Marketing API v21 impacts on original objective usage

September 13, 2024

Marketing API v21 impacts on original objective usage

By Sydney Davis Levitan

V21 of the Marketing API will be released on October 2, 2024. With this new version comes further limitations on the use of original (legacy) objectives.

What is changing?

While existing campaigns using the original objectives can continue to run, beginning with v21, you can no longer create new ad sets or ads within these original objective campaigns.

Impacted APIs:



How do I know if I’m using original or simplified objectives?

You can refer to this post to refresh your understanding of our campaign objective simplification, which initially began in 2021.

Please note, there are two objectives that remained exactly the same through the objective changes: traffic and app installs (now called ‘app promotion’). Therefore, new ads and ad sets can still be created under these campaigns.

Do I need to take any action at this time?

As we continue to limit the usage of the original objectives with each API version, we encourage you to transition all your campaigns to the simplified objectives.