How to make bows

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LARGE BOW TUTORIAL….. These 2 bows are perfect for the viral greenery wreaths !! This video is in real time but I am going to post a sped up version for... | By On A Whimm Wreaths and Decor by Dona | Do you want to learn how to make one of those really big bows that everyone is using on those huge greenery wreaths? Well, today I'm going to show you. So, the first thing you have to do is pick out your ribbon and today, we're going to be using really really pretty colors. Lots of blue and yellow. And a little white. So y'all come on in and let's get started. So the first thing that you want to do is choose your ribbon. So we've done that. The next thing that you want to do is figure out how large is your wreath and how big does your bow need to be. So my wreath is really really large. One of the larger size. So my first loops are going to about 10 inches and I am having a tail floating up and a tail floating down. So, my first tail here is going to be about 10 inches. I'm just giving it a little pinch and then we'll give it a twist We'll stick it right down into our bow maker. I am using the easy bow what's it called? I think it's the Easy Bow Pro or the Easy I feel like that's what it's called. Easy bow pro, something like that. Um I'll link it. It's in my Amazon storefront but I can link it in this video as well. Okay, so we're going to get that right down in there and then we're going to start with our loops. I actually like to just drop my ribbon to the ground. Works easier for me. And I'm going to set it down in there and then I'm going to make sure I get it down to that ten-inch mark and there it is. Give it another twist. Sometimes I like to if I know where it's going to be, I'll kind of pull it out just so I can give it a little bit better twist but you can twist it when it's inside the bow maker too. Whatever. It's up to totally up to you. I just think sometimes it can make a little bit of a tighter pinch and twist if you kind of pull it out of the bow maker. Especially your four inch. Some of the smaller diameter not as big of a deal. Okay, so there we've got that. So now, this is going to be your bottom tail coming down. So, these are typically really long. So, this is probably going to be about 20 inches long, kay? That bottom tail is going to be at least 20 inches. Now, it could be longer. If you want really long dramatic tails, you could totally leave it longer. Okay, so next we want to go in with our next ribbon I move some of my ribbon around here and we're going to go in with some yellow. Again, I'm just going to put this on the floor. And now that I have I have a tail on this side, I'm going to go opposite and add a tail to the other side. And these loops are about 9 inches. Might do a little bit bigger than nine. Maybe about nine and a half. The size of your loops is definitely definitely something that I always say is designer's choice. Uh if you don't like the big, huge loops and you want a little bit smaller understated bow. You could totally do that with the exact same technique I'm using here. Just make your loops smaller. And then once I have the first length of my tail, I just start to to cut similar size tails as I go. And then I like to kind of keep my bow in a little bit of the shape that it's going to be in just so I can kind of maintain that shape and place my loops where I want them as I'm going and I feel like at the end when you use your cable tie and finish this off, I just feel like it's so much easier So, let's see here. Think I'm going to go with a blue. I'm going to go ahead and go with the blue. Again, tail was here. Now, we're going to go tail there. Give that a twist. Twist it the other way. Make sure your pretty side is up. And now this loop will be about 9 inches. Making sure that that's right and then I'm moving it up that direction. Sometimes, if you don't get your pinch and twist just right, it can kind of start to act a little bit wonky in your bow maker. So, just make sure that you have got it nice and clean and neat in that pinch and twist and you'll be good to go. And again, I'm just going to create a similar length tail and so I think I'm going to I think I'm going to add in a little white. Let's add in a little bit of white. I'm going to have this a similar length. This is going to also be around 9 inches. Maybe just a maybe just a hair smaller but a very similar length to the loop that we just did in blue. See me measuring that out there. And then add this right down to the center. Kinda get it measured to that loop that you're trying to mimic. So now we're going to go in with our floral again. Get that kind of closer to the top. I'll go ahead and drop that to the bottom. Give it a nice pinch and a twist. Get it added right back into your bow maker. This loop will be about 8 inches. So you can see we're just graduating those loops down. You don't even really have to measure. I am measuring because I am showing you guys but if I was just making this on my own. Once I have my first loop measured I just go off of that loop. I just make every loop a little bit smaller or similar in size just like whatever whatever I'm working towards is I continue to measure. So, just keep that in mind. It doesn't have to be super duper precise. And you can cheat it a little is what I'm trying to say. It's not going to make a huge difference especially with these larger bows and honestly, the larger bows are the ones that are the most forgiving in my opinion. So, let's add a little bit of yellow here on top. This is going to be kind of it's a little shorter than that floral that we just added in. So you're probably looking at seven and three four something like that. Okay? So, got that kind of situated and again, what you can't see is the tails. They're all super long, super long. If you are making this for a customer as a customer or something like that, one thing that I will tell you is that you definitely definitely want to make sure that you leave them some really long tails. Um allow your customer to possibly cut the tail off to because you just never know how long and dramatic someone else might want that. So, I try to kind of leave that up to my customer. Okay, so we're going to take this one. Going right up underneath there. Just grabbing all the ribbons and I do go ahead and cinch up my zip tie just a little. So, when I pull it out, All my ribbons are going to stay together. I'm going to I'm taking my hands and I'm pushing them in. We are going to add a zip tie so that it could be attached to the wreaths and before I get everything just super cinched down, I am definitely definitely moving things so that they are where I want them. So, this is what our bow looks like now. So, these long tails, I will leave for my customer. To cut. These ones at the top, I'm just going to cut my, I'm going to cut them down myself so that they are ready to go. So, all they'll have to do is just fluff up this bow and it is ready to add to your wreaths and then, they could cut down their tails at the bottom at whichever length works for their wreaths Getting those all cut down. I'm just dovetailing them all and the ones at the top, you just want to make em short enough that they can kind of stand at attention a little bit but not too terribly short. I mean, it's just kind of just kind of have to practice with it a little bit but I would say that they're probably about six or so inches. Some are a little longer, some are a little shorter. So, here is our first bow. How pretty. Once you get it on the wreath I would definitely just kind of jockey these around so that you've got all your colors where you want but here is our first large bow. How exciting. Okay so let's move on to another one. Here's the colors for our next project. So we're doing something with creams, blacks, and whites. May seem like a weird combination. I have white and cream but I think it's going to turn out beautifully. So let's just start setting some of these to the side. I'm going to start with a four-inch burlap. It's going to be a non little foundation to our bow and so I think it's going to give it a nice I'm going to flip this around too it's going to give it a a nice base so we're going to make our first tail that's going to be going upwards about 10 inches just like we did before and I'm going to make the first loop. Again, about 10 inches. The first two ribbons will both be the loops will both be at about 10 inches. So, I'm going to use this nice burlap and I'm just going to bring this out. Remember like I said before, sometimes you can get a tighter get a tighter pinch and twist and that is important when you're trying to make a really pretty bow especially when at the very end when you you know, tie it off with your either zip tie or a piece of wire or pipe cleaner or anything like that whatever that is you just want to make sure that everything is just going to pop up really nicely and the main way to make sure that that happens is by using or is by making sure that you're pinching your twist is very tight and very very neat okay so let's go in with the black and white stripe this is a really nice canvas and as we did the tail here. Now, we're going to do our tail here. So, let me give it a pinch. And a twist. We're basically working in Xs with this. And I will try to get all of the loops kind of where they're supposed to be in just one second. So, this one's supposed to be here. This one's supposed to be down here. Sloop supposed to be up here and then this loop will be down here. So, this is going to give us a really really nice foundation to everything else that's going to happen with our bow and I actually love adding like whites, creams, and tans together. I think it's so pretty. Really makes a statement. So, remember those tails are probably around like twentyish inches long, something like that. They don't have to be all the exact same link. You can kind of bury your links but you want the the tail that's going to be coming down the wreath to be really long. So, let's see. What color do we want to add next? I think I'll go in with a black. All my embossed ribbon that I'm using right here I got from Deco Exchange you can shop all things Deco Exchange at shop like Donna. com pick the Deco Exchange tab and then you can shop away also you guys I don't know if everyone knows but I do create signs for Deco Exchange and I they're very different than a lot of other signs so if you go to the Deco Exchange app through Shop Like Donna. com go to the search bar and put in O A W all the signs that I create pop up. So, I would love for your support there. Um I love creating signs and I'm getting ready to send over a few more and they there is a couple of mermaid ones in there. They're absolutely amazing. So, back to bow making here. So, now we've added in our black and again, you can see that every single time I'm adding some in, I am Making sure that I am creating that X, that same X pattern and just making sure that all the things are just basically where that I want them. So when you go to, like I said, tie this off at the end, everything is pretty much staged exactly where you're going to want it. So the next I think I'm going to add a little bit of texture with this I'm going to go there. Just going to put this. Actually, you don't really need to twist this. It looks the same on both sides. So, this is a really nice, cool texture that you can add in. I just love adding in a little texture to anything that I'm working with. And we've got one other ribbon right here that's going to give us some really nice texture as well. So, there is that. So, let's move this one over here. Um so now, let's just go back in with a black and white stripe. I love this. This is a really good one. Um this is a twenty-five-yard roll and I know that I got this from Deco Exchange as well. Um just always always check when you go into, if you go to shop like Donna. com, hit the Deco Exchange app or tab and when you get in there, you can go to the search bar or just go to the drop down menu and go to the section that has like their twenty-five-yard rules and things like that. Um that's really my favorite way to buy ribbon. It is probably one of the most cost-effective ways to buy ribbon especially if you make a lot of bows or you're going to be doing a lot of projects with one kind of color scheme in mind. Uh buying twenty-five-yard rolls is really the way to go. And so anytime I see a really classic print that I know I'm going to like I definitely go in and try to grab some of those larger rolls because I know that I'm going to use that over and over just like this black and white definitely something that I'll use over and over alright so let's go in with a little bit more cream here we're going to add this one in I'm just going to drop this to the floor again. I'm going to go this side now. And I'm kind of this this loop is similar in size to this one just a little bit shorter but since it's smaller in width or diameter, it's you're kind of okay to use a similar size because they're not going to hide each other. Okay, so there's that. We're going to go in with our last two ribbons here. This is a really pretty check and it's just got a really pretty satin background on the back. I love this ribbon. The wire on this ribbon is absolutely amazing. It just stands at attention. Just Crazy good. I mean, look at that. It's a D Stevens ribbon. I absolutely adore it. Alright. I kind of get my loops and things going where they're supposed to be here because again, when we tie this off, we just want everything to really I just want to make this a little bit shorter. There we go. Just want everything to just really be right in the spot that it needs to be so you don't have to move things around. So, I do I do kind of What am I trying to say? I definitely am sculpting the bows so to speak the whole time I'm creating it. I'm just not willy nilly putting my loops and tails just wherever. I am strategically placing them during the whole design. Okay, I did want to add in some of this and I forgot. So, let's add in a little bit of this. Just another little bit of texture that we can add in. I'm just going to kind of add it in as a tail and not as a loop. It's going to give it a little bit of texture there. I may have made that a little long but that's okay. So now, let's add in our little center loop. I just take take this give it a twist put it right down in there then I create a loop that's about two inches or so just whatever you like just whatever your fancy could be a little bit bigger, could be a little smaller depending on the size of your bow, just whatever you like. It's one of those tips and tricks I learned from Damon with Deco Exchange. I have learned bow making techniques from lots of people and I always like to try to give a shout out to those people that I have learned things from. Um so, Megan with Gal Versus Glue Gun, Terry Lynn Marshall, Khali, coach Fancy, who am I missing? There's just been so many people over the time. So, one thing, one thing I would tell you guys is if you are new to bow making and it challenges you is I definitely encourage you to go to lots of people's pages. So, what I did, I wanted to learn how to make a hand bow and so I I watched Megan and I watched Jackie with the Fancy Front Door and I kind of mesh together a little bit of both of those styles and then I like this little center loop. So, Damon does that. So, I kind of incorporate that into my bow making and then this style bow with the the crisscross is really the terry bow and I learned that from Terry Lynn Marshall so there's just so many places that you can learn ways to make a bow and honestly I think that learning a bunch of different techniques that kind of melted them together makes a pretty cool bow Okay, so you can see this is just all stacked right on top of each other. I'm going to move my zip tie to the back. And I'm starting to cinch it up. I'm going to add my other zip tie right here. Okay. So, I'm just kind of lift, just kind of moving everything around just a little and let me just and then there's our bow. Look how pretty this is. So so pretty. So again, I'm going to leave all these tails super long. Just leave em just like that and then I'm going to take these and I'm just going to start dovetailing these. Uh anything that's got like texture. I just I pretty much just cut it straight across honestly. Uh just know that the wreath that this is going to be added to will give the will be a backdrop to these so it will hold these tails in place so even though they may look a little droopy here once it's added to a wreath you've got you've got the support of your wreaths so they're not droopy at all so I'm going to get the last one cut here oh there's a couple more sorry I thought it was the last one. A few more cut and then I will show you the final result and I want to say thank you so much for hanging out and making a couple of bows for those new, it could be for anything but this is a bow for a couple of those viral greenery wreaths that are going around and so I think this one turned out beautifully. Here was the first one that we created. So, super super duper pretty. And thanks for joining me. Bye everybody.
LARGE BOW TUTORIAL….. These 2 bows are perfect for the viral greenery wreaths !! This video is in real time but I am going to post a sped up version for... | By On A Whimm Wreaths and Decor by Dona | Do you want to learn how to make one of those really big bows that everyone is using on those huge greenery wreaths? Well, today I'm going to show you. So, the first thing you have to do is pick out your ribbon and today, we're going to be using really really pretty colors. Lots of blue and yellow. And a little white. So y'all come on in and let's get started. So the first thing that you want to do is choose your ribbon. So we've done that. The next thing that you want to do is figure out how large is your wreath and how big does your bow need to be. So my wreath is really really large. One of
This may contain: someone is making a bow for their christmas tree ornament with red and gold ribbon
Let's make a bow!
Hey everyone, I just wanted to come on here and show you a slow-down version of me making this bow.  These instructions are more so for someone who already knows how to make a bow. If you would like me to give you a step-by-step, instructional video go ahead and leave me a comment and I will get that done for you but enjoy. This was a boy made for a Wreath in my shop. If you’d like to take a look at the video, feel free to follow the sped-up version on my page. If you do not know how to make a bow this video is probably not for you as I don’t give specific instructions, but if you catch on quickly, you might be able to follow this, let me know if this helps follow for more.
Julie Oxendine | Want to make a beautiful bow for your Christmas decor? I can help you, making a bow is not rocket science but it is fun, comment ‘bow24’... | Instagram
Julie Oxendine | Want to make a beautiful bow for your Christmas decor? I can help you, making a bow is not rocket science but it is fun, comment ‘bow24’... | Instagram
Julie Oxendine | Want to make a beautiful bow for your Christmas decor? I can help you, making a bow is not rocket science but it is fun, comment ‘bow24’... | Instagram
Julie Oxendine | Want to make a beautiful bow for your Christmas decor? I can help you, making a bow is not rocket science but it is fun, comment ‘bow24’... | Instagram
Julie Oxendine | Want to make a beautiful bow for your Christmas decor? I can help you, making a bow is not rocket science but it is fun, comment ‘bow24’... | Instagram
Julie Oxendine | Want to make a beautiful bow for your Christmas decor? I can help you, making a bow is not rocket science but it is fun, comment ‘bow24’... | Instagram
Julie Oxendine | Want to make a beautiful bow for your Christmas decor? I can help you, making a bow is not rocket science but it is fun, comment ‘bow24’... | Instagram
Julie Oxendine | Want to make a beautiful bow for your Christmas decor? I can help you, making a bow is not rocket science but it is fun, comment ‘bow24’... | Instagram
Julie Oxendine | Want to make a beautiful bow for your Christmas decor? I can help you, making a bow is not rocket science but it is fun, comment ‘bow24’... | Instagram
Julie Oxendine | Want to make a beautiful bow for your Christmas decor? I can help you, making a bow is not rocket science but it is fun, comment ‘bow24’... | Instagram