Simply Heartfelt - CC Diary

Canine Companion posts from
9 Pins
Why We Puppy Raise for Canine Companions for Independence
The reasons I, and others, puppy raise service dogs for Canine Companions for Independence. #CCI #puppy #caninetrainingpuppys #simplyheartfeltblog #servicedogs
Canine Companions Depends on Business Sponsors
Canine Companions for Independence Depends on Business Sponsors #CCI #caninecompanionsforindependence #puppyraiser #puppytraining #CCIpuppy #simplyheartfeltblog
I Love Slumber Parties! A Canine Companions Puppy Diary.
I Love Slumber Parties! A Canine Companions for Independence Puppy Diary. #CCI #CCIpuppy #puppyraiser #slumberparty #CanineCompanionsforIndependence #simplyheartfeltblog via @amerrill98
A Puppy Raiser's Wait
As a Volunteer Puppy Raiser, the term “wait” is all too familiar. Every second is worth the wait! #CanineCompanions #puppyraiser #servicedog #waiting via @amerrill98
Pick Pocket Pouch for Storing Dog Tags
Pick Pocket Pouch for Storing Dog Tags via @amerrill98
Introducing Mackenzie, a CCI Puppy #CCI #servicedog #CanineCompanionsforIndependence #puppyraiser #CCIpuppy #simplyheartfeltblog
Simply Heartfelt CCI Diary
Simply Heartfelt CCI Diary posts. CCI Diary covers the raising of Canine Companions for Independence dogs.
I Love Slumber Parties! #simplyheartfeltblog #CCIpuppy #CCI #CCIdiary #puppyraiser #CanineCompanionsforIndependence