
54 Pins
Scout Cream Art Deco Pendant Light - Three Heads / Beige
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Straw Hat Pendant Lamp [20% OFF]
The Pendant Lamp is a magical, subtle and pretty light that has a magical effect on modern interiors. It is a pendant lamp with a lady hat that integrates perfectly into each interior space and embellishes it uniquely.
Modern floor LED lamp, handmade out of solid ash wood
Difficulty: Medium Tools: • Jigsaw • Chisel • A router • Power jointer • Thickness planer • Sander
Große Stehlampe aus Metall Durchmesser 72 cm x Höhe 155 cm-Weiß-AU-Stecker
Eine reine Form, die von sichtbaren Rohren in Fabriken inspiriert ist, die durch die Verwendung von PVC, das sie umhüllt, sanfter gemacht werden und sie in eine Lampe mit weichen, eleganten Formen verwandeln. Das Material ist umweltfreundliches PVC. Dieser Lichteffekt hat auch eine sehr beeindruckende Wirkung. Der Druck, der an der Basis besonders dicht ist, breitet sich Ast für Ast zum Diffusor aus und gibt ein warmes Licht ab, das sich zart im Raum verteilt. Wenn Sie Fragen zu unseren Produkte
Minimalistist Linen Floor Lamp 28.3 x H 61 / Dia 72cm x H 155cm / White / AU plug
A pure form inspired by visible tubing in factories, made more gentle by the use of PVC that covers it and transforms it into a lamp with soft, elegant shapes. The material is Environmental friendly pvc. This luminous effect also has a very striking effect. The print, which is particularly dense at the base, spreads out, branch by branch towards the diffuser, giving off a warm light that diffuses delicately into the space. If you have any questions about our products, please contact us and we wi
Lampada da terra Arum Lunghezza 16,9″ x larghezza 11,8″ x altezza 53,5″-Beige-Spina europea
La lampada da terra Arum è caratterizzata dalla solida base in marmo nero abbinata al paralume dalla forma organica. Raggiungendo il perfetto equilibrio nella struttura decentrata della lampada, il piede in marmo nero controbilancia il modo delicato in cui il paralume è sospeso all'arco di metallo curvo a forma di foglia. Grazie all'interno bianco sporco opaco del paralume, la lampada fornisce una luce morbida e distribuita uniformemente e il paralume può essere regolato per garantire condizioni
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Декорирование детской комнаты: идеи для создания безопасного и яркого интерьера