
Playdate ideas
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Learn Gelli Plate Printing | The needle tip squeeze bottles are working well to add details to gelli prints | Facebook
Learn Gelli Plate Printing | The needle tip squeeze bottles are working well to add details to gelli prints | Facebook
Free GUIDE: Thick Acrylic Painting
Sign up here to get an instant (and free) supply sheet listing the exact paints, mediums, and tools I use to make my thick and colorful paintings!
This may contain: someone is painting on some paper with pink and blue colors, while another person's hands are holding the edge of it
Want to make book pages look like galaxies of words? Try baby powder!
It's baby-powder resist on book pages for Day 30 of #My100CollagePapers. Get more details on YouTube on Wednesday! #collagepaper #artfun #artexperiments #gelplate #babypowderresist #artvideos #The100DayProject
Say ART to get our free Mediums Guide ⬇️ follow along for more art hacks 🙌 What we used: ✍️ Cansen Watercolour paper 🖌️ dollorama watercolour paint set 🖌️ soflat golden acrylics 🖍️ prismacolor coloured pencils ✍️ laser or inkjet paper Questions!? We are happy to chat ask away 💕Say ART to get our mediums guide. Follow along for more art tips and hacks with us @brandihoferstudios 🙌🔥 #arttips #artclasses #artclassesforkids #artclassesforadults #goldenpaints
Gelli Arts® Gel Printing with Felt Tips and Paint Markers by Marsha Valk - Printing Projects
Felt tip pens and paint markers are the perfect tool to add to your travel gel printing kit this summer! Felt tip pens can be used to draw, color and doodle with. And because the ink is water-soluble, you can use them as watercolours too. The ink in felt tip pens is similar to the ink in dye ink pads. If you are open to embracing the imperfections and ready to experiment a bit, you'll find that they are a lot of fun to work with on the gel plate. Felt tip pens come in a variety of price ranges and you can use whichever kind you have at home. Click to find the video tutorial on our blog! #gelliarts #gelplate #printingplate #monoprinting #printmaking #gelprinting #gelliplate
Gelli Arts® Gel Printing | Have you tried gel printing with leaves? Follow along this tutorial featuring Gelli® Artist @giogiocraft for some fun printing inspo!… | Instagram
How To Use a Gelli Plate
Create Stunning Collage Papers with Gelli Prints! 🎨 Learn 3 easy techniques— Textured Prints, Botanical Impressions, and Image Transfers— that will elevate your collage-making skills. Perfect for beginners and seasoned artists alike! Click the link to read the full article!
Create Your Own Masterpiece with Our Free Art Journaling Tutorial
Create Your Own Masterpiece with Our Free Art Journaling Tutorial #mixedmediaart #collageartmixedmedia #mixedmediacollage #mixedmediatutorials
Clay-Baked Napkin Bowls: Easy Crafting
Get ready to unleash your inner artist with these quick and easy clay-baked napkin bowls! Transform simple materials into stunning, budget-friendly decor that will add a touch of handmade charm to your home. Whether you're a crafting pro or a beginner, this step-by-step tutorial will guide you through the process. Grab your clay, and favorite paper napkins, and let's get creative together!
6 Common Gelli Print Mistakes and Some Solutions
6 Common Gelli Print Mistakes and Some Solutions - YouTube
Intro to Wax Trapping Professional Development - The Arty Teacher
My latest online professional development course for art teachers teaches you how to use wax trapping. It's fun, creative and great for developing students' ideas. Find it on my home page or search 'wax'.
ellen j goods Gel Plate Mosaic Birds Private Facebook WORKSHOP
Inspired by the work of Susan McCreevy, we are offering this two session workshop available to watch in our private facebook workshop. Each session is approximately 1.5-2 hours. You have unlimited access to the sessions for as long as you have access to Facebook! GEL PLATE BASICS (using a stamp, a stencil and a mask to make gel prints) GEL PRINT MOSAIC WITH COLLAGE AND BIRD APPLICATION SUPPLIES: Gel Plate Options::