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für Profis
High Quality Hoses
for Professionals
Qualitätsschläuche von ContiTech –
Die vernünftige Entscheidung
Produkte aus dem Hause ContiTech sind ihren Preis wert. Selbst Verbraucher
bringen es auf den Punkt wenn sie sagen: “Wir sind zu arm, um billig zu kaufen“.
Nachdem bereits vor vielen Jahren die ersten Schläuche zu Discountpreisen auf dem
deutschen Markt angeboten wurden, mussten die Verwender schon nach kurzer Zeit
feststellen, dass sie ein Minusgeschäft gemacht hatten.
Das am Schlauch gesparte Geld musste schon sehr bald für den Austausch, die
Neubeschaffung und Entsorgung des schnell ermüdenden Billigmaterials
aufgebracht werden. Oder es entstanden sogar unvorhergesehen hohe Kosten durch
Produktionsverluste, verursacht durch platzende Schläuche und sich lockernde
Das sind die Hauptgründe, warum ContiTech heute wie schon vor 75 Jahren in
Deutschland Schläuche fertigt. ContiTech ist davon überzeugt, dass Produkte, aus
besten Werkstoffen und auf modernsten Maschinen produziert, heute mehr denn je
marktfähig sind. Die Sicherheit der Produktion und die Langlebigkeit des
Schlauchmaterials sind Faktoren, die dem Kunden bares Geld sparen helfen.
Ermöglicht wird das durch lückenlose Fertigungskontrollen während der Produktion,
traditionell beste Materialien und technische Verfahren, die zugleich effektiv und
ökologisch einwandfrei sind. Nicht zufällig trägt der ContiTech Fertigungsstandort
das Umweltzertifikat.
ContiTech-Kunden sind daher in zweierlei Hinsicht vernünftig: sie schonen ihren
eigenen Geldbeutel und gleichzeitig die Welt, in der wir leben.

Quality hoses from ContiTech – A sensible decision

Products made by ContiTech are worth their price. There’s even a wise old saying to
back this statement: “Buy cheap and suffer the consequences”. Years ago, the first
hoses arrived on the German market at discount prices. Consumers quickly discovered,
WT 1502 11.07 (01) Gedruckt mit CONTI AIR® Offset-Drucktüchern auf chlorfrei gebleichtem Papier

however, that they had been enticed by a money-losing investment in the long run.
Money saved on the purchase soon had to be spent on hose replacement and disposal
of rapidly fatigued, cheap materials. Or, worse still, consumers suffered unexpectedly
high expense due to production losses caused by burst hoses and loosened couplings.
These are the main reasons why ContiTech still makes hoses in Germany – just as has
been doing for the past 75 years. ContiTech is convinced that products made from the
best materials and using the best equipment are marketable today more than ever.
After all, optimised production reliability and the long life of hose materials are factors
that help the customer save a lot of money. We guarantee those factors by performing
in-process inspections throughout our hose manufacturing operations, and by
traditionally employing the best materials and technical processes which are both
highly efficient and ecologically sound. Indeed, it’s no coincidence that ContiTech’s
manufacturing site has been awarded the environment certificate.
Actually, ContiTech’s customers are sensible in two respects: they’re doing something
that’s good for their wallet and something that’s good for the world in which we live.
Wir sind führender Entwickler und Hersteller von hochwertigen Schläuchen
und Schlauchleitungen für unterschiedlichste industrielle, gewerbliche und
kommunale Anwendungen. Unsere materialtechnologische und konstruktive
Kompetenz sowie unsere Fertigungsverfahren sind die Grundlage für den
sicheren und komfortablen Transport sämtlicher Medien. Unsere Marken-
schläuche sind vielfältig einsetzbar. Seit Jahrzehnten haben sie sich im
Dauereinsatz unter härtesten Bedingungen bewährt. Sie zeichnen sich durch
ihre Zuverlässigkeit, Sicherheit, lange Lebensdauer und durch ihre leichte und
problemlose Handhabung aus. Für jedes Medium liefern wir Ihnen den
idealen Schlauch.


We are the leading developer and manufacturer of high quality hoses and hose
assemblies for various industrial, professional and municipal applications.
Our material-technological and constructive competence as well as our manu-
facturing processes is the basis for a safe and easy transport of various pro-
ducts. Our high quality hoses are made for a wide range of applications. They
have been proving themselves for decades in continuous use even under the
most severe working conditions. They offer reliability, safety, long service life
and are easy to handle. We supply the right hose for any product.
WT 1501 09.07 (01) Gedruckt mit CONTI AIR® Offset-Drucktüchern auf chlorfrei gebleichtem Papier

Willi Emde Hubert Butterwegge

Leiter Segment Industrieschläuche Leiter Vertrieb Industrieschläuche
Head of Industrial Hoses Sales Manager Industrial Hoses
Water Hoses 1
Schläuche für die Lebensmittel-, Getränke-, Kosmetik-
und Pharmaindustrie
Hoses for the Food-, Beverage-, Cosmetics-
and pharmaceutical Industry
Dampf- und Reinigungsschläuche
Steam and Cleaning Hoses 3
Compressed Air Hoses 4
Gas Hoses 5
Multi-Purpose Hoses 6
Bau- und Förderschläuche
Construction and Transport Hoses 7
Big-Bore Hoses 8
Hydraulic Hoses 9
Chemie- und Betankungsschläuche
Chemical and Refuelling Hoses 10
Sonstige Schläuche
Miscellaneous Hoses 11
WT 1500 09.07

Technischer Anhang
Technical Appendix 12
Water Hoses 1
WT 1500 09.07
The highly flexible hose for potable water

Marking: yellow wavy line on blue cover, longitudinally applied, interrupted by the wording
AQUAPAL Trinkwasserschlauch PN20 KTW ”A”, DVGW-W270 und VP 549 geprüft DVGW Reg-Nr: DW-0309BT0079

Application: Description:
The ideal hose whenever it comes to conveying potable q absolutely neutral to taste and odour
water in the food and beverage industry, for camping q temperature range from –20°C up to +90°C
and caravanning, for filling potable water storage tanks, q can be steamed up to +130°C
in large-scale catering establishments, for maintaining q reinforcements: synthetic fibres
domestic emergency supplies, at public festivals and for q highly flexible, can be overrun*
many more applications. The special transparent, plastic q meets the KTW-Leitlinie”Rohre”, DVGW-W270
inner lining free of plasticisers is homogeneous, smooth and DVGW-VP 549 (DVGW Reg-Nr: DW-0309BT0079)
and absolutely neutral to taste and odour. q NBR-cover resistant to abrasion, UV, fats and oils
q FDA-conformal
AQUAPAL® meets all the German recommendations and q 3 years warranty**
regulations for the transport of potable water. * except construction with steel wire helix.
** The 3 years' warranty with regard to AQUAPAL® refers to faulty material
and manufacture provided that couplings have been fitted by experts, that
the recommended working conditions have been respected and that the
hose has been used properly.

Technical data:

Nominal width Inner-Ø Wall thickness Working Minimum burst Minimum Weight
pressure*** pressure*** bending radius
Zoll/Inch mm mm bar bar approx. mm approx. g/m
1/6 4 2,5 20 ≥ 60 25 75
1/3 8 3,0 20 ≥ 60 50 140
3/8 * 10 3,6 20 ≥ 60 60 210
1/2 * 13 3,6 20 ≥ 60 75 250
5/8 * 16 3,6 20 ≥ 60 95 300
3/4 * 19 4,2 20 ≥ 60 110 420
3/4 * 19* 6,0 20 ≥ 60 90 780
7/8 * 22 4,5 20 ≥ 60 130 510
1 * 25 4,5 20 ≥ 60 145 570
1 * 25* 6,0 20 ≥ 60 115 965
1 1/4 * 32 5,5 20 ≥ 60 280 870
1 1/4 * 32* 6,0 20 ≥ 60 160 1.150
1 1/2 38 6,5 20 ≥ 60 330 1.200
1 3/4 45 7,5 20 ≥ 60 390 1.620
2 50 7,5 20 ≥ 60 435 1.790
2 50* 7,5 20 ≥ 60 250 2.290
3 75* 7,5 20 ≥ 60 375 3.300
4 100* 8,0 20 ≥ 60 500 4.715

* for these nominal widths/inner-Ø we actually have obtained the DVGW registration certificate *** based on room temperature Delivery in coils of 40 m

Market segment industrial hoses

ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

The content of this publication is provided for information only and without responsibility. ContiTech AG’s obligations and responsibilities regarding its products are
governed solely by the agreements under which they are sold. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the information contained herein does not become part of these
agreements. This publication does not contain any guarantee or agreed quality of ContiTech AG’s products or any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose and non-infringement. ContiTech AG may make changes in the products or services described at any time without notice. This publication is provided on an
”as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, ContiTech AG makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the infor-
mation contained in this publication. ContiTech AG is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of this publi-
cation. Information contained herein is not intended to announce product availability anywhere in the world. © 2007 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
The high-grade water- and cleaning hose

Marking: yellow wavy line on black cover, axially applied

Application: Description:
The high-grade water- and cleaning hose is a trade- q black, non-porous, smooth, EPDM lining
marked article of highest quality. A tool with unsurpas- q working pressure up to 30 bar
sed characteristics, robust, nearly indestructible, long (depending on bore size)
lasting and of utmost use. q temperature range from – 30°C up to +100°C,
can also be steamed up to 130°C (max. 30 minutes)
GOLD SNAKE® is the right hose for ambitious appli- q reinforcements: synthetic fibres
cations. A product that meets all requirements for the q non-buckling, shock-proof, can be overrun
building industry, for landscape gardening or for machi- q resistant to ozone and UV
nes, apparatus, containers and many other applications. q CR-cover resistant to oil, grease and chemicals
q 5 years warranty*

* The 5 years' warranty with regard to GOLD SNAKE® refers to faulty mate-
rial and manufacture provided that couplings have been fitted by experts,
that the recommended working conditions have been respected and that the
hose has been used properly.

Technical data:

Nominal width Inner-Ø Wall thickness Working Minimum burst Minimum Weight
pressure** pressure** bending radius
Zoll/Inch mm mm bar bar approx. mm approx. g/m
3/8 10 3,6 30 ≥ 90 45 160
1/2 13 3,6 30 ≥ 90 50 225
5/8 16 3,6 25 ≥ 75 70 260
3/4 19 4,2 25 ≥ 75 80 385
7/8 22 4,5 20 ≥ 60 100 430
1 25 4,5 20 ≥ 60 110 490
1 1/4 32 5,5 12 ≥ 36 175 760
1 1/2 38 6,5 12 ≥ 36 250 1,050
1 3/4 45 7,5 10 ≥ 30 290 1,480
2 50 7,5 10 ≥ 30 300 1,580
** based on room temperature Delivery in coils of 40 m

Market segment industrial hoses

ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

The content of this publication is provided for information only and without responsibility. ContiTech AG’s obligations and responsibilities regarding its products are
governed solely by the agreements under which they are sold. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the information contained herein does not become part of these
agreements. This publication does not contain any guarantee or agreed quality of ContiTech AG’s products or any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose and non-infringement. ContiTech AG may make changes in the products or services described at any time without notice. This publication is provided on an
”as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, ContiTech AG makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the infor-
mation contained in this publication. ContiTech AG is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of this publi-
cation. Information contained herein is not intended to announce product availability anywhere in the world. © 2007 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
The high-grade water hose

Marking: 2 yellow markings on black cover opposite each other, “PHOENIX TRIX SUPER”

Application: Description:
TRIX SUPER® is the high-grade water hose for conveying q black, non-porous and smooth EPDM lining
water at high pressure. By easily handling working q working pressure up to 30 bar
pressures up to 30 bar, it is especially suitable for q temperature range from – 40°C up to +120°C
challenging applications like transporting pressure- and q reinforcements: synthetic fibres
cooling water, but also for simple sprinkling, filling, q highly flexible, robust
discharging, rinsing and cleaning in industry, construction, q EPDM-cover, resistant to ozone and weather
municipal installations, farming, car pools, garages and q release agent- and fat-free, free from any product
workshops. harmful to lacquer
q low resistance to flow
The hose is very robust and has a low resistance to flow.

Technical data:

Nominal width Inner-Ø Wall thickness Working Minimum burst Minimum Weight
pressure* pressure* bending radius
Zoll/Inch mm mm bar bar approx. mm approx. g/m
3/8 10 3,5 30 90 35 225
1/2 13 4,0 30 90 46 315
3/4 19 4,5 30 90 65 480
1 25 5,0 30 90 110 650
* based on room temperature Delivery in coils of 50 m

Market segment industrial hoses

ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

The content of this publication is provided for information only and without responsibility. ContiTech AG’s obligations and responsibilities regarding its products are
governed solely by the agreements under which they are sold. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the information contained herein does not become part of these
agreements. This publication does not contain any guarantee or agreed quality of ContiTech AG’s products or any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose and non-infringement. ContiTech AG may make changes in the products or services described at any time without notice. This publication is provided on an
”as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, ContiTech AG makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the infor-
mation contained in this publication. ContiTech AG is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of this publi-
cation. Information contained herein is not intended to announce product availability anywhere in the world. © 2007 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
The professional water hose

Marking: 6 red axially applied stripes on black cover,

PHOENIX TRIX ROTSTRAHL DN 13 Wasser/Water 20 BAR Betriebsdruck 60 BAR Berstdruck Made in Germany

Application: Description:
TRIX ROTSTRAHL® is the water hose for use in industry, q black, non-porous and smooth EPDM lining
local authorities, construction and civil engineering, q working pressure up to 20 bar
landscape gardening, agriculture and many other appli- q temperature range from – 40°C up to +100°C
cations. Thanks to its design and construction it is highly q reinforcements: synthetic fibres
flexible and robust, ozone- and weather-resistant, and q highly flexible, robust
can operate at temperatures from – 40°C to +100°C. q EPDM-cover, resistant to ozone and UV
q release agent- and fat-free, free from any product
The ideal hose for cleaning and sprinkling, filling, harmful to lacquer
spraying, rinsing and draining. q low resistance to flow

Technical data:

Nominal width Inner-Ø Wall thickness Working Minimum burst Minimum Weight
pressure* pressure* bending radius
Zoll/Inch mm mm bar bar approx. mm approx. g/m
1/2 13 3,0 20 ≥ 60 46 245
5/8 16 3,5 20 ≥ 60 60 330
3/4 19 4,0 20 ≥ 60 65 435
7/8 22 4,5 20 ≥ 60 70 520
1 25 4,5 20 ≥ 60 110 580
1 1/8 28 5,0 15 ≥ 45 120 715
1 3/16 30 5,5 15 ≥ 45 140 835
1 1/4 32 5,5 15 ≥ 45 150 870
1 3/8 35 5,5 15 ≥ 45 180 940
1 1/2 38 6.0 15 ≥ 45 200 1.100
1 9/16 40 6,0 15 ≥ 45 240 1.150
1 5/8 42 6,0 10 ≥ 30 250 1.250
2 50 7,0 10 ≥ 30 300 1.565
* based on room temperatur Lengths: up to DN 19 in coils of 40 m, 50 m und 80 m
up to DN 25 in coils of 40 m and 50 m
as from DN 28 in coils of 40 m

Market segment industrial hoses

ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

The content of this publication is provided for information only and without responsibility. ContiTech AG’s obligations and responsibilities regarding its products are
governed solely by the agreements under which they are sold. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the information contained herein does not become part of these
agreements. This publication does not contain any guarantee or agreed quality of ContiTech AG’s products or any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose and non-infringement. ContiTech AG may make changes in the products or services described at any time without notice. This publication is provided on an
”as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, ContiTech AG makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the infor-
mation contained in this publication. ContiTech AG is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of this publi-
cation. Information contained herein is not intended to announce product availability anywhere in the world. © 2007 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
The versatile water hose

Marking: 6 orange stripes, axially applied, on black cover,

PHOENIX EURO-TRIX DN 25 Wasser/Water 15 BAR Betriebsdruck Made in Germany

Application: Description:
The EURO TRIX® water hose is a product for universal q black, non-porous and smooth EPDM lining
operation. It is designed for safe operation in mobile or q working pressure up to 15 bar
stationary hose lines in industry and construction as well q temperature range from – 20 °C up to +100 °C
as farming, landscape gardening, municipal facilities, q reinforcements: synthetic fibres
car pools etc. q highly flexible, twist-free and non-buckling
q EPDM-cover, resistant to ozone and weather
The hose is highly flexible, robust and easy to handle. q release agent- and fat-free, free from any product
harmful to lacquer

Technical data:

Nominal width Inner-Ø Wall thickness Working Minimum burst Minimum Weight
pressure* pressure* bending radius
Zoll/Inch mm mm bar bar approx. mm approx. g/m
1/2 13 3,5 15 ≥ 45 50 265
5/8 16 3,8 15 ≥ 45 65 360
3/4 19 4,0 15 ≥ 45 70 435
1 25 4,5 15 ≥ 45 120 580
* based on room temperatur Delivery in coils of 40 m

Market segment industrial hoses

ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

The content of this publication is provided for information only and without responsibility. ContiTech AG’s obligations and responsibilities regarding its products are
governed solely by the agreements under which they are sold. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the information contained herein does not become part of these
agreements. This publication does not contain any guarantee or agreed quality of ContiTech AG’s products or any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose and non-infringement. ContiTech AG may make changes in the products or services described at any time without notice. This publication is provided on an
”as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, ContiTech AG makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the infor-
mation contained in this publication. ContiTech AG is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of this publi-
cation. Information contained herein is not intended to announce product availability anywhere in the world. © 2007 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
TRIX® High pressure hose
for washing machines and dishwashers


90 bar Platzdruck Made in Germany, on grey cover

Application: Description:
The TRIX® High pressure hose was designed especially q black, non-porous and smooth EPDM lining
to meet the high security requirements of professional q working pressure up to 30 bar
washing- and dishwashing machines, but it is also used q burst pressure _> 90 bar
for domestic machines. Especially the high resistance to q for hot water up to +95°C
pressure make the hose an inalienable element. q reinforcements: synthetic fibres
q highly flexible, robust
q EPDM-cover, resistant to ozone and weather
q release agent- and fat-free, free from any product
harmful to lacquer
q can be used for all makes

Technical data:

Nominal width Inner-Ø Wall thickness Working Minimum burst Minimum Weight
pressure* pressure* bending radius
Zoll/Inch mm mm bar bar approx. mm approx. g/m
3/8 10 3,5 30 90 35 225
1/2 13 3,5 30 90 46 315
* based on room temperature Delivery in coils of 40 m

Market segment industrial hoses

ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

The content of this publication is provided for information only and without responsibility. ContiTech AG’s obligations and responsibilities regarding its products are
governed solely by the agreements under which they are sold. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the information contained herein does not become part of these
agreements. This publication does not contain any guarantee or agreed quality of ContiTech AG’s products or any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose and non-infringement. ContiTech AG may make changes in the products or services described at any time without notice. This publication is provided on an
”as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, ContiTech AG makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the infor-
mation contained in this publication. ContiTech AG is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of this publi-
cation. Information contained herein is not intended to announce product availability anywhere in the world. © 2007 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
Cooling water hose
to DBL 6254.11

Marking: according to DBL

Applications: Description:
The cooling water hose to DBL 6254.11 is the perfect q black, non-porous and smooth EPDM lining
drainage and exhaust hose for the industry and q temperature range up to +125°C
garage- or car-maintenance factories. q working pressure up to 2,5 bar
q reinforcements: synthetic fibres
Its resistance to cooling water and the usual additions of q EPDM-cover, resistant to ozone, weather, UV and
antifreezing compounds and corrosion preventives abrasion
make it the best choice. q approved by Daimler Benz
Technische Daten:

Nominal width Inner-Ø Wall thickness Working Minimum Burst Minimum Weight
pressure* pressure* bending radius
Zoll/Inch mm mm bar bar approx. mm approx. g/m
3/8 10 4,5 2,5 12 100 500
1/2 12 4,5 2,5 12 120 580
5/8 15 4,5 2.5 12 150 670
3/4 18 4,5 2,5 12 180 765
3/4 20 4,5 2,5 10 200 840
7/8 22 4,5 2,5 10 220 910
1 25 4,5 2,5 10 250 1 .102
1 1/8 28 4,5 2,5 10 280 1 .110
1 3/16 30 6,0 2,5 10 300 1 .900
1 1/4 32 6,0 2,5 10 320 2 .025
1 3/8 35 6,0 2,5 10 350 2 .200
1 1/2 38 6,0 2,5 10 380 2 .320
1 5/8 42 6,0 2,5 6 420 2 .430
1 3/4 45 6,0 2,5 6 450 2 .720
2 50 6,0 2,5 6 500 2 .990
2 1/8 55 6,0 2,5 6 550 3 .360
2 3/8 60 6,0 2,5 6 600 3 .700
2 5/8 65 6,0 2,5 6 650 3 .940
2 3/4 70 6,0 2,5 6 700 4 .450
3 75 6,0 2,5 6 750 4 .530
3 1/8 80 6,0 2,5 6 800 4 .820

* based on room temperatur in lengths of 2 m peroxide cross-linked execution on request

Market segment industrial hoses

ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

The content of this publication is provided for information only and without responsibility. ContiTech AG’s obligations and responsibilities regarding its products are
governed solely by the agreements under which they are sold. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the information contained herein does not become part of these
agreements. This publication does not contain any guarantee or agreed quality of ContiTech AG’s products or any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose and non-infringement. ContiTech AG may make changes in the products or services described at any time without notice. This publication is provided on an
”as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, ContiTech AG makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the infor-
mation contained in this publication. ContiTech AG is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of this publi-
cation. Information contained herein is not intended to announce product availability anywhere in the world. © 2007 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
The versatile water hose

Marking: 6 yellow stripes, axially applied, on black background,

PHOENIX THERMIDOR DN 19 WP 15 bar Made by Phoenix

Application: Description:
The THERMIDOR water hose is a product for universal q black, non-porous and smooth EPDM lining
operation. It is designed for safe operation in mobile or q working pressure up to 15 bar
stationary hose lines in industry and construction as well q temperature range from – 20 °C up to +100 °C
as farming, landscape gardening, municipal facilities, q reinforcements: synthetic fibres
car pools etc. q highly flexible, twist-free and non-buckling
q EPDM-cover, resistant to ozone and weather
The hose is highly flexible, robust and easy to handle. q release agent- and fat-free, free from any product
harmful to lacquer

Technical data:

Nominal width Inner-Ø Wall thickness Working Minimum burst Minimum Weight
pressure* pressure* bending radius
Zoll/Inch mm mm bar bar approx. mm approx. g/m
1/2 13 3,2 15 ≥ 45 130 215
5/8 15 3,0 15 ≥ 45 150 280
3/4 19 3,5 15 ≥ 45 190 390
1 25 4,0 15 ≥ 45 250 550
1 3/16 30 4,5 10 ≥ 30 300 720
1 3/8 34 4,5 10 ≥ 30 340 790

* based on room temperatur Lengths: up to 25 mm Ø in coils of 25/50 m

30/34 mm Ø in coils of 20/40 m

Market segment industrial hoses

ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

The content of this publication is provided for information only and without responsibility. ContiTech AG’s obligations and responsibilities regarding its products are
governed solely by the agreements under which they are sold. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the information contained herein does not become part of these
agreements. This publication does not contain any guarantee or agreed quality of ContiTech AG’s products or any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose and non-infringement. ContiTech AG may make changes in the products or services described at any time without notice. This publication is provided on an
”as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, ContiTech AG makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the infor-
mation contained in this publication. ContiTech AG is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of this publi-
cation. Information contained herein is not intended to announce product availability anywhere in the world. © 2007 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
Water Hoses 1
Schläuche für die Lebensmittel-, Getränke-, Kosmetik-
und Pharmaindustrie
Hoses for the Food-, Beverage-, Cosmetics-
and pharmaceutical Industry
WT 1500 09.07
The extremely flexible hose for milk collecting trucks

Marking: 2 parallel, spirally applied red stripes, interrupted by the words “COLLECTOR”, on blue cover

Application: Description:
COLLECTOR® is the ideal high-quality hose for the q homogeneous, smooth, white NR-lining
reliable and safe use with milk collecting trucks. q absolutely neutral to taste and odour
Its white lining made from natural rubber is absolutely q working pressure up to 6 bar
neutral to taste and odour, resistent to raw milk as well q temperature range from – 40°C up to +70°C
as to commonly used cleaning products. The reinforce- (+90°C max. 20 minutes)
ments with just one steel wire helix allow a pressure of q reinforcements: synthetic fibres
6 bar. The very high flexibility of the hose makes it easy q can be steamed up to +130 °C (max. 20 minutes)
to handle. The NR cover is resistent to abrasion, UV and q highly flexible and lightweight
ozone. q NR-cover, resistant to ozone, weather and abrasion
q meets the recommendation XXI of BfR and FDA

Technical data:

Nominal width Inner-Ø Wall thickness Working Minimum burst Minimum Weight
pressure* pressure* bending radius
Zoll/Inch mm mm bar bar approx. mm approx. g/m
1 1/2 38 5,5 6 18 76 1.200
19/16 40 5,5 6 18 80 1.300
1 3/4 45 5,5 6 18 90 1.400
2 50 5,5 6 18 100 1.500
2 1/8 53 5,5 6 18 106 1.600
2 1/2 63 6,0 6 18 126 2.200
2 5/8 65 7,0 6 18 140 2.500
3 75 7,0 6 18 170 3.000
4 100 8,0 6 18 250 4.550
* based on room temperatur Delivery in coils of 40 m

Market segment industrial hoses

ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

The content of this publication is provided for information only and without responsibility. ContiTech AG’s obligations and responsibilities regarding its products are
governed solely by the agreements under which they are sold. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the information contained herein does not become part of these
agreements. This publication does not contain any guarantee or agreed quality of ContiTech AG’s products or any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
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”as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, ContiTech AG makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the infor-
mation contained in this publication. ContiTech AG is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of this publi-
cation. Information contained herein is not intended to announce product availability anywhere in the world. © 2007 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
The multi-purpose hose resisting running over by trucks

Marking: Red spiral with integrated blue wavy line on blue cover

Applications: Description:
LACTOPAL® is the multi-purpose, high-class hose for the q white, non-porous and smooth NBR lining
food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry. q absolutely neutral to taste and odour
The white lining, resistant to fatty and oily products, is q lining and cover both resistant to oil and fats
homogeneous, smooth and neutral to taste and odour. It q temperature range up to +80°C
is resistant to commonly used cleaning and disinfecting (+90°C max. 20 minutes)
products. Especially developed for rough working q can be steamed up to +110 °C
conditions LACTOPAL® is robust, ensuring dimensional (+130°C max. 20 minutes)
stability and resists running over by trucks. q working pressure up to 16 bar
Together with our swaged coupling systems and rubber q reinforcements: synthetic fibres
protection rings it becomes the ideal hose assembly! q NBR-cover, resistant to ozone, weather, UV and
q meets the recommendation XXI of BfR and FDA
q 2 years’ warranty**
** The 2 years’ warranty with regard to LACTOPAL® refers to faulty material
and manufacture provided that couplings have been fitted by experts, that
the recommended working conditions have been respected and that the
hose has been used properly.

Technical data:

Nominal width Inner-Ø Wall thickness Working Minimum burst Minimum Weight
pressure* pressure* bending radius
Zoll/Inch mm mm bar bar approx. mm approx. g/m
1/2 13 4,0 16 ≥ 48 80 280
5/8 16 4,0 16 ≥ 48 100 320
3/4 19 5,0 16 ≥ 48 115 500
1 25 6,0 16 ≥ 48 150 800
1 1/4 32 8,0 16 ≥ 48 195 1.400
1 1/2 38 9,0 16 ≥ 48 230 1.700
1 9/16 40 9,0 16 ≥ 48 240 1.900
2 50 10,0 16 ≥ 48 300 2.700
2 3/8 60 10,0 16 ≥ 48 420 3.000
2 5/8 65 12,0 16 ≥ 48 455 3.800
3 75 12,0 16 ≥ 48 525 4.100
3 1/8 80 14,0 16 ≥ 48 560 5.100
4 100 15,0 16 ≥ 48 700 6.700
* based on room temperatur Delivery in coils of 40 m

Market segment industrial hoses

ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

The content of this publication is provided for information only and without responsibility. ContiTech AG’s obligations and responsibilities regarding its products are
governed solely by the agreements under which they are sold. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the information contained herein does not become part of these
agreements. This publication does not contain any guarantee or agreed quality of ContiTech AG’s products or any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose and non-infringement. ContiTech AG may make changes in the products or services described at any time without notice. This publication is provided on an
”as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, ContiTech AG makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the infor-
mation contained in this publication. ContiTech AG is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of this publi-
cation. Information contained herein is not intended to announce product availability anywhere in the world. © 2007 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
The suction-proof multi-purpose hose

Marking: Red spiral with integrated blue wavy line on blue cover

Applications: Description:
LACTOPAL® L is the multi-purpose, high-class hose with q white, non-porous and smooth NBR lining
steel wire helix for the food, pharmaceutical and q absolutely neutral to taste and odour
cosmetic industry. The white lining is homogeneous, q lining and cover resistant to oil and fats
smooth, neutral to taste and odour and is especially q temperature range up to +80°C
designed for the transport of fatty and oily products. (+90°C max. 20 minutes)
It is resistant to commonly used cleaning and disinfecting q can be steamed up to +110 °C
products. (+130 °C max. 20 minutes)
The incorporated steel wire helix makes LACTOPAL® L q working pressure up to 16 bar
extremely flexible, lightweight and particularly resistant q reinforcements: synthetic fibres
to suction. q NBR-cover, resistant to ozone, weather, UV and
Together with our swaged coupling systems and rubber abrasion
protection rings it becomes the ideal hose assembly! q meets the recommendation XXI of BfR and FDA

Technical data:

Nominal width Inner-Ø Wall thickness Working Minimum burst Minimum Weight
pressure* pressure* bending radius
Zoll/Inch mm mm bar bar approx. mm approx. g/m
3/4 19 5,0 16 ≥ 48 60 600
1 25 6,0 16 ≥ 48 80 880
1 1/4 32 6,0 16 ≥ 48 100 1.100
1 1/2 38 6,5 16 ≥ 48 115 1.430
1 9/16 40 7,0 16 ≥ 48 130 1.640
2 50 8,0 16 ≥ 48 150 2.170
2 1/8 53 7,0 16 ≥ 48 160 2.000
2 3/8 60 7,0 16 ≥ 48 170 2.350
2 1/2 63 7,0 16 ≥ 48 180 2.470
2 5/8 65 8,0 16 ≥ 48 190 2.870
3 75 8,0 16 ≥ 48 225 3.310
3 1/8 80 8,0 16 ≥ 48 300 3.510
4 100 9,0 16 ≥ 48 350 4.650
* based on room temperatur Delivery in coils of 40 m

Market segment industrial hoses

ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

The content of this publication is provided for information only and without responsibility. ContiTech AG’s obligations and responsibilities regarding its products are
governed solely by the agreements under which they are sold. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the information contained herein does not become part of these
agreements. This publication does not contain any guarantee or agreed quality of ContiTech AG’s products or any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose and non-infringement. ContiTech AG may make changes in the products or services described at any time without notice. This publication is provided on an
”as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, ContiTech AG makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the infor-
mation contained in this publication. ContiTech AG is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of this publi-
cation. Information contained herein is not intended to announce product availability anywhere in the world. © 2007 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
PURPLE SNAKE® – Internationally the no.1 hose
for the brewing and beverage industry

Marking: axially applied blue wavy line on red cover

Applications: Description:
PURPLE SNAKE® is the ideal hose for breweries, q white, non-porous and smooth CIIR lining
winepresses, bottlers and many other installations in the q absolutely neutral to taste and odour
brewing, beverage and spirits industry. The white lining is q suitable for pure alcohol up to 98%
absolutely neutral to taste and odour, homogeneous, q temperature range up to +85°C
smooth and free of plasticizers. Flexibility, pressure (+95°C max. 60 minutes)
resistance and long service life – even under extreme q can be steamed up to +130 °C (max. 30 minutes)
working conditions – are additional advantages, which q working pressure up to 16 bar
make the hose most popular all over the world. q reinforcements: synthetic fibres
PURPLE SNAKE® can easily be cleaned conventionally or q CR/SBR/NR-cover, resistant to ozone,
by CIP installations. weather, UV and abrasion
Together with our swaged coupling systems and rubber q approved by TU München, Weihenstephan
protection rings it becomes the ideal hose assembly! (sensoric test)
q 3 years’ warranty**
** The 3 years' warranty with regard to PURPLE SNAKE® refers to faulty
material and manufacture provided that couplings have been fitted by
experts, that the recommended working conditions have been respected
and that the hose has been used properly

Technical data:
Nominal width Inner-Ø Wall thickness Working Minimum burst Minimum Weight
pressure* pressure* bending radius
Zoll/Inch mm mm bar bar approx. mm approx. g/m

1/2 13 3,5 16 ≥ 48 80 300

5/8 16 4,0 16 ≥ 48 100 400
3/4 19 5,0 16 ≥ 48 120 500
1 25 6,0 16 ≥ 48 160 800
1 1/9 28 7,0 16 ≥ 48 180 1.000
1 1/4 32 8,0 16 ≥ 48 200 1.300
1 1/3 35 9,0 16 ≥ 48 220 1.600
1 1/2 38 9,0 16 ≥ 48 240 1.700
1 9/16 40 9,0 16 ≥ 48 250 1.700
1 3/4 45 10,0 16 ≥ 48 280 2.200
2 50 10,0 16 ≥ 48 310 2.350
2 50** 8,0 16 ≥ 48 280 2.210
2 3/8 60 13,0 16 ≥ 48 370 3.700
2 5/8 65 12,0 16 ≥ 48 400 3.510
3 75 12,0 16 ≥ 48 450 4.460
3 75** 8,0 16 ≥ 48 410 3.350
3 1/8 80 14,0 16 ≥ 48 500 5.200
3 1/8 80** 8,0 16 ≥ 48 450 3.550
4 100 15,0 16 ≥ 48 680 7.000
4 100** 9,0 16 ≥ 48 550 5.300

* based on room temperatur ** with steel-wire helix Delivery in coils of 40 m

Market segment industrial hoses

ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

The content of this publication is provided for information only and without responsibility. ContiTech AG’s obligations and responsibilities regarding its products are
governed solely by the agreements under which they are sold. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the information contained herein does not become part of these
agreements. This publication does not contain any guarantee or agreed quality of ContiTech AG’s products or any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose and non-infringement. ContiTech AG may make changes in the products or services described at any time without notice. This publication is provided on an
”as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, ContiTech AG makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the infor-
mation contained in this publication. ContiTech AG is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of this publi-
cation. Information contained herein is not intended to announce product availability anywhere in the world. © 2007 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
Beverage and foodstuffs hose

Marking: Red-white logos “BLAUDIECK” on blue cover

Applications: Description:
BLAUDIECK® LGD-hoses offer high quality at q white, non-porous and smooth NBR lining
reasonable prices. The hygienically smooth, non-porous q absolutely neutral to taste and odour
lining is absolutely neutral to taste and odour and thus q lining and cover resistant to oil and fats
suitable for various applications in the beverage and q temperature range up to +80°C
foodstuffs industry. They are resistant to commonly used (+90°C max. 20 minutes)
cleaning and disinfecting products and can easily be q can be steamed up to +110 °C
cleaned conventionally or by CIP installations. Both, (+130 °C max. 20 minutes)
lining and cover are resistant to oil, fats and caustics. q working pressure up to 10 bar
Together with our swaged coupling systems and rubber q reinforcements: synthetic fibres
protection rings it becomes the ideal hose assembly! q NBR-cover, resistant to ozone, weather, UV and
q meets the recommendation XXI of BfR and FDA

Technical data:

Nominal width Inner-Ø Wall thickness Working Minimum burst Minimum Weight
pressure* pressure* bending radius
Zoll/Inch mm mm bar bar approx. mm approx. g/m
1/2 13 4,0 10 ≥ 40 80 280
5/8 16 4,0 10 ≥ 40 100 320
3/4 19 5,0 10 ≥ 40 115 500
1 25 6,0 10 ≥ 40 150 800
1 1/4 32 8,0 10 ≥ 40 195 1.400
1 1/2 38 9,0 10 ≥ 40 230 1.700
1 9/16 40 9,0 10 ≥ 40 240 1.900
2 50 10,0 10 ≥ 40 300 2.700
2 3/8 60 10,0 10 ≥ 40 420 3.000
2 5/8 65 12,0 10 ≥ 40 455 3.800
3 75 12,0 10 ≥ 40 525 4.100
3 1/8 80 14,0 10 ≥ 40 560 5.100
4 100 15,0 10 ≥ 40 700 6.700
* based on room temperatur Delivery in coils of 40 m

Market segment industrial hoses

ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

The content of this publication is provided for information only and without responsibility. ContiTech AG’s obligations and responsibilities regarding its products are
governed solely by the agreements under which they are sold. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the information contained herein does not become part of these
agreements. This publication does not contain any guarantee or agreed quality of ContiTech AG’s products or any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose and non-infringement. ContiTech AG may make changes in the products or services described at any time without notice. This publication is provided on an
”as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, ContiTech AG makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the infor-
mation contained in this publication. ContiTech AG is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of this publi-
cation. Information contained herein is not intended to announce product availability anywhere in the world. © 2007 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
The vacuum resistant beverage and foodstuffs hose

Marking: Red-white logos “BLAUDIECK” on blue cover

Applications: Description:
BLAUDIECK® LGDS-hoses as a vacuum resistant q white, non-porous and smooth NBR lining
construction with an integrated steel wire helix offer high q absolutely neutral to taste and odour
quality at reasonable prices. The hygienically smooth, q lining and cover both resistant to oil
non-porous lining is absolutely neutral to taste and and fats
odour and thus suitable for various applications in the q temperature range up to +80°C
beverage and foodstuffs industry. They are (+90°C max. 20 minutes)
resistant to commonly used cleaning and disinfecting q can be steamed up to +110 °C
products and can easily be cleaned conventionally or by (+130 °C max. 20 minutes)
CIP installations. Both, lining and cover are resistant to q working pressure up to 10 bar
oil, fats and caustics. q reinforcements: synthetic fibres
Together with our swaged coupling systems and rubber q NBR-cover, resistant to ozone, weather, UV and
protection rings it becomes the ideal hose assembly! abrasion
q meets the recommendation XXI of BfR and FDA

Technical data:

Nominal width Inner-Ø Wall thickness Working Minimum burst Minimum Weight
pressure* pressure* bending radius
Zoll/Inch mm mm bar bar approx. mm approx. g/m
3/4 19 5,0 10 ≥ 40 60 600
1 25 6,0 10 ≥ 40 80 880
1 1/4 32 6,0 10 ≥ 40 100 1.100
1 1/2 38 6,5 10 ≥ 40 115 1.430
1 9/16 40 7,0 10 ≥ 40 130 1.640
2 50 8,0 10 ≥ 40 150 2.170
2 1/8 53 7,0 10 ≥ 40 160 2.000
2 3/8 60 7,0 10 ≥ 40 170 2.350
2 1/2 63 7,0 10 ≥ 40 180 2.470
2 5/8 65 8,0 10 ≥ 40 190 2.870
3 75 8,0 10 ≥ 40 225 3.310
3 1/8 80 8,0 10 ≥ 40 300 3.510
4 100 9,0 10 ≥ 40 350 4.650
* based on room temperatur Delivery in coils of 40 m

Market segment industrial hoses

ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

The content of this publication is provided for information only and without responsibility. ContiTech AG’s obligations and responsibilities regarding its products are
governed solely by the agreements under which they are sold. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the information contained herein does not become part of these
agreements. This publication does not contain any guarantee or agreed quality of ContiTech AG’s products or any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose and non-infringement. ContiTech AG may make changes in the products or services described at any time without notice. This publication is provided on an
”as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, ContiTech AG makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the infor-
mation contained in this publication. ContiTech AG is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of this publi-
cation. Information contained herein is not intended to announce product availability anywhere in the world. © 2007 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
Beverage and foodstuffs hose with UPE liner

Marking: Red-white logos “BLAUDIECK” and “UPE-Innenliner” on blue cover

Applications: Description:
BLAUDIECK® LGDU-hoses offer high quality at q white, non-porous, smooth UPE lining,
reasonable prices. The hygienically smooth, non-porous free of plasticizers
UPE lining free of plasticizers is absolutely neutral q absolutely neutral to taste and odour
to taste and odour and thus suitable for various q suitable for pure alcohol up to 98%
applications in the beverage and foodstuffs industry. q temperature range up to +85°C
They are resistant to commonly used cleaning and q can be steamed up to +130 °C (max. 60 minutes)
disinfecting products and can easily be cleaned q working pressure up to 12 bar
conventionally or by CIP installations. Both, lining and q reinforcements: synthetic fibres
cover are resistant to oil, fats and caustics. q NBR-cover, resistant to ozone, weather, UV and
Together with our swaged coupling systems and rubber abrasion
protection rings it becomes the ideal hose assembly! q meets the recommendation III of BfR and FDA

Technical data:

Nominal width Inner-Ø Wall thickness Working Minimum burst Minimum Weight
pressure* pressure* bending radius
Zoll/Inch mm mm bar bar approx. mm approx. g/m
1 25 6,0 12 ≥ 48 150 750
1 1/4 32 8,0 12 ≥ 48 200 1.200
1 9/16 40 9,0 12 ≥ 48 250 1.480
2 50 10,0 12 ≥ 48 350 2.050
2 5/8 65 12,0 12 ≥ 48 450 3.120
3 75 12,0 12 ≥ 48 500 3.450
3 1/8 80 14,0 12 ≥ 48 650 4.390
4 100 15,0 12 ≥ 48 750 5.800

* based on room temperatur Delivery in coils of 40 m

Market segment industrial hoses

ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

The content of this publication is provided for information only and without responsibility. ContiTech AG’s obligations and responsibilities regarding its products are
governed solely by the agreements under which they are sold. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the information contained herein does not become part of these
agreements. This publication does not contain any guarantee or agreed quality of ContiTech AG’s products or any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose and non-infringement. ContiTech AG may make changes in the products or services described at any time without notice. This publication is provided on an
”as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, ContiTech AG makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the infor-
mation contained in this publication. ContiTech AG is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of this publi-
cation. Information contained herein is not intended to announce product availability anywhere in the world. © 2007 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
BLAUDIECK® LGDSU – The vacuum resistant
beverage and foodstuffs hose with UPE liner

Marking: Red-white logos “BLAUDIECK” and “UPE-Innenliner” on blue cover

Applications: Description:
BLAUDIECK® LGDSU-hoses as a vacuum resistant q white, non-porous, smooth UPE lining,
construction with an integrated steel wire helix offer high free of plasticizers
quality at reasonable prices. The hygienically smooth, q absolutely neutral to taste and odour
non-porous UPE lining free of plasticizers is absolutely q suitable for pure alcohol up to 98%
neutral to taste and odour and thus suitable for various q temperature range up to +85°C
applications in the beverage and foodstuffs industry. q can be steamed up to +130 °C (max. 60 minutes)
They are resistant to commonly used cleaning and q working pressure up to 12 bar
disinfecting products and can easily be cleaned q reinforcements: synthetic fibres
conventionally or by CIP installations. Both, lining and q NBR-cover, resistant to ozone, weather, UV and
cover are resistant to oil, fats and caustics. abrasion
Together with our swaged coupling systems and rubber q meets the recommendation III of BfR and FDA
protection rings it becomes the ideal hose assembly!

Technical data:

Nominal width Inner-Ø Wall thickness Working Minimum burst Minimum Weight
pressure* pressure* bending radius
Zoll/Inch mm mm bar bar approx. mm approx. g/m
1 25 6,0 12 ≥ 48 170 760
1 1/4 32 6,0 12 ≥ 48 200 1.050
1 9/16 40 7,0 12 ≥ 48 250 1.450
2 50 8,0 12 ≥ 48 330 2.000
2 5/8 65 8,0 12 ≥ 48 430 2.520
3 75 8,0 12 ≥ 48 500 2.840
3 1/8 80 8,0 12 ≥ 48 530 3.050
4 100 9,0 12 ≥ 48 660 4.180

* based on room temperatur Delivery in coils of 40 m

Market segment industrial hoses

ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

The content of this publication is provided for information only and without responsibility. ContiTech AG’s obligations and responsibilities regarding its products are
governed solely by the agreements under which they are sold. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the information contained herein does not become part of these
agreements. This publication does not contain any guarantee or agreed quality of ContiTech AG’s products or any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose and non-infringement. ContiTech AG may make changes in the products or services described at any time without notice. This publication is provided on an
”as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, ContiTech AG makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the infor-
mation contained in this publication. ContiTech AG is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of this publi-
cation. Information contained herein is not intended to announce product availability anywhere in the world. © 2007 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
The versatile hose for the food industry

Marking: PHOENIX TRIX-MULTI-FOOD Made in Germany FDA geprüft, on blue or white cover

Application: Description:
TRlX MULTI-FOOD® is the universal hose for the food q homogeneous, smooth, white NBR-lining
industry. It can be used in dairys, cheese production, q absolutely neutral to taste and odour
margarine production, large-scale catering establish- q working pressure up to 10 bar
ments, fish processing industry as well as in breweries, q temperature range from –20°C up to +90°C
slaughter-houses, oil mills, skinning industry, large-scale q can be steamed up to 6 bar (164°C) –
butcher's shops and jam production. It can also be used open system only
for the equipment of dairy machines. q reinforcements: synthetic fibres
q NBR-cover, resistant to abrasion, UV, fats and oils
q meets FDA

Technical data:

Nominal width Inner-Ø Wall thickness Working Minimum burst Minimum Weight
pressure* pressure* bending radius
Zoll/Inch mm mm bar bar approx. mm approx. g/m
1/2 13 5 10 60 95 430
5/8 16 5 10 60 115 500
3/4 19 6 10 60 150 700
1 25 7 10 60 200 1.050

* based on room temperature Delivery in coils of 40 m other dimensions on request

Market segment industrial hoses

ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

The content of this publication is provided for information only and without responsibility. ContiTech AG’s obligations and responsibilities regarding its products are
governed solely by the agreements under which they are sold. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the information contained herein does not become part of these
agreements. This publication does not contain any guarantee or agreed quality of ContiTech AG’s products or any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose and non-infringement. ContiTech AG may make changes in the products or services described at any time without notice. This publication is provided on an
”as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, ContiTech AG makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the infor-
mation contained in this publication. ContiTech AG is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of this publi-
cation. Information contained herein is not intended to announce product availability anywhere in the world. © 2007 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
PAGUFIX 3000 – The ideal swaged coupling
for the beverage and foodstuffs industries

Marking: PAGUFIX 3000

DN 50 x 8 - 1.4301

Applications: Description:
Inorder to meet the very severe hygiene and safety q Suitable for a great variety of applications in the
requirements in the brewing, beverage and foodstuffs brewing, beverage and foodstuffs industries
industries, ContiTech Schlauch GmbH offers the q Smooth and hygienicallyclean connection, without
PAGUFIX 3000 swaged coupling, which sets new any transition, between lining and fitting
standards in quality and swaging technology. q Absolute seal of the hose end (no wick effect)
Manufactured from stainless stell 1.4301 and available in q Resistance to pull-off forces up to 50 bar
all common nominal sizes of hose, PAGUFIX 3000 is the q No damage to lining from swaging process
ideal connection for all beer, beverage and foodstuffs q Rubber protection rings available in blue
hoses from ContiTech Schlauch GmbH – whether they
contain a steel-wire helix or not.
Of course, this high-quality coupling is also available in
other material qualities and special designs, ensuring that
it can be adapted to best meet individual specifications.
With this coupling system, the hose assembly can no
longer become a HACCP problem.

Special types of couplings as illustrated. Other thread types available on request

(e.g. SMS 1145, IDF ISO 2853, RJT BS 4825, DS 722, Aseptic DIN 11864 part 1, clamp, open welding end)

Technical data: PAGUFIX 3000 is available for the following hose sizes

Nominal width mm 13 19 25 32 32 38 38 40 40 50 50 65 65 75 75 80 80 100 100

Wall thickness mm 4 5 6 6 8 6,5 9 7 9 8 10 8 12 8 12 8 14 9 15

Market segment industrial hoses

ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

The content of this publication is provided for information only and without responsibility. ContiTech AG’s obligations and responsibilities regarding its products are
governed solely by the agreements under which they are sold. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the information contained herein does not become part of these
agreements. This publication does not contain any guarantee or agreed quality of ContiTech AG’s products or any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose and non-infringement. ContiTech AG may make changes in the products or services described at any time without notice. This publication is provided on an
”as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, ContiTech AG makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the infor-
mation contained in this publication. ContiTech AG is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of this publi-
cation. Information contained herein is not intended to announce product availability anywhere in the world. © 2007 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
Blaudieck® Hose Coupling System
The piggable coupling

DN 50 x 8 - 1.4301

Applications: Description:
On request, ContiTech Schlauch GmbH supplies any q Suitable for a great variety of applications in the
desired hose length – either with our without steelwire – brewing, beverage and foodstuffs industries
pre-fitted with the Blaudieck® coupling system. q Smooth and hygienicallyclean connection, without
any transition, between lining and fitting
In the brewing, beverage and foodstuffs industries, this
system is a recognized standard when an ultra-hygienic q Absolute seal of the hose end (no wick effect)
hose assembly is required which enables an easy flow q Resistance to pull-off forces above working pressure
of the product without any clearance volume and which q No damage to lining from swaging process
can be easily cleaned mechanically (piggable). q No variation in crossection within the couplings area
q Piggable
The high pressure resistance of the couplings helps q Rubber protection rings available in blue
prevent accidents. Stainless steel 1.4301 is used as a
standard for this coupling system. Other materials on
On request we deliver the following coupling types:
q DIN 11851 standard pipe thread
q DIN 11864-1 aseptic
q ISO 2853 IDF international
q BS 4825 RJT British Standard
q SMS 1145 SMS Swedish Standard
q DS 722 DS Danish Standard
q Execution Inch clamp

Technical data: Blaudieck® hose coupling systems are available for the following hose sizes

Nominal width mm 25 32 32 40 40 50 50 65 65 75 75 80 80 100 100

Wall thickness mm 6 6 8 7 9 8 10 8 12 8 12 8 14 9 15

Market segment industrial hoses

ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

The content of this publication is provided for information only and without responsibility. ContiTech AG’s obligations and responsibilities regarding its products are
governed solely by the agreements under which they are sold. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the information contained herein does not become part of these
agreements. This publication does not contain any guarantee or agreed quality of ContiTech AG’s products or any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose and non-infringement. ContiTech AG may make changes in the products or services described at any time without notice. This publication is provided on an
”as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, ContiTech AG makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the infor-
mation contained in this publication. ContiTech AG is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of this publi-
cation. Information contained herein is not intended to announce product availability anywhere in the world. © 2007 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
Resistance Chart of
Products used for
Cleaning and Disinfection

Date: November 2007

Chemical Resistance Chart of Products used for Cleaning and Disinfection Date: November 2007

Basic information

All resistance specifications are guide values that can only be guaranteed for a restricted period
of time. They are based on the analysis of the material of the inner lining of the hose in lab tests without
dynamic load, on the operational experiences of our customers, on the documentation of
manufacturers, and on comparisons with chemicals with similar properties.
If these specifications are not sufficient for the operator, individual tests must be carried out.

The table contains information on the maximum permitted concentration and temperature of the
products in question. It takes the cleaning and disinfection cycles of the manufacturers into account.

Even when used properly, the resistance stated in the table does not represent unlimited durability.
For details on our guarantee conditions and information on any other liability, see our general terms and
conditions. The resistance list below constitutes a complete, indivisible unit in conjunction with our
general terms and conditions. We are happy to provide our general terms and conditions for your
perusal on request. The specifications in the resistance list are only guide values.

Depending on the dynamic load on the hose, the required cleaning cycle and frequency of the
subsequent disinfection process, the temperature load, and other factors relating to the mode of
operation, deviations may occur with regard to the resilience of the material of the inner lining of the
hose. Moreover, the properties of the hose also depend on the flow rate, abrasion rate, duration and
frequency of exposure, any contamination of the transported material, and the age of the hose.

Special features of extended disinfection cycles

In the case of extended disinfection cycles – such as those at the weekend or on public holidays, the
concentration specifications of the disinfection manufacturer are to be reduced by at least 50%.

Resistance of hose cover

No definitive statements on the resistance of the hose cover of AQUAPAL®, PURPLE SNAKE®,
BLAUDIECK® LGD/LGDS, and BLAUDIECK® LGDU/LGDSU are made in the table. However, basic
properties such as temperature resistance, ozone resistance, and abrasion resistance are stated. If the
hose cover is to be exposed to chemicals, it is absolutely necessary to consult with us first.

Für die Verwendung aller von uns empfohlenen Produkte zur Reinigung/Desinfektion müssen unbedingt die Verwendungsvorschriften und Warnhinweise der
entsprechenden Sicherheitsdatenblätter beachtet werden.
ContiTech Schlauch GmbH, Postf. 1120, D-34481 Korbach, Tel. 05631-582575, Fax 05631-582212,,
Page 1of 8
Chemical Resistance Chart of Products used for Cleaning and Disinfection Date: November 2007

Recommendation for storing hoses

In order to achieve the longest possible lifetimes and ensure the continuous usability of AQUAPAL®,
to store and handle the products properly. For this reason, the hoses should be kept in dark, cool
storage locations and should not be placed under situations of stress or strain. They should not be
buckled or compressed, nor stored in excessively large batches. This is particularly true for large
nominal widths and for fitted hose lines. Because of the possible accumulation of damaging ozone,
storage locations where there are no electric motors should be chosen.

Consultancy service

If you have further questions in relation to specifications in the resistance list, our consultancy service
will be happy to help you.
We provide advice to the best of our ability and knowledge; because of the particular importance of the
advice given, we are happy to confirm our advice in writing on request.

When using the recommended products for cleaning or disinfection, please make sure that
all necessary directions for use and warning directions of the safety data sheets have been
carefully observed.

This list revokes the validity of all previous issues.

Für die Verwendung aller von uns empfohlenen Produkte zur Reinigung/Desinfektion müssen unbedingt die Verwendungsvorschriften und Warnhinweise der
entsprechenden Sicherheitsdatenblätter beachtet werden.
ContiTech Schlauch GmbH, Postf. 1120, D-34481 Korbach, Tel. 05631-582575, Fax 05631-582212,,
Page 2 of 8
Chemical Resistance Chart of Products used for Cleaning and Disinfection Date: November 2007


Manufacturer / Product Conc. % Temp.°C Conc. % Temp.°C Conc. % Temp.°C Conc. % Temp.°C

Dr. Weigert

Neomoscan FA 1 2 RT 2 RT 2 RT 2 RT
Neomoscan FA 1 2 85 0,5 60 1 60 2 85
Neomoscan FA 14 2 RT 2 RT 5 RT
Neomoscan FA 14 2 85 0,5 60 0,5 60 2 85
Neamoscan FA 18 5 RT 2 RT 2 RT 5 RT
Neomoscan FA 18 2 85 0,5 60 0,5 60 2 85
Neomoscan FA 510 5 RT 2 RT 2 RT 5 RT
Neomoscan FA 510 2 85 0,5 60 0,5 60 2 85
Niroklar 2,5 85 1 60 1 60 2,5 85
Niroklar 88 2 85 2 RT 2 RT 2 85
Niroklar 2000 2 85 2 60 1 70 2 85
Niroklar 4000 neu 2 85 1 RT 2 RT 2 85
Niroklar SF 2 85 1,5 50 1 50 2 85
Neomoscan Sepa 3 RT 1 50 1 RT 3 RT
Neomoscan Sepa 1,5 85 0,3 80 0,5 50 1,5 85
Neoseptal OS 1,5 40 1,5 RT 1 RT 1,5 40
Neoseptal PE 1 40 1 40 1 40 1 40
Neoseptal D 3 RT 1 RT 0,3 RT 3 RT
Neoseptal D 1 85 0,5 40 0,1 40 1 85
Neoseptal FD 2 85 0,5 40 0,5 RT 2 85
Neoseptal LF 2 85 0,5 50 0,5 50 2 85
Doscan RV-A plus Natronlauge 1 plus 2 85 0,5 plus 2 60 0,2 plus 2 60 1 plus 2 85
Doscan RV 2 plus Natronlauge 1 plus 2 85 0,5 plus 2 60 0,2 plus 2 60 1 plus 2 85
Doscan RV 4 plus Natronlauge 1 plus 2 85 0,5 plus 2 40 0,2 plus 2 50 1 plus 2 85
Doscan RV 665 plus Natronlauge 1 plus 2 85 0,5 plus 2 60 0,2 plus 2 60 1 plus 2 85

All disinfection products listed in the DVGW Technical Standards, Code of Practice W291 (dated March 2000) are generally recognized as safe for use with AQUAPAL®.
RT = ambient temperature

When using the recommended products for cleaning or disinfection, please make sure that all necessary directions for use and warning directions of the safety data
sheets have been carefully observed.
ContiTech Schlauch GmbH, Postf. 1120, D-34481 Korbach, Tel. 05631-582575, Fax 05631-582212,,
Page 3 of 8
Chemical Resistance Chart of Products used for Cleaning and Disinfection Date: November 2007


Manufacturer / Product Conc. % Temp.°C Conc. % Temp.°C Conc. % Temp.°C Conc. % Temp.°C


P3-horolith USP 2 85 1 70 1 70 2 85
P3-horolith MSW 2 85 1 50 1,5 60 2 85
P3-horolith PA 2 85 2 60 2 60 2 85
P3-horolith V 2 85 1,5 50 0,1 60 2 85
P3-mip flüssig 2 85 1 60 1 40 2 85
P3-mip CIP 2 85 1 60 1 40 2 85
P3-mip Zentra 1 85 0,5 60 0,5 60 1 85
P3-trimeta HC 2 85 1 60 1 40 2 85
P3-trimeta MS 2 85 1 60 1 40 2 85
P3-ultrasil 10 1,5 50 1 50 2 85
P3-oxonia 2 RT 1,5 RT 0,3 RT 2 RT
P3-oxonia 2 85 0,5 40 0,1 40 2 85
P3-oxonia active 2 85 1,5 RT 1 RT 2 85
P3-oxonia active 150 2 85 0,5 50 0,5 RT 2 85
P3-oxysan 2 85 1,5 40 0,3 RT 2 85
P3-steril GA 1 85 0,75 RT 0,75 RT 1 85
P3-triquart 2 RT 0,4 RT 0,4 RT 2 RT
P3-triquart 1 85 0,2 80 0,1 50 1 85
P3-trimeta CID neu 3 RT 1 RT 1 RT 3 RT
P3-trimeta SAN 1 85 0,3 40 0,3 40 1 85
P3-trimeta TF 1 85 1,5 RT 0,5 RT 1 85
P3-ansep CIP 2 85 2 50 2 RT 2 85
P3-ansep ALU 2 85 1,5 60 1,5 RT 2 85
P3-stabilon WT 1 85 0,5 RT 0,1 RT 1 85
P3-stabilon MEX 2 80 1 40 2 85
P3-stabilon plus Natronlauge 0,3 plus 2 40 0,3 plus 2 RT 0,5 plus 2 85
P3-stabicip EA plus Natronlauge 0,5 plus 2 60 0,5 plus 2 RT 0,5 plus 2 85
Trimeta ES 2 RT 2 RT 2 RT 2 RT
Trimeta NOD 0,5 20 0,5 20 0,5 20 0,5 20
Trimeta DUO 2 40 2 40 1 40 2 40

Feldmann Chemie

Herlisil 3 RT 1 RT 0,3 RT 3 RT
Herlisil 1 85 0,5 40 0,1 40 1 85
Herlisil-bse-AL 2 85 1,5 60 1 60 2 85
Herlisil-bse-s 2 85 2 60 2 60 2 85
Herlisil-bse-FS 1 2 85 1,5 50 1 50 2 85
Herlisil-bse-f 2 85 2 60 1 60 2 85
Herlisil-bse-sw 2 85 2 60 2 60 2 85
Herlisil 846 1 85 0,5 40 0,3 RT 1 85

All disinfection products listed in the DVGW Technical Standards, Code of Practice W291 (dated March 2000) are generally recognized as safe for use with AQUAPAL®.
RT = ambient temperature

When using the recommended products for cleaning or disinfection, please make sure that all necessary directions for use and warning directions of the safety data
sheets have been carefully observed.
ContiTech Schlauch GmbH, Postf. 1120, D-34481 Korbach, Tel. 05631-582575, Fax 05631-582212,,
Page 4 of 8
Chemical Resistance Chart of Products used for Cleaning and Disinfection Date: November 2007


Manufacturer / Product Conc. % Temp.°C Conc. % Temp.°C Conc. % Temp.°C Conc. % Temp.°C


Fink Acid 20 2 85 1 RT 1,5 RT 2 85

FT-52 CIP 2 85 2 60 2 60 2 85
FT-53 CIP 2 85 2 60 2 60 2 85
FT-58 CIP 2 85 2 60 2 60 2 85
FT-61 CIP 2 85 2 RT 2 60 2 85
FT-62 CIP 1 80 1 80 1 80 1 80
FT-65 CIP 2 85 1,5 60 2 60 2 85
FT-69 CIP 2 85 1 60 1 60 2 85
FT-71 CIP 1 85 2 RT 2 RT 1 85
FT-84 CIP 2 85 2 RT 2 60 2 85
FT-88 CIP 5 RT 0,5 RT 3 RT 5 RT
FT-88 CIP 2 85 0,1 40 1,5 60 2 85
FT-98 CIP 2 85 2 60 2 60 2 85
FT-99 CIP 1 85 1 RT 2 RT 1 85
FT-101 DES 1 85 1 40 0,7 RT 1 85
FT-102 DES 2 85 1,5 RT 1,5 RT 2 85
FT-116 DES 5 RT 1 RT 2 RT 5 RT
FT-116 DES 2 85 0,1 40 1 50 2 85
FT-121 DES 2 85 2,5 RT 1 RT 2 85
FT-122 DES 3 RT 0,5 RT 1,5 RT 3 RT
FT-122 DES 1 85 0,1 40 0,5 50 1 85
Ökoron 10 3 RT 1 RT 0,3 RT 3 RT
Ökoron 10 1 85 0,5 40 0,1 40 1 85
Okoron 11 5 RT 1,5 RT 0,5 RT 5 RT
Ökoron 11 2 85 0,5 50 0,1 40 2 85
Ökoron 12 2 85 0,5 50 0,4 RT 2 85
Ökoron 16 1 85 0,5 RT 0,3 RT 1 85
Ökoron 20 3 RT 1 RT 0,3 RT 3 RT
Ökoron 20 1 85 0,5 40 0,1 40 1 85
FT-80 CIP plus Natronlauge 1 plus 2 85 0,5 plus 2 RT 0,3 plus 2 60 1 plus 2 85
FT-210 FRG plus Natronlauge 0,5 plus 2 85 0,2 plus 2 RT 0,2 plus 2 60 0,5 plus 2 85
FT-211 FRG plus Natronlauge 0,5 plus 2 85 0,2 plus 2 RT 0,1 plus 2 80 0,5 plus 2 85
FT-212 FRG plus Natronlauge 0,5 plus 2 85 0,2 plus 2 RT 0,1 plus 2 80 0,5 plus 2 85
FT- 09 DES 1 80 1 80 1 60 1 80
FT-112 DES 1,5 40 1,5 40 1 40 1,5 40

All disinfection products listed in the DVGW Technical Standards, Code of Practice W291 (dated March 2000) are generally recognized as safe for use with AQUAPAL®.
RT = ambient temperature

When using the recommended products for cleaning or disinfection, please make sure that all necessary directions for use and warning directions of the safety data
sheets have been carefully observed.
ContiTech Schlauch GmbH, Postf. 1120, D-34481 Korbach, Tel. 05631-582575, Fax 05631-582212,,
Page 5 of 8
Chemical Resistance Chart of Products used for Cleaning and Disinfection Date: November 2007


Manufacturer / Product Conc. % Temp.°C Conc. % Temp.°C Conc. % Temp.°C Conc. % Temp.°C

Johnson Diversey

VA04 Super Dilac 2 85 2 60 1,5 60 2 85

VA05 Pascal 2 85 1 80 1,5 60 2 85
VA08 Basic 5 RT 3 RT 2 RT 5 RT
VA08 Basic 2 85 1 50 1,5 60 2 85
VA10 Divbrau 2 85 1 60 1 40 2 85
VC02 Total 3 RT 3 RT 2 RT 3 RT
VC02 Total 1,5 85 0,5 60 0,5 60 1,5 85
VC10 Mach 5 1,5 85 1 50 1 40 1,5 85
VC13 Diverspray 5 RT 3 RT 3 RT 5 RT
VC13 Diverspray 2,5 85 1,5 60 1,5 60 2,5 85
VC71 Profile 5 RT 1 50 1 RT 5 RT
VC71 Profile 3 85 0,3 80 0,5 50 3 85
VA03 Aluwash 2 85 2 60 1,5 50 2 85
VC19 Softsafe 3 85 1,5 60 1 60 3 85
VC77 Highstar 2 85 2 60 1,5 60 2 85
VA35 Acidplus 5 RT 2 RT 1 RT 5 RT
VA35 Acidplus 2 85 0,3 60 0,1 60 2 85
VB31 Booster 3 RT 1 RT 0,3 RT 3 RT
VB31 Booster 1,5 85 0,5 40 0,1 40 1,5 85
VS05 g Divosept S 613 2 85 0,7 60 0,5 RT 2 85
VK38 Hypoclean 2 85 3 RT 1,5 RT 2 85
VT05 Divosan Activ 2 85 1 40 1 40 2 85
VT06 Divosan Forte 2 85 1 50 1 50 2 85
VC94 DivoCip 2 85 2 50 2 RT 2 85
VC94 DivoCip plus Natronlauge 1 plus 1 85 1 plus 1 60 1 plus 1 RT 1 plus 1 85
VB09 Divo MR plus Natronlauge 1,5 plus 2 85 1,5 plus 2 50 1,5 plus 2 RT 1,5 plus 2 85
VB63 Divo SC plus Natronlauge 0,5 plus 2 85 0,5 plus 1 RT 0,5 plus 1 RT 0,5 plus 2 85
VB29 Adjust plus Natronlauge 0,5 plus 2 85 0,2 plus 2 40 0,2 plus 2 RT 0,5 plus 2 85
VB62 Adchlor plus Natronlauge 0,5 plus 2 85 0,3 plus 2 40 0,5 plus 2 RT 0,5 plus 2 85


Calgonit BWM 5 RT 0,3 80 1 RT 5 RT

Calgonit BWM 2 85 2 60 0,5 50 2 85
Calgonit DSD 1 85 0,5 RT 1 RT 1 85
Calgonit DSK 2 85 1 RT 1 RT 2 85
Calgonit SN 554 5 RT 3 RT 3 RT 5 RT
Calgonit SN 554 2 85 1 70 1 70 2 85
Calgonit TRS 2 85 2 50 2 RT 2 85
Calgonit sterizid forte 15 2 85 1 50 1 40 2 85
Jalu sauer 1,5 85 0,3 60 0,1 60 1,5 85
Sporexalin forte 1 85 0,5 RT 1 40 1 85
Sporexalin forte cid 1 85 0,5 RT 0,5 RT 1 85
Calgonit TRS plus calgonit 7013 1 plus 2 85 1 plus 1 RT 1 plus 1 RT 1 plus 2 85
Calgonit CNT plus Natronlauge 1 plus 2 85 1 plus 2 60 1 plus 2 70 1 plus 2 85
Calgonit LA flüssig plus Natronl. 1 plus 2 85 0,5 plus 2 70 0,5 plus 2 70 1 plus 2 85

All disinfection products listed in the DVGW Technical Standards, Code of Practice W291 (dated March 2000) are generally recognized as safe for use with AQUAPAL®.
RT = ambient temperature

When using the recommended products for cleaning or disinfection, please make sure that all necessary directions for use and warning directions of the safety data
sheets have been carefully observed.
ContiTech Schlauch GmbH, Postf. 1120, D-34481 Korbach, Tel. 05631-582575, Fax 05631-582212,,
Page 6 of 8
Chemical Resistance Chart of Products used for Cleaning and Disinfection Date: November 2007


Manufacturer / Product Conc. % Temp.°C Conc. % Temp.°C Conc. % Temp.°C Conc. % Temp.°C


Chlorosept B 1,5 85 1 40 1 60 1,5 85

Chlorosept SH 2 85 1 40 1 70 2 85
Detal HP 5 RT 2 RT 1 RT 5 RT
Detal HP 2 85 1 60 0,1 60 2 85
Detam 1,5 85 1,5 RT 1 40 1,5 85
DT 3 sauer 2 85 5 RT 3 RT 2 85
DT 6 10 RT 10 RT 5 RT 10 RT
DT 6 3 85 2 60 2 50 3 85
Alkamix L 5 RT 3 RT 3 RT 5 RT
Alkamix L 2,5 85 1,5 60 1,5 60 2,5 85
AM 2 B 0,5 85 0,3 RT 0,1 RT 0,5 85
AM 50 1 85 1 RT 0,1 RT 1 85
ATR sauer B 2 85 2 50 1 60 2 85
ATR sauer BN 2 85 3 RT 2 RT 2 85
BC 1 D 3 85 2 RT 2 60 3 85
BC 3 3 85 2 RT 2 RT 3 85
lodosept 1 85 0,2 RT 0,2 RT 1 85
Lubrasept GA 2 1 85 0,5 RT 1,5 RT 1 85
Microsept GA 1 85 0,5 RT 0,2 RT 1 85
Microsept OF 1 85 0,5 RT 0,3 RT 1 85
PS 75 2 85 2 40 1 40 2 85
Purexol flüssig 2 85 1,5 40 1 70 2 85
Purexol 2 2 85 1 40 1 50 2 85
Purokeg sauer 3 85 2,5 50 1,5 60 3 85
Quasa Spezial 1 85 1 RT 1,5 RT 1 85
Quasa PS-VR 1 85 1 RT 0,8 RT 1 85
Septacid 2 85 2,5 RT 1 RT 2 85
Septacid S 3 RT 1,5 RT 1 RT 3 RT
Septacid S 1 85 0,75 50 0,2 50 1 85
Septosol DC-C 0,5 85 0,2 RT 0,1 RT 0,5 85
Sopuracid 2 85 2 RT 1,5 RT 2 85
Microsept 2 B 2 85 0,5 40 0,5 RT 2 85
ATR sauer BM 2 85 1,5 40 1 40 2 85
ATR sauer SP 2 85 3 RT 2 RT 2 85
ATR sauer SP-I 3 85 2 40 1 40 3 85
Sopuroxid 2 85 1,5 RT 1 40 2 85
Sopursept K plus DT 6 0,35plus1,5 60 0,2 plus0,6 40 0,2 plus0,5 40 0,35plus1,5 60
Sopursept K plus PS 75 0,3 plus1,5 60 0,3 plus1,5 40 0,2 plus1,5 40 0,3 plus1,5 60
N 5 BN plus Natronlauge 0,2 plus 2 85 0,2 plus 2 60 0,2 plus 2 40 0,2 plus 2 85
Sopursept K plus Detal HP 0,3 plus1,5 60 0,2 plus1 40 0,2 plus0,8 40 0,3 plus1,5 60
Septosol plus DT 6 1 plus 2 85 0,2 plus0,5 80 0,2 plus0,5 60 1 plus 2 85
N 5 B plus Natronlauge 0,2 plus 2 85 0,2 plus 2 60 0,2 plus 2 40 0,2 plus 2 85
Septosol DS C plus DT 6 0,5 plus 2 85 0,2 plus 1 RT 0,2 plus 1 RT 0,5 plus 2 85
Septosol NG plus DT 6 1 plus 1 85 1 plus 1 RT 1,5 plus 1 RT 1 plus 1 85

All disinfection products listed in the DVGW Technical Standards, Code of Practice W291 (dated March 2000) are generally recognized as safe for use with AQUAPAL®.
RT = ambient temperature

When using the recommended products for cleaning or disinfection, please make sure that all necessary directions for use and warning directions of the safety data
sheets have been carefully observed.
ContiTech Schlauch GmbH, Postf. 1120, D-34481 Korbach, Tel. 05631-582575, Fax 05631-582212,,
Page 7 of 8
Chemical Resistance Chart of Products used for Cleaning and Disinfection Date: November 2007


Manufacturer / Product Conc. % Temp.°C Conc. % Temp.°C Conc. % Temp.°C Conc. % Temp.°C

Tensid Chemie

ADISAN-BLAU 2,5 85 1,5 70 1 70 2,5 85

RA-1 AL 5 RT 2 RT 2 RT 5 RT
RA-1 AL 2,5 85 1 60 1 60 2,5 85
RA-2 5 RT 3 RT 3 RT 5 RT
RA-2 3 85 1,5 60 1,5 60 3 85
RS-3 2 85 1 70 1 70 2 85
RS-6 5 RT 2 RT 2 RT 5 RT
RS-6 2 85 1 40 1 60 2 85
WEICOCID® 500 2 85 1 RT 1 RT 2 85
OCTOZON® 1 85 0,5 RT 0,1 RT 1 85
OCTOZON®-G Spezial 1 85 0,1 50 0,1 50 1 85
OCTOZON®-SAUER AT 1 85 0,5 50 0,5 80 1 85
OCTOZON®-SAUER AT 2 1,5 85 0,8 50 0,8 RT 1,5 85
PEROSIN 1,5 50 0,5 40 0,5 RT 1,5 50
KOMBICID® 2 85 1 RT 1 40 2 85
KOMBICID®-AT 2 85 1,5 RT 1 70 2 85
OCTOZON®-SPEZIAL 0,15 RT 0,15 RT 0,1 RT 0,15 RT
OCTOZON®-G 0,15 RT 0,15 RT 0,1 RT 0,15 RT
PEROSIN-S 0,5 50 0,5 50 0,5 RT 0,5 50
PEROSIN-SK 0,5 50 0,5 50 1,0 RT 0,5 50
PEROSIN-SK 1,5 RT 1,5 RT 1,0 RT 1,5 RT
DB-F 0,3 60 0,3 60 0,2 60 0,3 60
DB-F Spezial 0,2 60 0,2 60 0,2 RT 0,2 60
WEICOCID®-600 1,5 RT 1,5 RT 1,0 RT 1,5 RT
RIMANSAN®-AQ 0,5 RT 0,5 RT 0,3 RT 0,5 RT
SANAL®-386 1,0 RT 1,0 RT 0,7 RT 1,0 RT
AKTALON-50 + NaOH 0,3 plus 5,0 60 0,3 plus 5,0 60 0,2 plus 5,0 60 0,3 plus 5,0 60


ALU-Cleaner SK 5 RT 2 60 1 RT 5 RT
ALU-Cleaner SK 2 85 0,3 80 0,5 50 2 85
Tankreiniger A NK 2 85 0,5 60 0,5 60 2 85
Tankreiniger G Extra 2 85 2 RT 2 RT 2 85
Tankreiniger CIP SP SA 2 85 1,5 50 1 60 2 85
CIP Reiniger CL Extra 5 RT 2 RT 2 RT 5 RT
CIP Reiniger CL Extra 2 85 1 50 1 40 2 85
Hydrosan Stabil 2 85 1 40 1 40 2 85


caustic soda 10 RT 5 RT 5 RT 10 RT
caustic soda 5 90 2 85 2 85 5 90
phosphoric acid 10 RT 5 RT 5 RT 10 RT
phosphoric acid 5 90 3 80 1 70 5 90
nitric acid 5 RT 2 RT 2 RT 5 RT
nitric acid 2 90 0,1 85 0,2 60 2 90
sulphuric acid 5 RT 5 RT 3 RT 5 RT
sulphuric acid 3 90 2 50 1 40 3 90
hydrogen peroxide 2 50 1 RT 0,3 RT 2 50
tap water max. 30 minutes 95 95 90 95
steam max. 60 minutes 110 110 110 110
steam max. 30 minutes 130 130 130
steam max. 20 minutes 130
All disinfection products listed in the DVGW Technical Standards, Code of Practice W291 (dated March 2000) are generally recognized as safe for use with AQUAPAL®.
RT = ambient temperature
When using the recommended products for cleaning or disinfection, please make sure that all necessary directions for use and warning directions of the safety data
sheets have been carefully observed.
ContiTech Schlauch GmbH, Postf. 1120, D-34481 Korbach, Tel. 05631-582575, Fax 05631-582212,,
Page 8 of 8
Water Hoses 1
Schläuche für die Lebensmittel-, Getränke-, Kosmetik-
und Pharmaindustrie
Hoses for the Food-, Beverage-, Cosmetics-
and pharmaceutical Industry
Dampf- und Reinigungsschläuche
Steam and Cleaning Hoses 3
WT 1500 09.07
Reliable and safe cleaning

Marking: White spiral with blue, wavy line on blue cover

Applications: Description:
The reliable and safe Perlapal® hot water and steam q either with white or black non-porous, smooth and
hoses are available with white or black lining and are homogeneous CIIR lining
especially designed for cleaning purposes in the food, q temperature range up to +95°C (hot water)
pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry. up to max. +164°C (steam – open systems only)
Both hose types are suitable for the safe transport of hot
water up to +95°C and steam up to +164°C (for open-end q working pressure up to 6 bar (steam)
discharge only). or 20 bar (cold water)
q reinforcements: synthetic fibres
q NBR-cover, resistant to ozone, weather, UV and
abrasion as well as fats and oils
q 2 years’ warranty**
** The 2 years’ warranty with regard to PERLAPAL® refers to faulty material
and manufacture provided that couplings have been fitted by experts, that
the recommended working conditions have been respected and that the
hose has been used properly.

Technical data:

Nominal width Inner-Ø Wall thickness Working pressure* Minimum burst Minimum Weight
steam cold water pressure* bending radius
Zoll/Inch mm mm bar bar bar approx. mm approx. g/m
1/2 13 5 6 20 60 80 400
3/4 19 6 6 20 60 115 600
1 25 7 6 20 60 150 800
1 1/4 32 7 6 20 60 195 1.200
1 1/2 38 8 6 20 60 230 1.500
2 50 8 6 20 60 300 1.900

* based on room temperature Delivery in coils of 40 m

Market segment industrial hoses

ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

The content of this publication is provided for information only and without responsibility. ContiTech AG’s obligations and responsibilities regarding its products are
governed solely by the agreements under which they are sold. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the information contained herein does not become part of these
agreements. This publication does not contain any guarantee or agreed quality of ContiTech AG’s products or any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose and non-infringement. ContiTech AG may make changes in the products or services described at any time without notice. This publication is provided on an
”as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, ContiTech AG makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the infor-
mation contained in this publication. ContiTech AG is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of this publi-
cation. Information contained herein is not intended to announce product availability anywhere in the world. © 2007 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
Steam- and hot water hose

Kennzeichnung: Red-white logos “BLAUDIECK” on blue cover

Applications: Description:
The Blaudieck® DS steam- and hot water hose has q black, non-porous, smooth and homogeneous
been developed for reliable cleaning purposes in various NBR lining
industrial and other professional areas. The flexible q temperature range up to +90°C (hot water)
construction allows easy handling for the safe transport of up to max. +164°C (steam – open systems only)
hot water and steam. q working pressure up to 6 bar (steam)
or 18 bar (cold water)
q reinforcements: synthetic fibres
q NBR-cover, resistant to ozone, weather, UV and

Technical data:

Nominal width Inner-Ø Wall thickness Working pressure* Minimum burst Minimum Weight
steam cold water pressure* bending radius
Zoll/Inch mm mm bar bar bar approx. mm approx. g/m
1/2 13 5,0 6 18 ≥ 60 80 310
3/4 19 6,0 6 18 ≥ 60 115 525
1 25 7,0 6 18 ≥ 60 150 760
* based on room temperatur Delivery in coils of 40 m

Market segment industrial hoses

ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

The content of this publication is provided for information only and without responsibility. ContiTech AG’s obligations and responsibilities regarding its products are
governed solely by the agreements under which they are sold. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the information contained herein does not become part of these
agreements. This publication does not contain any guarantee or agreed quality of ContiTech AG’s products or any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose and non-infringement. ContiTech AG may make changes in the products or services described at any time without notice. This publication is provided on an
”as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, ContiTech AG makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the infor-
mation contained in this publication. ContiTech AG is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of this publi-
cation. Information contained herein is not intended to announce product availability anywhere in the world. © 2007 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
Safety according to EN ISO 6134

Marking: 2 red coloured axial markings on black cover,

“PHOENIX DAMPF-TRIX 1000“ and embossing according to EN ISO 6134

Applications: Description:
The DAMPF TRIX ® 1000 steam hose has been q black, non-porous and smooth EPDM lining
designed to meet the highest requirements on hose q temperature range up to +120°C (hot water)
material for the safe transport of steam and hot water or +164°C (steam – open systems only)
in the chemical and petrochemical industry, the q working pressure up to 6 bar
building industry, in gardening, for the heating of tank q reinforcements: high-strength synthetic fibres
wagons etc., as well as for various other industrial q EPDM-cover, resistant to ozone, weather, UV and
applications. abrasion
q electrically conductive, R < 10 6 Ω
The construction with special textile fibres allows q meets all requirements as per EN ISO 6134
a much higher continuos temperature resistance
compared to conventional textiles. Additionally, the
high flexibility and its conductivity make the hose a safe
and high-class working material.

Technical data:

Nominal width Inner-Ø Wall thickness Working Minimum Burst Minimum Weight
pressure* pressure* bending radius
Zoll/Inch mm mm bar bar approx. mm approx. g/m
1/2 13 6,0 6 ≥ 60 130 460
3/4 19 7,0 6 ≥ 60 190 720
1 25 7,5 6 ≥ 60 250 960

* based on room temperatur Delivery in coils of 40 m

Market segment industrial hoses

ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

The content of this publication is provided for information only and without responsibility. ContiTech AG’s obligations and responsibilities regarding its products are
governed solely by the agreements under which they are sold. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the information contained herein does not become part of these
agreements. This publication does not contain any guarantee or agreed quality of ContiTech AG’s products or any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose and non-infringement. ContiTech AG may make changes in the products or services described at any time without notice. This publication is provided on an
”as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, ContiTech AG makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the infor-
mation contained in this publication. ContiTech AG is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of this publi-
cation. Information contained herein is not intended to announce product availability anywhere in the world. © 2007 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
DAMPF TRIX® 2000 – Highest quality
for conveying steam according to EN ISO 6134

Marking: Red characters “PHOENIX DAMPF-TRIX® 2000 – STEAM – 18 bar/210°C”

on black cover, additional embossing according to EN ISO 6134

Applications: Description:
The high-temperature resistant DAMPF TRIX® 2000 q black, non-porous and smooth EPDM lining
steam hose has been designed to meet the most q temperature range for saturated steam
severe working conditions for conveying saturated up to max. +210°C
steam in the chemical and petrochemical industry, short term +220°C (max. 20 minutes)
in refineries, the building industry, in shipyards and for q working pressure up to 18 bar
various other industrial applications. It is made of an q reinforcements: 2 steel wire braidings
extremely heat resistant EPDM lining and cover assuring q EPDM-cover, resistant to ozone, weather, UV and
the transport of pure, saturated steam at +210°C and abrasion
18 bar, or even at +220°C and 23 bar for short-time q electrically conductive, R < 10 6 Ω
service. q meets all requirements as per EN ISO 6134

Technical data:

Nominal width Inner-Ø Wall thickness Working Minimum Burst Minimum Weight
pressure* pressure* bending radius
Zoll/Inch mm mm bar bar approx. mm approx. g/m
1/2 13 6,0 18 ≥ 180 130 720
5/8 16** 6,5 18 ≥ 180 160 890
3/4 19 7,0 18 ≥ 180 190 1.100
1 25 7,5 18 ≥ 180 250 1.480
1 1/4 32 8,0 18 ≥ 180 320 1.830
1 1/2 38 8,0 18 ≥ 180 380 2.350
2 50 9,0 18 ≥ 180 500 3.020
* based on room temperatur Delivery in coils of 40 m ** minimum quantity 800 m

Market segment industrial hoses

ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

The content of this publication is provided for information only and without responsibility. ContiTech AG’s obligations and responsibilities regarding its products are
governed solely by the agreements under which they are sold. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the information contained herein does not become part of these
agreements. This publication does not contain any guarantee or agreed quality of ContiTech AG’s products or any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
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”as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, ContiTech AG makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the infor-
mation contained in this publication. ContiTech AG is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of this publi-
cation. Information contained herein is not intended to announce product availability anywhere in the world. © 2007 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
Water-saving gun DINGA
Saving water and protecting the environment

Water-saving Hot water-saving Hot water-saving

gun gun I gun II

Applications: Description:
The DINGA water-saving gun of ContiTech Schlauch GmbH q cleans carefully and ecologically harmless
is extremely robust and has a long service life due to its q robust and with a long service life
high-quality brass/stainless steel design. q water temperature max. 50°C (Water-saving gun)
max. 95°C (Hot water-saving gun)
Additionally, it is protected against shock, heat and cold
and has a rubber protection against any damage from q working pressure up to 24 bar
caustic solutions and acids. q flow rate of water 25 l/minute at 5 bar
q spare parts available on request
The use of this gun helps to save considerable water q resistant to caustic solutions and acids
and energy costs, which, along with its chemical-free q shock-, heat- and cold-proof
cleaning capability, contributes to the protection of the q adjustable water jet
environment. q available for hose connections
The flow can be adjusted from a fine spray to a 1/2’’, 3/4’’ and 1’’
concentrated jet.
Thus, the gun is suitable for a careful and efficient
cleaning for nearly any professional application.

Market segment industrial hoses

ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

The content of this publication is provided for information only and without responsibility. ContiTech AG’s obligations and responsibilities regarding its products are
governed solely by the agreements under which they are sold. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the information contained herein does not become part of these
agreements. This publication does not contain any guarantee or agreed quality of ContiTech AG’s products or any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose and non-infringement. ContiTech AG may make changes in the products or services described at any time without notice. This publication is provided on an
”as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, ContiTech AG makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the infor-
mation contained in this publication. ContiTech AG is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of this publi-
cation. Information contained herein is not intended to announce product availability anywhere in the world. © 2007 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
Water Hoses 1
Schläuche für die Lebensmittel-, Getränke-, Kosmetik-
und Pharmaindustrie
Hoses for the Food-, Beverage-, Cosmetics-
and pharmaceutical Industry
Dampf- und Reinigungsschläuche
Steam and Cleaning Hoses 3
Compressed Air Hoses 4
WT 1500 09.07
TRIX® Blaustrahl
The high quality hose for compressed air

Marking: 6 blue, axial stripes on black cover, “PHOENIX TRIX-BLAUSTRAHL

EN ISO 2398 Typ 7 B Luft/Air 2,5 MPa (25 bar) DN 19 x 6 R <106 Ω /m Made in Germany”

Applications: Description:
TRIX® Blaustrahl is the top product for heavy duty q black, non-porous and smooth NBR lining
applications in the field of compressed air handling. q temperature range from – 40°C up to +70°C
The hose meets the EN ISO 2398 standard and is the q working pressure up to 25 bar
ideal product for industrial applications, for the mining q reinforcements: synthetic fibres
industry, pits, over- and underground workings, steel q NBR-cover, resistant to ozone, weather, UV
and iron industry, shipyards, manufacturers of compressed and abrasion
air equipment and compressors, petrol stations, large- q highly flexible, robust
scale garages and many other applications more. q good resistance to oil
q electrically conductive
q release agent- and fat-free, free from any product
Construction according to LOBA*** on request. harmful to lacquer

Technical data:

Nominal width Inner-Ø Wall thickness Working Minimum burst Minimum Weight Type-
pressure* pressure* bending radius class
Zoll/Inch mm mm bar bar approx. mm approx. g/m
3/16 5 4,5 25 ≥ 100 25 220 7B
1/4 6 4,5 25 ≥ 100 30 250 7B
5/16 8 4,5 25 ≥ 100 40 280 7B
3/8 10 5,0 25 ≥ 100 50 340 7B
1/2 13 5,0 25 ≥ 100 65 410 7B
1/2 13 6,0 25 ≥ 100 65 510 7B
5/8 15 5,0 25 ≥ 100 75 460 7B
5/8 15 6,0 25 ≥ 100 75 560 7B
3/4 19 5,0 25 ≥ 100 95 590 7B
3/4 19 6,0 25 ≥ 100 95 690 7B
1 25 7,0 25 ≥ 100 125 1.000 7B
1 1/8** 28 8,0 16 ≥ 64 170 1.260 5B
1 1/4 32 8,0 16 ≥ 64 200 1.380 5B
1 3/8** 35 8,0 16 ≥ 64 220 1.500 5B
1 1/2 38 8,0 16 ≥ 64 240 1.600 5B
1 5/8** 42 9,0 16 ≥ 64 330 2.000 5B
* based on room temperatur ** no EN-diameters Delivery in coils of 40 m *** Landesoberbergbauamt

Market segment industrial hoses

ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

The content of this publication is provided for information only and without responsibility. ContiTech AG’s obligations and responsibilities regarding its products are
governed solely by the agreements under which they are sold. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the information contained herein does not become part of these
agreements. This publication does not contain any guarantee or agreed quality of ContiTech AG’s products or any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose and non-infringement. ContiTech AG may make changes in the products or services described at any time without notice. This publication is provided on an
”as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, ContiTech AG makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the infor-
mation contained in this publication. ContiTech AG is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of this publi-
cation. Information contained herein is not intended to announce product availability anywhere in the world. © 2007 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
Air TRIX compressed air hose
According to EN ISO 2398, type 4A

Marking: 2 x 3 yellow axially applied stripes on black cover interrupted by white lettering
“PHOENIX AIR-TRIX DN 19 EN ISO 2398 Typ 4A 1,6 MPa (16 bar) Made in Germany”

Applications: Description:
The Air TRIX compressed air hose is the reliable and q black, non-potous, smooth SBR/EPDM lining
safe hose for heavy duty service for quarrying, over- q working pressure up to 16 bar
ground and underground workings, for use on compres- q temperature range from – 25°C up to +70 °C
sed air tools or compressors, industrial applications, for q Druckträger: synthetische Garne
the metallurgical industry, shipyards, petrol stations and q black SBR/EPDM cover, resistant to ozone and weather
garages. q highly flexible, robust, non-buckling,
dimensionally stable
q electrically conductive, R <10 6 Ω

Technical data:

Nominal width Inner-Ø Type Wall thickness Working Minimum burst Minimum Weight
pressure* pressure* bending radius
Zoll/Inch mm Class mm bar bar ca. mm ca. g/m

1/4 6,3 4A 4,0 16 ≥ 64 40 200

3/8 9,0 4A 4,0 16 ≥ 64 45 250
3/8 10,0 4A 4,5 16 ≥ 64 55 340
1/2 13,0 4A 4,5 16 ≥ 64 70 410
19/32 15,0 4A 5,5 16 ≥ 64 80 460
3/4 19,0 4A 5,5 16 ≥ 64 100 590
1 25,0 4A 6,5 16 ≥ 64 130 1.000

* based on room temperature Delivery in coils of 40 m

Market segment industrial hoses

ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

The content of this publication is provided for information only and without responsibility. ContiTech AG’s obligations and responsibilities regarding its products are
governed solely by the agreements under which they are sold. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the information contained herein does not become part of these
agreements. This publication does not contain any guarantee or agreed quality of ContiTech AG’s products or any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
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”as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, ContiTech AG makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the infor-
mation contained in this publication. ContiTech AG is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of this publi-
cation. Information contained herein is not intended to announce product availability anywhere in the world. © 2007 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
Compressed air hose, black
according to DIN 20018, sheet 1

Marking: Embossing “PHOENIX PRESSLUFT DIN 20018 Year” on black cover

Applications: Description:
The compressed air hose, black is ideal for over- and q black, non-porous and smooth rubber lining
underground working, steel and iron industry, pits, com- q temperature range from –30°C up to +50°C
pressed air appliances and industrial consumers. q working pressure up to 10/16 bar
q reinforcements: synthetic fibres
q black rubber-cover, resistant to ageing, abrasion,
water and air containing oil

Technical data:

Nominal width Inner-Ø Wall thickness Working pressure* Minimum Burst Minimum Weight
Air Water pressure* bending radius
Zoll/Inch mm mm bar bar bar approx. mm approx. g/m
3/8 10 5 10 16 ≥ 40 100 340
1/2 13 5 10 16 ≥ 40 130 410
5/8 15 6 10 16 ≥ 40 150 560
3/4 19 6 10 16 ≥ 40 190 690
1 25 7 10 16 ≥ 40 250 1.000

* based on room temperature Delivery in coils of 40 m

Market segment industrial hoses

ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

The content of this publication is provided for information only and without responsibility. ContiTech AG’s obligations and responsibilities regarding its products are
governed solely by the agreements under which they are sold. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the information contained herein does not become part of these
agreements. This publication does not contain any guarantee or agreed quality of ContiTech AG’s products or any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose and non-infringement. ContiTech AG may make changes in the products or services described at any time without notice. This publication is provided on an
”as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, ContiTech AG makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the infor-
mation contained in this publication. ContiTech AG is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of this publi-
cation. Information contained herein is not intended to announce product availability anywhere in the world. © 2007 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
TRIX® Brake hose
Safety according to DIN 74310

Marking: Embossing
“PHOENIX TRIX-BREMS -11- DIN 74310 TÜV geprüft Made in Germany Week/Year” white, on black cover.

Applications: Description:
The TRIX® Brake hose is the high quality brake hose for q black, non-porous and smooth SBR/EPDM lining
truck brake systems according to DIN 74310. q temperature range from –40°C up to +70 °C for air
It is robust, very flexible, non-buckling and offers long q working pressure up to 10 bar
service life. q reinforcements: synthetic fibres
q black SBR/EPDM-cover, resistant to ozone, weather,
UV and abrasion
q release agent- and fat-free, free from any product
harmful to lacquer

Technical data:

Nominal width Inner-Ø Wall thickness Working Minimum Burst Minimum Weight
pressure* pressure* bending radius
Zoll/Inch mm mm bar bar approx. mm approx. g/m
7/16 11 3,5 10 > 40 70 260
1/2 13 6,0 10 > 40 100 500

* based on room temperature Delivery in coils of 40 m

Market segment industrial hoses

ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

The content of this publication is provided for information only and without responsibility. ContiTech AG’s obligations and responsibilities regarding its products are
governed solely by the agreements under which they are sold. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the information contained herein does not become part of these
agreements. This publication does not contain any guarantee or agreed quality of ContiTech AG’s products or any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose and non-infringement. ContiTech AG may make changes in the products or services described at any time without notice. This publication is provided on an
”as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, ContiTech AG makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the infor-
mation contained in this publication. ContiTech AG is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of this publi-
cation. Information contained herein is not intended to announce product availability anywhere in the world. © 2007 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
Water Hoses 1
Schläuche für die Lebensmittel-, Getränke-, Kosmetik-
und Pharmaindustrie
Hoses for the Food-, Beverage-, Cosmetics-
and pharmaceutical Industry
Dampf- und Reinigungsschläuche
Steam and Cleaning Hoses 3
Compressed Air Hoses 4
Gas Hoses 5
WT 1500 09.07
TRIX® oxyacetylene hose
For the safe transport of oxygen and fuel gases

oxygen: “PHOENIX TRIX-AUTOGEN EN 559-2MPa (20 bar)-6,3-Made in Germany” on blue cover
fuelgas: “PHOENIX TRIX-AUTOGEN EN 559-2MPa (20 bar)-9-Made in Germany” on red cover

Applications: Description:
TRIX® oxyacetylene hose is designed for the transport of q black, non-porous and smooth EPDM lining
oxygen and fuel gases. It meets the latest regulations of q temperature range up to +60°C
the EN 559 standard and thus offers the highest q working pressure up to 20 bar
possible safety. The hose is extremely robust, flexible, q reinforcements: synthetic fibres
resistant to ozone and weather and has a smooth, q EPDM-cover, resistant to ozone, weather, UV and
dirt-proof cover. The excellent quality is the reason, why abrasion
TRIX® oxyacetylene hoses are most popular and are q highly flexible, robust
being used for decades in installation and heating q non-buckling, dimensionally stable
system companies, foundries, shipyards, for the q release agent- and fat-free, free from any product
construction of bridges, in the steel and car body harmful to lacquer
construction, over- and underground workings, in
welding shops and at manufacturers of welding

Technical data:
oxygen hose – blue

Nominal width Inner-Ø Wall thickness Working Minimum burst Minimum Weight
pressure* pressure* bending radius
Zoll/Inch mm mm bar bar approx. mm approx. g/m
1/6 4,0 3,5 20 60 20 130
1/4 6,3 3,5 20 60 30 170
1/4 6,3 5,0 20 50 30 260
3/8 9,0 5,0 20 60 45 330
7/16 11,0 5,0 20 60 55 370
1/2 12,5 5,0 20 60 60 400
5/8 16,0 6,0 20 60 80 600

fuel gas hose – red

1/6 4,0 3,5 20 60 20 130
1/4 6,3 3,5 20 60 30 170
3/8 9,0 3,5 20 60 45 210
7/16 11,0 3,5 20 60 55 250
1/2 12,5 4,5 20 60 60 370
5/8 16,0 4,5 20 60 80 430
* based on room temperature Delivery in coils of 40 m

Market segment industrial hoses

ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

The content of this publication is provided for information only and without responsibility. ContiTech AG’s obligations and responsibilities regarding its products are
governed solely by the agreements under which they are sold. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the information contained herein does not become part of these
agreements. This publication does not contain any guarantee or agreed quality of ContiTech AG’s products or any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose and non-infringement. ContiTech AG may make changes in the products or services described at any time without notice. This publication is provided on an
”as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, ContiTech AG makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the infor-
mation contained in this publication. ContiTech AG is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of this publi-
cation. Information contained herein is not intended to announce product availability anywhere in the world. © 2007 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
TRIX® universal fuel gas hose
TRIX® air/nitrogen/argon/CO2-hose

“PHOENIX TRIX-ALLBRENNGASSCHLAUCH EN 559-2MPa (20 bar) -6,3-95 Made in Germany” on red-orange cover
“PHOENIX TRIX-LUFT/STICKSTOFF/ARGON/CO2 EN 559-2MPa (20 bar) -6,3- Made in Germany” on black cover

Applications: Description:
The TRIX® universal fuel gas hose is designed for the trans- q temperature range up to +60°C
port of all kinds of gases as well as liquid gases according to q working pressure up to 20 bar
DIN 51622, propane/butane, natural gas, DMF, MPS and q reinforcements: synthetic fibres
LPG. It meets the latest regulations of the EN 559 standard
and thus offers the highest possible safety. The hose is extre-
q highly flexible, robust
mely robust, flexible, resistant to ozone and weather and has q non-buckling, dimensionally stable
a smooth, dirt-proof cover. q release agent- and fat-free, free from any product
harmful to lacquer
The TRIX® air/nitrogen/argon/CO2-hose is designed for the
transport of non combustible gases. It meets the latest
regulations of the EN 559 standard and thus offers the highest TRIX® universal fuel gas hose
possible safety. The hose is extremely robust, flexible, q black, non-porous and smooth NBR lining
resistant to ozone and weather and has a smooth, dirt-proof q NBR-cover, resistant to ozone, weather, UV and
cover. abrasion
The excellent quality is the reason, why these hoses are most
popular and are being used for decades in installation and TRIX® air/nitrogen/argon/CO2-hose
heating system companies, foundries, shipyards, for the q black, non-porous and smooth EPDM lining
construction of bridges, in the steel and car body q EPDM-cover, resistant to ozone, weather, UV and
construction, over- and underground workings, in welding abrasion
shops and at manufacturers of welding apparatus.

Technical data:
TRIX® universal fuel gas hose

Nominal width Inner-Ø Wall thickness Working Minimum burst Minimum Weight
pressure* pressure* bending radius
Zoll/Inch mm mm bar bar approx. mm approx. g/m
1/6 4,0 3,5 20 60 20 130
1/4 6,3 3,5 20 60 30 170
3/8 9,0 3,5 20 50 45 210
7/16 11,0 3,8 20 60 55 280
1/2 12,5 4,5 20 60 60 370
5/8 16,0 4,5 20 60 80 430
3/4 20,0 5,0 20 60 100 590
1 1/4 32,0 5,5 20 60 190 950
TRIX® air/nitrogen/argon/CO2-hose
1/4 6,3 3,5 20 60 30 170
3/8 9,0 3,5 20 60 45 210

* based on room temperature Delivery in coils of 40 m

Market segment industrial hoses

ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

The content of this publication is provided for information only and without responsibility. ContiTech AG’s obligations and responsibilities regarding its products are
governed solely by the agreements under which they are sold. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the information contained herein does not become part of these
agreements. This publication does not contain any guarantee or agreed quality of ContiTech AG’s products or any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose and non-infringement. ContiTech AG may make changes in the products or services described at any time without notice. This publication is provided on an
”as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, ContiTech AG makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the infor-
mation contained in this publication. ContiTech AG is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of this publi-
cation. Information contained herein is not intended to announce product availability anywhere in the world. © 2007 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
PHX-oxyacetylene hoses
Safety according to EN 559

Marking: Colour coding

oxygen: “PHX-AUTOGEN EN 559-2MPa (20 bar)-6,3-Made in Germany” on blue cover
fuelgas: “PHX-AUTOGEN EN 559-2MPa (20 bar)-9-Made in Germany” on red cover

Applications: Description:
The PHX-oxyacetylene hoses are designed for the q black, non-porous SBR lining
transport of oxygen and fuel gases. q temperature range up to +60°C
They can be used on manual welding appliances for q working pressure up to 20 bar
shipyards, steel constructions, construction of vehicles, q reinforcements: synthetic fibres
over- and underground workings, installation works and q blue or red all-over SBR-cover, resistant to weather
welding workshops. q flexible, robust
They fully comply with EN 559.
q non-buckling, dimensionally stable
q release agent- and fat-free, free from any product
harmful to lacquer

Technical data:
oxygen hose – blue

Nominal width Inner-Ø Wall thickness Working Minimum burst Minimum Weight
pressure* pressure* bending radius
Zoll/Inch mm mm bar bar approx. mm approx. g/m
1/4 6,3 5,0 20 60 60 270
fuel gas hose – red

Nominal width Inner-Ø Wall thickness Working Minimum burst Minimum Weight
pressure* pressure* bending radius
Zoll/Inch mm mm bar bar approx. mm approx. g/m
3/8 9,0 3,5 20 60 90 215
* based on room temperature Delivery in coils of 40 m

Market segment industrial hoses

ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

The content of this publication is provided for information only and without responsibility. ContiTech AG’s obligations and responsibilities regarding its products are
governed solely by the agreements under which they are sold. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the information contained herein does not become part of these
agreements. This publication does not contain any guarantee or agreed quality of ContiTech AG’s products or any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose and non-infringement. ContiTech AG may make changes in the products or services described at any time without notice. This publication is provided on an
”as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, ContiTech AG makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the infor-
mation contained in this publication. ContiTech AG is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of this publi-
cation. Information contained herein is not intended to announce product availability anywhere in the world. © 2007 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
Flux hoses
For the safe transport of fluxes and fuel gases

Marking: Colour coding

Flux blue: “CONTITECH - EN559-FLUX - 2MPA (20bar) - 6 - month year” on blue cover
Flux red: “CONTITECH - EN559-FLUX - 2MPA (20bar) - 6 - month year” on red cover

Applications: Description:
Flux hoses according to EN 559 for trade and industry q black, seamless PA lining with high density towards
are used on welding and brazing machines, for diffusion
transporting fluxes and fuel gases as well as for
conveying oxygen. q temperature range up to +90°C
q working pressure up to 20 bar
q reinforcements: synthetic fibres
q blue or red NBR-cover, resistant to ozone,
weather, UV and abrasion
q highly flexible and robust
q can also be used for welding processes with
aggressive filler agents

Technical data:

Nominal width Inner-Ø Wall thickness Working Minimum burst Minimum Weight
pressure* pressure* bending radius**
Zoll/Inch mm mm bar bar approx. mm approx. g/m
1/6 3,2 1,9 20 60 50 36
1/4 5,0 3,0 20 50 60 97
3/8 6,5 3,0 20 60 80 115

* based on room temperature Delivery in coils of 20 m ** The minimum bending radius must be observed!

Market segment industrial hoses

ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

The content of this publication is provided for information only and without responsibility. ContiTech AG’s obligations and responsibilities regarding its products are
governed solely by the agreements under which they are sold. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the information contained herein does not become part of these
agreements. This publication does not contain any guarantee or agreed quality of ContiTech AG’s products or any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose and non-infringement. ContiTech AG may make changes in the products or services described at any time without notice. This publication is provided on an
”as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, ContiTech AG makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the infor-
mation contained in this publication. ContiTech AG is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of this publi-
cation. Information contained herein is not intended to announce product availability anywhere in the world. © 2007 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
TRIX Nitrogen hose
Reliable and safe

Marking: 3 yellow, axially applied broad stripes on black cover;

“PHOENIX TRIX-STICKSTOFF 20 BAR -30/+60 GRAD C Ω Made in Germany”

Application: Description:
The TRIX nitrogen hose is the ideal product for q black, non-porous and smooth EPDM lining
displacing and flushing of explosive gases and their q working pressure up to 20 bar
mixtures in all ranges of the chemical and petrochemical q temperature range from – 30 °C up to +60 °C
industry. For use on tank trucks and tank wagons, in q reinforcements: synthetic fibres
ship rooms, pipelines, tanks of all kinds etc. the hose q EPDM-cover, resistant to ozone and weather
combines safe and comfortable handling with extreme q electrically conductive, R < 10 6 Ω
service life.

Technical data:

Nominal width Inner-Ø Wall thickness Working Minimum burst Minimum Weight
pressure* pressure* bending radius
Zoll/Inch mm mm bar bar approx. mm approx. g/m
3/8 10 5 20 ≥ 60 70 370
1/2 13 5 20 ≥ 60 80 420
3/4 19 6 20 ≥ 60 150 720
1 25 6 20 ≥ 60 185 885

* based on room temperature Delivery in coils of 40 m

Market segment industrial hoses

ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

The content of this publication is provided for information only and without responsibility. ContiTech AG’s obligations and responsibilities regarding its products are
governed solely by the agreements under which they are sold. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the information contained herein does not become part of these
agreements. This publication does not contain any guarantee or agreed quality of ContiTech AG’s products or any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose and non-infringement. ContiTech AG may make changes in the products or services described at any time without notice. This publication is provided on an
”as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, ContiTech AG makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the infor-
mation contained in this publication. ContiTech AG is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of this publi-
cation. Information contained herein is not intended to announce product availability anywhere in the world. © 2007 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
Water Hoses 1
Schläuche für die Lebensmittel-, Getränke-, Kosmetik-
und Pharmaindustrie
Hoses for the Food-, Beverage-, Cosmetics-
and pharmaceutical Industry
Dampf- und Reinigungsschläuche
Steam and Cleaning Hoses 3
Compressed Air Hoses 4
Gas Hoses 5
Multi-Purpose Hoses 6
WT 1500 09.07
The multi purpose hose

Marking: 6 tabacco brown coloured axial markings on black cover,

PHOENIX UNITRIX 60 DN 10 R <106 Ω /m Made in Germany

Application: Description:
The multi purpose hose UNITRIX® 60 provides best q black, non-porous and smooth NBR lining
results when used in the areas of mechanical q working pressure up to 20 bar
engineering, farming, forestry, garages, quarries, q temperature range from – 25°C up to +85°C
construction sites as well as shipbuilding and the railway q reinforcements: synthetic fibres
industry. It can be used with compressors, barrel pumps q highly flexible, robust
and aggregates. It can also be used in the areas of the q NBR-cover, resistant to oil, grease and chemicals
mineral oll industry and the chemical and petrochemical q electrically conductive

UNITRIX® 60 is the right hose for conveying benzine,

mineral oil, gasoil, kerosene, fuel oil, motor oil,
compressed air, cold and hot water with or without
detergent additives, vegetable oils, animal fats, propane,
butane, diluted acids, technical alcohols, pesticides, salt
solutions, naphtha.

Technical data:

Nominal width Inner-Ø Wall thickness Working Minimum Burst Minimum Weight
pressure* pressure* bending radius
Zoll/Inch mm mm bar bar approx. mm approx. g/m
1/4 6 3,5 20 60 35 160
5/16 8 3,75 20 60 50 210
3/8 10 3,75 20 60 60 250
1/2 13 4,0 20 60 80 320
5/8 16 4,5 20 60 100 430
3/4 19 5,0 20 60 120 550
1 25 5,5 20 60 150 760
* based on room temperatur Delivery in coils of 50 m

Market segment industrial hoses

ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

The content of this publication is provided for information only and without responsibility. ContiTech AG’s obligations and responsibilities regarding its products are
governed solely by the agreements under which they are sold. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the information contained herein does not become part of these
agreements. This publication does not contain any guarantee or agreed quality of ContiTech AG’s products or any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose and non-infringement. ContiTech AG may make changes in the products or services described at any time without notice. This publication is provided on an
”as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, ContiTech AG makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the infor-
mation contained in this publication. ContiTech AG is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of this publi-
cation. Information contained herein is not intended to announce product availability anywhere in the world. © 2007 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
The multi purpose hose

Marking: 6 olive coloured axial markings on black cover,

PHOENIX UNITRIX 80 DN 10 R <106 Ω /m Made in Germany

Application: Description:
The multi purpose hose UNITRIX® 80 provides best q black, non-porous and smooth NBR lining
results when used in the areas of mechanical q working pressure up to 33 bar
engineering, farming, forestry, garages, quarries, q temperature range from – 25°C up to +85°C
construction sites as well as shipbuilding and the railway q reinforcements: synthetic fibres
industry. It can be used with compressors, barrel pumps q highly flexible, robust
and aggregates. It can also be used in the areas of the q NBR-cover, resistant to oil, grease and chemicals
mineral oll industry and the chemical and petrochemical q electrically conductive

UNITRIX® 80 is the right hose for conveying benzine,

mineral oil, gasoil, kerosene, fuel oil, motor oil,
compressed air, cold and hot water with or without
detergent additives, vegetable oils, animal fats, propane,
butane, diluted acids, technical alcohols, pesticides, salt
solutions, naphtha.

Technical data:

Nominal width Inner-Ø Wall thickness Working Minimum Burst Minimum Weight
pressure* pressure* bending radius
Zoll/Inch mm mm bar bar approx. mm approx. g/m
1/4 6 4,0 33 80 35 190
5/16 8 4,0 33 80 50 230
3/8 10 4,0 33 80 60 260
1/2 13 4,5 33 80 80 370
5/8 16 5,0 33 80 100 480
3/4 19 6,0 33 80 120 680
1 25 6,0 33 80 150 840
Delivery in coils of 50 m

1 1/4 32 6,0 33 80 150 935

1 1/2 38 6,5 33 80 190 1.150
2 50 7,0 33 80 250 1.610
2 3/8 60 8,0 33 80 400 2.260
3 75 9,0 33 80 500 3.050
Delivery in coils of 40 m * based on room temperatur

Market segment industrial hoses

ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

The content of this publication is provided for information only and without responsibility. ContiTech AG’s obligations and responsibilities regarding its products are
governed solely by the agreements under which they are sold. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the information contained herein does not become part of these
agreements. This publication does not contain any guarantee or agreed quality of ContiTech AG’s products or any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose and non-infringement. ContiTech AG may make changes in the products or services described at any time without notice. This publication is provided on an
”as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, ContiTech AG makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the infor-
mation contained in this publication. ContiTech AG is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of this publi-
cation. Information contained herein is not intended to announce product availability anywhere in the world. © 2007 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
Water Hoses 1
Schläuche für die Lebensmittel-, Getränke-, Kosmetik-
und Pharmaindustrie
Hoses for the Food-, Beverage-, Cosmetics-
and pharmaceutical Industry
Dampf- und Reinigungsschläuche
Steam and Cleaning Hoses 3
Compressed Air Hoses 4
Gas Hoses 5
Multi-Purpose Hoses 6
Bau- und Förderschläuche
Construction and Transport Hoses 7
WT 1500 09.07
TRIX Blasting hose
Safe and high stability under load

Marking: 3 yellow, axial stripes on black cover;


Applications: Description:
The TRIX blasting hose is the reliable specialist for q black, non-porous, smooth and highly abrasion
the use of building- and façade cleaning, metal resistant BR/SBR lining
surface treatment, bridge building construction and q working pressure up to 12 bar
construction industry as well as in iron foundries. q temperature range from – 20 °C up to +70 °C
The very special construction offers long service life and q reinforcements: synthetic fibres
the highest possible safety for the conveyance of q SBR/EPDM cover, resistant to ozone and weather
blasting grit, corundum, aluminium oxide, quartz q electrically conductive, R < 10 6 Ω
powder, etc. as well as cement and concrete. q abrasion < 60 mm3 (DIN 53516)
q suitable for all conventional blasting materials

Technical data:

Nominal width Inner-Ø Wall thickness Working Minimum burst Minimum Weight
pressure* pressure* bending radius
Zoll/Inch mm mm bar bar approx. mm approx. g/m
1/2 13 7 12 ≥ 48 110 500
3/4 19 7 12 ≥ 48 150 630
1 25 7 12 ≥ 48 200 850
1 1/4 32 8 12 ≥ 48 260 1.200
1 1/2 38 9 12 ≥ 48 310 1.780
1 5/8 42 9 12 ≥ 48 330 1.930

* based on room temperature Delivery in coils of 40 m

Market segment industrial hoses

ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

The content of this publication is provided for information only and without responsibility. ContiTech AG’s obligations and responsibilities regarding its products are
governed solely by the agreements under which they are sold. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the information contained herein does not become part of these
agreements. This publication does not contain any guarantee or agreed quality of ContiTech AG’s products or any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose and non-infringement. ContiTech AG may make changes in the products or services described at any time without notice. This publication is provided on an
”as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, ContiTech AG makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the infor-
mation contained in this publication. ContiTech AG is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of this publi-
cation. Information contained herein is not intended to announce product availability anywhere in the world. © 2007 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
Concrete and mortar hose
Safety under extreme load

Marking: White characters “PHX 40 BAR” on black cover

Applications: Description:
The concrete and mortar hose has been designed for q black, non-porous, smooth, highly abrasion resistant
extreme working conditions at all kinds of construction SBR lining
sites. q working pressure up to 40 bar
The construction stands for extreme durability, top q temperature range from – 20 °C up to +70 °C
functionality and long service life. q reinforcements: synthetic fibres
q SBR cover, resistant to ozone and weather
The hose is used in structural and underground
engineering, on concrete and cement mixers, at building
material stores as well as flexible hose line on
construction sites.

Technical data:

Nominal width Inner-Ø Wall thickness Working Minimum burst Minimum Weight
pressure* pressure* bending radius
Zoll/Inch mm mm bar bar approx. mm approx. g/m
1 25 7 40 ≥ 120 250 1.050
1 1/8 27 7 40 ≥ 120 270 1.090
1 3/8 35 7,5 40 ≥ 120 350 1.260
2 50 9 40 ≥ 120 500 2.200
2 5/8 65 10 40 ≥ 120 650 2.800

* based on room temperature Delivery in coils of 40 m

Market segment industrial hoses

ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

The content of this publication is provided for information only and without responsibility. ContiTech AG’s obligations and responsibilities regarding its products are
governed solely by the agreements under which they are sold. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the information contained herein does not become part of these
agreements. This publication does not contain any guarantee or agreed quality of ContiTech AG’s products or any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose and non-infringement. ContiTech AG may make changes in the products or services described at any time without notice. This publication is provided on an
”as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, ContiTech AG makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the infor-
mation contained in this publication. ContiTech AG is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of this publi-
cation. Information contained herein is not intended to announce product availability anywhere in the world. © 2007 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
Cement silo hose
The reliable specialist

Marking: White characters “PHOENIX ZEMENTSILO 6 BAR” on black cover

Applications: Description:
The cement silo hose of ContiTech Schlauch GmbH q black, non-porous, smooth, highly abrasion resistant
is especially designed for use under rough SBR lining
working conditions in cement plants, on cement silo q working pressure up to 6 bar
trucks, in building material stores and for forwarding q temperature range from – 20 °C up to +70 °C
agents. q reinforcements: synthetic fibres
The highly abrasion resistant lining ensures the safe q SBR cover, resistant to ozone and weather
transport of cement, concrete, sand, pebbles etc. q electrically conductive

Technical data:

Nominal width Inner-Ø Wall thickness Working Minimum burst Minimum Weight
pressure* pressure* bending radius
Zoll/Inch mm mm bar bar approx. mm approx. g/m
3 75 5 6 ≥ 18 750 1.500
3 75 9 6 ≥ 18 750 3.000
3 1/2 90** 10 6 ≥ 18 900 4.100
4 100** 10 6 ≥ 18 1.000 4.700

* based on room temperature Delivery in coils of 40 m ** minimum quantity 200 m

Market segment industrial hoses

ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

The content of this publication is provided for information only and without responsibility. ContiTech AG’s obligations and responsibilities regarding its products are
governed solely by the agreements under which they are sold. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the information contained herein does not become part of these
agreements. This publication does not contain any guarantee or agreed quality of ContiTech AG’s products or any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose and non-infringement. ContiTech AG may make changes in the products or services described at any time without notice. This publication is provided on an
”as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, ContiTech AG makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the infor-
mation contained in this publication. ContiTech AG is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of this publi-
cation. Information contained herein is not intended to announce product availability anywhere in the world. © 2007 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
Compact Conveyor hose
for abrasive products

Applications: Description:
For the conveying of materials such as sand, gravel, q highly abrasion resistant black, smooth SBR lining
dredged mud and silt, chalk, ash, coal, ore, carbon q temperature range up to +80° C
black, salts, concrete, cement, wastes from industrial q working pressure from 6 up to 10 bar
plants and fluegas desulphurization plants. q reinforcements: synthetic corded plies and
steel wire helix
The conveyor hose system consists of 3 components:
hose, coupling and gasket. q SBR-cover, resistant to weather, abrasion, strongly
The coupling is in two halves to permit easy assembly q Vacuum up to 0.9 bar
without special tools. Nipples are not required with this
system. If a hose has to be changed, the fittings can be
reused in as much as they are not subject to wear. q high quality aluminium cast consisting of 2 halves
clamped together with 2 screw bolts or with
The compact design with special low-expansion textile 4 screw bolts from DN 125 and 6 screw bolts from
plies ensures that the operating pressure causes only DN 250 onwards. The flange connecting
minimal elongation, so that even when longer lengths dimensions comply with DIN 2576 (due to the
are laid the stability of the system is retained. construction the number of holes has been
q Thickness 8 mm
q highly abrasion resistant rubber mixture
q bores match coupling flanges to DIN 2576

Technical data:

Nominal width Inner-Ø Thickness Outside-Ø Working Minimum Burst Minimum Weight
lining pressure* pressure* bending radius
Zoll/Inch mm mm mm bar bar approx. mm approx. g/m
2 50 5,0 74 10 30 250 2.800
2 1/2 65 6,5 95 10 30 325 4.400
3 80 7,0 111 10 30 400 4.900
4 100 7,0 131 10 30 500 6.400
5 125 6,0 157 10 30 750 8.200
6 150 6,0 181 10 30 900 10.500
7 175 6,0 206 10 30 1.050 12.000
8 200 6,0 232 10 30 1.200 14.700
10 250 6,0 285 6 18 1.500 20.300
12 300 6,0 339 6 18 1.800 27.900
14 350 6,0 392 6 18 2.100 38.400
* based on room temperatur Delivery in coils of 20 m (up to Inner-Ø 80 mm); Delivery in coils of 12m (from Inner-Ø 100 mm)

Market segment industrial hoses

ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

The content of this publication is provided for information only and without responsibility. ContiTech AG’s obligations and responsibilities regarding its products are
governed solely by the agreements under which they are sold. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the information contained herein does not become part of these
agreements. This publication does not contain any guarantee or agreed quality of ContiTech AG’s products or any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose and non-infringement. ContiTech AG may make changes in the products or services described at any time without notice. This publication is provided on an
”as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, ContiTech AG makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the infor-
mation contained in this publication. ContiTech AG is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of this publi-
cation. Information contained herein is not intended to announce product availability anywhere in the world. © 2007 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
Conveyor hose systems
for abrasive products

Compact conveyor hose system

q Compact design
q Assembly without any problem, flexible adaption
to existing installation conditions by cutting to
size, on site
q Minimum stop periodes when changing hoses
q Reusable couplings
q Form-fit and frictional connection of hose and
q Flange connection sizes complying with DIN 2576

Aluminium coupling halves with flange Rubber gasket


Compact conveyor hose couplings

q Compact design
q The flange connecting dimensions comply with
DIN 2576, with the number of flange holes
increased by 2 for DN 50, 65 and 80 for better
clamping. From DN 100 to 350 there are 2 flange
holes less owing to the flange design

Hoses providing a connection piece inserted

by vulcanisation
q Excellent frictional connection –
steel connection piece / steel clamp
q Infinitely variable smooth change-over in the
q Pigging is guaranteed
q With this steel-cone flange system
(steel pressed on steel) there is no rubber
relaxation to be expected
q No contact of product with metal parts
q Clamps hot galvanized according to DIN 1548
q Nominal widths and lengths on request Steel stem Rubber gasket Clamp
and vulcanized

Market segment industrial hoses

ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

The content of this publication is provided for information only and without responsibility. ContiTech AG’s obligations and responsibilities regarding its products are
governed solely by the agreements under which they are sold. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the information contained herein does not become part of these
agreements. This publication does not contain any guarantee or agreed quality of ContiTech AG’s products or any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose and non-infringement. ContiTech AG may make changes in the products or services described at any time without notice. This publication is provided on an
”as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, ContiTech AG makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the infor-
mation contained in this publication. ContiTech AG is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of this publi-
cation. Information contained herein is not intended to announce product availability anywhere in the world. © 2007 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
Water Hoses 1
Schläuche für die Lebensmittel-, Getränke-, Kosmetik-
und Pharmaindustrie
Hoses for the Food-, Beverage-, Cosmetics-
and pharmaceutical Industry
Dampf- und Reinigungsschläuche
Steam and Cleaning Hoses 3
Compressed Air Hoses 4
Gas Hoses 5
Multi-Purpose Hoses 6
Bau- und Förderschläuche
Construction and Transport Hoses 7
Big-Bore Hoses 8
WT 1500 09.07
Big-bore hoses

Application possibilities: Applications:

Big-bore hoses are made of high-quality, synthetic q Wastewater hoses
special-rubber compounds. q Concrete- and cement-handling hoses
They are manufactured on state-of-the-art, electronically q Bunker hoses (light- and heavy-weight types)
controlled large-hose units. q Sewage hoses
q Fish pump hoses
The various production technologies guarantee an q Liquid gas hoses (e.g. for butane, propane)
absolutely uniform product quality. q Granulate transport hoses
q Industrial hoses (general)
An overriding quality assurance system to q Cooling hoses for industrial plants
DIN EN ISO 9001 : 2000 monitors the production q Compressed air hoses
process throughout. These hoses are used wherever q Oxygen hoses
high quality and long service life are per se prerequisites q Sludge hoses
for the efficient transport of all types of products. q Floating hoses
q Spiral hoses (general)
Typical application possibilities are to be found q Underwater hoses
particularly in offshore technology, in material handling,
large-tank units, the ironworks industry, mining and the
building trade.

We manufacture these hoses to the customer's

specific requirements, with inside diameters of
80 mm to >1200 mm.
Kindly send us your detailed inquiry!

Market segment industrial hoses

ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

The content of this publication is provided for information only and without responsibility. ContiTech AG’s obligations and responsibilities regarding its products are
governed solely by the agreements under which they are sold. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the information contained herein does not become part of these
agreements. This publication does not contain any guarantee or agreed quality of ContiTech AG’s products or any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose and non-infringement. ContiTech AG may make changes in the products or services described at any time without notice. This publication is provided on an
”as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, ContiTech AG makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the infor-
mation contained in this publication. ContiTech AG is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of this publi-
cation. Information contained herein is not intended to announce product availability anywhere in the world. © 2007 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
Big-bore hoses

Socket ends and flange dimensions

The dimensions of the expanded Steel tail, concealed
socket ends are manufactured to Cover vulcanized in Steel helix
Reinforcement Reinforcement
your specifications. Lining Intermediate
rubber layer
Flange dimensions are matched to the
required connections.
1 6
Steel plates
Big-bore hoses can be manufactured Back-up flange firmly vulcanized on
in the requisite dimensions and with Cover
the desired connection to satisfy Cover
operating conditions of all kinds. Lining

ContiTech offers the following

connection types 2 7

1 Straight socket ends Steel helix

Steel nozzle
2 Expanded socket ends Clamps Cover
3 Steel nozzle and flange fastened Cover
Reinforcement Lining
with clamps
4 Hose with clamp fittings
5 Steel nozzle, concealed 3 8
attachment, vulcanized in,
with lining drawn through
6 Steel nozzle, concealed attachment,
vulcanized in, without lining drawn Reinforcement
through Steel cone flange

7 Special rubber flange

Applies for compressed-air hoses without helix and
8 Compact systems 4 for suction and compressed-air hoses with helix

9 Steel cone flange with clamp,

lining drawn through
Steel tail, concealed attachment,
vulcanized in

Lining drawn through

5 9

Market segment industrial hoses

ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

The content of this publication is provided for information only and without responsibility. ContiTech AG’s obligations and responsibilities regarding its products are
governed solely by the agreements under which they are sold. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the information contained herein does not become part of these
agreements. This publication does not contain any guarantee or agreed quality of ContiTech AG’s products or any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose and non-infringement. ContiTech AG may make changes in the products or services described at any time without notice. This publication is provided on an
”as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, ContiTech AG makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the infor-
mation contained in this publication. ContiTech AG is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of this publi-
cation. Information contained herein is not intended to announce product availability anywhere in the world. © 2007 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
Water Hoses 1
Schläuche für die Lebensmittel-, Getränke-, Kosmetik-
und Pharmaindustrie
Hoses for the Food-, Beverage-, Cosmetics-
and pharmaceutical Industry
Dampf- und Reinigungsschläuche
Steam and Cleaning Hoses 3
Compressed Air Hoses 4
Gas Hoses 5
Multi-Purpose Hoses 6
Bau- und Förderschläuche
Construction and Transport Hoses 7
Big-Bore Hoses 8
Hydraulic Hoses 9
WT 1500 09.07
Hydraulic hose 1 TE
according to DIN EN 854 – for reliable lifting and moving

Marking: “PHOENIX Quarter/Year” and, displaced by 180°, “DIN EN 854 1 TE DN”

Applications: Description:
The high performance hydraulic hose 1 TE is suitable for q black, non-porous and smooth NBR lining
the safe transport of hydraulic oil on basis of mineral oil, q resistant to oil and fats
oil and water emulsions as well as aqueous glycol solutions. q temperature range from –40°C up to +100°C
(temporarily up to +125°C)
The hose construction is according to DIN EN 854 and is
a safe element of work for hydraulic plants and systems of q working pressure up to 25 bar
all kinds in the machine building industry, for fork-lift q reinforcements: synthetic fibres
trucks, ground moving machines, lifting platforms, q NBR-cover, resistant to oil and fats, ozone, weather,
UV and abrasion
excavators, agriculture machines and many more.
q according to DIN EN 854

Technical data:

Nominal width Inner-Ø Wall thickness Working Minimum burst Minimum Weight
pressure* pressure* bending radius
Zoll/Inch mm mm bar bar approx. mm approx. g/m

3/16 4,8 3,0 25 ≥ 100 35 105

1/4 6,4 3,0 25 ≥ 100 45 120
5/16 7,9 3,0 20 ≥ 80 65 140
3/8 9,5 3,0 20 ≥ 80 75 160
1/2 12,7 3,0 16 ≥ 64 90 190
5/8 15,9 3,5 16 ≥ 64 115 290
* based on room temperature Delivery in coils of max. 150 m Due to production facilities hoses we supply
in the following lengths:
at least 85% longer than 20 m
up to 10% in lengths from 10-20 m
up to 5% in lengths from 3-10 m
Please send your inquiries for hydraulic hoses with
steel wire reinforcements to:
ContiTech Techno-Chemie GmbH
Digitalstraße 4-6
D-15366 Hoppegarten
Telefon +49 (0) 33 42 42 57 0
Fax +49 (0) 33 42 42 57 25

Market segment industrial hoses

ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

The content of this publication is provided for information only and without responsibility. ContiTech AG’s obligations and responsibilities regarding its products are
governed solely by the agreements under which they are sold. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the information contained herein does not become part of these
agreements. This publication does not contain any guarantee or agreed quality of ContiTech AG’s products or any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose and non-infringement. ContiTech AG may make changes in the products or services described at any time without notice. This publication is provided on an
”as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, ContiTech AG makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the infor-
mation contained in this publication. ContiTech AG is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of this publi-
cation. Information contained herein is not intended to announce product availability anywhere in the world. © 2007 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
Hydraulic hose 2 TE
according to DIN EN 854 – for reliable lifting and moving

Marking: “PHOENIX Quarter/Year”” and, displaced by 180°, “DIN EN 854 2 TE DN”

Applications: Description:
The high performance hydraulic hose 2 TE is suitable for q black, non-porous and smooth NBR lining
the safe transport of hydraulic oil on basis of mineral oil, q resistant to oil and fats
oil and water emulsions as well as aqueous glycol solutions. q temperature range from –40°C up to +100°C
(temporarily up to +125°C)
The hose construction is according to DIN EN 854 and is
a safe element of work for hydraulic plants and systems of q working pressure up to 80 bar
all kinds in the machine building industry, for fork-lift q reinforcements: synthetic fibres
trucks, ground moving machines, lifting platforms, q NBR-cover, resistant to oil and fats, ozone, weather,
UV and abrasion
excavators, agriculture machines and many more.
q according to DIN EN 854

Technical data:

Nominal width Inner-Ø Wall thickness Working Minimum burst Minimum Weight
pressure* pressure* bending radius
Zoll/Inch mm mm bar bar approx. mm approx. g/m
3/16 4,8 3,5 80 ≥ 320 35 135
1/4 6,4 3,5 75 ≥ 300 40 150
5/16 7,9 3,5 68 ≥ 272 50 175
3/8 9,5 3,5 63 ≥ 252 60 207
1/2 12,7 3,5 58 ≥ 232 70 255
5/8 15,9 4,0 50 ≥ 200 90 340
3/4 19 4,0 45 ≥ 180 110 415
1 25,4 4,5 40 ≥ 160 150 586
1 1/4 31,8 4,5 35 ≥ 140 190 636

* based on room temperature Delivery: ID 4,8-15,9 mm max.150 m-coils Caused by production conditions we supply
ID from 19 mm max. 75 m-coils hose meter goods in the following lengths:
at least 85% longer than 20 m
up to 10% in lengths from 10-20 m
Please send your inquiries for hydraulic hoses with up to 5% in lengths from 3-10 m
steel wire reinforcements to:
ContiTech Techno-Chemie GmbH
Digitalstraße 4-6
D-15366 Hoppegarten
Telefon +49 (0) 33 42 42 57 0
Fax +49 (0) 33 42 42 57 25

Market segment industrial hoses

ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

The content of this publication is provided for information only and without responsibility. ContiTech AG’s obligations and responsibilities regarding its products are
governed solely by the agreements under which they are sold. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the information contained herein does not become part of these
agreements. This publication does not contain any guarantee or agreed quality of ContiTech AG’s products or any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose and non-infringement. ContiTech AG may make changes in the products or services described at any time without notice. This publication is provided on an
”as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, ContiTech AG makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the infor-
mation contained in this publication. ContiTech AG is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of this publi-
cation. Information contained herein is not intended to announce product availability anywhere in the world. © 2007 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
Hydraulic hose 3 TE
according to DIN EN 854 – for reliable lifting and moving

Marking: “PHOENIX Quarter/Year” and, displaced by 180°, “DIN EN 854 3 TE DN”

Applications: Description:
The high performance hydraulic hose 3 TE is suitable for q black, non-porous and smooth NBR lining
the safe transport of hydraulic oil on basis of mineral oil, q resistant to oil and fats
oil and water emulsions as well as aqueous glycol solutions. q temperature range from –40°C up to +100°C
(temporarily up to +125°C)
The hose construction is according to DIN EN 854 and is
a safe element of work for hydraulic plants and systems of q working pressure up to 160 bar
all kinds in the machine building industry, for fork-lift q reinforcements: synthetic fibres
trucks, ground moving machines, lifting platforms, q NBR-cover, resistant to oil and fats, ozone, weather,
UV and abrasion
excavators, agriculture machines and many more.
q according to DIN EN 854

Technical data:

Nominal width Inner-Ø Wall thickness Working Minimum burst Minimum Weight
pressure* pressure* bending radius
Zoll/Inch mm mm bar bar approx. mm approx. g/m
3/16 4,8 4,0 160 ≥ 640 40 150
1/4 6,4 4,0 145 ≥ 580 45 170
5/16 7,9 4,5 130 ≥ 520 55 240
3/8 9,5 4,5 110 ≥ 440 70 270
1/2 12,7 4,5 93 ≥ 372 85 350
5/8 15,9 5,0 80 ≥ 320 105 460
3/4 19,0 5,0 70 ≥ 280 130 520
1 25,4 5,25 55 ≥ 220 150 680
1 1/4 31,8 5,25 45 ≥ 180 190 850

* based on room temperature Delivery: ID 4,8-15,9 mm max.150 m-coils Caused by production conditions we supply
ID from 19 mm max. 75 m-coils hose meter goods in the following lengths:
at least 85% longer than 20 m
up to 10% in lengths from 10-20 m
Please send your inquiries for hydraulic hoses with up to 5% in lengths from 3-10 m
steel wire reinforcements to:
ContiTech Techno-Chemie GmbH
Digitalstraße 4-6
D-15366 Hoppegarten
Telefon +49 (0) 33 42 42 57 0
Fax +49 (0) 33 42 42 57 25

Market segment industrial hoses

ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

The content of this publication is provided for information only and without responsibility. ContiTech AG’s obligations and responsibilities regarding its products are
governed solely by the agreements under which they are sold. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the information contained herein does not become part of these
agreements. This publication does not contain any guarantee or agreed quality of ContiTech AG’s products or any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose and non-infringement. ContiTech AG may make changes in the products or services described at any time without notice. This publication is provided on an
”as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, ContiTech AG makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the infor-
mation contained in this publication. ContiTech AG is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of this publi-
cation. Information contained herein is not intended to announce product availability anywhere in the world. © 2007 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
Hydraulic hose SAE 100 R 6
according to DIN EN 854 – for reliable lifting and moving

Marking: “PHOENIX Quarter/Year“ and, displaced by 180°, “SAE 100 R 6 DIN EN 854 DN“

Applications: Description:
The high performance hydraulic hose SAE 100 R 6 is q black, non-porous and smooth NBR lining
suitable for the safe transport of hydraulic oil on basis of q resistant to oil and fats
mineral oil,oil and water emulsions as well as aqueous q temperature range from –40°C up to +100°C
glycol solutions. (temporarily up to +125°C)
The hose construction is according to DIN EN 854 and is q working pressure up to 34 bar
a safe element of work for hydraulic plants and systems of q reinforcements: synthetic fibres
all kinds in the machine building industry, for fork-lift q NBR-cover, resistant to oil and fats, ozone, weather,
trucks, ground moving machines, lifting platforms, UV and abrasion
excavators, agriculture machines and many more. q according to DIN EN 854

Technical data:

Nominal width Inner-Ø Wall thickness Working Minimum burst Minimum Weight
pressure* pressure* bending radius
Zoll/Inch mm mm bar bar approx. mm approx. g/m
3/16 4,8 3,2 34 ≥ 136 50 100
1/4 6,4 3,2 28 ≥ 112 65 120
5/16 7,9 3,2 28 ≥ 112 80 135
3/8 9,5 3,2 28 ≥ 112 80 160
1/2 12,7 3,5 28 ≥ 112 100 230
5/8 15,9 3,5 24 ≥ 96 125 290
3/4 19,0 3,8 21 ≥ 83 150 400

* based on room temperature Delivery: max. 150 m-coils Due to production facilities hoses we supply
in the following lengths:
at least 85% longer than 20 m
up to 10% in lengths from 10-20 m
up to 5% in lengths from 3-10 m

Market segment industrial hoses

ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

The content of this publication is provided for information only and without responsibility. ContiTech AG’s obligations and responsibilities regarding its products are
governed solely by the agreements under which they are sold. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the information contained herein does not become part of these
agreements. This publication does not contain any guarantee or agreed quality of ContiTech AG’s products or any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose and non-infringement. ContiTech AG may make changes in the products or services described at any time without notice. This publication is provided on an
”as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, ContiTech AG makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the infor-
mation contained in this publication. ContiTech AG is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of this publi-
cation. Information contained herein is not intended to announce product availability anywhere in the world. © 2007 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
Hydraulic hose SAE 100 R 3
according to DIN EN 854 – for reliable lifting and moving

Marking: “PHOENIX Quarter/Year7“ and, displaced by 180°, “SAE 100 R 3 DIN EN 854 DN“

Applications: Description:
The high performance hydraulic hose SAE 100 R 3 is q black, non-porous and smooth NBR lining
suitable for the safe transport of hydraulic oil on basis of q resistant to oil and fats
mineral oil,oil and water emulsions as well as aqueous q temperature range from –40°C up to +100°C
glycol solutions. (temporarily up to +125°C)
The hose construction is according to DIN EN 854 and is q working pressure up to 103 bar
a safe element of work for hydraulic plants and systems of q reinforcements: synthetic fibres
all kinds in the machine building industry, for fork-lift q NBR-cover, resistant to oil and fats, ozone, weather,
UV and abrasion
trucks, ground moving machines, lifting platforms,
excavators, agriculture machines and many more. q according to DIN EN 854

Technical data:

Nominal width Inner-Ø Wall thickness Working Minimum burst Minimum Weight
pressure* pressure* bending radius
Zoll/Inch mm mm bar bar approx. mm approx. g/m
3/16 4,8 4,0 103 ≥ 412 80 140
1/4 6,4 4,0 86 ≥ 344 80 160
5/16 7,9 4,8 83 ≥ 332 100 250
3/8 9,5 4,8 78 ≥ 312 100 280
1/2 12,7 5,5 69 ≥ 276 125 410
5/8 15,9 5,5 60 ≥ 240 140 470
3/4 19,0 6,4 52 ≥ 208 150 650
1 25,4 6,4 39 ≥ 156 205 780
1 1/4 31,8 6,4 26 ≥ 104 255 990
* based on room temperature Delivery: up to ID 15,9 mm max.150 m-coils Due to production facilities hoses we supply
from ID 19 mm max. 75 m-coils in the following lengths:
at least 85% longer than 20 m
up to 10% in lengths from 10-20 m
up to 5% in lengths from 3-10 m

Market segment industrial hoses

ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

The content of this publication is provided for information only and without responsibility. ContiTech AG’s obligations and responsibilities regarding its products are
governed solely by the agreements under which they are sold. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the information contained herein does not become part of these
agreements. This publication does not contain any guarantee or agreed quality of ContiTech AG’s products or any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose and non-infringement. ContiTech AG may make changes in the products or services described at any time without notice. This publication is provided on an
”as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, ContiTech AG makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the infor-
mation contained in this publication. ContiTech AG is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of this publi-
cation. Information contained herein is not intended to announce product availability anywhere in the world. © 2007 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
Water Hoses 1
Schläuche für die Lebensmittel-, Getränke-, Kosmetik-
und Pharmaindustrie
Hoses for the Food-, Beverage-, Cosmetics-
and pharmaceutical Industry
Dampf- und Reinigungsschläuche
Steam and Cleaning Hoses 3
Compressed Air Hoses 4
Gas Hoses 5
Multi-Purpose Hoses 6
Bau- und Förderschläuche
Construction and Transport Hoses 7
Big-Bore Hoses 8
Hydraulic Hoses 9
Chemie- und Betankungsschläuche
Chemical and Refuelling Hoses 10
WT 1500 09.07
Chemical and Refuelling Hoses

Applications: Description:
The product range of chemical hoses of ContiTech
Schlauch GmbH includes the whole spectrum of Petrol station hoses
hoses according to EN 12115 for chemical, petro- q lightweight, flexible, kink- and
chemical and pharmaceutical applications. Special, weather resistant
manufacturing processes of which some are patented q conductive
guarantee the safe transport of various liquids. q retractable
q guaranteing no increase in volume,
That includes hoses with elastomere or plastics linings appropriate for gauging
as well as specialties like the “hose-in-hose system” q good resistance to swelling and diffusion
for vapour recovery at petrol stations. q automatic vapour recovery by means
of “hose-in-hose system”
In addition, ContiTech offer high-quality refuelling hoses q bright colours available, not discolouring
for aircrafts, tank-truck hoses and bunker hoses for
loading and unloading of ships at harbours, channels Aircraft refuelling hoses
and tank ships worldwide. q extremely impermeable and particularly
q resistant to kerosene and mechanical stress
q marking with fluorescent colours
q the high safety standards of the mineral oil
companies are being excelled

These products are distributed by Tank-truck hoses

our partner ELAFLEX. q flexible, lightweight and resistant to
overrunning by trucks*
q easy to handle
q operational at a wide temperature range
ELAFLEX - Gummi Ehlers GmbH
Schnackenburgallee 121 Bunker hoses
D-22525 Hamburg (Eidelstedt) q for loading and unloading ships
Phone +49 (0) 40 540 00 50 q suitable even for the reliable transport of heavy oil,
Fax +49 (0) 40 540 00 567 motor gasoline or hot bitumen
eMail * without steel wire helix only

Market segment industrial hoses

ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

The content of this publication is provided for information only and without responsibility. ContiTech AG’s obligations and responsibilities regarding its products are
governed solely by the agreements under which they are sold. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the information contained herein does not become part of these
agreements. This publication does not contain any guarantee or agreed quality of ContiTech AG’s products or any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose and non-infringement. ContiTech AG may make changes in the products or services described at any time without notice. This publication is provided on an
”as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, ContiTech AG makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the infor-
mation contained in this publication. ContiTech AG is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of this publi-
cation. Information contained herein is not intended to announce product availability anywhere in the world. © 2007 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
Water Hoses 1
Schläuche für die Lebensmittel-, Getränke-, Kosmetik-
und Pharmaindustrie
Hoses for the Food-, Beverage-, Cosmetics-
and pharmaceutical Industry
Dampf- und Reinigungsschläuche
Steam and Cleaning Hoses 3
Compressed Air Hoses 4
Gas Hoses 5
Multi-Purpose Hoses 6
Bau- und Förderschläuche
Construction and Transport Hoses 7
Big-Bore Hoses 8
Hydraulic Hoses 9
Chemie- und Betankungsschläuche
Chemical and Refuelling Hoses 10
Sonstige Schläuche
Miscellaneous Hoses 11
WT 1500 09.07
Machine hoses

Since many years ContiTech Schlauch GmbH has been
specialised in producing and supplying hoses without
reinforcements (machine hoses) for a great variety of
applications such as:
q transport of fuel oil, petrol, diesel and bio diesel
q transport of engine oil, gear lubricant oil and
power steering oil
q hoses for windscreen washers
q air control
q protecting hoses (in general)
q transport of milk (for example teat hoses) and
potable water according to KTW and DVGW W270.
The materials used are either CR, NBR, ECO, HNBR,
The admissible working temperatures are in the range of
–40 °C up to +230 °C.
The hoses are produced with inner diameters 3 - 40 mm.

Please send your detailed inquiries to the address

mentioned below.

Market segment industrial hoses

ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

The content of this publication is provided for information only and without responsibility. ContiTech AG’s obligations and responsibilities regarding its products are
governed solely by the agreements under which they are sold. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the information contained herein does not become part of these
agreements. This publication does not contain any guarantee or agreed quality of ContiTech AG’s products or any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose and non-infringement. ContiTech AG may make changes in the products or services described at any time without notice. This publication is provided on an
”as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, ContiTech AG makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the infor-
mation contained in this publication. ContiTech AG is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of this publi-
cation. Information contained herein is not intended to announce product availability anywhere in the world. © 2007 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
CO2 Fire Hose
Safety on a very high level

Kennzeichnung: “PHOENIX Quartal/Jahr” und, um 180° versetzt, “DIN EN 854 1 TE DN”

Applications: Description:
The CO2 fire hose provides highest safety and reliability q black, non-porous and smooth EPDM lining
in case of conditions of severity and thus should not be q temperature range from –30°C up to +80°C
missed on any portable fire extinguisher. q working pressure up to 30 bar
q reinforcements: synthetic fibres
Hydrant hoses according to EN 694 can also be q black EPDM-cover, resistant against ozone, weather,
delivered. UV and abrasion
q electrically conductive, R <10 8 Ω
q suitable for any portable fire extinguisher

Technical data:

Nominal width Inner-Ø Wall thickness Working Minimum Burst Minimum Weight
pressure* pressure* bending radius
Zoll/Inch mm mm bar bar approx. mm approx. g/m
3/8 10,0 3,00 30 ≥ 90 100 170
1/2 13,2 3,75 30 ≥ 90 132 270

* based on room temperatur Delivery in coils of 40 and 80 m minimum quantity 4.800 m

Market segment industrial hoses

ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

The content of this publication is provided for information only and without responsibility. ContiTech AG’s obligations and responsibilities regarding its products are
governed solely by the agreements under which they are sold. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the information contained herein does not become part of these
agreements. This publication does not contain any guarantee or agreed quality of ContiTech AG’s products or any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose and non-infringement. ContiTech AG may make changes in the products or services described at any time without notice. This publication is provided on an
”as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, ContiTech AG makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the infor-
mation contained in this publication. ContiTech AG is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of this publi-
cation. Information contained herein is not intended to announce product availability anywhere in the world. © 2007 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
TRIX® Color spray hose EPDM
for easy and safe varnishing

Marking: 6 orange axially applied stripes on black cover;

“PHOENIX TRIX Farbspritzschlauch EPDM DN 9 Betriebsdruck 10 bar Made in Germany”

Applications: Description:
The TRIX® color spray hose EPDM is the ideal product q black, non-porous and smooth EPDM lining
for paint shops, dockyards, painters and many other q working pressure up to 10 bar
industrial applications. q temperature range from –40°C up to +100°C
It is highly flexible, non-kinking, non-buckling, and its q reinforcements: synthetic fibres
smooth lining is especially suitable for conveying spirit q black EPDM-cover, resistant to ozone and
lacquer, nitro cellulose lacquer, chlorine rubber
lacquer, polyurethane lacquer, epoxy lacquer, latex q release agent- and fat-free, free from any product
harmful to lacquer
paint, and many other materials around varnishing and
painting. q electrically conductive, R <10 6 Ω

Technical data:

Nominal width Inner-Ø Wall thickness Working Minimum burst Minimum Weight
pressure* pressure* bending radius
Zoll/Inch mm mm bar bar approx. mm approx. g/m
3/8 9 3,5 10 ≥ 40 45 230

* based on room temperature Delivery in coils of 40 m

Market segment industrial hoses

ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

The content of this publication is provided for information only and without responsibility. ContiTech AG’s obligations and responsibilities regarding its products are
governed solely by the agreements under which they are sold. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the information contained herein does not become part of these
agreements. This publication does not contain any guarantee or agreed quality of ContiTech AG’s products or any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose and non-infringement. ContiTech AG may make changes in the products or services described at any time without notice. This publication is provided on an
”as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, ContiTech AG makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the infor-
mation contained in this publication. ContiTech AG is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of this publi-
cation. Information contained herein is not intended to announce product availability anywhere in the world. © 2007 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
TRIX® Color spray hose NBR
for easy and safe varnishing

Marking: 6 grey axially applied stripes on black cover;

“PHOENIX TRIX Farbspritzschlauch NBR DN 11 Betriebsdruck 25 bar Made in Germany”

Applications: Description:
The TRIX® color spray hose NBR is the ideal product for q black, non-porous and smooth NBR lining
paint shops, dockyards, painters and many other q working pressure up to 25 bar
industrial applications. q temperature range from –30°C up to +80°C
It is highly flexible, non-kinking, non-buckling, and its q reinforcements: synthetic fibres
smooth lining is especially suitable for conveying alkyd q black NBR-cover, resistant to ozone and weather
resin lacquers, latex paint, spirit lacquers and polyester q release agent- and fat-free, free from any product
harmful to lacquer
lacquers ( 2 components).
q electrically conductive, R <10 6 Ω

Technical data:

Nominal width Inner-Ø Wall thickness Working Minimum burst Minimum Weight
pressure* pressure* bending radius
Zoll/Inch mm mm bar bar approx. mm approx. g/m
1/4 6 3,5 25 ≥ 100 30 170
3/8 9 3,5 25 ≥ 100 45 230
7/16 11 4,0 25 ≥ 100 55 260

* based on room temperature Delivery in coils of 40 m

Market segment industrial hoses

ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

The content of this publication is provided for information only and without responsibility. ContiTech AG’s obligations and responsibilities regarding its products are
governed solely by the agreements under which they are sold. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the information contained herein does not become part of these
agreements. This publication does not contain any guarantee or agreed quality of ContiTech AG’s products or any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose and non-infringement. ContiTech AG may make changes in the products or services described at any time without notice. This publication is provided on an
”as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, ContiTech AG makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the infor-
mation contained in this publication. ContiTech AG is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of this publi-
cation. Information contained herein is not intended to announce product availability anywhere in the world. © 2007 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
Spray painting hose PA
The reliable specialist

Marking: Black lettering “CONTI - M-R < 1.000.000 OHM” on grey cover

Applications: Description:
The very high requirements, necessary for safe and q black, non-porous, smooth and high abrasion
reliable spray painting hoses, are achieved by using resistant PA lining
the right type of materials and well tested q working pressure up to 25 bar
construction and production technologies. q temperature range from – 25°C up to +80 °C
Relevant specifications (e.g. TRbF 131/2) as well as the q reinforcements: synthetic fibres
specific requirements set up by the end users qualify the q grey NBR-cover, resistant to ozone, weather
high standard of this product. q electrically conductive, R < 10 6 Ω
The hose with PA lining can be used for conveying polar
and aromatic solvents, paints, lacquers, glue and oils.
The spray painting hose PA of ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
is an example of high quality and safety thus offering a
maximum of economy.

Technical data:

Nominal width Inner-Ø Wall thickness Working Minimum burst Minimum Weight
pressure* pressure* bending radius
Zoll/Inch mm mm bar bar approx. mm approx. g/m
1/4 6 2,5 25 ≥ 100 60 86
1/3 8 3,0 25 ≥ 100 80 140
3/8 9 3,5 25 ≥ 100 90 184
1/2 13 3,5 25 ≥ 100 130 240

* based on room temperature Delivery in coils of 20 m

Market segment industrial hoses

ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

The content of this publication is provided for information only and without responsibility. ContiTech AG’s obligations and responsibilities regarding its products are
governed solely by the agreements under which they are sold. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the information contained herein does not become part of these
agreements. This publication does not contain any guarantee or agreed quality of ContiTech AG’s products or any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose and non-infringement. ContiTech AG may make changes in the products or services described at any time without notice. This publication is provided on an
”as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, ContiTech AG makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the infor-
mation contained in this publication. ContiTech AG is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of this publi-
cation. Information contained herein is not intended to announce product availability anywhere in the world. © 2007 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
TRIX respiration hose
Quality according to the European standards

Marking: Embossing
“PHOENIX TRIX ATEMLUFT DIN EN 14593 / DIN EN 14594 -B-S-H-F- year” on black cover

Applications: Description:
The TRIX respiration hose fulfills all requirements of q black, non-porous and smooth EPDM-lining
DIN/EN 14593/14594. q working pressure up to 10 bar
The hose allows the transport of inhaled air from the q temperature range from – 30 °C up to +120 °C
taking pipe to the compressed-air hose appliance. q reinforcements: synthetic fibres
The hose lining is made from materials free from any q black EPDM-cover, resistant to ozone and weather
dangerous products for inhaled air. q release agent- and fat-free, free from any product
harmful to lacquer
q electrically conductive, R >10 3 Ω/<10 8 Ω

Technical data:

Nominal width Inner-Ø Wall thickness Working Minimum burst Minimum Weight
pressure* pressure* bending radius
Zoll/Inch mm mm bar bar approx. mm approx. g/m
3/8 9,5 4,5 10 ≥ 40 50 280

* based on room temperature Delivery in coils of 40 m

Market segment industrial hoses

ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

The content of this publication is provided for information only and without responsibility. ContiTech AG’s obligations and responsibilities regarding its products are
governed solely by the agreements under which they are sold. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the information contained herein does not become part of these
agreements. This publication does not contain any guarantee or agreed quality of ContiTech AG’s products or any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose and non-infringement. ContiTech AG may make changes in the products or services described at any time without notice. This publication is provided on an
”as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, ContiTech AG makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the infor-
mation contained in this publication. ContiTech AG is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of this publi-
cation. Information contained herein is not intended to announce product availability anywhere in the world. © 2007 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
TRIX respiration hose Plus
Quality according to EN 250

Marking: Embossing “TESTED EN 250 - WARNING - DO NOT EXCEED 30 BAR”

Applications: Description:
The high-class respiration hose of ContiTech Schlauch q bright, non-porous and smooth NR-lining
GmbH is suitable for safe and reliable operation on bre- q lining according to recommendation XXI, Category 2
athing apparatus and light diving equipment. for foodstuff of BfR
The hose complies with EN 250. q working pressure up to 30 bar
q reinforcements: synthetic fibres
q black CR-cover**, resistant to ozone and weather
and short contact to oil and chemicals
q lightweight and flexible

Technical data:

Nominal width Inner-Ø Wall thickness Working Minimum burst Minimum Weight
pressure* pressure* bending radius
Zoll/Inch mm mm bar bar approx. mm approx. g/m
1/4 6,4 3,2 30 ≥ 120 70 135
9/32 7,0 3,5 30 ≥ 120 70 170
5/16 8,0 3,5 30 ≥ 120 80 180
3/8 9,0 3,5 30 ≥ 120 90 190
3/8 9,0 5,3 30 ≥ 120 150 330

* based on room temperature Delivery in coils of 40 m Special lengths on request Other inner diameters on request
** other colours of cover on request

q Not suitable for medical use!
q Lining to be cleaned before use!

Market segment industrial hoses

ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

The content of this publication is provided for information only and without responsibility. ContiTech AG’s obligations and responsibilities regarding its products are
governed solely by the agreements under which they are sold. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the information contained herein does not become part of these
agreements. This publication does not contain any guarantee or agreed quality of ContiTech AG’s products or any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose and non-infringement. ContiTech AG may make changes in the products or services described at any time without notice. This publication is provided on an
”as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, ContiTech AG makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the infor-
mation contained in this publication. ContiTech AG is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of this publi-
cation. Information contained herein is not intended to announce product availability anywhere in the world. © 2007 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
Water Hoses 1
Schläuche für die Lebensmittel-, Getränke-, Kosmetik-
und Pharmaindustrie
Hoses for the Food-, Beverage-, Cosmetics-
and pharmaceutical Industry
Dampf- und Reinigungsschläuche
Steam and Cleaning Hoses 3
Compressed Air Hoses 4
Gas Hoses 5
Multi-Purpose Hoses 6
Bau- und Förderschläuche
Construction and Transport Hoses 7
Big-Bore Hoses 8
Hydraulic Hoses 9
Chemie- und Betankungsschläuche
Chemical and Refuelling Hoses 10
Sonstige Schläuche
Miscellaneous Hoses 11
WT 1500 09.07

Technischer Anhang
Technical Appendix 12
of the maximum admissible bending radius

The bending radius of hoses may be r = maximum admissible bending radius of hose in mm
influenced by:

q hose construction
(number and kind of reinforcements)
q wall thickness
q kind of material
q helix

As a rule-of-thumb the bending

radii are:
q hoses wih helix:
inner diameter x 5
q hoses without heIix:
inner diameter x 10

In addition please take into account

that hoses without heIix and under
pressure ( >
_ 1 bar) allow distinctively
smalIer radii.

Market segment industrial hoses

ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

The content of this publication is provided for information only and without responsibility. ContiTech AG’s obligations and responsibilities regarding its products are
governed solely by the agreements under which they are sold. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the information contained herein does not become part of these
agreements. This publication does not contain any guarantee or agreed quality of ContiTech AG’s products or any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose and non-infringement. ContiTech AG may make changes in the products or services described at any time without notice. This publication is provided on an
”as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, ContiTech AG makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the infor-
mation contained in this publication. ContiTech AG is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of this publi-
cation. Information contained herein is not intended to announce product availability anywhere in the world. © 2007 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
Ratio of proof and minimum burst pressure
to working pressure

Number Mode of operation Ratio proof Ratio minimum

(guideline only) pressure : working burst pressure : working
pressure pressure

1 water hoses, 1,5 3,0

max. working pressure 1 MPa
2 hoses for other fluids, 2,0 4,0
solid matters dissolved in fluids or air
and water hoses with a working pressure above 1 MPa
3 hoses for compressed air and other gases 2,0 4,0
4 hoses for fluids – which under reduction of pressure, 2,5 5,0
i.e. blow off into atmosphere-change to gaseous condition

5 steam hoses 5,0 10,0

6 high pressure hoses 1,5 2,5

Ref. No. EN ISO 7751 : 1997 D

Market segment industrial hoses

ContiTech Schlauch GmbH

Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

The content of this publication is provided for information only and without responsibility. ContiTech AG’s obligations and responsibilities regarding its products are
governed solely by the agreements under which they are sold. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the information contained herein does not become part of these
agreements. This publication does not contain any guarantee or agreed quality of ContiTech AG’s products or any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose and non-infringement. ContiTech AG may make changes in the products or services described at any time without notice. This publication is provided on an
”as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, ContiTech AG makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the infor-
mation contained in this publication. ContiTech AG is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of this publi-
cation. Information contained herein is not intended to announce product availability anywhere in the world. © 2007 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
Conversion Tables

The most common conversions from inches to millimeters

Inch Millimeter Inch Millimeter Inch Millimeter

1/32 = 0,79 3/8 = 9,53 1 1/4 = 31,75

1/16 = 1,59 1/2 = 12,70 1 1/2 = 38,75
1/8 = 3,18 5/8 = 15,88 2 = 50,80
3/16 = 4,76 3/4 = 19,05 2 1/2 = 63,50
1/4 = 6,35 7/8 = 22,23 3 = 76,20
5/16 = 7,94 1 = 25,40 4 = 101,60

Conversion formulas for millimeter and inches

Metric to inches: millimeter x 0.03937 = inches Inches to metric: inches x 25.4001 = millimeters


km m dm cm mm

Kilometers km = 1 1000 10000 100000 1000000

Meters m = 0,001 1 10 100 1000
Decimeters dm = 0,0001 0,1 1 10 100
Centimeters cm = 0,00001 0,01 0,1 1 10
Millimeters mm = 0,000001 0,001 0,01 0,1 1

Conversion factors for temperatures

Known temperature scale Required temperature scale

°C °F
Fahrenheit (°F) (F – 32) 1
1 (C + 32)
5 5
Example: 320 °F = (320 – 32) = x 288 = 160 °C
9 9

Vacuum units

Unit Factor for conversion in

N kp kp
Pa: at: atm Torr bar mm WS:
m2 cm2 m2
1 at = 1 9,81 x 104 1 0,968 736 0,981 104
1 atm 1,013 x 105 1,033 1 760 1,013 1,033 x 104
1 Torr 133,32 1,36 x 10-3 1,32 x 10-3 1 1,33 x 10-3 13,60
1 bar 105 1,02 0,987 750 1 1,02 x 104
1 mm WS = 1 9,81 10-4 9,68 x 10-3 7,36 x 10-3 981 x 10-2 1
kp kp
The units at: , atm, Torr, mm WS: should not be used if at all possible.
cm2 m2

Market segment industrial hoses

ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

The content of this publication is provided for information only and without responsibility. ContiTech AG’s obligations and responsibilities regarding its products are
governed solely by the agreements under which they are sold. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the information contained herein does not become part of these
agreements. This publication does not contain any guarantee or agreed quality of ContiTech AG’s products or any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose and non-infringement. ContiTech AG may make changes in the products or services described at any time without notice. This publication is provided on an
”as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, ContiTech AG makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the infor-
mation contained in this publication. ContiTech AG is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of this publi-
cation. Information contained herein is not intended to announce product availability anywhere in the world. © 2007 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
The most important types
of rubber and their properties

The table below lists the general properties of the materials mainly used for hoses.
The table should not be considered to be exhaustive.

Common ASTM General properties

name name

Butyl rubber IIR excellent weather resistance, low air and gas permeability,
good acid and caustic resistance, good physical properties,
good heat and cold resistance,
no resistance to mineral-oil-derived liquids

Chlorbutyl rubber CIIR an interesting variant of butyl rubber from the chemical point of view

Chlorinated polyethylene CM excellent resistance to ozone and weather, medium resistance to oil and
(CPE) aromatic compounds, excellent flame resistance

Ethylene propylene EPDM excellent ozone, chemical, and ageing properties,

rubber low resistance to oil-derived liquids, very good steam resistance,
(EPDM) good cold and heat resistance
(–40°C to +175°C), good resistance to brake fluid based on glycol

Hydrogenated HNBR good resistance to mineral oil-based fluids,

nitrile rubber vegetable and animal fats, aliphatic hydrocarbons, diesel fuels, ozone, acid
(HNBR) gas, diluted acids and caustics, suitable for high temperatures

Chlorosulfonated CSM excellent weather, ozone, and acid resistance,

polyethylene limited resistance to mineral-oil-derived liquids

Natural rubber NR excellent physical properties, high elasticity, flexibility,

very good abrasion resistance, limited resistance to acids, not resistant to oil

Polychloroprene CR excellent weather resistance, flame-retardant, medium oil resistance,

(Neoprene) good physical properties, good abrasion resistance

Acrylo-nitrile rubber NBR excellent oil resistance,

(Nitril) limited resistance to aromatic compounds,
[Buna-N], [Perbunan] the resistance to fuel and flexibility to cold depends on ACN content

NVC NBR/ PVC excellent oil and weather resistance for both lining and cover,
not particularly resistant to cold

Acrylate rubber ACM excellent oil and tar resistance at high temperatures

Styrene-butadiene SBR good physical properties, good abrasion resistance,

rubber (SBR), [Buna] low resistance to mineral-oil-derived liquids

Silicone rubber MQ/MVQ very good hot-air resistance – up to +250°C for short periods of time,
good low temperature behaviour, ozone and weather resistance,
limited oil resistance, not resistant to petrol and acids

Fluorinated rubber FPM excellent high-temperature resistance – up to +225°C and up to +350°C

(Viton) for short periods of time especially in water and oil,
[Flurel] very good chemical resistance

Market segment industrial hoses

ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

The content of this publication is provided for information only and without responsibility. ContiTech AG’s obligations and responsibilities regarding its products are
governed solely by the agreements under which they are sold. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the information contained herein does not become part of these
agreements. This publication does not contain any guarantee or agreed quality of ContiTech AG’s products or any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose and non-infringement. ContiTech AG may make changes in the products or services described at any time without notice. This publication is provided on an
”as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, ContiTech AG makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the infor-
mation contained in this publication. ContiTech AG is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of this publi-
cation. Information contained herein is not intended to announce product availability anywhere in the world. © 2007 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
The most important types
of plastics and their properties

The table below lists the general properties of the materials mainly used for hoses.
The table should not be considered to be exhaustive.

Common Trade name General properties


Fluorinated ethylene Teflon FEP very good temperature resistance, can be used almost universally,
propylene (FEP) very good chemical resistance, very expensive

Polyamide Nylon, Perlon very good cold resistance, good mechanical strength, high tensile strength,
(PA) Rilsan, Grilamid high water absorption

Polyethylene Hostalen, Lupolen good cold resistance,

(PE) good slide properties, good chemical resistance, low-priced

Polypropylene Hostalen PP, good chemical resistance, physiologically safe, sensitive to cold,
(PP) Luparen good slide properties, low-priced

Polytetrafluorethylene Hostaflon, very good chemical resistance, anti-adhesive, physiologically safe,

(PTFE) Teflon-PTFE very expensive, very good temperature resistance,
can be used almost universally

Polyurethane Vistram, Vulkollan excellent mechanical properties, very high abrasion resistance, high elasticity,
(PUR) Elastollan, very good resistance to ozone and ageing, low heat resistance

Polyvinyl chloride Vinoflex, Hostalit good chemical resistance, very low-priced, low heat resistance,
(PVC) hardly inflammable

Thermoplastic Maprene,Verprene, good abrasion resistance, good temperature resistance,

elastomers Santoprene, different types with very different properties
(TPE) Hytrel

Thermoplastic Desmopan excellent hot-air ageing, good abrasion resistance,

polyurethan good temperature resistance, good chemical resistance

Ultrahigh molecular GUR excellent resistance to a wide range of solvents, chemicals, acids, and oils
polyethylene (including aromatic compounds), very good abrasion resistance

Market segment industrial hoses

ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

The content of this publication is provided for information only and without responsibility. ContiTech AG’s obligations and responsibilities regarding its products are
governed solely by the agreements under which they are sold. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the information contained herein does not become part of these
agreements. This publication does not contain any guarantee or agreed quality of ContiTech AG’s products or any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose and non-infringement. ContiTech AG may make changes in the products or services described at any time without notice. This publication is provided on an
”as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, ContiTech AG makes no warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the infor-
mation contained in this publication. ContiTech AG is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of this publi-
cation. Information contained herein is not intended to announce product availability anywhere in the world. © 2007 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
Market segment industrial hoses
ContiTech Schlauch GmbH
Continentalstrasse 3-5
D-34497 Korbach (Germany)

Technical Data

for Quotation Company

Name / Department

Street / P.O. Box

Postal Code / City



Dimensions Tolerances DIN EN ISO 1307 (DIN 7715)

Internal-Ø mm

Outside-Ø mm

Wall thickness mm

Length m

Construction Armoured cover ❒ Reinforcement ❒ Textile hose ❒ Steel hose ❒

According to terms of delivery ❒ ❒
According to drawing ❒ ❒


Working conditions Inside Outside

Product / Concentration %

Temperature °C min. max. min. max.

Electrical requirements

Mechanical influences

Pressure requirements Tolerances

Working pressure, static bar

Working pressure, dynamic bar

Proof pressure bar

Minimum burst pressure bar

Vacuum bar


Specialities (bend radius, couplings, price limit, total quantity/annual quantity, order quantity, marking, hose in use)

Our proposal Hand over to

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