vesuvius 190325
Still my favourite place on earth.
Aleksandra Alba
IG: tanzdreamer
Snake Woman, 1991, by Günter Blum
Vintage Blue Toned Silver Gelatin Photograph
Mussolini Bust (1933), Renato Bertelli
In 1933, the Italian Futurist artist Renato Bertelli (1900-1974) produced a series of portrait heads of Benito Mussolini in what is sometimes known as the “aereoceramica style.” It is a 360-degree portrait, a “continuous profile,” somewhat related in concept to stop motion photography.
Women dancing in the region of Oued Souf in Algeria. (Photo R. Richard, around 1950)
Ruins of a Mausoleum, Tus, Iran (circa 1900) - A testament to time, the crumbling dome and detailed brickwork reveal the architectural legacy of a bygone era.
The home of Xavier Corbero
#Built Beauty
5/3/23 MSC in the TX Panhandle
Wall of the Temple of Horus in Edfu, built by the Ptolemids between 237 and 57 BCE.