
103 Pins
Civics And Education - Rhode Island - Gregg M. Amore
T.F. Green Airport located in Warwick and the only major Rhode Island airport, this was named for Theodore F. Green, Rhode Island Governor from 1933 to 1937. Green was also a Rhode Island senator.
RISD Nature Lab
I practically lived here for three years; talk about an inspiring space. This is the Edna W. Lawrence Nature Lab at the Rhode Island School of Design. It's a gigantic cabinet of curiosities, which exists for the sole purpose of being studied and drawn. Via RISD's Flickr stream.
the Edna Lawrence Nature Lab at Rhode Island School of Design. Looks like a magical place.
First Baptist Church, illustrated by Helen M. Grose, Providence, RI
College Street (Providence, Rhode Island)
Looking down College Street, with Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) on the right and Providence County Court House on the left (Providence, Rhode Island).
thayer street (providence, ri) Hands down my Favorite Street in Providence. Great hangout & memories.
Public Engagement and Social Responsibility
Rhode Island School of Design STEMtoSTEAM