Inspirational Quotes

I love a good inspirational quote. I am always looking for an uplifting message to empower me and set the tone for my day. I collect feel good quotes that resonate with me here. #inspiration #quotes #deep #motivational #funny #toliveby #positive #aboutstrength #life #bible #confidence #sassy #cute #friendship
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Daily Affirmations - 11.11.2012
Don't let the noise of other peoples opinions drown out your inner voice.
Start A Fire
positive affirmation. Lakeland Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics | #Lakeland | #FL |
I Believe in the Good Things Coming Print
I Believe in the Good Things Coming Print
30 Most Inspirational Quotes of All Time - LifeHack
The law of attraction is impersonal, and whatever we focus on with feeling is bringing it to us.
Inspiring Pictures Quotes -
very true no need to act how people want you to be. if they dont like you for who you are they can leave.
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As. you. are. Stronger than you know. More beautiful than you think. Worthier than you believe. More loved than you can ever imagine. Passionate about making a difference. Fiery when protecting those you love. Learning. Growing. Not alone. Warm. Giving. Generous. Quirky. Sexy. Funny. Smart. Flawed. Whole. Scared. Brave. And so, so, so.much.more. Be Strong. Be Confident. Be You.
"It's better to cross the line and suffer the consequences than to just stare at that line for the rest of your life."