Articles by Anastasia Gorbyleva

SPECOM Lecture notes in computer science , 2020
Dynamicity of natural human interaction, such as the incidence of overlaps, cause difficulties fo... more Dynamicity of natural human interaction, such as the incidence of overlaps, cause difficulties for creating man-machine dialogue systems [4]. Overlaps may lead either to continued talk (positive effect) or to interruptions (negative effect). The study is concerned with temporal organization of speech due to participants' interaction in natural discourse, based on Santa Barbara corpus of spoken American English [5]. The goal is to examine the ways speakers in a two-party conversation intuitively coordinate their production time through the lengths of turns, pauses, overlaps and interruptions. Cultural norms are based on acoustic data in homogeneous (both men; both women) and heterogeneous (man and woman) gender-related compositions of dyads. The basic findings: irrespective of the dyad's composition there is one dominant speaker who takes up twice as much speaking time, while the other party initiates most of the overlaps; in the mixed pairs women take the lead; the time limits for the overlaps before they turn into interruptions vary across the groups but the values are close for the two partners. Correlation analysis provides evidence of negative correlation between the total turn length and the number of overlaps and interruptions; between turn length and the length of overlaps and interruptions. Gender differences are significant with regards to the number of overlaps and interruptions, as well as turn length and the length of overlaps and interruptions. Women speak longer, whereas men overlap and interrupt more often.

Вестник МГЛУ, 2020
Работа представляет собой аналитический обзор методологий современного анализа устной диалогическ... more Работа представляет собой аналитический обзор методологий современного анализа устной диалогической речи и оценку их эффективности. отмечается уве-личение количества языковых корпусов и активное использование компьютерных программ, появление новых методик исследования, которые решают проблему сбора материала и его анализа. особое внимание уделено акустическому аспек-ту, статистическим приемам и корпусному анализу в исследованиях, посвященных конвергенции. в частности, изучаются три аспекта конвергенции на просодическом уровне: процесс согласованности по целому ряду акустических параметров на раз-ных участках диалога, сигналы передачи реплик и ролевые отношения говорящих. Изучается характер взаимодействия говорящих в течение всего диалога и локаль-но на стыке реплик. Устанавливается соотношение конвергенции и сохранения звукового облика каждого говорящего, т. е. идентичности. Намечаются пути даль-нейшего исследования конвергенции посредством расширения набора ситуаций и участников на материале американского корпуса звучащей речи. Ключевые слова: корпус; корпусная лингвистика; статистика; спонтанная речь; просодия; конвергенция; согласованность. The article contains an analytical review of the latest research papers on spoken dialogue and evaluation of their methodological effectiveness. Special reference is made to the increasing number of corpora, spread of scientific computer programmes and emergence of new research methods that address the problem of data collection and its analysis. The discussion is focused around the acoustic aspect, statistical analysis and corpora studies related to convergence. Specifically, we investigate three aspects of convergence in prosodic dimensions: entrainment on a range of acoustic parameters at different time frames within a dialogue, turn-taking and role relations between speakers. We explore speakers' coordination process in these dimensions over the conversation globally as well as locally. The paper determines the balance of speakers' convergence and preservation of their personal sound character, i.e.

Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, 2019
В процессе общения говорящие становятся схожими друг с другом по многим парамет рам. Считается, ч... more В процессе общения говорящие становятся схожими друг с другом по многим парамет рам. Считается, что данный феномен, известный как конвергенция или согласован ность, является необходимым условием для успешного взаимодействия людей. В данном исследовании изучаются три аспекта конвергенции на просодическом уровне: процесс согласованности, сигналы передачи реплик и ролевые отношения говорящих. Методом слухового и электронноакустического анализа был выявлен характер взаимо действия говорящих в течение всего диалога и на локальном уровне, то есть на стыке реплик. Учитывая результаты эксперимента по согласованности просодических харак теристик и в целом характер развертывания диалога, можно сделать вывод о том, что в данной паре собеседников женщина выполняла роль лидера, а мужчина-роль ведомо го. По ряду просодических характеристик, таких как средний уровень ЧОТ и средняя длительность слога в конце реплики, собеседники либо сохранили идентичность, либо проявили схожие тенденции в настройке друг на друга. В таких характеристиках, как средняя интенсивность произнесения словповторов и длительность пауз перед ответ ной репликой, мужчина подстроился под женщину к концу беседы, что подтверждает выводы, сделанные о ролевых отношениях пары. Abstract In conversation, speakers become more alike in various dimensions. This phenomenon, commonly called convergence, or entrainment, is widely believed to be crucial to the success and naturalness of human interactions. We investigate three aspects of convergence in prosodic dimensions: automatic entrainment, turntaking and role relations between speakers. We explore whether speakers coordinate with each other in these dimensions over the conversation globally as well as locally, on a turntaking basis. The results of the research show that the female speaker had a leading part in the course of the conversation, while the male speaker was a follower. Some prosodic characteristics, such as pitch and syllable duration at the end of the turn, show either individuals' identity in contrast to that of another individual or similar strategies of accommodation. Conversely, the male speaker applied more Теоретическая и прикладная лингвистика, 2019, 5 (3), 41-52 41

Вестник МГЛУ, 2019
Данное исследование посвящено феномену текущих изменений в британском и американском нормативных ... more Данное исследование посвящено феномену текущих изменений в британском и американском нормативных произношениях (RP и GA) на сегментном уровне на примере дифтонга /ĕċ/. Цель работы состоит в сравнительном анализе двух типов вариативности: территориальной, которая включает британский и американский типы произношения, и вариативности между подготовленной и спонтанной речью. Для изучения поставленной проблемы был взят звучащий материал британских и американских учебных пособий, а также американский корпус разговорного английского языка. Методом слухового и электронно-акустического анализа были выявлены значительные отличия формантных характеристик (F1 и F2) от эталон-ных значений. Результаты исследования доказывают значимость корпусного ана-лиза в фонетическом исследовании. Ключевые слова: корпус; корпусная лингвистика; британский произноситель-ный стандарт (RP); американский произносительный стандарт (GA); акустический анализ; компьютерный анализ речи; формантные частоты F1 и F2; CURE lowering. The present study focuses on a phenomenon of current developments in RP and GA at the segmental level on the example of the diphthong /ĕċ/. The goal of the study is to perform a comparative analysis of two types of variability: territorial varieties represented by the British and American types of pronunciation, and variability in spontaneous and non-spontaneous types of speech. The materials include various educational recordings for advanced English learners and the Santa Barbara Corpus of Spoken American English. The auditory and electro-acoustic analyses determined great deviation of the formant characteristics (F1 and F2) from the reference values. The findings demonstrate the influence of the corpus analysis on phonetic studies.
Papers by Anastasia Gorbyleva

Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, 2019
In conversation, speakers become more alike in various dimensions. This phenomenon, commonly call... more In conversation, speakers become more alike in various dimensions. This phenomenon, commonly called convergence, or entrainment, is widely believed to be crucial to the success and naturalness of human interactions. We investigate three aspects of convergence in prosodic dimensions: automatic entrainment, turn-taking and role relations between speakers. We explore whether speakers coordinate with each other in these dimensions over the conversation globally as well as locally, on a turn-taking basis. The results of the research show that the female speaker had a leading part in the course of the conversation, while the male speaker was a follower. Some prosodic characteristics, such as pitch and syllable duration at the end of the turn, show either individuals' identity in contrast to that of another individual or similar strategies of accommodation. Conversely, the male speaker applied more convergence strategies in the terminal part of the conversation within such prosodic fea...

Speech and Computer, 2020
Dynamicity of natural human interaction, such as the incidence of overlaps, cause difficulties fo... more Dynamicity of natural human interaction, such as the incidence of overlaps, cause difficulties for creating man-machine dialogue systems [4]. Overlaps may lead either to continued talk (positive effect) or to interruptions (negative effect). The study is concerned with temporal organization of speech due to participants’ interaction in natural discourse, based on Santa Barbara corpus of spoken American English [5]. The goal is to examine the ways speakers in a two-party conversation intuitively coordinate their production time through the lengths of turns, pauses, overlaps and interruptions. Cultural norms are based on acoustic data in homogeneous (both men; both women) and heterogeneous (man and woman) gender-related compositions of dyads. The basic findings: irrespective of the dyad’s composition there is one dominant speaker who takes up twice as much speaking time, while the other party initiates most of the overlaps; in the mixed pairs women take the lead; the time limits for the overlaps before they turn into interruptions vary across the groups but the values are close for the two partners. Correlation analysis provides evidence of negative correlation between the total turn length and the number of overlaps and interruptions; between turn length and the length of overlaps and interruptions. Gender differences are significant with regards to the number of overlaps and interruptions, as well as turn length and the length of overlaps and interruptions. Women speak longer, whereas men overlap and interrupt more often.

Theoretical and Applied Linguistics
In conversation, speakers become more alike in various dimensions. This phenomenon, commonly call... more In conversation, speakers become more alike in various dimensions. This phenomenon, commonly called convergence, or entrainment, is widely believed to be crucial to the success and naturalness of human interactions. We investigate three aspects of convergence in prosodic dimensions: automatic entrainment, turn-taking and role relations between speakers. We explore whether speakers coordinate with each other in these dimensions over the conversation globally as well as locally, on a turn-taking basis. The results of the research show that the female speaker had a leading part in the course of the conversation, while the male speaker was a follower. Some prosodic characteristics, such as pitch and syllable duration at the end of the turn, show either individuals' identity in contrast to that of another individual or similar strategies of accommodation. Conversely, the male speaker applied more convergence strategies in the terminal part of the conversation within such prosodic fea...
Articles by Anastasia Gorbyleva
Papers by Anastasia Gorbyleva