Vintage Kitchen

66 Pins
Mid-century Bohemian Fine China Czechoslovakia 24-piece Atomic Spirograph Design - Etsy
Mid-Century Bohemian Fine China – Czechoslovakia – 24-Piece Atomic Spirograph Design
Vintage SMI No. 5 Sausage Maker Buffalo, NY made in Poland - Etsy
Vintage SMI No. 5 Sausage Maker – Buffalo, NY (Made in Poland)
Vintage Pfaltzgraff Dinnerware Ocean Breeze Pattern 40-pieces Total - Etsy
Vintage Pfaltzgraff Dinnerware - Ocean Breeze Pattern - 40-Pieces Total!
Vintage Copper-plated Stainless Steel Canister Set 8 Pieces Flour, Sugar, Coffee, and Tea - Etsy
Vintage Copper-Plated Stainless Steel Canister Set - 8 Pieces - Flour, Sugar, Coffee, and Tea
Pair of Collectible Mcdonald's good Morning Stackable Milk Glass Mugs by Anchor Hocking - Etsy
Pair of Collectible McDonald's "Good Morning" Stackable Milk Glass Mugs by Anchor Hocking
Cordon Bleu BIA Sunflower Casserole Dish With Lid & Oval Serving Dish - Etsy
Cordon Bleu BIA Sunflower Casserole Dish with Lid & Oval Serving Dish
Vintage Tiffany & Co. Etched Glass Bowl - Lovebird Collection - Etsy
Vintage Tiffany & Co. Etched Glass Bowl - Lovebird Collection
Vintage Fred Austin Hand-painted Floral Butlers Tray Reticulated Design - Etsy
Vintage Fred Austin Hand-Painted Floral Butler’s Tray – Reticulated Design
Vintage Gold Buffet Royal Gallery Carousel Horse Mugs - Etsy
Vintage Gold Buffet Royal Gallery Carousel Horse Mugs
Vintage Waterford Crystal Muffineer Sugar Shaker Handmade in Republic of Ireland - Etsy
Vintage Waterford Crystal Muffineer Sugar Shaker - Handmade in Republic of Ireland
Set of 3 Pulchritudie Gold-rimmed Floral Coffee Mugs - Etsy
Set of 3 Pulchritudie Gold-Rimmed Floral Coffee Mugs
Set of 7 Coventry secret Garden Coffee Mugs - Etsy
Set of 7 Coventry “Secret Garden” Coffee Mugs