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146K views · 8.3K reactions | I absolutely love this Bottle Lamp | By Meantallie | Facebook
55K views · 26K reactions | ✔️ Tutorial inspiração.. * A decoração simples é um modo prático e acessível de transformar qualquer ambiente em um espaço acolhedor, funcional e agradável. Com escolhas inteligentes é possível dar um up na sua casa sem grandes gastos. Aproveite a beleza da simplicidade e transforme sua casa em um verdadeiro refúgio de bem-estar e estilo… * Inspire-se com essa ideia simples e linda da @plaidcrafts Materiais utilizados: Recipiente de vidro(pode reutilizar garrafas ou potes)/ Tinta acrílica para vidro * Link na bio e nos destaques * Créditos: @plaidcrafts #decoração #decoration #decore #decoracion #decoracaodenatal #facavocemesmo #ideias #ideiascriativas #dicas #dicasdedecoracao #encontrandoideias #ideas #dekor #decoideas #déco #decoinspiration | Elaine Dias/ DIYs
609K views · 9.7K reactions | Woodland Deer Candle Holder | Woodland Deer Candle Holder | By Creating Through Chaos | Hey everybody it's Janice with Creating Through Chaos and we're going to start this project off with this Hurricane Candle Holder and this napkin that I found yesterday at Walmart. I'm just going to take down the plies on the napkin and then I am going to take some water on a paint brush and just kind of go around the design that I want off of the napkin and just kind of tear it out. I'm going to be very gentle. Once I have it all out I am going to put some Mod Podge right on the candle holder. And just do a nice coat of Mod Podge and then I'm going to lay my design right on that Mod Podge. And then just kind of rub it out with my fingers. I'm just going to lay it down. Press it on very lightly with my fingers. Going all the way around making sure that it's fully adhered and look how cute that is already next I am going to add another coat of Mod Podge over it I waited for that first coat to dry I'm just going to add another coat Making sure that I get in all the little wrinkles and what not that are on there. And then once that was all on I am going to take some extra fine glitter and sprinkle it right over the design. And it's going to look like this which it looks all hazy and stuff but it will dry clear. So, once I have that on, I'm going to stick my hand right inside and I'm going to use this stencil brush and it's just a stencil sponge. I'm going to put it right in some white paint and I'm going to go around and just dab white all over the rest of the candle holder. And I'm just going to keep going over loading my brush and dabbing on. Going all the way around the candle holder. But not on the design. I did go around the very edges of the design to make sure that it was all blended with the white. And I kind of made it so that it was even. I kind of like circled out the design with the paint. And you just want to keep going around till you fill up the whole candle holder. And then you're going to want to do a second coat. And you will have some bubbles and you can just kind of lightly go over them with the pouncer and it will get rid of the bubbles. So you just kind of dab really lightly and it ends up popping all the little bubbles. So as you can see I'm kind of going around and evening out the design. And I'm going to do two coats of that. Once that was all dry I am going to take some Mod Podge and I'm going to put like a thick coat all the way around the design. So I'm just kind of putting it on my brush. And then letting it stay thick. I'm not rubbing it in. And then I'm going to add some glitter but this is like a thicker glitter. Kind of like a frame for our design. And then I'm going to let that dry also. So once that was all dry I'm going to take this twine. And I'm just going to hot glue one part of it to the back of the candle holder right above the design. And I'm just going to wrap it all the way around. Kind of overlapping it with each other. Until I've used up a good amount of twine that I wanted to use. Just keep going around then wrap around the back and then I'm going to hot glue that piece at the end in Place. And pop some glue on there. Hold that and see I love how that looks. Next I'm going to lay my candle holder down. I put a paper towel down just so it doesn't scratch or anything. And then I'm going to add some greenery to the top. So I'm going to add that right on top of that twine. Kind of right above the design. Once I had that attached I'm going to take this little button that was a snowflake and I'm going to add that right to the center. And then once this was fully dry I'm going to take it outside and give it a quick coat of a sealer or I can put on a sealer that I put on with a brush. I just want to make sure that none of this falls off and I think this turned out so super cute. I absolutely love it. This napkin is beautiful. These candles holders are amazing from Dollar Tree. And look how pretty that looks. These would make amazing gifts. I hope you enjoyed this video. Thank you for watching and as always don't forget to spread the chaos.
556K views · 5.9K reactions | Save your jars! Here’s another Christmas in July idea! Are you going to make these?? | Refresh Restyle by Debbie Westbrooks | Refresh Restyle by Debbie Westbrooks · Original audio
This Homemade Double Crumb Cake has double the crumb topping for double the flavor! A New Jersey homemade bakery favorite for generations! #crumbcake #bestdesserts