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Oggi desideriamo portarvi al Santuario della Scala Santa a Roma, un luogo di profonda spiritualità e devozione. Guidati dal rettore del Santuario, Padre... | By Gioventù Passionista di San Gabriele | Welcome, I'm Father Leonello, I'm the rector of the Holy Scala Sanctuario that out of one thousand and eighty-hundred and fifty-three has been entrusted to us passionate by Pope Pius Nono. The Holy Staircase this relic of the passion according to tradition is the staircase of Pretoria, Pilate's Palace that Jesus climbed and descended several times during his passion as they say and can be read in the Gospels. The mother of the emperors Constantine, according to tradition, brought this relic the Holy Staircase to Rome from his trip to the Holy Land in three hundred and twenty-six. Together with the important relics of the Holy Cross that can be found in the church here not too far from the Holy Cross. The Holy Staircase as you can see it now was erected by the Pope eh Sixth who in one thousand five hundred and eighty-six thought of restoring this place of the Laterano here in fact rose the ancient ruins of the Pope's palace with his trusted architect Domenico Fontana the pope conceived This sanctuary of passion with these stairs, the Santa Posta Scala in the center and moved from the old building that was then demolished and previously it was located on the north side of the Laterano. Here it is in this position. The chronicles of the time when the Santa Scala was dismantled step by step. Step by step and back up here in this sanctuary that welcomed her, um, in a night brought exactly in a procession. The Holy Staircase is composed of twenty eight steps of marble that in one thousand and eight hundred and twenty-three the Pope of that time Innocenza Twelfth had covered with the wood you see. It's a walnut wood and it's three hundred years old because the Holy Staircase in its original as you can see from some pictures is totally worn out. So very dug up from the pilgrims long and millions and millions of people dug up the steps with their knees with their toes and it was really hard to climb. We were able to admire the Holy Staircase as it really is under the cover line in the two thousand-nine, when in the great restoration of the whole sanctuary, the wood was removed to stand and for about two months the holy staircase was cleaned and restored, and yes, and to go up to its originality. On the second step, on the eleventh step and on the twenty-eighth step coinciding with some crosses placed on the steps there are oblòs where you can just admire under this cross that according to the medieval tradition developed mainly starting from the year millennium here in these steps you can see stains red that are attributed to the drops of blood that fell from the Lord Jesus. Why ? When he was flogged, he went up and down. This ladder losing blood and I am still the subject of a lot of devotion from people. The staircase has always been climbing on my knees just out of devotion to the Holy Staircase, plus this exercise to this tiring climb and attached to the daily plenary indulgence. La Scala Santa Posta in the center here has a series of freshies around it. I have to say that the whole complex of Scalasanta has one thousand and eight hundred square meters of frescoes. Everything is refreshed. The atrium, the holy staircase, the two parallel stairs which are lateral to the Holy Staircase the Chapel of San Lorenzo and also the choir which is from the time of Pope Sistopinto. In the Santa Scala there are the pictures of the passion. It's a narrative. We know how at that time people couldn’t read. And so the appearance we say So iconographic and the appearance of the frescos the paintings that paint the passion scenes helped people to enter this story which is the story of love and the passion of the Lord and in fact the first of the eh frescos is the one of the eh last Dinner Lavender of the feet and then in helicopter form in this sense all the various pictures of the passion so from ehm Jesus emerging the but in the betrayal of Giuna away saying all the movies of the passion until you get to the bottom you see it up there in Beautiful and refreshing of the Lord's crucifixion.
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