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Técnica para hacer 🌹 Hermosas! emprede_floreseternas Aprende a Decorar desde “0”. Estas buscando y Deseas formarte en la Decoración ya sea con 🎈💐🌟🎂🪸🌺🍷🧜‍♀️. Para emprender desde casa y en tu propio negocio? Aquí puedes encontrar una oportunidad de lograrlo,recuerda estos son cursos en línea para aprender a tú ritmo. Si te interesa saber más visita los 🔗 en mi perfil. No dudes en hacer tus comentarios y sígueme 🙏. Esta es tu oportunidad, ya están disponibles nuestros cursos en línea con un s...
This may contain: a hand is pointing at a whipped cream flower
Rosa from Sponges has a brilliant idea for sponge decor
This may contain: a person scooping ice cream into a glass bowl with chocolate sauce on the side
Descubre cómo hacer el mejor helado de chocolate. ¡súper práctico y sabroso!
Cómo hacer una rosa megahigante | Cómo hacer una rosa mega gigante de papel | By Taller de Flores mirta | Today I'm going to teach you how to make this cute giant rose on crepe paper. Look how cute we got. First thing we're going to do is choose our crepe paper. I'm going to use a satin rose, green, a unicel ball and a stick to put our rose on. Let's fold our paper twenty five centimeters wide so I'll be folding everything that is my crepe paper. At the same measure of width. Once I have it bent what we are going to do is bend it in half mark it to cut our petals. So they're going to keep us the same size. Those are the ones in the middle. Now we're going to make a little design. I'm going to fold it and we're going to do a little design to our petal. We're going to leave it a little wide on the top. And then we're going to cut a little from the bottom this way so we have our petals. Next fold I'm gonna do is cut it a little bigger then half so I can keep the last lap a little bigger and the petals of the **** a little longer guys. We're going to put the same design on the top. Nothing but the tip part I'm going to make a little crust on it. In the middle so the petal can be seen open. And it looks a little different than the ones in the middle. In this way what we're going to do is also cut the petals of the **** but we're not going to make that piquito on the top we're going leave it a little round. This is how you go so that it leaves seeing that our flower is opening. There I've already gathered them all, if you look at them, they go from the youngest to the oldest. Now yes. What we gonna do is grab a stick. I have this weave sheet and I'm going to the petals on the top of the sides and the top and then we're going to stretch it. Look how our petal is bent. And now I'm going to cut three little round petals from the top to form the **** These are the petals that are glued on the unicel ball. The only thing I'm going to do is stretch it a and make a little doublecito to our petal from the top is all we're going to do and once we have the ball we'll line it okay with our crepe paper we'll put a little silicone and we're going to line our ball you can use the size of the ball you have between the bigger because it's going to look more chubby the rose the first thing I'm going to do is put silicone in the pure middle of the ball and I'm gonna put the petal one after the other the three petals the top round this way I'm going to go and to go opening the **** look how easy it is, it's not difficult at all, now yes, we're going to put the petals smaller and I'm going go putting hugs with each other I'm going to put silicone a little in the lower part of the middle and I'm going stick them in the middle of the ball of the bottom we're not going to do anything until we're forming the **** this way I'm going to put them interspersed our petals a little tight so that it's going to open what is the **** Once I put some it's going be making fatter what is the **** then yes we're going to open three petals per round. That way you're going to go see when you're gonna need to already go adding a third petal to the round. As the **** is opening and we're going to make it comfortable, we're gonna pull the paper a little bit, and that's what we're gonna be doing until we finish all the petals. There were seven petals this size. There were sixteen petals of the middle one, and the biggest one fourteen. That's how it's going to go look how it's opening our rose and once finishing me the smallest petals I'm going to grab a step where I can fit the ball of unicel that do not bend my petals and now yes I'm guiding where they are crossed the petals and there I'm putting petal intercalated the middle that are a total of sixteen so I'm turning the glass to the flower and we're accommodating is not difficult cool okay don't think they're going to battle the only thing they don't put everyone on one side go turning their rose they are putting aside because the petals will be seen on one side and on the other side they will not be seen. That's how they're turning it around and putting them in between. This way it's going to be getting wider and wider your rose see how it's looking. It's about to open up. Look. Now to finish all the petals of this one in this ah shape. More or less when I already have half the petals in the middle it's going to be time to put our tube where we're going to put the wood stick okay? That's right, I'm already seeing more or less where I'm going to put it covered, okay? Because I don't want the tube to look at me and it's going to be covered with what the petals are. This is not difficult chulas so they do not think it is very difficult and they will look pretty to measure half of the rose eh that I already have the half ready I'll stick the petals with each other so that they stay in **** and don't open because the paper tends to open, right? Then this is going to be more firm. This is a corrugated piece of paper. Corrugated postcard. We're going to make some crusts and we're going to do a tube. This way we are going to open what is the part we cut it to put it in the rose what we left on the top was the paper of the ball and the petals. There I'm going to fit what is the east tube. So that it stands well. Once it's glued well I'm starting to put the petals that were left on top of the tube. You don't look at it like that and it's going to be pretty firm when you put it on the stick it's going be fine. And I'm going to do this until I finish all the petals I have left. It's thirty-six big petals and the three small ones of the unicel ball. So I hope they do it because it looks spectacular my chulas looks relinda this rose I super loved how it looks finished we're going to go round, round, round until I finish all the petals. See how pretty it's getting good if you fold a little bit the paper you have to settle it and we're going to make the sheet now a piece of green paper we're going make some picks and we're gonna make some folds and we're sticking it around all the pink of this way you'll see a pretty rose. Until turning the whole rose we're going to do this until turning the whole rose I don't know if you have experience working with crepe paper I thought it was difficult to work with crepe paper but no my chulas is very easy. Now you have to make the tubito a few small corks to stick it on the wood. On The Wooden Stick. Como el palito es un poquito delgado bueno le pongo un poquito de silicón y lo voy pegando todo al palito. I'm squeezing it so it's glued to the stick. Once I already have it sticky my chulas we're going to cut a strip of green paper to go covering everything that are the glues of what is the top and also lining our stick and our leaves we're going putting a little bit of silicone and we're off to messing up everything that's a paper stripe. Pretty much calculating a measurement of the bottom of the rose which is see its leaf my chulas because if we put it very high you won't see it. Already getting pretty much below what the tubito is. I calculate that you can see what the little sheet is, then yes, we're going to hit the first sheet. And the little leaves well one puts this one in front and the other tries to keep it found. With the wire I'm going to turn the wood over to make it stronger. Le voy a poner un poquito de silicón y ahora sí le vamos a ir dando vueltas a forrarlo todo. And look how beautiful this rose is or I don't know if you liked it but I really liked it.
This may contain: a white cloth rolled up on top of a piece of burlocked fabric
@dicastableware inspiração mesa posta #tiktok #ideiascriativas
Receta de scones dulces fáciles y económicos - Cocina Eficaz
Esta es una receta de scones dulces muy fáciles y económicos de hacer. Sorprende a tus familiares o invitados con esta delicia! #recetas #sconesdulces #scones
GALLETAS sin mantequilla sin huevos CRUJIENTES caseras y fáciles DELICIOSAS
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