Conference Presentations by Naiara Igarabide
The recent terrorist attacks occurring all over the world have received unequal attention by medi... more The recent terrorist attacks occurring all over the world have received unequal attention by media, giving more media covering to those happening in Western countries. After the Paris terrorist attacks, social media users, under the hashtag #PrayForTheWorld, denounced the little attention given to those events occurring in non-Western countries. This research aims to explore Western media discourse in the current social context defined by the Islamic State's terrorist attacks, in order to analyze how media promotes Western interests and creates hierarchy among human beings. Edward Said's Orientalism will be used as primary source to understand the current panorama through his postcolonial ideas, specially focusing on the concept " Eurocentrism " — or Western Ethnocentrism— and the shaping of the " Otherness ". The methodology will include a Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) of the elite newspapers of three Occidental countries (Spain, the United Kingdom and The United States) with the purpose of exploring the discursive techniques used by press media to implicitly spread their ideological interests. Although Western countries are defined by their tolerance and respect toward the Human Rights, the public discourse of media seems to be sending contradictory ideas. Is Western media discourse promoting inequality among human beings?
Thesis Chapters by Naiara Igarabide
La metodología EBI, llevada a cabo en el Colegio Santa María la Blanca (Madrid), permite al estud... more La metodología EBI, llevada a cabo en el Colegio Santa María la Blanca (Madrid), permite al estudiante adoptar una actitud activa en el proceso de aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras, a la vez que es una metodología integradora y personalizada. De todas formas, un proyecto de investigación en las competencias interculturales de los alumnos ha revelado que los alumnos de 3. de la ESO flojean en una actitud concreta: tolerancia a la ambigüedad. Mediante el diseño de una herramienta EBI para el aprendizaje de las lenguas, este proyecto de innovación tiene como objetivo trabajar la tolerancia a la ambigüedad, como aspecto central para el aprendizaje de lenguas, y para la educación de personas íntegras y pro-activas en un mundo globalizado y multicultural.
Palabras clave: EBI —Competencia Intercultural — Aprendizaje de Lenguas —- Tolerancia a la Ambigüedad — Multiculturalismo
Papers by Naiara Igarabide
International journal of diplomacy and economy, 2021
Although the International Political Economy (IPE) field has traditionally been divided into onto... more Although the International Political Economy (IPE) field has traditionally been divided into ontological and epistemological terms, the main schools coincide in developing a perspective on Multinational Corporations (MNC) that perceives them as subordinated actors or promoters of unequal political structures. However, the role of corporations has changed in the last few decades. Due to the 2030 Agenda and the 'post-globalisation' process, MNC have created new strategies in order to adapt their business to this new context, such as Business Diplomacy, seeking to converge both corporate and State interests. This study has two goals: firstly, to critically analyse the different schools of IPE to identify potentially conditioning ideas in research into MNC. Secondly, to problematise the lack of perspectives in IPE by exploring the role of Business Diplomacy in the post-global context in which close state-corporation relations will be crucial. Business Diplomacy may offer a new perspective on IPE regarding the role of multinationals in development.
International Journal of Diplomacy and Economy
Conference Presentations by Naiara Igarabide
Thesis Chapters by Naiara Igarabide
Palabras clave: EBI —Competencia Intercultural — Aprendizaje de Lenguas —- Tolerancia a la Ambigüedad — Multiculturalismo
Papers by Naiara Igarabide
Palabras clave: EBI —Competencia Intercultural — Aprendizaje de Lenguas —- Tolerancia a la Ambigüedad — Multiculturalismo