sunday school

40 Pins
7 FUN Bible Memory Verse Games (work with any verse)
We love using engaging games and memory verse activities to make learning Bible concepts fun! Here are seven really fun memory verse games for kids to practice their bible verses. These work for any verse and are perfect for parents, teachers, and Sunday School Lessons for kids of any age that can read. Use these engaging, hands-on bible verse games with kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, and 6th grade students.
Memory Verse Games for Preschoolers: Memory Verse Matches
Memory Verse Matches: 3 Super Bible Memory Verse Games for Your Preschoolers
DIY prayer hands for kids - Your Modern Family
DIY prayer hands for kids - Teaching a child to pray on their own.
Jacob Wrestles with God Object Lesson
This Jacob Wrestles with God Object Lesson will help children to understand that we must surrender our sinful lives to then be blessed with eternal life. ~ #bibleobjectlessonsforkids #sundayschoolobjectlessons
Teaching Kids Forgiveness – Parable of the Lost Son Craft
forgiveness crafts for sunday school | ... and hands. I recommend using a glue stick for paper crafts like this
Making Good Choices Object Lesson & Family Discussion Outline
For this Family Night idea, Adelle created a color experiment activity to teach everyone about choices, and the consequences that follow. Get the lesson at
Making Good Choices Object Lesson & Family Discussion Outline
For this Family Night idea, Adelle created a color experiment activity to teach everyone about choices, and the consequences that follow. Get the lesson at