
152 Pins
French Prayer Book Paroissien Romain New Roman Parishioner Limoges Missal Ivory Celluloid Cover With Cross Vines Flowers - Etsy
Carved Jesus From the Crucifix Cross Italian Corpus Religious Decor - Etsy
French Wooden Rosery Beads Large Carved Beads Religious Collectible From France Monk Prayer Beads - Etsy
Crucifix Cross Pendant From Italy 3 Brown Wood and Silver Colored Religious Jesus Christ on Cross - Etsy
Large Crucifix Pendant From Italy Cross Silver and Black Religious Jesus Christ on Cross - Etsy
Vintage Rosary in Zippered Pouch Plastic White Beaded - Etsy
Italian Prayer Book With Celluloid Cover the Voice of Jesus Christian Booklet - Etsy
Vintage Rosary From France Crucifix With Black Beads French Praying Cross Catholic Rosary Prayer - Etsy
Caravaca Cross Rosary With Black Beads Gold Colored Crucifix French Praying Cross Catholic Rosary Prayer - Etsy
Vintage Rosary From France Souvenir of Lourdes Crucifix With Purple Glass Beads French Praying Cross Catholic Rosary Prayer - Etsy
Vintage French Water Font Crucifix Jesus on the Cross Holy Water Religious Benitier Collectible From France - Etsy
Vintage Jesus From the Crucifix Cross French Religious Decor Aged Distressed Patina - Etsy
Vintage Rosary From France Crucifix With Clear Crystal Beads French Praying Cross Catholic Rosary Prayer - Etsy
Vintage Rosary From France Crucifix With Clear Crystal Beads - Etsy
Vintage Guardian Angel With Child Religious Picture From France Glass Front - Etsy