| 01 (2015) pp.37-47 | www.http://jurnalumran.utm.my/index.php/umran | Abstract Sales of products... more | 01 (2015) pp.37-47 | www.http://jurnalumran.utm.my/index.php/umran | Abstract Sales of products through the concept of Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) is a new form of business that is growing rapidly in Malaysia now. The business of the Malaysian population drastic response, including the Muslims. Nevertheless there are some aspects that often cause confusion and doubt in the business, especially in terms of adherence to Sharia. Among the aspects that need to be emphasized to ensure MLM companies operate on a Shariah platform is to examine the type of contract used. Each contract is recognized in Islamic Muamalat contains the pillars and the conditions that must be complied with. Violation of rules and conditions that have been set will cause the business carried invalid or void thereby making the non-compliant businesses. Between the concepts of contracts in the MLM business that need attention is the relationship between MLM companies and distributors (members), distributors (members) and the buyer, pegedar old (upline) and distributors (downline), salaries, bonuses and setting membership fees. In general, the application includes several types of MLM business like a business contract of al-Bai' (sale), al-Wakalah (business representative), al-Ijarah (leasing) and al-Ju'alah (promise of wages). Writing is only focusing on the concept of al-Ju'alah contract that is embedded in the MLM business. This article will detail the pillars and conditions that must be adhered to by all parties involved in the contract of al-Ju'alah. This article will also try to identify common violations committed by MLM companies on the pillars and conditions of the contract. Finally, this paper suggests the parties involved in an MLM company in the country to implement the concept of MLM business through the application of Shariah tenets and conditions of the contract which will be explained later. All parties need to be involved to ensure that business is conducted so that the provision of Shariah-compliant obtained lawful and blessed. Abstrak Penjualan produk melalui konsep Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) merupakan satu bentuk perniagaan baru yang berkembang pesat di Malaysia kini. Bentuk perniagaan tersebut mendapat sambutan drastik penduduk Malaysia termasuk dalam kalangan orang Islam. Sungguh pun begitu terdapat beberapa aspek yang sering menimbulkan kekeliruan dan keraguan pada perniagaan tersebut khususnya daripada sudut kepatuhan terhadap Syariah. Di antara aspek-aspek yang perlu diberikan tumpuan bagi memastikan perusahaan MLM beroperasi di atas landasan Syariah adalah dengan meneliti jenis akad yang digunakan. Setiap akad yang diiktiraf dalam Muamalat Islam mengandungi rukun-rukun dan syarat-syarat yang mesti dipatuhi. Pelanggaran terhadap rukun dan syarat yang telah ditetapkan akan mengakibatkan perniagaan yang dijalankan menjadi tidak sah atau terbatal seterusnya menjadikan perniagaan tersebut tidak patuh Syariah. Antara konsep akad dalam perniagaan MLM yang perlu diberi perhatian adalah hubungan antara syarikat MLM dan pengedar (ahli), pengedar dan pembeli, pengedar lama (upline) dan pengedar baru (downline), pemberian upah, bonus dan penetapan yuran keahlian. Secara umumnya, aplikasi perniagaan MLM merangkumi beberapa jenis akad perniagaan seperti al-Bai' (jual beli), al-Wakalah (wakil urusan), al-Ijarah (sewaan) dan al-Jua'lah (janji upah). Penulisan ini hanya memberikan penumpuan terhadap konsep akad al-Ju'alah yang diterapkan dalam perniagaan MLM. Penulisan ini juga akan memperincikan rukun-rukun dan syarat yang mesti dipatuhi oleh semua pihak yang terlibat di dalam kontrak al-Ju'alah. Penulisan ini turut mengenalpasti pelanggaran yang biasa dilakukan oleh perusahaan-perusahaan MLM terhadap rukun-rukun dan syarat-syarat akad tersebut. Akhir sekali, penulisan ini menyarankan agar pihak-pihak yang terlibat dalam perusahaan MLM di negara ini agar menerapkan konsep perniagaan MLM patuh Syariah menerusi aplikasi rukun-rukun dan syarat-syarat akad yang akan dijelaskan nanti. Semua pihak perlu terlibat bagi memastikan perniagaan yang dijalankan adalah patuh Syariah agar rezeki yang diperolehi halal dan diberkati. Kata kunci: Multi-Level Marketig (MLM), Muamalat, Akad al-Ju'alah, Patuh Syariah.
This study explores strategies implemented by applicants towards achieving a quality management s... more This study explores strategies implemented by applicants towards achieving a quality management system from Islamic perspective, MS1900:2014 which ultimately will assist other organizations in pursuing the similar standard. A case study approach was used as methodology for the study. A semi-structured interview was carried out to answer the research question. The interview was conducted with Manager of Service Monitoring Division at Malaysian Airports Consultancy Services (MACS). The study found that there are several strategies implemented by MACS in accomplishment of the standard. Those strategies can be divided into two phases. Seeking a support and authorization from top management is the initial point for pursuing standards management system. A specific department or unit should be setting up in order to strategically obtaining the standard. This study focused the strategy implemented by a unique research unit in getting the MS1900:2014 which might be inadequate to be adopted by other organizations.
| 01 (2015) pp. 01-07 | www.http://jurnalumran.utm.my/index.php/umran | Abstract This study aims ... more | 01 (2015) pp. 01-07 | www.http://jurnalumran.utm.my/index.php/umran | Abstract This study aims to analyze the battle of Manzikert in 1071 A.D, and to examine its consequences on the Byzantine Empire. The methodology used in this article are primary sources namely manuscripts, historical records as well as secondary sources. The impact of Manzikert battle which occurred between the Byzantine Empire and the Seljuk State in 1071 A.D. indicates the powers and forces of the Byzantine Empire were destroyed economically and militarily. Actually, it is a turning point in the history of Christian-Muslim conflict. The Byzantine Empire started to set its eyes on the Catholic West to save it from dangers of the Islamic State and heathenish dangers represented by Pechenegs and Turkmen. However, it was not able anymore to defend itself after this battle. Hence, Manzikert battle increased Byzantine internal confusion and helped the Seljuk to interfere onto the Empire affairs. Finally, this study reveals that the Byzantine Empire was beginning to end from 1071 to 1204 A.D.
| 01 (2015) pp. 48-64 | www. http://jurnalumran.utm.my/index.php/umran | Abstract This study aims... more | 01 (2015) pp. 48-64 | www. http://jurnalumran.utm.my/index.php/umran | Abstract This study aims to elaborate symptom of hysteria in Malaysia more specifically. Through this study, interview and observation carried out towards hysteria patients that are under evil possession, patient's family and ruqyah healer to determine these physical symtomps represent the disease. The result of qualitative study is analysed using Atlas ti 7 software and shown hysteria symptom under evil possession is proved as same as what had written in al-Quran and al-Sunnah. Meanwhile, there are additional symtomps being gain from Islamic Scholar's writing, therapists and patients experiences. Other than that, physical symptom of hysteria under evil possession remains mysteriousas the sense of pain keep changing in every part of body. The cause of pain also could not been traced under allopathy treatment. The symptom shown when ruqyah treatment started and slowly fade away after the ruqyah treatment done. There are mixture between symptom of hysteria under normal possession or al-Sar' or al-Mass with witchcraft hysteria. Abstrak Kajian ini bertujuan memperincikan simtom fizikal histeria rasukan jin di Malaysia sebagai satu simtom yang lebih khusus. Menerusi kajian ini, temu bual dan pemerhatian dijalankan terhadap pesakit histeria rasukan jin, keluarga pesakit dan perawat ruqyah sebagai menentukan simtom fizikal yang dialami benar-benar mewakili simtom penyakit tersebut dan tiada pertindihan dengan penyakit lain. Dapatan kualitatif kajian dianalisis menerusi perisian Atlas ti 7. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan terdapat simtom histeria rasukan jin yang sama dengan apa yang telah dinyatakan dalam al-Quran dan al-Sunnah. Manakala, terdapat simtom tambahan yang hanya diperoleh melalui karangan para ulama, pengalaman perawat dan pengalaman pesakit. Selain itu, simtom fizikal histeria rasukan jin bersifat misteri iaitu rasa sakit yang berubah dari satu bahagian ke satu bahagian tubuh yang lain. Punca rasa sakit juga tidak dapat dikesan melalui rawatan alopati. Simtom mula kelihatan apabila rawatan ruqyah dimulakan dan beransur hilang setelah rawatan ruqyah dilakukan. Terdapat kes percampuran antara simtom histeria jenis rasukan biasa atau al-Sar' atau al-Mass dengan histeria jenis sihir.
| 01 (2015) pp. 18-36 | www.http://jurnalumran.utm.my/index.php/umran | Abstract This article is ... more | 01 (2015) pp. 18-36 | www.http://jurnalumran.utm.my/index.php/umran | Abstract This article is about the Islamic discourse upon the role of ulama and intellectual relationship in enriching the Muslim civilization in Malaysia and Indonesia. At the outset, it will explore the significant of Malay-Muslim civilization as well as the major role play by ulama in the development of Muslim civilization in Malay Archipelago. Besides, for the specification purpose it will concentrate on several issues pertaining to the main focus, namely; the Terengganu's Batu Bersurat, the Kaum Muda-Tua discourse in 1930s, the dakwah movement in 1970s and the Islamization of knowledge. Finally we may sum up that those intellectual discourses had enrich the Malay-Muslim knowledge resources in coping with the force modernization initiated by western power in the Malay Archipelago.
Halal global market shows a significant growth in line with the increasing numbers of world Musli... more Halal global market shows a significant growth in line with the increasing numbers of world Muslims population. The increasing demand of halal products market is expected to continue to rise in the future. It is therefore, a need to have a standard implementation for halal product all over the world in order to assure the uniformity of halal certification accreditation. By such, this study is to investigate halal standards, and its implementations in Asian countries. In conducting this study, a qualitative approach was applied by utilising library research in collecting the related data. Result of this study indicates that halal standards in Malaysia and other South East Asian countries (Indonesia, Thailand, Brunei and Singapore) are regulated and governed by their own responsible party. Referring to the implementation halal standard, each country has its own characteristics of halal assurance system. Abstrak Pasaran produk halal di peringkat global menunjukkan peningkatan yang memberangsangkan selari dengan meningkatnya jumlah umat Islam di dunia. Peningkatan pasaran produk halal ini berlaku secara berterusan tanpa menunjukkan sebarang penurunan. Sejajar dengan peningkatan permintaan makanan halal, standard halal perlu dilaksanakan bagi memastikan keseragaman berlaku. Oleh yang demikian, Kajian ini di jalankan bagi melihat standard halal, penguatkuasaan dan perlaksanaan yang dilaksanakan oleh Negara-negara di Asia? Kajian ini berbentuk kualitatif. Oleh yang demikian, pengkaji telah memilih untuk menggunakan metode kajian perpustakaan bagi mendapat data kajian. Hasil kajian ini telah membuktikan bahawa standard halal yang digunakan di Malaysia dan Negara di Asia (Indonesia, Thailand, Brunei dan Singapura) adalah diselia oleh pihak bertanggungjawab. Merujuk kepada standard halal yang digunakan, setiap negara mempunyai ciri-ciri jaminan yang tersendiri.
Deferred payment contracts involving use of al-bai' bithaman ajil, al-murabahah and bai' al-inah ... more Deferred payment contracts involving use of al-bai' bithaman ajil, al-murabahah and bai' al-inah have been extensively used in design of Malaysian in Islamic financial products. It is widely argued that Islamic banking is the replication of conventional system by imitating the conventional banking products excepting that they are presented in syariah compliance mechanism. The deferred payment sales are one of the example. The issues of form and substance in Islamic banking products and instruments has been frequently debated. Therefore, this paper endeavour to analyse the nature and content of Islamic financial products with particular reference to the debt-based transactions of Al-Bai' Bithaman Ajil, Al-Murabahah and bai' al-inah as practiced in the Malaysian Islamic banking. By analysing legal documents, reports, fiqh and Islamic jurisprudence's views, this paper suggests that the debt-based transactions have been proven to be a reliable and efficient way of conducting commercial transactions which are in conformity with the syariah. Nevertheless, the practice of these modes of transactions ought to be enhanced and perfected to avoid intentional or unintentional deception in its implementation.
| 01 (2014) pp. 45-57 | www. http://jurnalumran.utm.my/index.php/umran | Abstract The article dis... more | 01 (2014) pp. 45-57 | www. http://jurnalumran.utm.my/index.php/umran | Abstract The article discusses the literature review, whether in the form of research, books, articles, etc. on the issue of the management, challenges and the way forward of waqf in higher education institutions in Malaysia.The study was conducted using qualitative methods by taking a literature study approach. There has been a lot of writing, throwing ideas and discussions were made by the experts, academician and governments on the issue. Waqf of education in Malaysia is seen growing with the establishment of waqf fund for education in several institutions such as the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) and many more. The literature review found that the development of waqf in higher education can be intensified by effective fund management, strong legislation, good governance, marketing efforts and identify appropriate waqf management model to be applied. A special guideline for the management is to be established and a waqf management model is designed to be used as a reference all the Heigher Education Institutions. Abstrak Wakaf pendidikan sudah lama diamalkan di Malaysia dengan wujudnya institusi pendidikan berbentuk tradisi seperti pondok, madrasah, sekolah agama rakyat dan sekolah agama negeri. Pada tahun 1999, Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (UIAM) telah menubuhkan IIUM Endowment Fund menjadikannya institusi pengajian tinggi (IPT) pertama di Malaysia yang menubuhkan tabung wakaf pendidikan. Perkembangan ini diikuti oleh beberapa buah IPT lain dari tahun ke tahun. Artikel ini membincangkan satu perkembangan penulisan, sama ada dalam bentuk penyelidikan, buku, artikel dan sebagainya dalam membahaskan isu pengurusan, cabaran dan masa depan wakaf pendidikan di institusi pengajian tinggi di Malaysia. Kajian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan mengambil pendekatan kajian kepustakaan. Hasil sorotan literatur yang dilakukan, boleh dikatakan bahawa telah banyak penulisan, lontaran idea dan perbincangan mengenai wakaf pendidikan dibuat oleh para sarjana, ahli akademik dan juga pihak kerajaan. Wakaf pendidikan di Malaysia dilihat semakin berkembang dengan penubuhan tabung wakaf pendidikan di beberapa buah IPT seperti Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (UIAM), Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) dan beberapa buah lagi. Hasil sorotan literatur mendapati pelaksanaan wakaf pendidikan di IPT boleh diperhebatkan perkembangannya dengan pengurusan dana yang berkesan, perundangan yang kukuh, urustadbir yang baik, pemasaran yang diperhebatkan dan mengenalpasti model pengurusan wakaf yang sesuai untuk diaplikasikan. Satu garis panduan khas bagi pengurusan wakaf pendidikan di IPT perlu diwujudkan dan satu model pengurusan wakaf dirangka untuk dijadikan rujukan semua IPT.
Ibn Masʻud was a leading figure among the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. He was recogniz... more Ibn Masʻud was a leading figure among the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. He was recognized as a credible scholar in the sciences of Al-Qur'an, Hadith (traditions of the Prophet SAW) and attained high reputations among the Companions and the Tabiʻin. Nevertheless, there were some allegations hurled against him that includes his omission of al-Muʻawwidhatayn and al-Fatihah as parts of al-Qur'an; his rejection of the al-Qur'an compilation committee; his different arrangement of chapters in al-Qur'an and his refusal to hand over his copies of al-Qur'an to be burnt. Analysis has been made based on various documentary resources from the books of tafsir, Qiraat, Hadith and history. From the analysis, those allegations were false, with malicious intent and those who made it clearly wanted to take advantage on his reputation. It can be concluded that the originality of al-Qur'an was undermined by certain quarters while the Shiites' claims were made to justify their religious doctrines using his name.
Al-Qāḍī Abū Ya'lā ibn al-Farrā' (380-458 A.H / 990-1065 C.E) is regarded as the most prominent Ha... more Al-Qāḍī Abū Ya'lā ibn al-Farrā' (380-458 A.H / 990-1065 C.E) is regarded as the most prominent Hanbali scholar and one of the early Muslim jurists who played dynamic roles in formulating a systematic legal framework and constitutional theory on Islamic system of government during the first half of the 5th/11th Century in Baghdad, and which are still found to be relevant in the modern day constitutional legal theories. Attempt would, therefore, be made in this paper to examine the contributions of this Leading Legal Luminary to the Legal theory of Islamic civilization and sciences of jurisprudence of the Ḥanbali Madhhab (Hanbali School of Law). Other areas of relevance critically examined in this paper are his education and legal background, contemporary pursuits of intellectuals and prominent fuqahā' (jurists) of his time, as well as a detailed account of his notable students, works and influence in the development of the Ḥanbali Madhhab
| 01 (2015) pp.37-47 | www.http://jurnalumran.utm.my/index.php/umran | Abstract Sales of products... more | 01 (2015) pp.37-47 | www.http://jurnalumran.utm.my/index.php/umran | Abstract Sales of products through the concept of Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) is a new form of business that is growing rapidly in Malaysia now. The business of the Malaysian population drastic response, including the Muslims. Nevertheless there are some aspects that often cause confusion and doubt in the business, especially in terms of adherence to Sharia. Among the aspects that need to be emphasized to ensure MLM companies operate on a Shariah platform is to examine the type of contract used. Each contract is recognized in Islamic Muamalat contains the pillars and the conditions that must be complied with. Violation of rules and conditions that have been set will cause the business carried invalid or void thereby making the non-compliant businesses. Between the concepts of contracts in the MLM business that need attention is the relationship between MLM companies and distributors (members), distributors (members) and the buyer, pegedar old (upline) and distributors (downline), salaries, bonuses and setting membership fees. In general, the application includes several types of MLM business like a business contract of al-Bai' (sale), al-Wakalah (business representative), al-Ijarah (leasing) and al-Ju'alah (promise of wages). Writing is only focusing on the concept of al-Ju'alah contract that is embedded in the MLM business. This article will detail the pillars and conditions that must be adhered to by all parties involved in the contract of al-Ju'alah. This article will also try to identify common violations committed by MLM companies on the pillars and conditions of the contract. Finally, this paper suggests the parties involved in an MLM company in the country to implement the concept of MLM business through the application of Shariah tenets and conditions of the contract which will be explained later. All parties need to be involved to ensure that business is conducted so that the provision of Shariah-compliant obtained lawful and blessed. Abstrak Penjualan produk melalui konsep Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) merupakan satu bentuk perniagaan baru yang berkembang pesat di Malaysia kini. Bentuk perniagaan tersebut mendapat sambutan drastik penduduk Malaysia termasuk dalam kalangan orang Islam. Sungguh pun begitu terdapat beberapa aspek yang sering menimbulkan kekeliruan dan keraguan pada perniagaan tersebut khususnya daripada sudut kepatuhan terhadap Syariah. Di antara aspek-aspek yang perlu diberikan tumpuan bagi memastikan perusahaan MLM beroperasi di atas landasan Syariah adalah dengan meneliti jenis akad yang digunakan. Setiap akad yang diiktiraf dalam Muamalat Islam mengandungi rukun-rukun dan syarat-syarat yang mesti dipatuhi. Pelanggaran terhadap rukun dan syarat yang telah ditetapkan akan mengakibatkan perniagaan yang dijalankan menjadi tidak sah atau terbatal seterusnya menjadikan perniagaan tersebut tidak patuh Syariah. Antara konsep akad dalam perniagaan MLM yang perlu diberi perhatian adalah hubungan antara syarikat MLM dan pengedar (ahli), pengedar dan pembeli, pengedar lama (upline) dan pengedar baru (downline), pemberian upah, bonus dan penetapan yuran keahlian. Secara umumnya, aplikasi perniagaan MLM merangkumi beberapa jenis akad perniagaan seperti al-Bai' (jual beli), al-Wakalah (wakil urusan), al-Ijarah (sewaan) dan al-Jua'lah (janji upah). Penulisan ini hanya memberikan penumpuan terhadap konsep akad al-Ju'alah yang diterapkan dalam perniagaan MLM. Penulisan ini juga akan memperincikan rukun-rukun dan syarat yang mesti dipatuhi oleh semua pihak yang terlibat di dalam kontrak al-Ju'alah. Penulisan ini turut mengenalpasti pelanggaran yang biasa dilakukan oleh perusahaan-perusahaan MLM terhadap rukun-rukun dan syarat-syarat akad tersebut. Akhir sekali, penulisan ini menyarankan agar pihak-pihak yang terlibat dalam perusahaan MLM di negara ini agar menerapkan konsep perniagaan MLM patuh Syariah menerusi aplikasi rukun-rukun dan syarat-syarat akad yang akan dijelaskan nanti. Semua pihak perlu terlibat bagi memastikan perniagaan yang dijalankan adalah patuh Syariah agar rezeki yang diperolehi halal dan diberkati. Kata kunci: Multi-Level Marketig (MLM), Muamalat, Akad al-Ju'alah, Patuh Syariah.
This study explores strategies implemented by applicants towards achieving a quality management s... more This study explores strategies implemented by applicants towards achieving a quality management system from Islamic perspective, MS1900:2014 which ultimately will assist other organizations in pursuing the similar standard. A case study approach was used as methodology for the study. A semi-structured interview was carried out to answer the research question. The interview was conducted with Manager of Service Monitoring Division at Malaysian Airports Consultancy Services (MACS). The study found that there are several strategies implemented by MACS in accomplishment of the standard. Those strategies can be divided into two phases. Seeking a support and authorization from top management is the initial point for pursuing standards management system. A specific department or unit should be setting up in order to strategically obtaining the standard. This study focused the strategy implemented by a unique research unit in getting the MS1900:2014 which might be inadequate to be adopted by other organizations.
| 01 (2015) pp. 01-07 | www.http://jurnalumran.utm.my/index.php/umran | Abstract This study aims ... more | 01 (2015) pp. 01-07 | www.http://jurnalumran.utm.my/index.php/umran | Abstract This study aims to analyze the battle of Manzikert in 1071 A.D, and to examine its consequences on the Byzantine Empire. The methodology used in this article are primary sources namely manuscripts, historical records as well as secondary sources. The impact of Manzikert battle which occurred between the Byzantine Empire and the Seljuk State in 1071 A.D. indicates the powers and forces of the Byzantine Empire were destroyed economically and militarily. Actually, it is a turning point in the history of Christian-Muslim conflict. The Byzantine Empire started to set its eyes on the Catholic West to save it from dangers of the Islamic State and heathenish dangers represented by Pechenegs and Turkmen. However, it was not able anymore to defend itself after this battle. Hence, Manzikert battle increased Byzantine internal confusion and helped the Seljuk to interfere onto the Empire affairs. Finally, this study reveals that the Byzantine Empire was beginning to end from 1071 to 1204 A.D.
| 01 (2015) pp. 48-64 | www. http://jurnalumran.utm.my/index.php/umran | Abstract This study aims... more | 01 (2015) pp. 48-64 | www. http://jurnalumran.utm.my/index.php/umran | Abstract This study aims to elaborate symptom of hysteria in Malaysia more specifically. Through this study, interview and observation carried out towards hysteria patients that are under evil possession, patient's family and ruqyah healer to determine these physical symtomps represent the disease. The result of qualitative study is analysed using Atlas ti 7 software and shown hysteria symptom under evil possession is proved as same as what had written in al-Quran and al-Sunnah. Meanwhile, there are additional symtomps being gain from Islamic Scholar's writing, therapists and patients experiences. Other than that, physical symptom of hysteria under evil possession remains mysteriousas the sense of pain keep changing in every part of body. The cause of pain also could not been traced under allopathy treatment. The symptom shown when ruqyah treatment started and slowly fade away after the ruqyah treatment done. There are mixture between symptom of hysteria under normal possession or al-Sar' or al-Mass with witchcraft hysteria. Abstrak Kajian ini bertujuan memperincikan simtom fizikal histeria rasukan jin di Malaysia sebagai satu simtom yang lebih khusus. Menerusi kajian ini, temu bual dan pemerhatian dijalankan terhadap pesakit histeria rasukan jin, keluarga pesakit dan perawat ruqyah sebagai menentukan simtom fizikal yang dialami benar-benar mewakili simtom penyakit tersebut dan tiada pertindihan dengan penyakit lain. Dapatan kualitatif kajian dianalisis menerusi perisian Atlas ti 7. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan terdapat simtom histeria rasukan jin yang sama dengan apa yang telah dinyatakan dalam al-Quran dan al-Sunnah. Manakala, terdapat simtom tambahan yang hanya diperoleh melalui karangan para ulama, pengalaman perawat dan pengalaman pesakit. Selain itu, simtom fizikal histeria rasukan jin bersifat misteri iaitu rasa sakit yang berubah dari satu bahagian ke satu bahagian tubuh yang lain. Punca rasa sakit juga tidak dapat dikesan melalui rawatan alopati. Simtom mula kelihatan apabila rawatan ruqyah dimulakan dan beransur hilang setelah rawatan ruqyah dilakukan. Terdapat kes percampuran antara simtom histeria jenis rasukan biasa atau al-Sar' atau al-Mass dengan histeria jenis sihir.
| 01 (2015) pp. 18-36 | www.http://jurnalumran.utm.my/index.php/umran | Abstract This article is ... more | 01 (2015) pp. 18-36 | www.http://jurnalumran.utm.my/index.php/umran | Abstract This article is about the Islamic discourse upon the role of ulama and intellectual relationship in enriching the Muslim civilization in Malaysia and Indonesia. At the outset, it will explore the significant of Malay-Muslim civilization as well as the major role play by ulama in the development of Muslim civilization in Malay Archipelago. Besides, for the specification purpose it will concentrate on several issues pertaining to the main focus, namely; the Terengganu's Batu Bersurat, the Kaum Muda-Tua discourse in 1930s, the dakwah movement in 1970s and the Islamization of knowledge. Finally we may sum up that those intellectual discourses had enrich the Malay-Muslim knowledge resources in coping with the force modernization initiated by western power in the Malay Archipelago.
Halal global market shows a significant growth in line with the increasing numbers of world Musli... more Halal global market shows a significant growth in line with the increasing numbers of world Muslims population. The increasing demand of halal products market is expected to continue to rise in the future. It is therefore, a need to have a standard implementation for halal product all over the world in order to assure the uniformity of halal certification accreditation. By such, this study is to investigate halal standards, and its implementations in Asian countries. In conducting this study, a qualitative approach was applied by utilising library research in collecting the related data. Result of this study indicates that halal standards in Malaysia and other South East Asian countries (Indonesia, Thailand, Brunei and Singapore) are regulated and governed by their own responsible party. Referring to the implementation halal standard, each country has its own characteristics of halal assurance system. Abstrak Pasaran produk halal di peringkat global menunjukkan peningkatan yang memberangsangkan selari dengan meningkatnya jumlah umat Islam di dunia. Peningkatan pasaran produk halal ini berlaku secara berterusan tanpa menunjukkan sebarang penurunan. Sejajar dengan peningkatan permintaan makanan halal, standard halal perlu dilaksanakan bagi memastikan keseragaman berlaku. Oleh yang demikian, Kajian ini di jalankan bagi melihat standard halal, penguatkuasaan dan perlaksanaan yang dilaksanakan oleh Negara-negara di Asia? Kajian ini berbentuk kualitatif. Oleh yang demikian, pengkaji telah memilih untuk menggunakan metode kajian perpustakaan bagi mendapat data kajian. Hasil kajian ini telah membuktikan bahawa standard halal yang digunakan di Malaysia dan Negara di Asia (Indonesia, Thailand, Brunei dan Singapura) adalah diselia oleh pihak bertanggungjawab. Merujuk kepada standard halal yang digunakan, setiap negara mempunyai ciri-ciri jaminan yang tersendiri.
Deferred payment contracts involving use of al-bai' bithaman ajil, al-murabahah and bai' al-inah ... more Deferred payment contracts involving use of al-bai' bithaman ajil, al-murabahah and bai' al-inah have been extensively used in design of Malaysian in Islamic financial products. It is widely argued that Islamic banking is the replication of conventional system by imitating the conventional banking products excepting that they are presented in syariah compliance mechanism. The deferred payment sales are one of the example. The issues of form and substance in Islamic banking products and instruments has been frequently debated. Therefore, this paper endeavour to analyse the nature and content of Islamic financial products with particular reference to the debt-based transactions of Al-Bai' Bithaman Ajil, Al-Murabahah and bai' al-inah as practiced in the Malaysian Islamic banking. By analysing legal documents, reports, fiqh and Islamic jurisprudence's views, this paper suggests that the debt-based transactions have been proven to be a reliable and efficient way of conducting commercial transactions which are in conformity with the syariah. Nevertheless, the practice of these modes of transactions ought to be enhanced and perfected to avoid intentional or unintentional deception in its implementation.
| 01 (2014) pp. 45-57 | www. http://jurnalumran.utm.my/index.php/umran | Abstract The article dis... more | 01 (2014) pp. 45-57 | www. http://jurnalumran.utm.my/index.php/umran | Abstract The article discusses the literature review, whether in the form of research, books, articles, etc. on the issue of the management, challenges and the way forward of waqf in higher education institutions in Malaysia.The study was conducted using qualitative methods by taking a literature study approach. There has been a lot of writing, throwing ideas and discussions were made by the experts, academician and governments on the issue. Waqf of education in Malaysia is seen growing with the establishment of waqf fund for education in several institutions such as the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) and many more. The literature review found that the development of waqf in higher education can be intensified by effective fund management, strong legislation, good governance, marketing efforts and identify appropriate waqf management model to be applied. A special guideline for the management is to be established and a waqf management model is designed to be used as a reference all the Heigher Education Institutions. Abstrak Wakaf pendidikan sudah lama diamalkan di Malaysia dengan wujudnya institusi pendidikan berbentuk tradisi seperti pondok, madrasah, sekolah agama rakyat dan sekolah agama negeri. Pada tahun 1999, Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (UIAM) telah menubuhkan IIUM Endowment Fund menjadikannya institusi pengajian tinggi (IPT) pertama di Malaysia yang menubuhkan tabung wakaf pendidikan. Perkembangan ini diikuti oleh beberapa buah IPT lain dari tahun ke tahun. Artikel ini membincangkan satu perkembangan penulisan, sama ada dalam bentuk penyelidikan, buku, artikel dan sebagainya dalam membahaskan isu pengurusan, cabaran dan masa depan wakaf pendidikan di institusi pengajian tinggi di Malaysia. Kajian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan mengambil pendekatan kajian kepustakaan. Hasil sorotan literatur yang dilakukan, boleh dikatakan bahawa telah banyak penulisan, lontaran idea dan perbincangan mengenai wakaf pendidikan dibuat oleh para sarjana, ahli akademik dan juga pihak kerajaan. Wakaf pendidikan di Malaysia dilihat semakin berkembang dengan penubuhan tabung wakaf pendidikan di beberapa buah IPT seperti Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (UIAM), Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) dan beberapa buah lagi. Hasil sorotan literatur mendapati pelaksanaan wakaf pendidikan di IPT boleh diperhebatkan perkembangannya dengan pengurusan dana yang berkesan, perundangan yang kukuh, urustadbir yang baik, pemasaran yang diperhebatkan dan mengenalpasti model pengurusan wakaf yang sesuai untuk diaplikasikan. Satu garis panduan khas bagi pengurusan wakaf pendidikan di IPT perlu diwujudkan dan satu model pengurusan wakaf dirangka untuk dijadikan rujukan semua IPT.
Ibn Masʻud was a leading figure among the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. He was recogniz... more Ibn Masʻud was a leading figure among the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. He was recognized as a credible scholar in the sciences of Al-Qur'an, Hadith (traditions of the Prophet SAW) and attained high reputations among the Companions and the Tabiʻin. Nevertheless, there were some allegations hurled against him that includes his omission of al-Muʻawwidhatayn and al-Fatihah as parts of al-Qur'an; his rejection of the al-Qur'an compilation committee; his different arrangement of chapters in al-Qur'an and his refusal to hand over his copies of al-Qur'an to be burnt. Analysis has been made based on various documentary resources from the books of tafsir, Qiraat, Hadith and history. From the analysis, those allegations were false, with malicious intent and those who made it clearly wanted to take advantage on his reputation. It can be concluded that the originality of al-Qur'an was undermined by certain quarters while the Shiites' claims were made to justify their religious doctrines using his name.
Al-Qāḍī Abū Ya'lā ibn al-Farrā' (380-458 A.H / 990-1065 C.E) is regarded as the most prominent Ha... more Al-Qāḍī Abū Ya'lā ibn al-Farrā' (380-458 A.H / 990-1065 C.E) is regarded as the most prominent Hanbali scholar and one of the early Muslim jurists who played dynamic roles in formulating a systematic legal framework and constitutional theory on Islamic system of government during the first half of the 5th/11th Century in Baghdad, and which are still found to be relevant in the modern day constitutional legal theories. Attempt would, therefore, be made in this paper to examine the contributions of this Leading Legal Luminary to the Legal theory of Islamic civilization and sciences of jurisprudence of the Ḥanbali Madhhab (Hanbali School of Law). Other areas of relevance critically examined in this paper are his education and legal background, contemporary pursuits of intellectuals and prominent fuqahā' (jurists) of his time, as well as a detailed account of his notable students, works and influence in the development of the Ḥanbali Madhhab