NETZSCH Product Range EN
NETZSCH Product Range EN
NETZSCH Product Range EN
Business Fields 10
NETZSCH Grinders 28
Pumps and systems have been manufactured at the Waldkraiburg site for 70 years. The site is also the headquarters of the Business Unit.
Business Unit
Pumps & Systems
Your global partner for conveying complex media
For more than 70 years, NETZSCH has manufactured and sold positive displacement pumps worldwide.
Designed specifically for difficult pumping situations, NETZSCH pumps range in size from the industry’s smallest
metering pumps to high volume pumps for applications in the oil and gas or mining industries.
In 1951, the NETZSCH Group acquired the license to manufacture and distribute progressing cavity pumps
according to the Moineau principle. These progressing cavity pumps are distributed under the name NEMO®,
composed of the inventor and the company name: NEtzsch + MOineau = NEMO®.
Since 2002, NETZSCH has also successfully developed and marketed rotary lobe pumps for a constantly growing
number of applications under the TORNADO® brand name. The second TORNADO® generation, the T2, was
introduced in 2012 and revolutionised the performance and application potential of the rotary lobe pump with
its new design.
Since 2014, NETZSCH sells the NOTOS® multi screw pumps, developed in Brazil, on a global basis. The product
range comprises 4 design series with 2, 3 and 4 screws as well as an hygienic design 2NSH for various
This product portfolio is complemented by the robust PERIPRO® peristaltic pump. The PERIPRO® is also
available in versions for the industrial, chemical and food sectors.
The NETZSCH pump product range has four product lines:
NEMO® progressing cavity pumps, TORNADO® rotary lobe pumps, NOTOS® multi screw pumps and
PERIPRO® peristaltic pumps
Each type of our rotating positive product line and is perfect in All NETZSCH pumps can be used in
displacement pumps ensures the particular for space-saving instal- a wide range of applications. The
following: lation, as a mobile pump and for following are a few examples:
∙ ∙∙
applications with moderate to
the medium is conveyed with high flow rates at moderate Bonding and sealing
∙ ∙∙
low shearing rates pressures. It has a compact design Chemical
the medium is dosed with and is a very efficient pump. Dosing
low pulsation, accurately and Environmental technology
reliably The NOTOS® multi screw pump is Food and beverages
the volumetric flow is conveyed suitable for low to high viscosity as Marine industry
irrespective of solid content well as blunt and lubricant media. Mining
the volumetric flow is conveyed It provides the necessary water Oil & gas production
∙ ∙∙
proportionally to the speed pressure for the impression and transfer
highly viscous and solid- osmosis or is used for the supply Paints and coatings
∙∙ ∙∙
containing media are conveyed of oil in hydrostatic bearings as Paper industry
the pumps are self-priming they are needed, for example in Pharmaceuticals and cosmetics
non-vapor and air locking hydropower stations for adjusting Renewable energies
operation the turbine blades. Water and waste water
low noise levels treatment
flexible operation and Sludges, slurries and products with
mounting options a high solids content or that are NETZSCH pumps are produced
no blockages occur thanks to very abrasive such as lime milk are both at our headquarters in
the valve-free design not a problem for the PERIPRO® Germany and also at our
pump. Its robustness is achieved production sites in Brazil, China,
Every NEMO® pump from NETZSCH with the use of very strong India and the USA. Sales offices in
can be configured using a modular materials, integrated bearings, many European countries, Africa
system that allows a large large-size rollers and a system of and the United Arab Emirates, as
selection of different materials to reliable and very secure connec well as on the Asian continent, in
be combined for pump housing, tions that prevent the appearance Australia and the Americas are
stator and rotor, geometries, joints of leaks during its operation. This selling the pumps close to the
and seals. pump is also available in a particu- customer. Our M-Ovas® cutting
larly resistant chemical version and plate macerator, the N.Mac® twin
Our experience in developing and in a hygienic food version. shaft grinder and dosing
manufacturing positive technology products round off the
displacement pumps is also range of our products as well as
reflected in the TORNADO® rotary accessories and our competent
lobe pump. The pump is the ideal service network worldwide.
complement to our NEMO®
Development, Production,
Sales & Sites
Europe, Middle East, Africa Central and South America
NETZSCH Pumpen & Systeme GmbH Waldkraiburg, NETZSCH do Brasil Ltda. Pomerode, Brasil
South Asia
NETZSCH Technologies India Private Ltd., India
Technology & Product Management
2000 2005
NETZSCH dosing and M-Ovas®
barrel emptying systems
Regular innovations are the key to NETZSCH successfully uses scientific Innovations have to be protected
long-term market leadership. But tools such as the WOIS method if the cost of development is going
only innovations relevant to the (Contradiction-Oriented Innovation to contribute to a stronger
market are successful, because Strategy), finite elements and position on the market. The
they meet the current needs of modern computer programs such financial cost is only justifiable
customers. That is why innovations as CFD (Computational Fluid from an economic point of view
are a pillar of the NETZSCH Dynamics). In addition, modern if that is the case – and it is the
strategy that supports the TechLabs for testing the newly only way to confront copycats.
ongoing growth of the company. developed products and compo- The NETZSCH Group patent
nents have been set up at all department therefore applies for
production sites. A total of around patents every year globally and
120 employees worldwide are defends our trademark rights in all
involved in the research and countries in which NETZSCH sells
development of new products. its products. NETZSCH has success-
fully established more than a
dozen innovations on the market
over the last 20 years.
iFD-Stator® 2.0 NOTOS® PERIPRO®
NBE barrel emptying systems 2.0 Hygienic Twin Screw Pump Peristaltic Pumps
2012/2013 2021 2022
2008/2009 2014
B.Max® Multi Screw Pumps
Organisation Successes
NETZSCH has developed an Decades of global market leader as have components such as the
organisational structure that ship for positive displacement CERATEC® ceramic rotor and the
identifies the current needs of pumps is the direct result of iFD-Stator®, which won an award
customers around the world by NETZSCH‘s innovative strength. for its low environmental impact
keeping an ear open to customers Our leadership is reflected again and sustainability in development
everywhere across a closely and again in the awards the and production, during energy-
integrated distribution network. company wins around the world. saving operation and at disposal.
The Business Field Managers For example, our NEMO® B.Max®
– experts for the industries they biogas and TORNADO® rotary lobe
work with – are therefore also pumps have won numerous awards,
product managers who work with
developers and designers on new
products and to improve existing
product seriers continuously. A
team of developers and designers
from all five continents meets up
regularly, sorts through requests
received from customers and
decides on new products.
Product Range
NETZSCH M-Ovas® Cutting plate macerator
N.Mac® Double shaft grinder
NEMO® Progressing Cavity Pumps
NEMO® progressing cavity pumps are used in all industry sectors to convey almost all types of media
continuously, pressure resistant, with low pulsation and in proportion to speed.
The pumps are primarily used with Our range of metallic materials
∙ High suction capacity –
media that have the following extends from simple grey cast iron up to 9 c mH2O mWC
features: and chrome-nickel steel to highly Direction of rotation and flow
Containing solids (max. solid acid-resistant materials such as can be reversed
size up to 150 mm) and free Duplex, Hastelloy and titanium to Can be installed in any position
∙ ∙
of solids suit different conveying tasks. Quiet, smooth running
Low to high viscosity Ceramics and plastics round off the Temperatures from - 20 °C
(1 mPas – 3 million mPas) list for aggressive and abrasive to + 200 °C
Thixotropic and dilatant applications. Our elastomers range
Shear sensitive from highly abrasion-resistant
Abrasive natural rubber, to oil-, acid- and
Non-lubricating and lubricating alkali-resistant elastomers and
Aggressive (pH 0 – 14) finally Aflas and Viton. For
Adhesive products in which elastomers
Toxic cannot be used because of high
temperatures or for reasons of
durability, a large number of
Large capacity and pressure solidbased stators made from
range plastics or metallic materials is
Flow rates from just a few ml/h
up to 1000 m3/h
Number of stages ranging from Large variety of shaft seals
1 to 8 for pressures from 6 to
48 bar (standard) or up to The range of mechanical shaft
240 bar (high pressure) seals includes simple mechanical
seals with or without quench,
double-acting mechanical seals
A range of different conveying arranged back to back or in
elements tandem, and cartridge seals. For
specific applications, stuffing-box
Four different rotor/stator geome- packing, lip seals and special seals
tries are available to ensure the are available. A pump with
design is optimally adapted to the magnetic coupling is available for
specific task. use with toxic media – to
guarantee 100 % that there are no
1 5
optional: iFD-Stator® 2.0
1 Rotor
2 Stator
„Full Service in Place“
Pump service without removing the pump from the system
5 4 3
Developing new blends Manufacturing blends Extruder with stator for conveying oil
TORNADO® Rotary Lobe Pumps
The TORNADO® positive displacement, self priming, valveless pumps offer high performance and are
selected and configured for the individual requirements of each application. They are designed for
continuous and gentle conveying as well as dosing in proportion to speed of nearly all media.
separation between pump and without solids and abrasive media with
chamber and gear compartment. Low to high viscosity (1 mPas up solids and/or fibers
TORNADO® rotary lobe pumps are to 1 million mPas) Suitable for lubricating and
especially easy to service and Shear sensitive, i.e. thixotropic & non lubricating media
maintain; all wetted parts are dilatant, pseudoplastic, etc Pumps media with high
immediately accessible without Abrasive or low viscosity
having to dismantle pipelines or
the drive.
Lubricating and non-lubricating ∙ Handles shear
sensitive fluids
to 1,000 m³/h disconnecting pipework
Pressures up to 10 bar
(standard) or up to 240 bar
∙ Indefinite dry running
(high pressure)
Functioning principle
Tooth belt drive
Front cover
Rotor setting
Ease of service
"Full Service in Place" (FSIP) instead of ”Maintenance In Place”
Servicing is easy, no special tool is the rotary lobes means that each is integrated into the cover.
required. Compared to traditional lobe can be fitted and removed The preset mechanical seals
rotary lobe pumps, the TORNADO® independently. You no longer (cartridge design) are fitted onto
T2 can be serviced in less than half need to make sure the the shaft, along with the rotary
the time. The rotary lobes can be keys are properly seated, and there lobes. For the first time, different
replaced in next to no time, is no axial installation work seal designs can be fitted without
because the lobes are not screwed needed on the rotary lobes. It is changing the mechanical seal
onto the shaft, but fixed with child‘s play to do this with the housing.
easily accesible clamping setting and installation gauge for
elements. The simple geometry of positioning the rotary lobes, which
Tooth belt drive
Bearing housing
Rotor case
Front cover
Rotor setting device TORNADO® rotary lobe pump in the
hygienic design, also available with milk
thread connection or even in the smooth
design for more demanding applications.
The NETZSCH PRS (Pulsation The pump chamber design with The physical separation between
Reduction System) guarantees no dead space prevents product pump chamber and bearing
almost pulsation free operation, deposits and makes cleaning housing tried and tested in the
thus optimising your process. Even easier, either manually or with the TORNADO® T1 guarantees that
when using bi-lobe rotors that CIP process for all-metal pumps. each TORNADO® rotary lobe pump
handle solids more effectively and from NETZSCH is completely
are easier to replace, we reduce dependable.
pulsation to the level characteristic
of multilobe conveying elements. 1 GSS = Gearbox Security System
2 BSS = Bearing Security System
4 Product ranges for all applications
Since 1979 NETZSCH has been manufacturing multi screw pumps to serve a wide range of industries and
applications. The most advanced technology is utilized to produce these pumps. Reliability, durability and
experience are some reasons why you should choose NETZSCH.
∙∙ ∙
Oil & Gas Extremely small tolerances ∙∙ Gentle product handling
Marine Industry due to the state-of-the-art Low maintenance
Power Generation technology Low lifecycle cost
Process Industry Optimized spindle profile Long service life
Tank Storage
Food Production
Optimized pump chamber ∙ Several mechanical seal
super duplex or Hastelloy steel.
Further metal material options Metal parts made of
on request. stainless steel
No contact between the
No dynamically loaded rotating parts
rubber parts Low pulsation
Static seals from NBR to FFKM No dead spaces
Smooth feeding of the media to
the conveying elements
Capacity and pressure ranges
Pressure rate up to 80 bar
Viscosities up to 200.000 cSt
Temperature up to 300 ºC
The NOTOS® multi screw pump family comprises four product series in different versions, with the
two-spindle pump also being developed in hygienic versions. The superior quality standard meets the
highest requirements of our customers in all industries as well as in food production.
Pressure up to 16 bar
Temperature up to 300 °C
Two Screw Pump Viscosity up to 100,000 cSt
2 NSH –
∙∙ Flow rate up to 200 m³/h
Pressure up to 16 bar
Temperature up to 140 °C
Hygienic Twin Screw Pump Viscosity up to 500,000 cSt
3 NS –
∙∙ Flow rate up to 400 m³/h
Pressure up to 160 bar
Temperature up to 300 °C
Three Screw Pump Viscosity up to 15,000 cSt
4 NS –
∙∙ Flow rate up to 3,000 m³/h
Pressure up to 80 bar
Temperature up to 400 °C
Geared Twin Screw Pump Viscosity up to 200,000 cSt
The PERIPRO® product lines are This makes PERIPRO® pumps ideal The PERIRPRO® peristaltic pump
highly efficient and heavy-duty for dosing or pumping highly for applications in hygienic areas is
machines. The hose compression abrasive, shear-sensitive, viscous optimised for pumping food and
system offers the highest accuracy, and corrosive media. beverages as well as cosmetic
effectiveness and durability. The The chemical version of the products and complies with all
absence of valves and mechanical PERIPRO® pump is a fully protected current specifications and regula-
seals means that the PERIPRO® is unit with a TEFZEL® coating, that is tions. Hygienic connections
completely leak-free. In addition, resistant to the attack of highly according to DIN 11851 or
the PERIPRO® peristaltic pump corrosive acids and all kinds of Tri-Clamp and a design that
withstands dry running completely difficult chemicals. facilitates CIP cleaning through
undamaged, even over a longer simple disassembly complete this
period of time. construction.
NETZSCH technology for Ideal for difficult media Advantages of PERIPRO®
peristaltic pumps
∙ Abrasive products: Lime milk,
pumps compared with
peristaltic pumps with shoe
activated carbon, sludges and
Excellent resistance to abrasion slurries, among others
Extremely high suction Corrosive products: Sodium
∙∙ ∙∙
capability hypochlorite, ferric chloride,
Indefinite dry running hydrochloric acid, etc. Energy savings of up to 30 %
∙ ∙∙
No valves or mechanical seals Viscous products: Water-based 90 % less lubricant required
Low shear and reversible glues, greases, creams, resins, etc. Easy hose replacement
∙∙ ∙
pumping Delicate products: Latex, Wide range of operation
Full dosing control polymers and flocculants, food Low starting torque
Industrial, corrosion resistant products, etc.
and food versions
Dosing accuracy of ±1%
Up to 70 % solids in conveyed
expanded to up to 34,000 l/h
For pressures up to 10 bar
Latest technology of
1 3 Robust construction
peristaltic pumps for the most demanding
applications up to 10 bar
The materials used are compatible
with many media and therefore Thanks to the extra large metal
are suited for many applications. rollers in conjunction with heavy-
The peristaltic pump is particularly duty bearings and connections
corrosion-resistant and suitable for that fit the application exactly, the
a wide range of temperatures. pump is ideally suited for
demanding applications.
Saving on hose
4 XXL roller technology for Added to this is the simple
operation of the PERIPRO®
fewer energy costs and more peristaltic pumps during the use
efficiency for the application, as well as
when changing the hose.
Due to the large diameter of the 1
rollers, the hose is squeezed
optimally and gently. The roller
principle reduces the load (friction)
on the hose, compared to the
sliding shoe, considerably. This
extends the service life of the
hose and contributes to a
reduction in energy costs of up to
30 %.
NETZSCH Dosing Technology
and Barrel Emptying Units
It is good to have a choice
NETZSCH is a trend-setting problem solver thanks to consistent
implementation and constant development of existing expertise.
You benefit from our continuous optimisation of positive displacement
pump technology. We also pay particular attention to further developing
the dosing components in use by customers to meet the constantly
growing statutory requirements and expectations in our markets.
∙ Low shear conveying and dosing of high viscosity, highly abrasive
and highly filled products
∙ Product remaining in barrel after emptying < 1-2 %
of the total volume
∙∙ Low system working pressures
No pressure reversal points or no pressure drop in the pipe
or in the system
∙∙ Barrel changes without interrupting the production process
Valve-less dosing system
∙∙ Speed proportional dosing
Volumetric dosing accuracy >99 %, independent of the viscosity
∙∙ Simple integration of the dispenser with robots
Servo drives available for high loads
∙∙ Continuous, gentle, and pulsation free dosing
No dripping or stringing due to retraction at the end of
the dosing process
∙∙ Low life cycle costs
Complete heating possible
NETZSCH barrel emptying system NBE 200 NETZSCH barrel emptying system NBE 20 NEMO® Dispenser
in hygienic design in industrial design
NETZSCH Grinding Systems
M-Ovas® Cutting Plate Macerator
The M-Ovas® cutting plate macerator for coarse materials is ideally suited for use in biogas plants where
impurities in the medium reduce process reliability. The solids in the medium are reliably macerated or
separated from the medium (e.g. stones), to prevent pipes from getting blocked or damage to downstream
of the cutting plate
Fermented, renewable raw ∙ Low energy requirement
materials with high throughput rate
Slurry ∙ Integrated separator vessel
Bio waste with separate cleaning and
Slaughter waste drainage aperture
Manure ∙ Effortless disposal of the
sedimented materials
through easy access
∙ Shaft sealing using mechanical
seal with lubrication
∙∙ Easy maintenance in place
Cutting plate usable on
both sides
∙ Different perforated plates
depending on the application
FSIP® – „Full Service in Place“ also true for our grinders
The N.Mac® channel twin shaft grinder macerates coarse and solid contaminants in liquid media. It is ideal
for a wide range of applications from wastewater treatment, substrates for biogas plants to food and fruit
residues. The various housing designs allow installation in sewers as well as in piping systems to prevent
pipe blockage and protect downstream equipment such as pumps.
preferably used with media in the channel installations Mechanical seals with quench
following industries: Twin shaft technology for ∙ Modular design of
∙∙ ∙
reduction of solid particles cutting units
Biogas plants Low power installation at ∙∙ Easy maintenance in place
∙ ∙
Agriculture 2.2 kW (and 3 kW) Optional clearing comb for
Slaughterhouses and recycling Low rotation of the cutters at fibrous materials
∙∙ ∙
plants high torque (1:29 reduction) Efficiency increasing side rails
Canning factories Hexagonal shaft in (flow and cutting)
∙ ∙
Industrial kitchens hardened steel
Sugar factories Standard cutter arrangement
7/7 teeth
Optional control unit to reverse
High flow rates direction of rotation in case
of blockage
Flow rates of up to 400 m³/h with Optional extended shaft for
a solid content of up to 10 %. channel version
Accessories & Service
Accessories to increase the operational safety of both
pump and plant to prevent downtimes
∙ ∙∙
protect the pump. your pumps.
Dry running protection Filling device for K and Z joints
∙∙ ∙
(STP2A, STP2D) Ring dosing nozzle
Flow sensors for solid stators Adhesive dowel for fastening
Speed monitoring device the base plate to the floor
Stator removal tool
overpressure and underpressure. the food, pharmaceutical and
Contact manometer with cosmetic industries, a range of
pressure sensor optional parts are available to
Contact manometer with ensure uncompromising hygiene
∙ ∙∙
flanged pressure sensor and to enable mobile use.
Multifunction pressure Covers for drives
∙ ∙∙
monitoring unit Transport devices
By-pass line Machine feet – flexible, rigid
Lifetime extension with xLC®
stator adjustment unit
Seal Support Systems
function correctly and reliably.
Quench pot
Permanent lubricator
Pressurised flushing system
or thermosiphon systems for
double-acting mechanical seal
Advice, service and quality are our In your area well-trained service
strengths. Strict quality standards, partners are available for quick
test procedures and certification in and economic service of the
accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001 pumps at your premises. You will
guarantee that you receive the find your personal service partner
very highest quality without on our homepage:
exception. To maintain the perfor- www.pumps-systems.netzsch.
mance and quality of your pump, com/en/consulting-technical-
we continue to provide support service/spare-parts-service
after delivery in all aspects of
your pump to ensure it operates
reliably in your system. We have NETZSCH Original Spare Parts
over 70 years of experience with
more than 500,000 installed Only the usage of original spare
pumps behind us. parts from NETZSCH ensures
reliable operation of your pumps.
The NETZSCH Group is an owner-managed, international technology company with headquarters
in Germany. The Business Units Analyzing & Testing, Grinding & Dispersing and Pumps & Systems
represent customized solutions at the highest level. A worldwide sales and service network ensure
customer proximity and competent service.
Our performance standards are high. We promise our customers Proven Excellence – exceptional
performance in everything we do, proven time and again since 1873.
The NETZSCH Business Unit Pumps & Systems offers NEMO® progressing cavity pumps, TORNADO®
rotary lobe pumps, NOTOS® multi screw pumps, PERIPRO® peristaltic pumps, macerators/grinders,
dosing technology and equipment that are custom built for challenging solutions for different
applications globally.