Metal working

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59K views · 1.9K reactions | Another look at my wood burning stove. | By Ricco Bertoletti | Winter setting in I brought the wood burning stove back put it in the garage let me show you a couple of cool things so the way he built this by the way guys I don't think he's building this there's too much liability so he built one for me aha you can't have one but see what these things do that's actually blowing air out of the top. Pulling it in from the bottom. Bringing it through here, getting heated up and through convection, it's blowing air out of the top. Um this is my oil drip. So, if I need to get the fire going, fill this up with oil, adjust the valve, once the fire is going, if I want it hotter, I actually have two of these fans. It only needs one but he put two in because he does everything times ten. So, that fan blows air in here and if I wanted to, I could just run this off oil alone. Turn the fan on, fill that up with oil but to me, I got enough firewood. I just use wood in there. Oh here's the flute in the top if I want to control the burn and that I've had to use several times because this thing just simply if you load it up with wood man it gets so hot in here this is only a two 1/ 2 car garage and it can get too hot so I just now I I'm careful how much wood I put in it but I mean all the welds everything on here nothing but dimes it's beautiful man he he he did a kick **** job on it so to park sucks is that like he could build these things and make a million dollars man. People at bodies left and right. But the liability involved with building a wood burning stove. Like it's something you do for your friends. He knows I'm never going to sue him if I burn my garage down. Uh but the next guy might. So that's why he doesn't make them. Uh posted a video last year got like two million views on it. And everybody wanted him to make one of those stoves but he can't and I understand why. Uh twenty twenty Ford's world we live in. Anyways, hope you enjoy the video and thanks for watching.