
41 Pins
Quick Team-Building Activities and Games for 5 Minutes
5-minute and 10-miute qucik team-building activities and games to use in workplace training or for teaching students. #quickteambuilding
🎈Ohhhh! Another easy indoor game! Low prep, high focus, I love it! 🎈Great idea from @okuloncesikolik ! 🎈 - #rainyafternoon #rainyrecess #endofyeargames #endofschoolyear #indooractivitiesforkids #focusgames #classroomfun #statetestingweek #summercampactivities #homeschoolactivities #teachingelementary #teachingk #teachingfirstgrade #teachingsecondgrade #teachersshareideas #loveteachingelementary #teachingcommunity #creativebrainsgrowhere
Man Shares His 8 Tips On How To Be An Adult, And People Are Already Asking For More
#Interesting #Philosophical #Questions #for #Kids
This may contain: a man and woman standing in front of a doorway holding a pink scarf over their heads