40 rabana dua

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#28 Fourty Rabbana Duas
Rabbana 'atina mil-ladunka Rahmataw wa hayyi lana min amrina rashada (Surah Al Kahf Verse 10) Our Lord! Grant us mercy from Yourself and provide guidance for us in our affair.... #Allah #Dua #Blessing #Islam #Quran #Quranicverses #Forgiveness #Mercy #Supplication #Knowledge #Deeds #Provisions #Beneficial #40 Rabbana
#37 Fourty Rabbana Duas
Rabbana 'alayka tawakkalna wa-ilayka anabna wa-ilaykal masir (Surah Al Mumtahinah Verse 4) Our Lord! We place our trust in You, We turn in repentance to You and the place of return is to You... #Allah #Dua #Blessing #Islam #Quran #Quranicverses #Forgiveness #Mercy #Supplication #Knowledge #Deeds #Provisions #Beneficial #40 Rabbana
#36 Fourty Rabbana Duas
Our Lord! Forgive us, and our brethren who preceded us in Faith, and leave not, in our hearts, malice against those who believe. O our Lord! Verily You are the Most-Kind, the Ever Merciful (Surah Al Hashr Verse 10).... #Allah #Dua #Blessing #Islam #Quran #Quranicverses #Forgiveness #Mercy #Supplication #Knowledge #Deeds #Provisions #Beneficial #40 Rabbana
#33 Fourty Rabbana Duas
Rabbana la Ghafurun shakur (Surah Fatir Verse 34) Our Lord is indeed most Forgiving, Ready to appreciate.... #Allah #Dua #Blessing #Islam #Quran #Quranicverses #Forgiveness #Mercy #Supplication #Knowledge #Deeds #Provisions #Beneficial #40 Rabbana
#31 Fourty Rabbana Duas
Rabbanas-rif 'anna' adhaba jahannama inna 'adhabaha kana gharama innaha sa'at musta-qarranw wa muqama (Surah Al Furqaan Verse 65,66) Our Lord! Turn the punishment of Hell-Fire away from us, for it’s punishment is certainly persistent. Evil indeed is it as an abode, and as a place to rest in.... #Allah #Dua #Blessing #Islam #Quran #Quranicverses #Forgiveness #Mercy #Supplication #Knowledge #Deeds #Provisions #Beneficial #40 Rabbana
#27 Fourty Rabbana Duas
Rabbana ghfir li wa li wallidayya wa lil Mu'mineena yawma yaqumul hisaab (Surah Ibrahim Verse 41) O our Lord! Forgive me and my parents, and (all) Believers, on the Day that the Reckoning will be established!.... #Allah #Dua #Blessing #Islam #Quran #Quranicverses #Forgiveness #Mercy #Supplication #Knowledge #Deeds #Provisions #Beneficial #40 Rabbana
#26 Fourty Rabbana Duas
Rabbana wa taqabbal Du'a (Surah Ibrahim Verse 40) O our Lord! And accept my supplication.... #Allah #Dua #Blessing #Islam #Quran #Quranicverses #Forgiveness #Mercy #Supplication #Knowledge #Deeds #Provisions #Beneficial #40 Rabbana
#40 Fourty Rabbana Duas
Rab-bibni li indaka baytan fil jannah - Surah Tahrim Verse 11 - My Lord! Build for me a home near You in Paradise... #Allah #Dua #Blessing #Islam #Quran #Quranicverses #Forgiveness #Mercy #Supplication #Knowledge #Deeds #Provisions #Beneficial #40 Rabbana
#39 Fourty Rabbana Duas
Rabbana atmim lana nurana waighfir lana innaka 'ala kulli shai-in qadir (Surah At Tahrim Verse 8) Our Lord! Perfect our Light for us, and grant us Forgiveness, for You have power over all things.... #Allah #Dua #Blessing #Islam #Quran #Quranicverses #Forgiveness #Mercy #Supplication #Knowledge #Deeds #Provisions #Beneficial #40 Rabbana
#38 Fourty Rabbana Duas
Rabbana la taj'alna fitnatal lilladhina kafaru waghfir lana Rabbana innaka antal 'Azizul-Hakim (Surah Al Mumtahinah Verse 5) Our Lord! Do not make us a trial of the disbelievers and O our Lord forgive us, You are certainly the All Powerful, the All Wise... #Allah #Dua #Blessing #Islam #Quran #Quranicverses #Forgiveness #Mercy #Supplication #Knowledge #Deeds #Provisions #Beneficial #40 Rabbana
#35 Fourty Rabbana Duas
Our Lord! that they enter the Gardens of Eternity, which You have promised to them, and to the righteous among their fathers, their wives, and their posterity! For certainly You are The All Powerful, The All Wise (Surah Al Mu’min Verse 8)..... #Allah #Dua #Blessing #Islam #Quran #Quranicverses #Forgiveness #Mercy #Supplication #Knowledge #Deeds #Provisions #Beneficial #40 Rabbana
#34 Fourty Rabbana Duas
Rabbana wasi'ta kulla sha'ir Rahmatanw wa 'ilman faghfir lilladhina tabu wattaba'u sabilaka waqihim' adhabal-Jahiim (Surah Al Mu’min Verse 7) O our Lord! You encompass everything in (Your) mercy and knowledge, so forgive those who repent (of disbelief) and follow Your path, and save them from the torment of Hell.... #Allah #Dua #Blessing #Islam #Quran #Quranicverses #Forgiveness #Mercy #Supplication #Knowledge #Deeds #Provisions #Beneficial #40 Rabbana
#32 Fourty Rabbana Duas
Rabbana Hablana min azwaajina wadhurriy-yatina, qurrata 'ayioni wa-jalna lil-muttaqeena Imaama (Surah Al Furqaan Verse 74) Our Lord! Grant unto us wives and offspring who will be the comfort of our eyes, and give us (the grace) to lead the righteous.... #Allah #Dua #Blessing #Islam #Quran #Quranicverses #Forgiveness #Mercy #Supplication #Knowledge #Deeds #Provisions #Beneficial #40 Rabbana
#30 Fourty Rabbana Duas
Rabbana amanna faghfir lana warhamna wa anta khairur Rahimeen (Surah Al Mu’minun Verse 109) Our Lord! We have believed, so forgive us and have mercy upon us, and You are the best of Ones who show Mercy.... #Allah #Dua #Blessing #Islam #Quran #Quranicverses #Forgiveness #Mercy #Supplication #Knowledge #Deeds #Provisions #Beneficial #40 Rabbana
#29 Fourty Rabbana Duas
Rabbana innana nakhafu ai-yafruta 'alaina aw aiy-yatgha (Surah Ta Ha Verse 45) Our Lord! We fear lest he hasten with insolence against us, or lest he transgress all bounds..... #Allah #Dua #Blessing #Islam #Quran #Quranicverses #Forgiveness #Mercy #Supplication #Knowledge #Deeds #Provisions #Beneficial #40 Rabbana