
Check out at the library... Listen to on spotify... Take a deep breath...
60 Pins
Picture of the Day: The Original Cast of Sesame Street
Original cast of Sesame Street I've been listening to my old Sesame Street albums with my kids... That show used to be so awesome... Sigh...
the old man and the sea
Watch a book come to life through pictures. An incredible hand-drawn stop-motion version of ‘The Old Man and the Sea.'
16 movies to watch when pregnant ... - Emily Henderson
16 movies to watch that show the beauty of family.
Healthline Parenthood: Parent-focused advice you can trust
6 Ways to Help Children Cope with Frustration
10 Things I Want My Ten-Year-Old Daughter To Know
10 things to tell your daughter before she turns 10. Some of these are really well worded.
20 Ways to “Reset” When the Kids Are Having a Hard Day
20 Ways to Reset when the kids are having a hard day
All About YoFreeSamples
15 books to read before they're movies-- specifically for me: Object of Beauty, Brooklyn, Glass castle, King of heists, Testament of youth
What Should I Read Next? Book recommendations from readers like you
This site is awesome. Type in your favorite book and it will list 20 others similar to it. :)