link automatically after every optimization, then you can do this by
modifying the standard optimizing macro or by making a new similar macro for optimizing.
The following steps explain how you can modify the standard optimizing macro,
Insert a row (right mouse button menu) before the OPEN command and type: RUNLINK
"XXXXX" (replace XXXXX with the name of your interface). Exit this screen by clicking
'Save and quit'.
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Falls Sie nur einige wenige Makros benutzen, können Sie diese durchaus auch mit den
Maschinen Anbindungen zusammen auflisten. Hierzu müssen Sie den Namen des Makros
unten in die Liste eintragen (siehe Bild). Das Feld Asynch deaktivieren Sie. Diese Einstellung
hat zur Auswirkung, dass das Makro zuerst ausgeführt werden muss bevor irgendwelche
Daten im Cutting Optimizer geändert werden können.
Der Name des Makros wird von nun an in Ihrem Werkzeuge Menü angezeigt und dieses kann
durch einfachen klicken ausgeführt werden.
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If you want to start a post-processor with another CO.INI settings file, you can define
/PARAM="path or CO file name.INI"
When you use the right mouse button menu to exclude files ("basic material" or "parts"), the
program will do it in the way as you defined it here. When you press the spacebar you will
see the next possibilities:
Only exclude: the file does not belong to the project anymore, but it will be saved on the hard
Exclude and delete: the file does not belong to the project anymore and it will be deleted
from the hard disc too.
Exclude and delete after confirmation: the file does not belong to the project anymore but
before deleting it from the hard disc, the program asks you to confirm this.
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