tip jar

19 Pins
Businesses Are Getting Really Creative With Their Tip Jars - 27 Pics
Businesses Are Getting Really Creative With Their Tip Jars – 27 Pics
16 Funny Tip Jars That Would Earn Your Quarters
Funny Tip Jars | List of Best Tip Jars
27 Tip Jars That Are Too Clever To Resist
27 Tip Jars That Are Too Clever To Resist
23 Sassy Tip Jars That Will Make You Smile
Tipping In Thailand - Where, When and How Much?
Those who've been to the US know tipping is commonplace, an expected practice, whereas in the UK it's entirely up to the individual. When it comes to tipping in Thailand, it's not so straight-forward. Now, even though I've been in Thailand a fair old while, and do enjoy studying Thai culture and tradition, whenever I do a post like this, I reach out to my Thai peers and ask for their opinions and experiences; simply because it's easy to misinterpret things as a foreigner. My Thai friends span a